Militarization of Police- DHS

It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.
That is your very subjective perception. Specifically what have I or anyone else here said which even vaguely suggests such a conspiracy or paranoid notion exists?

The most critical thing I've said where government is concerned is this tendency to militarize civilian police is motivated by interests of the emerging Law Enforcement Industrial Complex. And if you doubt that I'll be glad to discuss it with you.
It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.
That is your very subjective perception. Specifically what have I or anyone else here said which even vaguely suggests such a conspiracy or paranoid notion exists?

The most critical thing I've said where government is concerned is this tendency to militarize civilian police is motivated by interests of the emerging Law Enforcement Industrial Complex. And if you doubt that I'll be glad to discuss it with you.

Where has "anyone else here" said anything like that?

Are you in the same thread I am?

Our government is firing all the military personnel that might protect us.

People are stupid, and they're going to die because of it.


Loons like nutz will be mighty surprised when DHS shows up at their houses...or group homes...or whatever.

They think the state is interested in protecting mentally ill, homeless, jobless, diseased, and addicted morons, and they're going to be sadly, sadly disappointed when they learn that they are viewed as chattel...fodder...just as the immigrant children are viewed as such.

Lap it up sheep.
They're spying on us at will,using government agencies to repress the vote,kicking in doors at a record pace,arming themselves to the teeth while trying to slowly disarm us,militarizing police forces....
Yet everything is hunky dory in your world.:cuckoo:
If you dont see this as a build up for whats to come you're crazy.

Yeah....thats the stuff they use to sell to other countries when we made new and improved equipment and sold the old obsolete stuff.
Now we want to use it on American citizens.
How nice..........

DHS are not police.

See, it's happening already.

And why are we beefing up dhs...and yet not using them to actually increase homeland security?

Because they aren't for "homeland security" in the sense we think they are. They're for "homeland security" in the sense that the SS were for "fatherland security".

Now you're catching on. It's not for "someone" it's for many someones. As in a war zone.
It seems to me the gov plans on doing something that is going to piss off a lot of people....hence the need to move troops safely over a wide spread area.

Now you're catching on. It's not for "someone" it's for many someones. As in a war zone.
It seems to me the gov plans on doing something that is going to piss off a lot of people....hence the need to move troops safely over a wide spread area.

The "gov"?

Who are you talking about, exactly?

You dont think the city police are part of and directed by DHS in certain situations?

Conspiracy? I'd say it's more like an obvious clash in the making. You can't make war with your citizens and not expect there to be consequences. So I'd say both sides of this coming clash are right to view the other side with suspicion.

IMO it's time we tear down our wall and bring America back to where it was before 9/11. Revert back to how it was before this nazi like DHS. Revert back to how it was before the unpatriot act allowed our president to kill us without trial. Revert back to how it was before it's to late and those nice little old grannies that make up the tea party start shooting back when the police come by to blow up their grandchildren.

Apparently money is no object when they are spending our money to arm themselves to kill us.
The police don't pay well enough to keep guys like Andy on the payroll. Instead you get Fifes.
Some police are very well paid, presuming their excellent benefit packages are included. I am referring specifically to the NYPD but I'm sure there are many more.
So basically you're saying that they're scary, and that's why they're bad.

SWAT teams throwing flash bangs at babies has nothing at all to do with MRAPs.

Actually it has a lot to do with it. The expanding implementation of SWAT activity, which is fundamentally militaristic, is what brought about this flash/bang misuse. And there are many more examples of abusive SWAT activity. These MRAP vehicles are another step in the direction of hyper-militarization of America's civilian police.

What's next? Armed drones? A-10 gunships? Why not? Right?

There is a big difference between offensive military weaponry and defensive military armor.

It's a little surprising to me that I have to point that out.

Is hollowpoint ammo defensive?? Or even legal use on citizens?

The paranoia is frightening. Teapers threaten violence, the police force upgrades its weapons in preparation and now the teapers are upset. Classic.
Actually it has a lot to do with it. The expanding implementation of SWAT activity, which is fundamentally militaristic, is what brought about this flash/bang misuse. And there are many more examples of abusive SWAT activity. These MRAP vehicles are another step in the direction of hyper-militarization of America's civilian police.

What's next? Armed drones? A-10 gunships? Why not? Right?

There is a big difference between offensive military weaponry and defensive military armor.

It's a little surprising to me that I have to point that out.

Is hollowpoint ammo defensive?? Or even legal use on citizens?


It's against the Geneva Convention....but I guess nothings to good for Americans.
We're special that way.....
There is a big difference between offensive military weaponry and defensive military armor.

It's a little surprising to me that I have to point that out.

Is hollowpoint ammo defensive?? Or even legal use on citizens?


It's against the Geneva Convention....but I guess nothings to good for Americans.
We're special that way.....

So now the UN is significant? Does it just depend on the issue or is their significance a permanent thing now?
It's not hypocrisy, it's freaking mental illness, combined with illegal drug abuse.

Meanwhile, the ACLU says the militarized police are used to target minority populations. And they're right:

"Departments use these wartime weapons in everyday policing, especially to fight the wasteful and failed drug war, which has unfairly targeted people of color.
As our new report makes clear, it’s time for American police to remember that they are supposed to protect and serve our communities, not wage war on the people who live in them."
The paranoia is frightening. Teapers threaten violence, the police force upgrades its weapons in preparation and now the teapers are upset. Classic.

TeaTards want to be able to kill cops if they want to
It's not hypocrisy, it's freaking mental illness, combined with illegal drug abuse.

Meanwhile, the ACLU says the militarized police are used to target minority populations. And they're right:

"Departments use these wartime weapons in everyday policing, especially to fight the wasteful and failed drug war, which has unfairly targeted people of color.
As our new report makes clear, it’s time for American police to remember that they are supposed to protect and serve our communities, not wage war on the people who live in them."

Says the ex-prostitute.

Meanwhile, it is hilariously funny how a Teaper now supports the ACLU. :lmao: If a lib were to use the ACLU as a source, she would be so outraged, she would go back to turning tricks on the Avenue.
The paranoia is frightening. Teapers threaten violence, the police force upgrades its weapons in preparation and now the teapers are upset. Classic.

It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.

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The paranoia is frightening. Teapers threaten violence, the police force upgrades its weapons in preparation and now the teapers are upset. Classic.

It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.


What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.
The paranoia is frightening. Teapers threaten violence, the police force upgrades its weapons in preparation and now the teapers are upset. Classic.

It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.


What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.

Well based on your ridiculous posts I've come to the conclusion that you and the rest of your tea party demonizing friends should be referred to as "sheeple" seeing as how you are oblivious to everything happening around you.

Am I the only one who thinks that the police don't need Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles (MRAPS), military grade weapons and hollowpoint ammunition (1.6 billion rounds)? As far as I know, the violent crime rates declining. So why do we need this? I don't want to raise my children in a police state. What about you?

View attachment 30678


and individuals don't need AR-15's.

your point?
It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.


What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.

Well based on your ridiculous posts I've come to the conclusion that you and the rest of your tea party demonizing friends should be referred to as "sheeple" seeing as how you are oblivious to everything happening around you.


I prefer teatards. it rolls nicely off the tongue.
Am I the only one who thinks that the police don't need Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles (MRAPS), military grade weapons and hollowpoint ammunition (1.6 billion rounds)? As far as I know, the violent crime rates declining. So why do we need this? I don't want to raise my children in a police state. What about you?

View attachment 30678


and individuals don't need AR-15's.

your point?

Obviously individuals do need AR-15s, to protect them from cops with tanks.

All across the country, heavily armed SWAT teams are raiding people’s homes in the middle of the night, often just to search for drugs. It should enrage us that people have needlessly died during these raids, that pets have been shot, and that homes have been ravaged."
It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.


What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.

Well based on your ridiculous posts I've come to the conclusion that you and the rest of your tea party demonizing friends should be referred to as "sheeple" seeing as how you are oblivious to everything happening around you.


What is ridiculous...that I find it to be hilariously hypocritical that Teapers support the 2nd Amendment...just not for cops?

As for your sheeple calling and ad hominem attacks is nothing new from the Teaper nation.
It's hard to believe someone has intelligently formed an opinion on any topic when they use the word teaper every other post.


What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.

Well based on your ridiculous posts I've come to the conclusion that you and the rest of your tea party demonizing friends should be referred to as "sheeple" seeing as how you are oblivious to everything happening around you.


They aren't even sheeple, they're just mentally ill morons.
What is the matter with the word, Teaper? Perhaps Tea Bagger...I think that is offensive. Tea Partier...too much effort. Teaper...its perfect.

Well based on your ridiculous posts I've come to the conclusion that you and the rest of your tea party demonizing friends should be referred to as "sheeple" seeing as how you are oblivious to everything happening around you.


They aren't even sheeple, they're just mentally ill morons.

Says the ex-hooker who believes any blog as hard hitting news. You are a teaper lemming defined.

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