Militarization of Police- DHS

It is a simple question.

Why do you object to police being protected in the line of fire?
For example?

For example...

Gang bangers run a crack house on Clifton Ave. a police officer answers a routine call and is hit. The rest of the Lakewood PD shows up and come under fire. An officer is down and they can't reach him
An MRAP from neighboring Howell is called and they are able to extract him under fire and rush him to Paul Kimball Hospital.
The dhs is sending these vehicles to towns with practically no crime and populations under 25,000. Places that have less than 2 murders a year on average. What do they need tanks and mraps for?!
You are quite right. And looking more closely, the federal government in surreptitious cooperation with a rising Law-Enforcement Industrial Complex is subsidizing militarization by funding small local police agencies SWAT units, largely under the guise of anti-drug activity.

The difference now will be the same kind of cowboy cops who toss stun grenades into babies cribs and kick down the wrong doors looking for nickel-bag pot dealers will be pulling up in MRAPs.
Okay, I made an unfair assumption! I personally think the avg Joe should be able to purchase such weapons, but also be subject to EXTREME scrutiny.

I agree! It isn't just is a legislative and executive branch pattern that can be construed as abridging our rights. I can live with that. My argument is that blaming Obama for everything is nonsense...especially sense Bush started this trend.

I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.
Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

I'm not so sure about the black president part.
Obama has given a lot of Americans plenty of reason to dislike him no matter what color he is.
Are there some out there who hate him purely because he's black? You bet,but it's a very small percentage and most of them dont know the first thing about politics or how our country operates.
He did get elected with only 13% of the population being black.
Once is enough if it saves an officers life

The dhs is sending these vehicles to towns with practically no crime and populations under 25,000. Places that have less than 2 murders a year on average. What do they need tanks and mraps for?!


DHS isn't "sending" these vehicles anywhere.

Local police departments are buying them, surplus, from the military. DHS has nothing to do with it.
That's a technical point. The relevant fact is the Defense Department is giving these MRAPs to local police agencies, gratis.
I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.
Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

I'm not so sure about the black president part.
Obama has given a lot of Americans plenty of reason to dislike him no matter what color he is.
See, we agree again.

Are there some out there who hate him purely because he's black? You bet,but it's a very small percentage and most of them dont know the first thing about politics or how our country operates.
I would say it is much more than a small percentage...why do you think the Tea Party has gained so much popularity. And, you can tell by the Teapers on this forum that most of them don't know the first thing about politics.

He did get elected with only 13% of the population being black.

Yeah, but that is because the GOP chose idiots as their nominee. McCain was okay, but he ruined it with Palin. Romney...elitist, mormon and magic underwear.
The dhs is sending these vehicles to towns with practically no crime and populations under 25,000. Places that have less than 2 murders a year on average. What do they need tanks and mraps for?!


DHS isn't "sending" these vehicles anywhere.

Local police departments are buying them, surplus, from the military. DHS has nothing to do with it.
That's a technical point. The relevant fact is the Defense Department is giving these MRAPs to local police agencies, gratis.
Congratulations! Your tiny town has an MRAP and is ready for war - The Washington Post

It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.
I object to swat teams throwing grenades in babies cribs.

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I object to drug dealers putting their babies in harms way.
No drugs or drug-dealers were found by those raiders. All they managed to do was maim an infant. And this was by no means the only botched SWAT raid. They happen on an almost daily basis.
Cato Map on SWAT Raids
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

Bunch of Barney Fife's ...

What happens when you arm the shit out of ordinary citizens and give them a badge of authority?
Another Teaper lie. I have never been on welfare. What about you?

See here you go again lies on top of lies. I've never been a member of the tea party, never voted for a member of the tea party, and have never been on welfare. Yet here you are generalizing anyone that is in disagreement with militarization of our domestic agencies and local police forces as a Teaper.

Total BS rhetoric on your part, to encourage rage and Troll the board.

yet you chose to say I was on welfare? If I would lie about someone like that, I would see pink. But Teaper nation is allowed to spew whatever nonsense you want.

See here you go again lies on top of lies. I've never been a member of the tea party, never voted for a member of the tea party, and have never been on welfare. Yet here you are generalizing anyone that is in disagreement with militarization of our domestic agencies and local police forces as a Teaper.

Total BS rhetoric on your part, to encourage rage and Troll the board.

yet you chose to say I was on welfare? If I would lie about someone like that, I would see pink. But Teaper nation is allowed to spew whatever nonsense you want.

Why is that? You made up a lie and call me a hypocrite?
Once is enough if it saves an officers life
If your concern for officer safety extends to the level of endlessly expanding militarization I suggest a better approach to officer safety is to get a different kind of job. Because between SWAT rigs and MRAPs we don't need police anymore. Just put the Army in the streets.

Usually Andy and Barney Fife are enough to keep the peace. But sometimes badasses show up in the wrong place. In that case, it is good to have access to trained officers with the right equipment.

MRAPS don't kill, but they protect the officers who have to go after the badasses

The police don't pay well enough to keep guys like Andy on the payroll. Instead you get Fifes.
Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

I'm not so sure about the black president part.
Obama has given a lot of Americans plenty of reason to dislike him no matter what color he is.
See, we agree again.

Are there some out there who hate him purely because he's black? You bet,but it's a very small percentage and most of them dont know the first thing about politics or how our country operates.
I would say it is much more than a small percentage...why do you think the Tea Party has gained so much popularity. And, you can tell by the Teapers on this forum that most of them don't know the first thing about politics.

He did get elected with only 13% of the population being black.

Yeah, but that is because the GOP chose idiots as their nominee. McCain was okay, but he ruined it with Palin. Romney...elitist, mormon and magic underwear.

Not a member of the TeaParty but I do identify with what they espouse.
And I surely don't see a racist aspect in the TeaParty.
I see them as small gov,less gov intrusion along with lower taxes.
I'm not so sure about the black president part.
Obama has given a lot of Americans plenty of reason to dislike him no matter what color he is.
See, we agree again.

I would say it is much more than a small percentage...why do you think the Tea Party has gained so much popularity. And, you can tell by the Teapers on this forum that most of them don't know the first thing about politics.

He did get elected with only 13% of the population being black.

Yeah, but that is because the GOP chose idiots as their nominee. McCain was okay, but he ruined it with Palin. Romney...elitist, mormon and magic underwear.

Not a member of the TeaParty but I do identify with what they espouse.
And I surely don't see a racist aspect in the TeaParty.
I see them as small gov,less gov intrusion along with lower taxes.

And that is where we disagree. The Tea Party is an affront to conservatism because of their hate politics and racist attitudes. Less government and lower taxes is admirable, but it is rhetoric and they have done nothing to accomplish this goal but obstruct and manufacture controversy for political gain.
You dont think the city police are part of and directed by DHS in certain situations?

Your question struck home with me. I live in a city of 60,000. The mayor and police chief have a long history of maintaining a cooperative relationship with the tax payers. I would put our little police department up as an example of how small city policing should operate. Because of the cooperative and interactive nature of the relationship between cops and citizens, our city is able to maintain a small police force. We are a low crime city because of the relationship which has been fostered and maintained over decades.

That being said, if our mayor and police chief were offered an APC or MRAP, I would think based on their decades-long tradition, they'd turn it down. The message it would send would be a shocking change of pace. They'd throw away decades of trust and cooperation overnight. The mayor would lose his seat. The next mayor would fire the chief of police.

I haven't talked to the mayor about this or any of our police officers, but I will. From my impression, I don't think they'd want to go in that direction. If I turn out to be wrong, it will be an eye opener.

See, we agree again.

I would say it is much more than a small percentage...why do you think the Tea Party has gained so much popularity. And, you can tell by the Teapers on this forum that most of them don't know the first thing about politics.

Yeah, but that is because the GOP chose idiots as their nominee. McCain was okay, but he ruined it with Palin. Romney...elitist, mormon and magic underwear.

Not a member of the TeaParty but I do identify with what they espouse.
And I surely don't see a racist aspect in the TeaParty.
I see them as small gov,less gov intrusion along with lower taxes.

And that is where we disagree. The Tea Party is an affront to conservatism because of their hate politics and racist attitudes. Less government and lower taxes is admirable, but it is rhetoric and they have done nothing to accomplish this goal but obstruct and manufacture controversy for political gain.
More bullshit lies from the POS welfare addict.
15 minutes would be pushing it, if the armored car company would even allow it! If the police force had the equipment...time wouldn't be an issue.
You surprise me. I'd say it's more like ten minutes because an opportunity like that would be valuable publicity and public relations for an armored car service.
Not a member of the TeaParty but I do identify with what they espouse.
And I surely don't see a racist aspect in the TeaParty.
I see them as small gov,less gov intrusion along with lower taxes.

And that is where we disagree. The Tea Party is an affront to conservatism because of their hate politics and racist attitudes. Less government and lower taxes is admirable, but it is rhetoric and they have done nothing to accomplish this goal but obstruct and manufacture controversy for political gain.
More bullshit lies from the POS welfare addict.

More lies from a teaper sympathizer. You guys are pathetic when you have to make up lies about individuals to feel better about yourselves. But, as a teaper sympathizer, USMB will publish any lie you choose to tell.
Just about each and every sentence with your word teaper.

Amen. I got so sick of that repetitive, juvenile drivel today, I put him on ignore. So much easier than scrolling through his school yard name calling when reading through a long thread. No time for attention seeking trolls.

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