Militarization of Police- DHS

Three men went up that tower and took him out.

How would an MRAP have helped in that situation?

Is there an MRAP Helicopter I don't know about?

See that woman cowering behind the light pole? An armored vehicle can be used to drive up and evacuate her

All the local police had to do in that situation is make a call to the local Brinks or Wells Fargo Armored Car Service and that problem would be solved in fifteen minutes. We don't need our civilian police agencies equipped like Marine assault units because of rare incidents like the Texas Tower.

Or else they could use one of the free surplus MRAPS that are equipped with police radios
How many people were saved by armored cars at waco?

Nobody wants to answer me.
Per usual, the statist pigs are pretending we're having a different conversation.

Carry on, statist pigs.

I'm discussing the OP - which is about local police buying MRAPs.

I don't know what the fuck you think this conversation is about.

You mods never responded to my report and whether or not we are allowed to fabricate information about people.
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.

How many people were saved by armored cars at waco?

Nobody wants to answer me.

How about you tell us the answer. Hell, how about you provide the link to the idea that more illegals kill cops than any other group.
1. Surplus MRAPS are available free to local police departments
2. Armored vehicles can be used to allow police to get up close in an active shooter situation without coming under fire
3. An armored vehicle can save someone's life
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


I can see you are 21

It's a scary world isn't it?
Lap it up sheep.

They're spying on us at will,using government agencies to repress the vote,kicking in doors at a record pace,arming themselves to the teeth while trying to slowly disarm us,militarizing police forces....

Yet everything is hunky dory in your world. If you dont see this as a build up for whats to come you're crazy.
"The average man in the street does not recognize the devil even when the devil is holding him by the throat." [Johann von Goethe]
Unless you want to be able to shoot a cop if you feel it is necessary, why would you object to a cop in a protected armored car?
No objection -- when it is necessary.

But do you actually think the number of times it has been or will be necessary justifies the extraneous distribution of MRAPs to local civilian police agencies. And while you're at it can you justify what's been going on with the absolutely redundant increase of SWAT team activity all over America?
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.

When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.

When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?

Plenty of can do the search.
Substitute "teaper" for "Ni!"....remind you of anyone?:
The Knights of "Teaper":

"Teaper"..." is only the most notable of the sacred words which they are assigned to protect, the others being "Peng" and "Neee-wom." All of these words are infamous for the palpable horror and fear (and suggested pain) they bring about, whether delivered by the knights or not. According to King Arthur, "Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale!" Later, the leader of the Knights who say"...teaper..." changes them to the Knights who say an odd string of syllables (although the knights apart from the head knight continue to say"...teaper...")."

Knights who say Ni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Am I the only one who thinks that the police don't need Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles (MRAPS), military grade weapons and hollowpoint ammunition (1.6 billion rounds)? As far as I know, the violent crime rates declining. So why do we need this? I don't want to raise my children in a police state. What about you?

View attachment 30678


That was before Obama opened up the border so the ME terrorists could begin pouring in. Did you think it was an accident he armed ISIS so well then opened up our border?
No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.

When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?

Plenty of can do the search.

omg! You didn't use the word "teaper" there...but I know you wanted to. C'mon, admit it. You had to delete it, didn't you...
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.

When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?

What do you want from a POS lib who subsists on welfare handouts? Obama's his massa.
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