Militarization of Police- DHS

Am I the only one who thinks that the police don't need Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles (MRAPS), military grade weapons and hollowpoint ammunition (1.6 billion rounds)? As far as I know, the violent crime rates declining. So why do we need this? I don't want to raise my children in a police state. What about you?

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That was before Obama opened up the border so the ME terrorists could begin pouring in. Did you think it was an accident he armed ISIS so well then opened up our border?

Well I'm not saying I disagree with you because believe me this "border crisis" is no accident but the police started becoming soldiers a long time before the border was wide opened. It started slowly after 9/11 and it just keeps getting worse and fast.

No, not really. You have fallen prey to Teaper hyperbole. But if you would like, we can discuss each one of those reasons.

When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?

What do you want from a POS libtard who subsists on welfare handouts?

Another Teaper lie. I have never been on welfare. What about you?
When was the last time you made a post or worded a sentence that didn't have the term "teaper" in it, nutz?

What do you want from a POS libtard who subsists on welfare handouts?

Another Teaper lie. I have never been on welfare. What about you?

See here you go again lies on top of lies. I've never been a member of the tea party, never voted for a member of the tea party, and have never been on welfare. Yet here you are generalizing anyone that is in disagreement with militarization of our domestic agencies and local police forces as a Teaper.

Total BS rhetoric on your part, to encourage rage and Troll the board.
What do you want from a POS libtard who subsists on welfare handouts?

Another Teaper lie. I have never been on welfare. What about you?

See here you go again lies on top of lies. I've never been a member of the tea party, never voted for a member of the tea party, and have never been on welfare. Yet here you are generalizing anyone that is in disagreement with militarization of our domestic agencies and local police forces as a Teaper.

Total BS rhetoric on your part, to encourage rage and Troll the board.

yet you chose to say I was on welfare? If I would lie about someone like that, I would see pink. But Teaper nation is allowed to spew whatever nonsense you want.
I object to swat teams throwing grenades in babies cribs.

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I object to drug dealers putting their babies in harms way.

No drugs or drug-dealers were found by those raiders. All they managed to do was maim an infant. And this was by no means the only botched SWAT raid. They happen on an almost daily basis.

Cato Map on SWAT Raids

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

Exactly! And since when do swat teams need to be going to people houses handing out warrants for misdemeanors? That's a waste of resources and tax money.
That's not what their for.

No, it is just a ridiculous argument.

Any arrest poses a danger...especially in high crime areas. Anything could happen at anytime. There is nothing the matter with safety.

Would you guys have a problem if a regular citizen purchased one of these?

Why is it okay for a teaper to buy body armor, automatic weapons, grenades, rocket launchers and whatever else...but it is an affront to freedom if a police force purchases the same?

Any arrest? What? You going to use em as patrol cars?:lol:
Rocket launchers? Grenades? Now you're just being an idiot.

Well actually you're just continuing to be one.....

But you believe citizens should have the right to own such weaponry, right? Simple question...why can citizens purchase weapons but police forces not? Where do you draw the line.

Again, simple question. You are the one who says he is all about honest discussion...I have given you that opportunity all day, and you have yet to impress me.

Hell no I dont think the average joe should be able to buy grenades or rocket launchers.
I dont really have a problem with the average joe buying an MRAP but then he doesnt have a police force backing him up either.
Now if a militia group bought one I'd expect they'd come under some pretty heavy scrutiny and rightfully so.
You keep ignoring the elephant in the room. It's not just the MRPS it's a pattern of behavior since 9/11 from both sides.
I mean come on!! We have Republicans and Democrats furthering the implementation of PA and the power of the DHS. If that doesnt make you nervous you're crazy.
So basically you're saying that they're scary, and that's why they're bad.

SWAT teams throwing flash bangs at babies has nothing at all to do with MRAPs.
Actually it has a lot to do with it. The expanding implementation of SWAT activity, which is fundamentally militaristic, is what brought about this flash/bang misuse. And there are many more examples of abusive SWAT activity. These MRAP vehicles are another step in the direction of hyper-militarization of America's civilian police.

What's next? Armed drones? A-10 gunships? Why not? Right?
So basically you're saying that they're scary, and that's why they're bad.

SWAT teams throwing flash bangs at babies has nothing at all to do with MRAPs.
Actually it has a lot to do with it. The expanding implementation of SWAT activity, which is fundamentally militaristic, is what brought about this flash/bang misuse. And there are many more examples of abusive SWAT activity. These MRAP vehicles are another step in the direction of hyper-militarization of America's civilian police.

What's next? Armed drones? A-10 gunships? Why not? Right?

There is a big difference between offensive military weaponry and defensive military armor.

It's a little surprising to me that I have to point that out.
Per usual, the statist pigs are pretending we're having a different conversation.

Carry on, statist pigs.

I'm discussing the OP - which is about local police buying MRAPs.

I don't know what the fuck you think this conversation is about.

You might want to go read the title of the thread again. Unless it's been edited it clearly states.

Militarization of Police-DHS.
Any arrest? What? You going to use em as patrol cars?:lol:
Rocket launchers? Grenades? Now you're just being an idiot.

Well actually you're just continuing to be one.....

But you believe citizens should have the right to own such weaponry, right? Simple question...why can citizens purchase weapons but police forces not? Where do you draw the line.

Again, simple question. You are the one who says he is all about honest discussion...I have given you that opportunity all day, and you have yet to impress me.

Hell no I dont think the average joe should be able to buy grenades or rocket launchers.
I dont really have a problem with the average joe buying an MRAP but then he doesnt have a police force backing him up either.
Now if a militia group bought one I'd expect they'd come under some pretty heavy scrutiny and rightfully so.
Okay, I made an unfair assumption! I personally think the avg Joe should be able to purchase such weapons, but also be subject to EXTREME scrutiny.

You keep ignoring the elephant in the room. It's not just the MRPS it's a pattern of behavior since 9/11 from both sides.
I mean come on!! We have Republicans and Democrats furthering the implementation of PA and the power of the DHS. If that doesnt make you nervous you're crazy.
I agree! It isn't just is a legislative and executive branch pattern that can be construed as abridging our rights. I can live with that. My argument is that blaming Obama for everything is nonsense...especially since Bush started this trend.
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I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


There's hope for America yet!
I love it when they get it while they're still young!!
Per usual, the statist pigs are pretending we're having a different conversation.

Carry on, statist pigs.

I'm discussing the OP - which is about local police buying MRAPs.

I don't know what the fuck you think this conversation is about.

Doesn't the thread title include "DHS"

I could have sworn the DHS was involved in the convo.

Though as I have noticed before, thread titles and the OP are no longer necessarily connected, regardless of what the forum rules advise. Is this one of those events, where the thread title and the OP have nothing to do with each other..and it's okay?

Or are you just pretending that nobody ever mentioned the DHS because that doesn't suit your imaginary narrative?
In a situation where a suspect is barricaded and firing at police, a normal police car is unable to get close without jeopardizing the officers. An armored vehicle can drive right up to the front door and offer cover for officers

Again I will ask. How often is that ability needed?

Once is enough if it saves an officers life
If your concern for officer safety extends to the level of endlessly expanding militarization I suggest a better approach to officer safety is to get a different kind of job. Because between SWAT rigs and MRAPs we don't need police anymore. Just put the Army in the streets.
Per usual, the statist pigs are pretending we're having a different conversation.

Carry on, statist pigs.

I'm discussing the OP - which is about local police buying MRAPs.

I don't know what the fuck you think this conversation is about.

You might want to go read the title of the thread again. Unless it's been edited it clearly states.

Militarization of Police-DHS.

Read the actual OP, rather than the title.
But you believe citizens should have the right to own such weaponry, right? Simple question...why can citizens purchase weapons but police forces not? Where do you draw the line.

Again, simple question. You are the one who says he is all about honest discussion...I have given you that opportunity all day, and you have yet to impress me.

Hell no I dont think the average joe should be able to buy grenades or rocket launchers.
I dont really have a problem with the average joe buying an MRAP but then he doesnt have a police force backing him up either.
Now if a militia group bought one I'd expect they'd come under some pretty heavy scrutiny and rightfully so.
Okay, I made an unfair assumption! I personally think the avg Joe should be able to purchase such weapons, but also be subject to EXTREME scrutiny.

You keep ignoring the elephant in the room. It's not just the MRPS it's a pattern of behavior since 9/11 from both sides.
I mean come on!! We have Republicans and Democrats furthering the implementation of PA and the power of the DHS. If that doesnt make you nervous you're crazy.
I agree! It isn't just is a legislative and executive branch pattern that can be construed as abridging our rights. I can live with that. My argument is that blaming Obama for everything is nonsense...especially sense Bush started this trend.

I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.
Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Oh yeah...
As far as the general public owning grenades and rocket launchers? I'd love to have several dozen of's the other guy I dont trust with em.
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Hell no I dont think the average joe should be able to buy grenades or rocket launchers.
I dont really have a problem with the average joe buying an MRAP but then he doesnt have a police force backing him up either.
Now if a militia group bought one I'd expect they'd come under some pretty heavy scrutiny and rightfully so.
Okay, I made an unfair assumption! I personally think the avg Joe should be able to purchase such weapons, but also be subject to EXTREME scrutiny.

You keep ignoring the elephant in the room. It's not just the MRPS it's a pattern of behavior since 9/11 from both sides.
I mean come on!! We have Republicans and Democrats furthering the implementation of PA and the power of the DHS. If that doesnt make you nervous you're crazy.
I agree! It isn't just is a legislative and executive branch pattern that can be construed as abridging our rights. I can live with that. My argument is that blaming Obama for everything is nonsense...especially sense Bush started this trend.

I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.
Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.
Again I will ask. How often is that ability needed?

Once is enough if it saves an officers life
If your concern for officer safety extends to the level of endlessly expanding militarization I suggest a better approach to officer safety is to get a different kind of job. Because between SWAT rigs and MRAPs we don't need police anymore. Just put the Army in the streets.

Usually Andy and Barney Fife are enough to keep the peace. But sometimes badasses show up in the wrong place. In that case, it is good to have access to trained officers with the right equipment.

MRAPS don't kill, but they protect the officers who have to go after the badasses

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