Military Draft Ready To Fire Up Again In USA???


I'd pay good money to see that shit-show. :banana:
I know what crazy Joe is thinking... if the war is still ongoing as it is in 24 he loses.... if he stops funding the war he loses if he continues to fund the war he loses... so why not get into the war and call off the election like Zelinsky did... yes folks Joe is that evil and desperate to keep his job....
A possibility? Check out the link below.

The Very Name Selective Service Is Anti-American

A lottery for all 18-year-olds. If someone's number isn't called, he never has to serve. No college "deferments," no bribing doctors to get a fake medical disability, National Guard and Reserves for veterans only.

The purpose of the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class. Mission Accomplished.
Out of kindness you would never be asked .I feel sure the US would love to win and professional losers and depressives are a last desperate choice
America fixes
Out of kindness you would never be asked .I feel sure the US would love to win and professional losers and depressives are a last desperate choice

I would serve in the IDF

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