Military Families Suffer Under Trump Shutdown While His Gala Guests Rage About Tacky Caviar Service

The military knows full well who is responsible for this shutdown and why. Dems never give a crap about them and now they get to miss paychecks so the dems can cater to their future base, illegals and foreigners.

Apparently you've never served in the military. In my experience (USN) the military was diverse, and opinions on the issue of the day (Vietnam) were all over the map. I recall how the two most played songs on the Jukebox in the EM Club were White Rabbit and Sky Pilot - which gives a hint on which side of the debates dominated.
What the percentage of Republican votes versus democrat votes by military personnel the last four elections? Look it up.
I got my commissary shopping done yesterday. It's going to hurt this retired military's family if I have to shop at Safeway in two weeks...

Call Chuck or shut up.

Why would I do that? Republicans control all three branches of government.

The vote required 60 votes. 50 Repubs voted for it. You're an idiot.

Wrong. Four Republicans voted against it.

Why did you delete your previous posts? I contacted you on another Board asking the same question?
I got my commissary shopping done yesterday. It's going to hurt this retired military's family if I have to shop at Safeway in two weeks...
Commissary's and Base Exchanges will remain open - different funding.
I got my commissary shopping done yesterday. It's going to hurt this retired military's family if I have to shop at Safeway in two weeks...

Call Chuck or shut up.

Why would I do that? Republicans control all three branches of government.

The vote required 60 votes. 50 Repubs voted for it. You're an idiot.

Wrong. Four Republicans voted against it.

Ok, lets give you that, it's still Chuckies shut down pussy boy.

Caviar wishes and champagne dreams

Military families are suffering amidst Trump and the Republican’s shutdown of the U.S. government.

The lives of 800,000 hardworking young people who followed the rules, seeking a path to citizenship in the only country they’ve ever known are at risk, living in fear of deportation.

A few million children have had their health insurance ripped from their tiny hands, all so they could be used as political hostages by today’s Republican party.

But at last night’s $100,000 per couple gala at Mar-A-Lago to celebrate Donald Trump’s first year in office, guests were raging about the truly important issues:

tacky caviar service and low budget appetizers. The caviar was served with plastic spoons and the accompaniments were atrocious!

Military families suffer under Trump's shutdown, Trump's gala guests rage about tacky caviar service
Proving the DNCMSM can fool some of the people all the time.

The thugicons have fooled you!

Daily apparently.

These high falluting people who don't know what a hard days work is rule the nation and always have. And middle class voters will stand up for them. So it goes.
I got my commissary shopping done yesterday. It's going to hurt this retired military's family if I have to shop at Safeway in two weeks...

Call Chuck or shut up.

Why would I do that? Republicans control all three branches of government.

The vote required 60 votes. 50 Repubs voted for it. You're an idiot.

Yep. Them's the rules, we all know how Republican's feel about rules, rules are for others, not for them.
The military knows full well who is responsible for this shutdown and why. Dems never give a crap about them and now they get to miss paychecks so the dems can cater to their future base, illegals and foreigners.

Apparently you've never served in the military. In my experience (USN) the military was diverse, and opinions on the issue of the day (Vietnam) were all over the map. I recall how the two most played songs on the Jukebox in the EM Club were White Rabbit and Sky Pilot - which gives a hint on which side of the debates dominated.
What the percentage of Republican votes versus democrat votes by military personnel the last four elections? Look it up.

The military today is less diverse than it was during and before the Vietnam Era. With the end of the draft less college educated personnel enlist, and more enlistees join to learn a trade.
I got my commissary shopping done yesterday. It's going to hurt this retired military's family if I have to shop at Safeway in two weeks...

Oh...I see you are that stupid. Lol. Commissaries won’t shut down.
The military knows full well who is responsible for this shutdown and why. Dems never give a crap about them and now they get to miss paychecks so the dems can cater to their future base, illegals and foreigners.
Dems proposed a bill to pay the military during the shutdown but republicans couldn't stomach that.

You bitches own the whole shutdown.
Lol republicans control everything and all they still want to do is pass the buck
/----/ You need 60 votes to pass a funding bill. There are only 52 Republicans meaning they need 8 - 10 democRATS to pass it. But you already knew that.

Republicans are weak and suffer good guy syndrome. They should pull the trigger and break the democrats with the nuclear option.
This is why republicans aren’t fit to do what is needed. They may actually believe the democrats won’t do it to them if they play nice. The democrats *invented* the nuclear option.
Do what is necessary. Chuck Shumer is in a safe seat and he won’t stop working for foreigners ever. He has to be beaten down. He asked for this showdown by blocking payments for the military. Time to break it off in him.

Caviar wishes and champagne dreams

Military families are suffering amidst Trump and the Republican’s shutdown of the U.S. government.

The lives of 800,000 hardworking young people who followed the rules, seeking a path to citizenship in the only country they’ve ever known are at risk, living in fear of deportation.

A few million children have had their health insurance ripped from their tiny hands, all so they could be used as political hostages by today’s Republican party.

But at last night’s $100,000 per couple gala at Mar-A-Lago to celebrate Donald Trump’s first year in office, guests were raging about the truly important issues:

tacky caviar service and low budget appetizers. The caviar was served with plastic spoons and the accompaniments were atrocious!

Military families suffer under Trump's shutdown, Trump's gala guests rage about tacky caviar service

This post was such a lie. Only a dumbfuck who was or is to lazy to join would say such stupid shit.

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