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Military, Government, Architects, Engineers, Scientists, DON'T believe 9/11 story

Robert H. Waser, BS ME, MS ME, PE – Retired Research and Development Engineer, U.S. Naval Ordinance Lab. 33 year career, of which 15 years were as Chief Engineer of the laboratory's wind tunnel complex, which includes the world's largest hypervelocity wind tunnel. Retired Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Maryland.

"The 'official' 9/11 story seems to violate laws of physics and engineering analysis, specifically with respect to the collapse speed and the temperatures of molten iron. The only explanation that seems to be in accordance with all observations is controlled demolition."
Francisco A. Planes, B. Arch – Architectural Consultant, Associate AIA

"I don't believe that the fact that the airplanes that struck the North and South Towers by themselves made the Twin Towers fall. I do not doubt that the possibility of a controlled demolition was used to purposely bring the buildings down. Somewhere in a remote desert, maybe in Arizona, a scaled down version of the World Trade Center - ALL 7 buildings as they once stood, should be built and then have similarly scaled down - remote controlled U.A.V.'s flown into them with a fuel similar to what the planes were carrying and let it burn for the exact amount of time before the collapse, to see if the reenacted fires would by themselves result in a collapse of the towers. This would be a test similar to the tests that are conducted inside wind tunnels for the design of aircraft."
Raymond L. McGovern – Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, which, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, "are the Intelligence Community’s most authoritative written judgments on national security issues." Responsible for preparing the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. 27-year CIA veteran. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

"I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 report is a joke. The question is: What’s being covered up? Is it gross malfeasance, gross negligence, misfeasance? … Now there are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions. … I just want to reassert, what Scott [Ritter, former Major in the U.S. Marines Corps, former Chief Weapons Inspector for the United Nations Special Commission in Iraq] said and this is the bottom line for me, just as Hitler in 1933 cynically exploited the burning of the parliament building, the Reichstag, this is exactly what our President did in exploiting 9/11. The cynical way in which he played on our trauma, used it to justify attacking, making a war of aggression on a country that he knew had nothing to do with 9/11. That suffices for me, I think Scott is exactly right, that’s certainly an impeachable offense."
Herwig Delvaux – Licensed Architect in Belgium. Member of the Belgian NCDAB, the Flemish language section of the college of experts architects of Belgium.

"The need to find out the full truth about the collapses, whatever it is.

Concerned about the fact of absolutely all-sided perfect symmetric drop down, while both burns and TOP collapses were absolutely asymmetrical.

Concerned about the totally simultaneous drop of floors, ceiling cage AND core. Every structural logic tells us that the core must stand or fall over later. These are two strongly visible feats.

Besides hundreds of little details."
William Christison – Former National Intelligence Officer. Former Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis, a 250-person unit responsible for political analysis of every country and region in the world. 29-year CIA veteran.

Endorsement of Debunking 9/11 Debunking 3/30/07: "David Ray Griffin’s Debunking 9/11 Debunking is a superb compendium of the strong body of evidence showing the official U.S. Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies. Tragically, the entire course of U.S. foreign and domestic policies since that date has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods. This single book could (and should) provide the basis for the United Nations‚ International Court of Justice, or some specially constituted global body (independent of the U.S.) to investigate with highest priority, and publicly report its findings about, the charge that unknown elements within the U.S. Government, and possibly some individuals elsewhere closely allied to the U.S., caused or contributed to causing the events of September 11 to happen."

Essay Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11 8/14/06: "I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. … An airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon. … The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them."

"David Griffin believes this all was totally an inside job - I've got to say I think that it was too. … I have since decided that....at least some elements in this US government had contributed in some way or other to causing 9/11 to happen or at least allowing it to happen. … The reason that the two towers in New York actually collapsed and fell all the way to the ground was controlled explosions rather than just being hit by two airplanes. … All of the characteristics of these demolitions show that they almost had to have been controlled explosions."

Member: Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven Association Statement: "We have found solid scientific grounds on which to question the interpretation put upon the events of September 11, 2001 by the Office of the President of the United States of America and subsequently propagated by the major media of western nations."

"We very seriously need an entirely new very high level and truly independent investigation of the events of 9/11. I think you almost have to look at the 9/11 Commission Report as a joke and not a serious piece of analysis at all. It gave the administration what it wanted to support their official story on what happened on the date of September 11 and that's all they cared about. ... It's a monstrous crime. Absolutely a monstrous crime."
Paul W. Mason, B Eng – 33 years experience designing, constructing and maintaining major structures for state government agency in Australia.

"In my view, the chances of the three buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint, at freefall speed, by any other means than by controlled demolition, are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation!"
Melvin A. Goodman, PhD – Former Division Chief and Senior Analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs, CIA,1966 - 1990. Senior Analyst at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Department, 1974 - 1976. Professor of International Security at the National War College 1986 - 2004. 42-year Federal government career, primarily with the CIA, Department of Defense and State Department. Currently Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy and Adjunct Professor of Government at Johns Hopkins University.

Video of Congressional briefing testimony 7/22/05:

"This is an important examination of a 9/11 Commission that was an historic opportunity that was missed and a 9/11 Commission study that is terribly flawed. ...

I think the 9/11 Commission has taught me that we need to be extremely rigorous and extremely tenacious in pursuing that truth, because there is a corporate mentality in this country that is working against allowing the truth to surface, even in tragedies, such as the 9/11 tragedy. ...

I want to talk about the Commission itself, about the flawed process of the Commission and finally about the conflict of interest within the Commission that is extremely important to understand the failure of the Commission. ...

The most important individual to me, other than a commissioner, was the staff director, Philip Zelikow. His conflicts of interest were so great that you do have to wonder why this individual was appointed to head this important staff of over 80 people.

He had very strong ties to the George Herbert Walker Bush Administration. Very strong personal and political and policy ties to Condoleeza Rice.

More importantly, Philip Zelikow was running the case study program at Harvard, which took millions of dollars from the Central Intelligence Agency over a ten year period to write case studies on the CIA to establish a record that was essentially untrue with the facts about the work of the CIA. ...

The final report is ultimately a coverup. I don't know how else to describe the final report."
Daniel Hofnung – Degreed Engineer "travaux de bâtiment" (building works) by "Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du bâtiment et de l'industrie" in 1973.

"I worked after (and even now) in the technical service of a town in the suburbs of Paris. My work : studies for new projects, heritage buildings and also all perils in the town and decisions to assure the security of inhabitants and repair the construction.

In the years after 911 events, I thought that all I read in professional reviews and French newspapers was true.

The first time I understood that it was impossible was when I saw a film about the collapse of WTC7.

I have seen before a controlled demolition of a flat near Paris, and it was the same ! I knew by my experience that a fire cannot do this."
Robert David Steele (Vivas) – U.S. Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer for twenty years. Second-ranking civilian (GS-14) in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence from 1988 - 1992 and a member of the Adjunct Faculty of Marine Corps University. Also former clandestine services case officer with the CIA. 25-year U.S. military and intelligence career. Currently Founder and CEO of OSS.net and a proponent of Open Source Intelligence.

"I am forced to conclude that 9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war, and I am forced to conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indict (not necessarily convict) Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others of a neo-conservative neo-Nazi coup d'etat and kick-off of the clash of civilizations. ...

This is, without question, the most important modern reference on state-sponsored terrorism, and also the reference that most pointedly suggests that select rogue elements within the US Government, most likely led by Dick Cheney with the assistance of George Tenet, Buzzy Kronguard, and others close to the Wall Street gangs, are the most guilty of state-sponsored terrorism....

I sit here, a 54-year old, liberally educated, two graduate degrees, war college, a life overseas, 150 IQ or so, the number #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, a former Marine Corps infantry officer, a former CIA clandestine case officer, founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and I have to tell anyone who cares to read this: I believe it. I believe it enough to want a full investigation that passes the smell test of the 9/11 families as well as objective outside observers."

"While Steele stopped short of saying 9/11 was a complete inside job, he agreed that the evidence points to the overwhelming complicity of the Bush administration.

"The U.S. government did not properly investigate this and there are more rocks to be turned over," said Steele adding, "I'm absolutely certain that WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition and that as far as I'm concerned means that this case has not been properly investigated. There's no way that building could have come down without controlled demolition."
Hans De Jonge – Mechanical engineer (diploma 1966), structural engineer and civil engineer concrete and steel (diploma 1972). 20 years experience as a structural engineer. Currently adviser and technical controller on a house-building project.

"In January 1970 I visited the Twin Towers under construction as a student structural engineering and was impressed by the sophisticated design and the new (for me) building philosophy of the huge inner columns and the outside steel frame leaving an enormous office space without any column on every floor. The impact of one airplane cannot damage this large structure very much because the support is instantly re-arranged to the undamaged support system. The total collapse is therefore technically impossible."
Robert Baer – Former CIA Case Officer, Specialist in the Middle East, Directorate of Operations. Awarded Career Intelligence Medal. 21-year CIA veteran.

Article FBI Documents Contradict 9/11 Commission Report 2/28/08:

"There are enough discrepancies and unanswered questions in the 9/11 Commission Report that under a friendly administration, the 9/11 investigation should be re-opened."

Hartmann: Are you of the opinion there was an aspect of 'inside job' to 9/11 within the U.S. government?

Robert Baer: There is that possibility, the evidence points at it.

Hartmann: And why is it not being investigated?

Robert Baer: Why isn't the WMD story being investigated? Why hasn't anybody been held accountable for 9/11? We held people accountable after Pearl Harbor. Why has there been no change in command? Why have there been no political repercussions? Why has there been no -- any sort of exposure on this? It really makes you wonder.
Travis McCoy, BS Civil and Environmental Eng – Design Engineer working at a structural engineering firm and pursuing MS Structural Eng degree.

"Based on my structural engineering background, I have several questions pertaining to the validity of the official report on why the buildings collapsed."
Milton Bearden – Former CIA Station Chief in Pakistan, Germany, Nigeria, and Sudan. Served In Pakistan from 1986 to 1989, where he played a role in training the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Later served as the director of the Soviet/East European Division during the collapse of the Soviet Union. He received the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the Intelligence Medal of Merit, and the Donovan Award for his CIA service. He received the Federal Cross of Merit from the President of the German Federal Republic for his service in Germany at the end of the Cold War. 30-year CIA career.

Currently author and commentator on intelligence services and terrorism.
Interview with Dan Rather, CBS News 9/12/01:

Dan Rather: If the President should come to you and ask you, "What do you think I should do?", what would you tell him?

Milton Bearden: ... Focus on finding out who did this thing yesterday and then dealing with it in a way that will not bring yet more troubles to us.

Dan Rather: Well, it's pretty obvious that a judgment is coalescing around the President that it was Osama bin Laden.

Milton Bearden: I know we live in a country where we're often told that the first thing that comes to your mind, put it down. Put the little mark in there. I feel slightly uncomfortable because I spent so many years wondering how the myth of Osama bin Laden got started. We have the Osama bin Laden who was the great war hero in Afghanistan. We have Osama bin Laden who was trained by CIA, funded and supported by CIA during three years of war. I was there at the same time bin Laden was there. He was not the great warrior that went and fought the Soviet Union to a standstill. The CIA had nothing to do with him. I think that that mythological Osama bin Laden, never mind that he's an absolutely evil man, but the mythological Osama bin Laden causes me trouble. And I think maybe there is another answer out there. I'm not certain that I know what it is.

Dan Rather: Milt Bearden again, you're one of our most experienced people with long experience in Afghanistan. What does your gut tell you about who's responsible about these attacks this week?

Milton Bearden: My gut tells me we don't know the answer yet. My gut tells me that I'm not going to go with the first answer that comes to mind, but there's quite possible something else out there. Experts will jump on you and say it's Osama bin Laden's MO. He's the only one that is capable of this type of coordinated attack. My answer to them is he's the only one you know that's capable of this kind of attack. This was a tremendously sophisticated operation against the United States; more sophisticated than anybody would ever have ascribed to Osama bin Laden. I think we need to do a little homework. We need to appoint a Team B that looks for somebody else. I'm just not convinced it was bin Laden. ...

Dan Rather: There's no question in my mind that you're skeptical that Osama bin Laden, aided and abetted, at least protected by the Taliban, should be the principal target of some large military operation. If I'm wrong about that, tell me now.

Milton Bearden: No, no, no, you're not wrong, Dan. I'm saying is -- Let me step back one step on this and say, Osama bin Laden is an evil man and he's a component of the terrorism that we're deal with across the board. All I'm saying is is that I think Osama bin Laden has become the metaphor for the entire problem of terrorism involving Muslims with perceived grievances against the United States. And I think it would be wrong to say this is a one size fits all operation and to go after bin Laden because an operation as sophisticated as carried out yesterday was an operation that was concealed from us for months, probably before it took place. It happened without essentially a hitch, except for one aircraft. And there's no reason to believe these same people weren't capable of covering their tracks somehow on the way out. Now I would go so far as to say that this group who was responsible for that, if they didn't have an Osama bin Laden out there, they'd invent one because he's a terrific diversion for the rest of the world. Could I be wrong? Of course I could be wrong. It could be Osama bin Laden.

PBS Interview 1999. Rebroadcast on 9/13/01: Regarding Osama bin Laden

Milton Bearden: We've blamed him for every horrible event in our history except the grassy knoll. And now we have, with I'm not sure what evidence, linked him to all of the terrorist acts of this year -- of this decade, perhaps. ...

Interviewer: You're not saying Osama bin Laden is not a terrorist or is not an enemy of the United States?

Milton Bearden: Osama bin Laden has chosen to make himself an enemy of the United States. He has issued these disputable fatwahs, these Islamic proclamations, to kill all ... Americans and Jews. Therefore, he's made himself a component, and I think that the United States is absolutely justified in taking out Osama bin Laden. But to oversimplify it by linking him to every known terrorist act in the last decade is an insult to most Americans. And it certainly doesn't encourage our allies in this to take us very seriously. Osama bin Laden is a legitimate target for the United States, period. But then, to completely reinforce it with all of these insupportable accusations, I think is a disservice and an oversimplification. ...

Interviewer: So, really what we're looking at is some fact but a lot of fiction.

Milton Bearden: There's a lot of fiction in there. But we like that. It's the whole Osama bin Laden mythology. It's almost part entertainment. We don't have a national enemy. We haven't had a national enemy since the evil empire slipped beneath the waves in 1991. And I think we kind of like this way. We like this whole international terrorist thing oddly enough at a time when it probably is changing its character dramatically."
Regine C. Naeckel – Graduate Engineer, Landscape and Environmental Planning. Former documentary and editorial journalist for German television, focused on natural science topics.

"The collapse of the three WTC Buildings was caused by a controlled demolition. There is no other way to bring down buildings into their own footprints in free-fall time. My witnesses are Galileo Galilei and Isaak Newton.

I joined the "German truther movement" as a writer, blogger and journalist one year ago. In the official story I never believed, just as I never kept faith with speculative explanations."
Coleen Rowley – Former Special Agent and Minneapolis Division Counsel, FBI. 24-year FBI career. Agent Rowley was selected one of Time Magazine's three 2002 Persons of the Year for revealing FBI headquarters' efforts to "throw up roadblocks and undermine" FBI field investigations of Al Qaeda operatives in the four weeks prior to 9/11.

Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller 5/21/02: Regarding FBI headquarters (FBIHQ) obstruction of terrorism investigations. "The fact is that key FBIHQ personnel whose job it was to assist and coordinate with field division agents on terrorism investigations and the obtaining and use of FISA searches (and who theoretically were privy to many more sources of intelligence information than field division agents), continued to, almost inexplicably, throw up roadblocks and undermine Minneapolis' by-now desperate efforts to obtain a FISA search warrant, long after the French intelligence service provided its information and probable cause became clear. HQ personnel brought up almost ridiculous questions in their apparent efforts to undermine the probable cause. ...

When, in a desperate 11th hour measure to bypass the FBIHQ roadblock, the Minneapolis Division undertook to directly notify the CIA's Counter Terrorist Center (CTC), FBIHQ personnel actually chastised the Minneapolis agents for making the direct notification without their approval ...

I know I shouldn't be flippant about this, but jokes were actually made that the key FBIHQ personnel had to be spies or moles, like Robert Hansen, who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis' effort."

"And what I did was, I think, I put the first good dent in the blanket defense that for 8 and a half, 9 months, was holding - that 9/11 could not have been prevented.

... we were all settling for, ‘9/11 could not have been prevented’, it was ‘hindsight’. Condi Rice, "Well, no one could have ever imagined that someone would fly…" and of course, when she says that, she’s disregarding a whole bunch of things. People are letting her get away with it. She’s disregarding the fact of two or three prior incidents of people trying to fly planes into buildings, attempted takeovers of cockpits…We’re also ignoring the fact that in Minneapolis [FBI office], the acting supervisor, arguing with [FBI] headquarters said, ‘This is a guy [Zacarias Moussaoui] that could fly a plane into the World Trade Center’ on August 22nd!"

Despite high-profile revelations and intimate knowledge of FBI headquarter's efforts to obstruct investigations of Al Qaeda-related terrorist activities in the four weeks prior to 9/11, the 9/11 Commission never interviewed her. The 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." contains no mention of her allegations that FBI headquarters "continued to, almost inexplicably, throw up roadblocks and undermine" FBI field agent counterterrorism efforts. The Commission Report only obliquely mentions Agent Rowley in a single footnote. See also Special Agent Robert Wright and Special Agent Harry Samit.

Despite the repeated assertions by many senior members of the Bush administration that no one could have ever imagined terrorists flying airplanes into buildings, it had indeed been anticipated and planned for. Less than one year prior to 9/11, the Pentagon conducted the Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise (Project MASCAL), in which a passenger airplane crashed into the Pentagon killing over 300 individuals. See the Nov. 3, 2000 article from the US Army website, which has since been removed, but which is still available on the Internet Wayback Machine.
James L. Hillabrand, BS CE – Former Navy Civil Engineer Corps Officer (4 years). Former Project Engineer for general contractor (2 years). Currently a graduate student working towards Master's and PhD in Civil Engineering.

"The straight down symmetrical collapses surprised me the day it happened. I had forgotten a third building even fell. After reviewing the collapses on the internet again recently, it is without doubt controlled demolition. Structural steel buildings can collapse from a fire, but not like that."
Robert G. Wright, Jr. – Special Agent, International Terrorism Unit, FBI. The only FBI agent to seize terrorist funds (over $1.4 million) from U.S.-based Middle Eastern terrorists using federal civil forfeiture statutes, prior to 9/11. 17-year FBI veteran.
Agent Wright's Lawsuit against the FBI, filed 5/9/02: "The FBI's conscious failure to undertake criminal investigations of suspected terrorists in the United States was further shown when managers from the FBI's headquarters (FBIHQ) Counterterrorism Division met with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Chicago and admitted to SA Wright that no one at FBIHQ reviewed or attempted to link all the reports filed by the FBI field offices regarding terrorist activities in the United States. ...

Regrettably, the largest obstacles to SA Wright's criminal investigation efforts of the HAMAS enterprise in the United States were the management of the Chicago field office and the FBIHQ Counterterrorism Division in Washington, D.C. ...

SA Wright's successful investigation, codename Vulgar Betrayal, led to the June 9, 1998 seizure of $1.4 million of funds destined for terrorist activities. ... The seized funds were directly linked to Saudi businessman Yassin Kadi. On October 12, 2001, Yassin Kadi, aka Yassin al-Qadi, was designated by the U.S. Government as a financial supporter of Osama Bin Laden. According to a U.S. Government source, Kadi provided $3 million to Bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization."
Mathew T. Stackpole, B.Arch – Architectural Consultant. Over ten years experience with much experience in structural analysis and building integrity studies.

"I have been pondering for several years how the buildings could have fallen in the manner they did, given an explosion so far from the foundations of the building, I find it hard to believe the given explanations. How does jet fuel leak down the cavities of the building all the way to the footings of these building to provide such a clean free fall. If a truck hits a house, it may fall to the ground, however portions of it will remain splintered and fragmented, however not obliterated......."
Harry Samit – Special Agent, FBI, assigned to the FBI Field Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Former U.S. Navy pilot and Naval Intelligence Officer. He is most noted for arresting Zacarias Moussaoui on August 16, 2001.
Associated Press Article FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial 3/20/06:

The FBI agent [Harry Samit] who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001 testified Monday he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks. ...

But Samit told MacMahon he couldn't persuade FBI headquarters or the Justice Department to take his fears seriously. No one from Washington called Samit to say this intelligence altered the picture the agent had been painting since Aug. 18 in a running battle with Maltbie and Maltbie's boss, David Frasca, chief of the radical fundamentalist unit at headquarters. ...

Under questioning from MacMahon, Samit acknowledged that he had told the Justice Department inspector general that "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" on the part of FBI headquarters officials had prevented him from getting a warrant that would have revealed more about Moussaoui's associates. He said that opposition blocked "a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks."

Washington Post Article FBI Was Warned About Moussaoui: 3/21/06:

"An FBI agent [Harry Samit] who interrogated Zacarias Moussaoui before Sept. 11, 2001, warned his supervisors more than 70 times that Moussaoui was a terrorist and spelled out his suspicions that the al-Qaeda operative was plotting to hijack an airplane, according to federal court testimony yesterday. [Editor's note: All 70 efforts occurred in the 4 weeks before 9/11.]

Agent Harry Samit told jurors at Moussaoui's death penalty trial that his efforts to secure a warrant to search Moussaoui's belongings were frustrated at every turn by FBI officials he accused of "criminal negligence."

The 9/11 Commission Report does mention differences of opinion within the FBI about obtaining a warrant to investigate the possessions of Zacarias Moussaoui and a few of Agent Samit's efforts to obtain the warrant are mentioned. However, there is no mention that Agent Samit made 70 frantic efforts in the 4 weeks prior to 9/11 to obtain that warrant. Agent Samit is not mentioned by name in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks," however, he is referred to as Harry S. in 3 footnotes. The Commission Report also contains no mention of Agent Samit's allegations of "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" on the part of FBI headquarters officials.
Steven Eugene Ramsey, BS CE, BS Microbiology – Author, publisher and filmmaker. Graduate of Texas A&M University at College Station and The University of Texas in Austin in the fields of microbiology and civil and environmental engineering. Former Project Engineer in lead and asbestos remediation. Editor and co-author of Lead Perspectives, an internationally distributed technical journal for professionals involved in lead poisoning prevention in housing.

"The most convincing piece of evidence to me so far (of many) has been Dr. Steven Jones' outstanding work on the molten metal issue, which is utterly inexplicable in the official story's ridiculous version of events."

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