Military intel predicted rise of ISIS in 2012, detailed arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria

I know, you are calling me a coward...

I can't imagine what you would need to do to bring yourself up to the lofty perch of "coward".

Whatever it is, it's well beyond your means. So ... don't get your hopes up.
Yeah who seems to be the most fearful here? I bet there was spittle flying from your lips as you typed that last diatribe, still not willing to consider the human cost of War? Don't be afraid, you just have to imagine an actual human being inside all those uniforms and flag draped coffins .
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.
That's how people with no argument attempt to win arguments, it only works on kids....sometimes. You did nicely illustrate my point that you do not consider the aftermath of war as you have apocalyptic visions of fiery mass death, probably while masturbating furiously.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.
That's how people with no argument attempt to win arguments, it only works on kids....sometimes. You did nicely illustrate my point that you do not consider the aftermath of war as you have apocalyptic visions of fiery mass death, probably while masturbating furiously.
Whatever Lib................people like you are why we lose wars.................Too Brutal and

People like you want to fight the enemy with too many damned rules.........people like you want to tuck tail and QUIT because it isn't going as planned............and then bitch at someone else for losing the War............

War is to kill or Break the enemy.............and in WWII we killed a lot of people............and we broke them............We destroyed them...................what was left of them didn't want any more............which is why we won the War and the Peace................

In the Middle the East..........the culture is different..............there is no reasoning with them..............It is a clash of cultures and this very Clash is why there is constant death there.................In my version of Islam is better than your version of Islam...............Most of the deaths there were Muslim on Muslim aka Shia versus Sunni................Not the U.S. military................Our military was trying to put out fires of the powder keg of a Civil War...........and because of the surge they were able to lower the death tolls and take control of these regions.................Yet those like Reid said........................THE WAR IS LOST...............the SURGE WILL NEVER WORK........................and even though it worked..........later the new administration rejected military recomendations and left COLD TURKEY....................

The violence and loss of Northern Iraq rests on Obama and people like you.....................who are responsible for our men and women dying in Vain.
if the far left and Ubama assumed that ISIS was created during the Bush years, then why didnt they bring it up during the 2008 election?
Yeah who seems to be the most fearful here?

Wrong question.
It's the ultimate question. Wars get sold to a fearful public by powerful people who want you to be scared. Nothing shuts down your reasoning abilities like fear, why would you just let someone scare you? Americans are supposed to be courageous and I for one see you people wallowing in fear and loathing and feel ashamed that the real courage to face a challenge with cool heads and human decency is lacking in so many "patriotic" Americans.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.
That's how people with no argument attempt to win arguments, it only works on kids....sometimes. You did nicely illustrate my point that you do not consider the aftermath of war as you have apocalyptic visions of fiery mass death, probably while masturbating furiously.
Fiery mass death.................

Tell that to the dead of the World Trade Centers................while many Muslim countries cheered it...................and people like you probably were saying we deserved it.................

Yeah...........I would have carpet bombed some areas over there and destroyed some cities.................and wouldn't have lost a minutes sleep over it.................If they didn't like it..............then they could pound sand..............because we would have had no troops for them to shoot I'd have pounded the hell out of them and left..........and this would have been quicker and far less costly than getting into a long drawn out occupation....................

But hey...........that's too brutal.............they'd hate us for it..................They already Hated us what would they do now.......hate us be it.
Yeah who seems to be the most fearful here?

Wrong question.
It's the ultimate question. Wars get sold to a fearful public by powerful people who want you to be scared. Nothing shuts down your reasoning abilities like fear, why would you just let someone scare you? Americans are supposed to be courageous and I for one see you people wallowing in fear and loathing and feel ashamed that the real courage to face a challenge with cool heads and human decency is lacking in so many "patriotic" Americans.
FEAR...................we do not fear the terrorist or middle east.............
We FEAR what we eventually will be forced to do or turn into to deal with it....................

This problem in the middle east has only just is spreading because we refuse to do what is necessary to end it.................because we fear how many will die if we do so................

So we allow the cancer to spread and force an even harder solution in the future...............because we refuse to fight it as a War and have forgot how to Win a War.................

A regional war is still coming in the middle east..............It's not a matter of if............but when..............and some of us have been saying that since the 80's.............the current Wars haven't changed that.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.
That's how people with no argument attempt to win arguments, it only works on kids....sometimes. You did nicely illustrate my point that you do not consider the aftermath of war as you have apocalyptic visions of fiery mass death, probably while masturbating furiously.
Fiery mass death.................

Tell that to the dead of the World Trade Centers................while many Muslim countries cheered it...................and people like you probably were saying we deserved it.................

Yeah...........I would have carpet bombed some areas over there and destroyed some cities.................and wouldn't have lost a minutes sleep over it.................If they didn't like it..............then they could pound sand..............because we would have had no troops for them to shoot I'd have pounded the hell out of them and left..........and this would have been quicker and far less costly than getting into a long drawn out occupation....................

But hey...........that's too brutal.............they'd hate us for it..................They already Hated us what would they do now.......hate us be it.
That would be crime against humanity to rival anything that has ever happened. America is better than that, don't you want to be one of the good guys? I do, America should be as benevolent as it is powerful or we are no better than anyone who ever built a concentration camp.
Obama may as well blame WW2 on the GOP at this point.
Yeah who seems to be the most fearful here?

Wrong question.
It's the ultimate question. Wars get sold to a fearful public by powerful people who want you to be scared. Nothing shuts down your reasoning abilities like fear, why would you just let someone scare you? Americans are supposed to be courageous and I for one see you people wallowing in fear and loathing and feel ashamed that the real courage to face a challenge with cool heads and human decency is lacking in so many "patriotic" Americans.
FEAR...................we do not fear the terrorist or middle east.............
We FEAR what we eventually will be forced to do or turn into to deal with it....................

This problem in the middle east has only just is spreading because we refuse to do what is necessary to end it.................because we fear how many will die if we do so................

So we allow the cancer to spread and force an even harder solution in the future...............because we refuse to fight it as a War and have forgot how to Win a War.................

A regional war is still coming in the middle east..............It's not a matter of if............but when..............and some of us have been saying that since the 80's.............the current Wars haven't changed that.
Of course you fear them as well as everything else you see as a problem. Courageous people do not talk like you do, they have conversations where one idea leads to another in clear rational ways, avoiding hyperbole and rash judgements. No, you are about as fearful as anyone I have ever encountered, you are just so accustomed to it that you think that is how people are supposed to be.
i wonder who al sharpton blames every time he goes to the McDonalds restroom and discovers that there is no TP after he is done taking a crapper.
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.
That's how people with no argument attempt to win arguments, it only works on kids....sometimes. You did nicely illustrate my point that you do not consider the aftermath of war as you have apocalyptic visions of fiery mass death, probably while masturbating furiously.
Fiery mass death.................

Tell that to the dead of the World Trade Centers................while many Muslim countries cheered it...................and people like you probably were saying we deserved it.................

Yeah...........I would have carpet bombed some areas over there and destroyed some cities.................and wouldn't have lost a minutes sleep over it.................If they didn't like it..............then they could pound sand..............because we would have had no troops for them to shoot I'd have pounded the hell out of them and left..........and this would have been quicker and far less costly than getting into a long drawn out occupation....................

But hey...........that's too brutal.............they'd hate us for it..................They already Hated us what would they do now.......hate us be it.
That would be crime against humanity to rival anything that has ever happened. America is better than that, don't you want to be one of the good guys? I do, America should be as benevolent as it is powerful or we are no better than anyone who ever built a concentration camp.
This is the middle East and not the land of Oz...................and we did exactly what you said we shouldn't have done in WWII...............we fire burned whole cities and killed over a 100k Japanese in one night...............which is how we eventually won the war.......................

The Islamic Caliphate is growing...................were do we decide to end that..............when it hits Western Europe..................wait until they all have the bomb.................

Or take on another piss ant country like Libya.........haul ass and leave it in utter chaos..............which is Libya today........................But that was RIghteous because Obama did it.
i wonder who al sharpton blames every time he goes to the McDonalds restroom and discovers that there is no TP after he is done taking a crapper.

The firing of the black CEO by the all white and solidly Democratic board of the company, I suspect.
i wonder who al sharpton blames every time he goes to the McDonalds restroom and discovers that there is no TP after he is done taking a crapper.

He can blame me.............I saw him and went in and hid all of

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