Military Operations In Syria Have Officially Begun 2100est 22 September

I sincerely hope that President Putin steps in and doesn't let obama get away with this unlawful invasion.

FUCK YOU! You're not only an asshole, you're a seditious POS.

BUT...wasn't that the WAR CRY of the subversive LEFT with Bush going to war? An unlawful invasion! Seems the obomanation is TRYING to follow Bush's play book! Where's all the hundreds of thousands of WAR PROTESTERS????

You're a moron. But on some level you must know that.

Yes, another question you're too stupid to give an answer to!
I sincerely hope that President Putin steps in and doesn't let obama get away with this unlawful invasion.
She's the only manish woman that Pootin' would let touch him...
I don't believe we should arm Syrian rebels since how do we really know they won't just join ISIS?
I think the US military industrial complex is tired of seeing terrorist always carrying AK-47's and seek to change their market choice...

The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?


Oh FUCK! If you brief anyone in power we are in deep shit. You're as dumb as a box of hammers - was it SecDef Rumsfeld you briefed (was the brief tiddy-whities and not boxers?)!
A little more different when you are ask to come, versus inviting yourself...

WAR is WAR, especially when you are supposed to be against WAR, NOT what caused it!

Just what we need, an inflexible leader...
What we need is a leader inflexible in achieving the goal. A real leader who is able to change tactics along the way but actually has a fucking plan and goal we are going to achieve along the way.

Generalities have been in effect since 1953, I see no change.
Interesting you chose '53 as the end date of actually going in and winning wars. The soft generalities seem to be the problem here.

Let's just go there and win. Is that too much to ask of our pathetic leadership? The last thing on obie's simple little mind is actually winning. That is a pathetic way to go into a war.
Send in the 82 Airborne? Again? You're a mindless idiot. NOBODY wants that. Recipe for disaster EVERY TIME in the ME.
WAR is WAR, especially when you are supposed to be against WAR, NOT what caused it!

Just what we need, an inflexible leader...
What we need is a leader inflexible in achieving the goal. A real leader who is able to change tactics along the way but actually has a fucking plan and goal we are going to achieve along the way.

Generalities have been in effect since 1953, I see no change.
Interesting you chose '53 as the end date of actually going in and winning wars. The soft generalities seem to be the problem here.

Let's just go there and win. Is that too much to ask of our pathetic leadership? The last thing on obie's simple little mind is actually winning. That is a pathetic way to go into a war.
Send in the 82 Airborne? Again? You're a mindless idiot. NOBODY wants that. Recipe for disaster EVERY TIME in the ME.
Hard to throw in the 82nd Airborne with sequester..Oh did you see that Congress got along so well this year that the funding for the govt. has already passed legislation...
If an only if the US is seen as an invader. If the other Arab states have the balls (I doubt they do) to put their boots on the ground maybe their is hope.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?


Oh FUCK! If you brief anyone in power we are in deep shit. You're as dumb as a box of hammers - was it SecDef Rumsfeld you briefed (was the brief tiddy-whities and not boxers?)!

No dumb bitch, that honor goes to you. No one listens to your kumbaya, welfare loving ass on a serious subject like this.

Now go back to painting your hideous nails.
If an only if the US is seen as an invader. If the other Arab states have the balls (I doubt they do) to put their boots on the ground maybe their is hope.

STFU moron, your opinion on the Middle East is completely uninformed.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abysmal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.
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Think of it this way, we are bombing hard targets right now. Eventually we will run out of targets. The ISIS army will disperse and regroup elsewhere; meaning we will have to put boots on the ground. We'll have to if we are serious about this campaign.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.
If an only if the US is seen as an invader. If the other Arab states have the balls (I doubt they do) to put their boots on the ground maybe their is hope.

STFU moron, your opinion on the Middle East is completely uninformed.

Thanks so much for sharing, how is your buddy Rummy - still looking for WMD's not given to Saddam by Cheney?

Yo dumb ass, prove to me they weren't moved. You can't but I'm sure you'll blah blah blah about it for the next three pages.
Think of it this way, we are bombing hard targets right now. Eventually we will run out of targets. The ISIS army will disperse and regroup elsewhere; meaning we will have to put boots on the ground. We'll have to if we are serious about this campaign.

Yes, we will as I've said in about 6 threads for the past few weeks. Slowly other people will agree with you and me.
@EconChick, I would suggest you make use of your ignore list. Conversations go more smoothly when you don't have troll posts polluting your screen. I know, I've been there, over 50 people are on my ignore list for that reason. Not telling you what to do, but it would benefit you.

Carry on. :)
If an only if the US is seen as an invader. If the other Arab states have the balls (I doubt they do) to put their boots on the ground maybe their is hope.

STFU moron, your opinion on the Middle East is completely uninformed.

Thanks so much for sharing, how is your buddy Rummy - still looking for WMD's not given to Saddam by Cheney?

Obama's arming terrorists.

Thanks so much for sharing, my ill advised friend.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
WAR is WAR, especially when you are supposed to be against WAR, NOT what caused it!

Just what we need, an inflexible leader...
What we need is a leader inflexible in achieving the goal. A real leader who is able to change tactics along the way but actually has a fucking plan and goal we are going to achieve along the way.

Generalities have been in effect since 1953, I see no change.
Interesting you chose '53 as the end date of actually going in and winning wars. The soft generalities seem to be the problem here.

Let's just go there and win. Is that too much to ask of our pathetic leadership? The last thing on obie's simple little mind is actually winning. That is a pathetic way to go into a war.
Send in the 82 Airborne? Again? You're a mindless idiot. NOBODY wants that. Recipe for disaster EVERY TIME in the ME.
The recipe that actually wins wars? The 82nd's problem isn't winning wars, it's the political class that limit what they can do.

It all comes down to one question. Do you want this war with ISIS to be won or not? If you do then you turn the military loose. If not you hamstring them with no boots on the ground and a bunch of other stupid restrictions that make you feel good.

We will once again lose a war the military didn't lose but the politicians did going with your plan. The 82nd isn't our weak link here. It's you and this pathetic president.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?

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