Military Operations In Syria Have Officially Begun 2100est 22 September

@EconChick, I would suggest you make use of your ignore list. Conversations go more smoothly when you don't have troll posts polluting your screen. I know, I've been there, over 50 people are on my ignore list for that reason. Not telling you what to do, but it would benefit you.

Carry on. :)

LOL, thanks TK. I've made a point of never putting anyone on ignore in my life, but then again, there's some real low life trash here I've never seen on any other forum I've ever been on.

Thanks for your post. Will think about it. :) Or PM you later.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?

LOL, and that really stings these libs. That's why they're so emotional.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?
Good thing he won that Nobel early!
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?
Good thing he won that Nobel early!

You know all these Obama lies are going to send libs over the cliff. My fav? When Obama said "I promised I'd end the war and I did."

I can hardly wait to rub that in just before the election.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?
Good thing he won that Nobel early!

You know all these Obama lies are going to send libs over the cliff. My fav? When Obama said "I promised I'd end the war and I did."

I can hardly wait to rub that in just before the election.
He'll blame it on Bush, you know that's coming. Nothing is ever obies fault.
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes
Why would Britain fall for that one again?
The US tricked them once already.

As a wise man once said..."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Buddy, the joke's on you!

Apparently Obama fooled you twice and you fell for it; in fact I bet he could fool you three or four more times. Obama is a wartime president now. Not the guy you voted for now is it?
Good thing he won that Nobel early!

You know all these Obama lies are going to send libs over the cliff. My fav? When Obama said "I promised I'd end the war and I did."

I can hardly wait to rub that in just before the election.
He'll blame it on Bush, you know that's coming. Nothing is ever obies fault.

LOL, yes, and it's comical watching it because most of the country isn't buying it.
I've made a point of never putting anyone on ignore in my life, but then again, there's some real low life trash here I've never seen on any other forum I've ever been on.

You haven't been around much, have you? Try if you want to see a legion of lice-infected, drug addicted, welfare bum, left-wing losers.

LOL, you mean that scum would make the scum on here look like angels? Oh Lord, that's truly a scary thought.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.

No, really, you're a fraud. I'm not going to pay money to expose you as a fraud. Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you honestly think I'm going to give money to a liar and a fraud? Do you believe I'm going to actually be swindled by someone I know has such glaring character deficiencies? You must think I am as ignorant as you are.

I already told you that I believed you had some connection with the CJCS. But some documents, a few scraps of paper, are not going to prove what you say it is going to prove. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am as easily conned as all the folks that believe what they see on their TV's every day? That is why you want money up front. You are a dirt bag. You are a liar and a con artist. You don't know shit. You would like folks to believe you do, but we know the truth. You are a grunt. Nothing more.

Why? Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you, that's why. Now stop your trolling and stop your bullshit. You have no authority. If you do, scan your documents and show them. Let us be the judge. Someone that "used to brief the CJCS," would have a career where they would have no need for the money and no time to fool around with that nonsense. Otherwise, stop trying to profit off of it. You have nothing. Con artist. Charlatan.

Go ahead, get back to the thread. But know this, everyone knows you are a fraud.
This attack is doomed to fail because we don't have a commander in chief anybody respects.
How the hell would any brainwashed hater dupes know what anyone in the real world thinks? He's got Arabs bombing these a-holes- and Libyan militias- NEVER would have happened a few months ago. And WE are heroes to them now- NOT loudmouth ugly American Boooshie chickenhawk a-holes...
There's that dumb-ass one-trick-pony phrase again... 'hater dupes'...

Awwwwwwwccccchhhhhh.... hater dupe !!!


Awwwwwwwccccchhhhhh.... ObamaBot wanna cracker !!!


You'd better hope that Obama doesn't come to sudden stop, or your gonna have a brown nose.

Obumble will be every bit as much a train wreck in War as he has been in other areas of endeavor.
i believe his nose is already brown , and has spread all over his face,

"in other areas of endeavor." you mean like the peace prize ?

i wonder what he has ever done that was PEACEFUL ???? :up:
Why are we announcing how many strikes we are going to make?
i m guessing utter stupidity OR , if by "we" you mean the CIC, he wants to spare as many of his brotherhood as posible. ! :up:

This reminds me of the Saturday Night Live skit they did during the First Gulf War (I paraphrase here, this isn't the exact dialog, but you get the idea). I think it was Dan Aykroyd playing the part of the White House spokesman. He's at the podium with a gaggle of reporters in front of him. One asks, "Can you tell us the exact date of the next series of air strikes, and...and what type of aircraft will be involved, and what kind of ordinance will they use, and what are the exact coordinates of the strike targets"? Aykroyd stares down at this media moron incredulous, shaking his head, then he looks to another MSM reporter who asks something equally inane.

It'd be even funnier if it wasn't so close to the truth.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.

No, really, you're a fraud. I'm not going to pay money to expose you as a fraud. Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you honestly think I'm going to give money to a liar and a fraud? Do you believe I'm going to actually be swindled by someone I know has such glaring character deficiencies? You must think I am as ignorant as you are.

I already told you that I believed you had some connection with the CJCS. But some documents, a few scraps of paper, are not going to prove what you say it is going to prove. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am as easily conned as all the folks that believe what they see on their TV's every day? That is why you want money up front. You are a dirt bag. You are a liar and a con artist. You don't know shit. You would like folks to believe you do, but we know the truth. You are a grunt. Nothing more.

Why? Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you, that's why. Now stop your trolling and stop your bullshit. You have no authority. If you do, scan your documents and show them. Let us be the judge. Someone that "used to brief the CJCS," would have a career where they would have no need for the money and no time to fool around with that nonsense. Otherwise, stop trying to profit off of it. You have nothing. Con artist. Charlatan.

Go ahead, get back to the thread. But know this, everyone knows you are a fraud.
@EconChick, I would suggest you make use of your ignore list. Conversations go more smoothly when you don't have troll posts polluting your screen. I know, I've been there, over 50 people are on my ignore list for that reason. Not telling you what to do, but it would benefit you.

Carry on. :)
oooooh come now..., over 50 people on ignore, are you serious ?
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.

No, really, you're a fraud. I'm not going to pay money to expose you as a fraud. Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you honestly think I'm going to give money to a liar and a fraud? Do you believe I'm going to actually be swindled by someone I know has such glaring character deficiencies? You must think I am as ignorant as you are.

I already told you that I believed you had some connection with the CJCS. But some documents, a few scraps of paper, are not going to prove what you say it is going to prove. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am as easily conned as all the folks that believe what they see on their TV's every day? That is why you want money up front. You are a dirt bag. You are a liar and a con artist. You don't know shit. You would like folks to believe you do, but we know the truth. You are a grunt. Nothing more.

Why? Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you, that's why. Now stop your trolling and stop your bullshit. You have no authority. If you do, scan your documents and show them. Let us be the judge. Someone that "used to brief the CJCS," would have a career where they would have no need for the money and no time to fool around with that nonsense. Otherwise, stop trying to profit off of it. You have nothing. Con artist. Charlatan.

Go ahead, get back to the thread. But know this, everyone knows you are a fraud.

The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
The best real time intel is actually on twitter...
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.

No, really, you're a fraud. I'm not going to pay money to expose you as a fraud. Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you honestly think I'm going to give money to a liar and a fraud? Do you believe I'm going to actually be swindled by someone I know has such glaring character deficiencies? You must think I am as ignorant as you are.

I already told you that I believed you had some connection with the CJCS. But some documents, a few scraps of paper, are not going to prove what you say it is going to prove. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am as easily conned as all the folks that believe what they see on their TV's every day? That is why you want money up front. You are a dirt bag. You are a liar and a con artist. You don't know shit. You would like folks to believe you do, but we know the truth. You are a grunt. Nothing more.

Why? Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you, that's why. Now stop your trolling and stop your bullshit. You have no authority. If you do, scan your documents and show them. Let us be the judge. Someone that "used to brief the CJCS," would have a career where they would have no need for the money and no time to fool around with that nonsense. Otherwise, stop trying to profit off of it. You have nothing. Con artist. Charlatan.

Go ahead, get back to the thread. But know this, everyone knows you are a fraud.

" Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you"

Laugh My Fucking Ass Off.


That's like bragging about being a basket weaver.

Dude, I'm the one with fancy degrees in fancy subjects, not you. You wanna play that game? I just one upped you.

You're also a dumb ass academic. You have no front line experience about the subject you're pontificating about. I do. You haven't lived in the Middle East. I have. I can run circles around you in every aspect.

It's obvious you've never been on the front lines, book worm.

You're just chaffing because you thought you were talking to one of these moronic liberal idiot women around here that has the brains and confidence of 16 year olds....and you were wrong.

And the reason you won't back up your assertion with money is because you know you were fucking stupid, and because you're a coward.

As for the topic, learn how to show respect for someone that has first hand knowledge of shit you just read about and you'll get treated the same way back.
Last edited:
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.
There is no "intel" little girl. Just propaganda. To civilians, the only power they have is to go out and muck up the gears of government, buy things, work, and pay taxes. If people stop buying things, don't go to work, don't pay their taxes and protest, the government is powerless, the elites then have no control. They can't pull the shit they are pulling.

Thus, the brain washing bullshit they are pulling on everyone is necessary. This is about power and resources only.

If you don't know what, "The Project for The New Middle East," is, then you are a sucker. How intelligence services are operating to get their proxy forces funded and equipped, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE DETAILS.

Which of Assad's infrastructure is actually hit, we may never know. Even if we do find out, you will probably not believe it anyway.

Don't fool yourself.

Let's get something straight you mysognist mother fucker. I'm used to briefing the CJCS. Do you know what that is dumb fuck?

Don't tell me what I know and don't know, you fucking senile old man.

Get it?
Got it?

I'm sure at one point in time you actually had the honor of being in the same room when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed. It was probably the high point of your small insignificant miserable little life. Why else would you spend so much time here at this pathetic little website?

The only way I would believe that at one time that was your job, is if it is now your job to spread propaganda on this site. If that were so, wow, your life really is a total shame. However, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. I can tell by your lack of intelligence, that you would never be able to aspire to such a station in life.

The person that would brief the CJCS would have to possess class and dignity, you have neither. That person would also have to possess tact and a sense of non-partisan jenesequa. These are KSA's that you just don't have. I seriously doubt you have more than a community college level education. You're patience is low, your tolerance even less. Your reading and writing skills are abyssal.

Any person with a high proficiency in these areas can see right through you. Who on earth do you think you are fooling? The person I'm describing would never address another person in the way you address others. They would be respectful, they would know how to communicate their ideas with out lowering themselves to the level of a high school student, and with out using foul language to berate their opponents.

Nobody, even your ideological allies, takes seriously your claims because of the way your present yourself.

If you used to brief the CJCS, I used to brief Henry Kissinger.

You care back that up with 2000 bucks?????

You're the dumbshit that posted like a fucking idiot. Look yourself in the mirror. I'm not here to please anyone, dumbass.

Now back your claim up with lots of money, or be revealed as the blowhard you just revealed you are.

And one more thing, idiot. I've seen and done it all. You obviously have no idea what motivates me.

So get a fucking clue.

Now I'm on this thread to talk about Syria, not stroke your fucking ego, asshole.

No, really, you're a fraud. I'm not going to pay money to expose you as a fraud. Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you honestly think I'm going to give money to a liar and a fraud? Do you believe I'm going to actually be swindled by someone I know has such glaring character deficiencies? You must think I am as ignorant as you are.

I already told you that I believed you had some connection with the CJCS. But some documents, a few scraps of paper, are not going to prove what you say it is going to prove. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think I am as easily conned as all the folks that believe what they see on their TV's every day? That is why you want money up front. You are a dirt bag. You are a liar and a con artist. You don't know shit. You would like folks to believe you do, but we know the truth. You are a grunt. Nothing more.

Why? Because now you have run into a political scientist with a genius level IQ that can see right through you, that's why. Now stop your trolling and stop your bullshit. You have no authority. If you do, scan your documents and show them. Let us be the judge. Someone that "used to brief the CJCS," would have a career where they would have no need for the money and no time to fool around with that nonsense. Otherwise, stop trying to profit off of it. You have nothing. Con artist. Charlatan.

Go ahead, get back to the thread. But know this, everyone knows you are a fraud.

LOL, they do have similarities. Soft inner core.

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