Military Operations In Syria Have Officially Begun 2100est 22 September

what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international

Iraqi news is reporting that ISIL used chemical weapons Saqlawiyah

that killed as many as 400

other news agencies instead report that the troops simply disappeared

isil used similar chemical weapons in Syria and the admin blamed assad

URGENT ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah - Iraqi News
Also, notice how Britain and France are nowhere to be found. Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar are among five Arab allies participating in the airstrikes

All Obama could muster is akin to the Bad News Bears. What a C-team of losers

what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international
Nsnbc, the Russian, occupy, Venezuelan filled site of journalists for your sources? And the so-called journalist writing the article is a Syrian?? It is not affiliated with nbc.
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international

Iraqi news is reporting that ISIL used chemical weapons Saqlawiyah

that killed as many as 400

other news agencies instead report that the troops simply disappeared

isil used similar chemical weapons in Syria and the admin blamed assad

URGENT ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah - Iraqi News

Certainly doesn't contradict the paradigm that they are getting the stuff from Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

All indications are that Turkey is still assisting ISIS.

It boggles the mind that part of NATO is fighting ISIS, while the other part of NATO is assisting ISIS.

Iraq crisis: Is Turkey's government supporting ISIS?
Iraq crisis Is Turkey s government supporting ISIS Fox News
Ankara may deny helping ISIS, but the evidence for this is overwhelming. "As we have the longest border with Syria," writes Orhan Kemal Cengiz, a Turkish newspaper columnist, "Turkey's support was vital for the jihadists in getting in and out of the country." Indeed, the ISIS strongholds not coincidentally cluster close to Turkey's frontiers.

Kurds, academic experts and the Syrian opposition agree that Syrians, Turks (estimated to number 3,000), and foreign fighters (especially Saudis but also a fair number of Westerners) have crossed the Turkish-Syrian border at will, often to join ISIS. What Turkish journalist Kadri Gursel calls a "two-way jihadist highway," has no bothersome border checks and sometimes involves the active assistance of Turkish intelligence services. CNN even broadcast a video on "The secret jihadi smuggling route through Turkey."

Actually, the Turks offered far more than an easy border crossing: they provided the bulk of ISIS' funds, logistics, training and arms. Turkish residents near the Syrian border tell of Turkish ambulances going to Kurdish-ISIS battle zones and then evacuating ISIS casualties to Turkish hospitals. Indeed, a sensational photograph has surfaced showing ISIS commander Abu Muhammad in a hospital bed receiving treatment for battle wounds in Hatay State Hospital in April 2014.

One Turkish opposition politician estimates that Turkey has paid $800 million to ISIS for oil shipments. Another politician released information about active duty Turkish soldiers training ISIS members. Critics note that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has met three times with someone, Yasin al-Qadi, who has close ties to ISIS and has funded it.

NATO member Turkey openly aiding ISIS
NATO member openly aiding ISIS
In addition, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Turkey remains an even greater conduit of money laundering to ISIS than Qatar.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are known financial sources to ISIS, and the funds generally are channeled through Turkey to ISIS in neighboring Syria, sources tell WND.

Analysts say Turkey is afraid of cutting off ISIS because of threats of reprisal the group has made through Turkish media.

In addition, sources say, ISIS continues to hold hostage some 49 Turkish diplomats who were captured when it took over Mosul last June. The development has been one reason for Turkey to go along with ISIS demands.

However, there appear to be more compelling reasons for Turkey to continue working with ISIS.

Turkey’s backing hasn’t gone unnoticed by ISIS, whose leadership now is considering rewarding Turkish businesses with contracts in ISIS-occupied Sunni areas of Iraq.

Turkey’s minister of economy, Nihat Zeybekci, is receptive to the notion and has been open about encouraging Turkish businesses to invest in ISIS-occupied portions of Iraq.

”Our exports to Iraq are now down to 35 percent, but Iraq cannot easily substitute other sources,” Neybekci said. ”We think there will be a boom in demand soon. We also know that IS (ISIS) is contacting individual Turkish businessmen and telling them, ‘Come back, we won’t interfere.’ That is not easy, of course. But when it the future Iraq is rebuilt, it will be Turkey doing it.”
So the long and the short of it is, our supposed allies are aiding, training and arming our enemy? It's not just Turkey either. If you really dig you find that the CIA, Qatar and Saudi Arabian intelligence services are still aiding ISIS to help get rid of Assad.

The political structure and the military hate ISIS, the corporate and political elites see the political actors in the region as a hindrance to redrawing the map, so they will fund and aid anyone who will destabilize the region. This is nuts man.

Yeah, this isn't going to end well.
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international
Nsnbc, the Russian, occupy, Venezuelan filled site of journalists for your sources? And the so-called journalist writing the article is a Syrian?? It is not affiliated with nbc.
Apparently you didn't know. NBC is propaganda. It's owned by GE. GE is one of the nations biggest war profiteers in the nation.
Elites Push Government-funded Public Media
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday

Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report
In the report, Lehmann stressed that he had warned about the risk of a large-scale chemical weapons attack in at least three articles since June, more than tho months before the attack on East Ghouta on August 21. He notes that all available intelligence suggested that U.S., Saudi and Turkish officials and terrorists planned to launch a major false flag chemical weapons attack soon.
The report builds a compelling case based on circumstantial and documentary evidence, eyewitness testimony, official reports and other evidence, supporting the allegation that top U.S. and Saudi officials have had the direct political and command responsibility for the attack.

Armed forces seized an improvised chemical weapons factory in the suburbs of Damascus. Many of the chemicals were from Saudi Arabia.

In December 2013, the Director of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Michel Chossudovsky, compiled a number of statements from UN reports. Chossudovsky’s article clearly shows that the UN, on multiple occasions, concluded that it were “rebels” or the opposition that had used chemical weapons in multiple incidents.

The evidence for the use of chemical substances and weapons by the so-called “opposition” in Syria is overwhelming, and includes the seizure of e.g. large quantities of chlorine from “rebels”. The chlorine was mainly from Saudi Arabian sources. Many of the seized chemicals, however, were from Turkey. To mention one of many other incidents; The Syrian Army seized large quantities of chlorine from Saudi Arabia from “rebels” after they stormed a covert chemical weapons factory in a Damascus suburb in July.

Kerry’s “Concerns” in stark Contrast to Evidence and Statement by Syria’s Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Geneva, Switzerland. (nsnbc files)

The “serious concerns” raised by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stand in stark contrast to all of the available evidence. Kerry’s statements are, moreover, based on the second OPCW FFM report, which is highly questionable with regard to the methodology used by the Fact Finding Mission.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry of Syria responded to the second OPCW report, stressing that the Syrian Arab Republic never has and never will use chemical weapons under any context.

The ministry warned that those sides in the region and the world which are conspiring against Syria might provide chemical weapons to terrorist organizations to be used against the Syrian people to frame the Syrian Army for the attacks. The ministry added, that this would be similar to what happened in Khan al-Assal and East Ghouta in 2013.
Kerry positions U.S. for launching War on Syria on flawed Chemical Weapons Report nsnbc international
Nsnbc, the Russian, occupy, Venezuelan filled site of journalists for your sources? And the so-called journalist writing the article is a Syrian?? It is not affiliated with nbc.
Apparently you didn't know. NBC is propaganda. It's owned by GE. GE is one of the nations biggest war profiteers in the nation.
Elites Push Government-funded Public Media

oddly GE sits in the famed catbird seat in this administration
Who ever would have thought the Liberal Messiah, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who created a post racial Amerika and created an era where the rise of the oceans slowed and the Earth began to heal would turn out to be a blood thirsty war monger running the military industrial complex.


We're gonna spread happiness. We're going to spread freedom. Obama's going to change it. Obama's going to lead them.

Yes we can, can. Yes we can.

@EconChick, I would suggest you make use of your ignore list. Conversations go more smoothly when you don't have troll posts polluting your screen. I know, I've been there, over 50 people are on my ignore list for that reason. Not telling you what to do, but it would benefit you.

Carry on. :)

LOL, thanks TK. I've made a point of never putting anyone on ignore in my life, but then again, there's some real low life trash here I've never seen on any other forum I've ever been on.

Thanks for your post. Will think about it. :) Or PM you later.

Good for you! Usually people that put others on ignore are intellectually and emotionally stunted. They get called out and can't hack playing with the big boys and girls. Likewise, 75 to 80% of the attacks leveled against TK have been nothing but ad hominem attacks, he is really quite the gentlemen on most occasions. His language and demeanor are much nicer and much classier than yours is EconChick. I'd be far more willing to believe he used to brief the CJCS than you. ;)

I have seen TK get called out numerous times, and frankly I think it has been cruel, he is still learning. He just doesn't read enough. But then, 95% of this forum doesn't, and they don't know what they are talking about either. So folks calling TK out is foolish. Neither knows anything.
:lmao: i am putting you on ignore.................:lmao:
not really, i do not have an ignore list, i read most posts, but skip over others just because of their name and reputation as liberdemodupes ha ha ha :up: :lmao:
i believe putting posters on ignore, reporting and banning is kindergarten type childish and i will not play that game, when i first signed on to this board it was a fantastic free-for-all, now it has become a whiners paradise, no more disagreeing with anyone unless you make a specific post to the :ahole-1: in question, everything is nicey-nice due to liberwhiners incrementalism, just like gun control, smoker control and many other fanatical liberwhiner control freaks always getting their fucked up way because they can not compete in a real world atmosphere.

come on Admin. give us some way to show our displeasure with another poster, those two nicey-nice icons below are :bsflag: the only one i will use is the AGREE...., thank you :up:
I don't believe in reporting but I do find the ignore list useful. With this new format I never even see their posts, which I might accidentally read otherwise. For me, it's a time saver.
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday
The elections are coming up. obama will try to rally the country around him. It just won't work.

We will get a speech claiming that ISIS is decimated and on the run to bookend his al quaeda is decimated and on the run speech.
what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday
The elections are coming up. obama will try to rally the country around him. It just won't work.

We will get a speech claiming that ISIS is decimated and on the run to bookend his al quaeda is decimated and on the run speech.
Don't underestimate these guys. They have the media at their disposal and may well convince the sleeping masses that ISIS is responsible for global warming and secretly funded by Republicans.
@EconChick, I would suggest you make use of your ignore list. Conversations go more smoothly when you don't have troll posts polluting your screen. I know, I've been there, over 50 people are on my ignore list for that reason. Not telling you what to do, but it would benefit you.

Carry on. :)

LOL, thanks TK. I've made a point of never putting anyone on ignore in my life, but then again, there's some real low life trash here I've never seen on any other forum I've ever been on.

Thanks for your post. Will think about it. :) Or PM you later.

Good for you! Usually people that put others on ignore are intellectually and emotionally stunted. They get called out and can't hack playing with the big boys and girls. Likewise, 75 to 80% of the attacks leveled against TK have been nothing but ad hominem attacks, he is really quite the gentlemen on most occasions. His language and demeanor are much nicer and much classier than yours is EconChick. I'd be far more willing to believe he used to brief the CJCS than you. ;)

I have seen TK get called out numerous times, and frankly I think it has been cruel, he is still learning. He just doesn't read enough. But then, 95% of this forum doesn't, and they don't know what they are talking about either. So folks calling TK out is foolish. Neither knows anything.
:lmao: i am putting you on ignore.................:lmao:
not really, i do not have an ignore list, i read most posts, but skip over others just because of their name and reputation as liberdemodupes ha ha ha :up:
i believe putting posters on ignore, reporting and banning is kindergarten type childish and i will not play that game, when i first signed on to this board it was a fantastic free-for-all, now it has become a whiners paradise, no more disagreeing with anyone unless you make a specific post to the :ahole-1: in question, everything is nicey-nice due to liberwhiners incrementalism, just like gun control, smoker control and many other fanatical liberwhiner control freaks always getting their fucked up way because they can not compete in a real world atmosphere.

come on Admin. give us some way to show our displeasure with another poster, those two nicey-nice icons below are :bsflag: the only one i will use is the AGREE...., thank you :up:
Yeah, I remember those days. Back in 2012 during the last Presidential campaign, this place was smokin' That's the reason I came here. I left a real liberal site for those exact same reasons. The wild west atmosphere here attracted me. The whole reason I left that last site was during the during the 2012 election, I revealed some information about the nature of foundations, the president's connection to them via his parents, and administration/moderation shut the whole damn site down for 24 hours to delete my posts and everyone's replies to them.

Well, the censorship was the last straw. I left. So be glad they haven't started censoring what you post or put on a "pre-approval" process where moderators and administrators have to pre-approve certain members posts before they go up. That's when this place will have jumped the shark.

I think I tend to end up on a lot of people's ignore lists. It's easier for them to ignore me then to engage and then later be embarrassed on the open forum by some one that is really good at what they do. Most people that have gotten to know me know that I am neither a conservative nor a liberal, I just go where the facts lead.

I took four years of debate in high school and was on the Spartan debate team for two years. When you are on a debate team, it doesn't matter what your politics are, you HAVE to learn both sides of an issue, and passionately advocate for it, whether you believe in it or not.

Having had to do that FORCES you to take blinders off and understand source material. Folks don't like to get into it with a real debater, it's easier to put them on ignore. Otherwise, they might have to face up to their own cognitive biases and learn something.

Not sure if EconChick will ever see another post of mine. I think she took the ignore option. Otherwise when I took her challenge of a real debate, she dropped the issue. :gives:

I've only ever reported one person, because he has blatantly violated forum rules. He cross posts, copies and pastes the SAME POST on several different forums. That is supposed to be against the rules. He is an Atheistic Luciferian that is here to spread hate and discord amongst good people and he drives me nuts.

But. . . . The administration won't do anything, so he get's a free pass. What can you do?

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