Military Operations In Syria Have Officially Begun 2100est 22 September

what brought this on so fast

was it because ISIL used chemical weapons in Iraq yesterday
The elections are coming up. obama will try to rally the country around him. It just won't work.

We will get a speech claiming that ISIS is decimated and on the run to bookend his al quaeda is decimated and on the run speech.
Don't underestimate these guys. They have the media at their disposal and may well convince the sleeping masses that ISIS is responsible for global warming and secretly funded by Republicans.

And at the end of the day, they will have all of America believing it too. They believe ISIS sprang out of the desert out of nothing, so why not?
Those who are so quick to criticize President Obama, call him a coward and worse, ask yourselves - Where is congress?

If its not Benghazi, they don't even bother to show up.

And, right now, they're on yet another vacation.
I sincerely hope that President Putin steps in and doesn't let obama get away with this unlawful invasion.

FUCK YOU! You're not only an asshole, you're a seditious POS.

Agree but to be fair, several other despicable anti-Americans have chimed in.

According to admiral kissass they targeted 14 and hit 14. He wasn't specific on what type of targets. Could have been unoccupied tents for all we know.
They already calling it a success.
Just in time for elections. I wonder if Statishengest can calculate how many Syrian and Iraqi children dead per Democrat vote?

The stated goal is to interrupt planned terrorist attacks on the US.

If an attack is successful, you, Republicans, Pootarians and other anti-Americans will be celebrating and blaming the president.

I'm against war but I am an American but, unlike RWs, my first concern is our safety.
Those who are so quick to criticize President Obama, call him a coward and worse, ask yourselves - Where is congress?

If its not Benghazi, they don't even bother to show up.

And, right now, they're on yet another vacation.
Not that I perceived the comment to be directed at me, personally, but...

I don't think the Failed Messiah is a coward.

I think he's an incompetent.

He was a Rookie who got tossed into the deep end without a life preserver, and quickly found himself in way over his head.

Much of his relationship-development and social re-engineering and foreign policy and military efforts have gone astray and were grotesquely naive to begin with.

Obumble does not inspire confidence as a wartime leader.

"Pop had Genco. Look what I got." - Sonny, to Tom Hagan, in The Godfather.
They already calling it a success.
Just in time for elections. I wonder if Statishengest can calculate how many Syrian and Iraqi children dead per Democrat vote?

The stated goal is to interrupt planned terrorist attacks on the US.

If an attack is successful, you, Republicans, Pootarians and other anti-Americans will be celebrating and blaming the president.

I'm against war but I am an American but, unlike RWs, my first concern is our safety.

The stated goal is a lie. You should know that.

"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. [...] I look at war a little bit differently. To me, war is a lot of prick-waving! OK? Simple thing. That’s all it is. War is a whole lot of men standing out on a field waving their pricks at one another. Men are insecure about the size of their dicks, and so they have to kill one another over the idea. That’s what all that asshole jock bullshit is all about. That’s what all that adolescent, macho, male posturing and strutting in bars and locker rooms is all about. It’s called “dick fear!” Men are terrified that their pricks are inadequate and so they have to compete with one another, to feel better about themselves, and since war is the ultimate competition, basically, men are killing each other in order to improve their self-esteem! You don’t have to be a historian or a political scientist to see the bigger-dick foreign policy at work. It sounds like this: “What, they have bigger dicks? Bomb them!” And of course, the bombs and the rockets and the bullets are all shaped like dicks. It’s a subconscious need to project the penis into other people’s affairs. It’s called “fucking with people!”
So the military blows some shit up. We can't even verify any of it cuz we can't have any boots on the ground. ISIS hides in schools and areas designated off-limits and Obama hopes he can fool everyone into thinking that's he's accomplishing something.

These assholes are like roaches, scurrying from one place to another. The only way to get rid of them is take their AO away from them. Force them to relocate.
Those who are so quick to criticize President Obama, call him a coward and worse, ask yourselves - Where is congress?

If its not Benghazi, they don't even bother to show up.

And, right now, they're on yet another vacation.
Not that I perceived the comment to be directed at me, personally, but...

I don't think the Failed Messiah is a coward.

I think he's an incompetent.

He was a Rookie who got tossed into the deep end without a life preserver, and quickly found himself in way over his head.

Much of his relationship-development and social re-engineering and foreign policy and military efforts have gone astray and were grotesquely naive to begin with.

Obumble does not inspire confidence as a wartime leader.

"Pop had Genco. Look what I got." - Sonny, to Tom Hagan, in The Godfather.
It seems this post is better suited to an assessment of George W. Bush. Did President Bush persuade Arab nations to bomb other arab countries? Too bad partisan hacks can't give credit when it is do, I guess that's not and example of bigotry or racism, or is it?
The Ruling-Class Globalist Elites have been pushing for War with Syria for years. And now they've gotten it. This War was very easy to see coming. Their 'Assad Chemical Weapon Attack' scam failed miserably. The People said no to War. But then magically and suddenly, the ISIS Boogeyman appears. And now, War.

Sadly, they'll be many more Boogeymen for the People to fear and hate. When ISIS is gone, the Globalist Elites will invent a new one. And even more sadly, the People will go along again. Americans especially, have grown to love & embrace this Permanent State of War they're stuck in. It's all they know i guess. But hopefully one day, they'll come around and decide to demand an end to endless War.
The Ruling-Class Globalist Elites have been pushing for War with Syria for years. And now they've gotten it. This War was very easy to see coming. Their 'Assad Chemical Weapon Attack' scam failed miserably. The People said no to War. But then magically and suddenly, the ISIS Boogeyman appears. And now, War.

Sadly, they'll be many more Boogeymen for the People to fear and hate. When ISIS is gone, the Globalist Elites will invent a new one. And even more sadly, the People will go along again. Americans especially, have grown to love & embrace this Permanent State of War they're stuck in. It's all they know i guess. But hopefully one day, they'll come around and decide to demand an end to endless War.

By, "Ruling-Class Globalist Elites", I'm 'hearing' the Military-Industrial Complex. Is that correct?
The Ruling-Class Globalist Elites have been pushing for War with Syria for years. And now they've gotten it. This War was very easy to see coming. Their 'Assad Chemical Weapon Attack' scam failed miserably. The People said no to War. But then magically and suddenly, the ISIS Boogeyman appears. And now, War.

Sadly, they'll be many more Boogeymen for the People to fear and hate. When ISIS is gone, the Globalist Elites will invent a new one. And even more sadly, the People will go along again. Americans especially, have grown to love & embrace this Permanent State of War they're stuck in. It's all they know i guess. But hopefully one day, they'll come around and decide to demand an end to endless War.

By, "Ruling-Class Globalist Elites", I'm 'hearing' the Military-Industrial Complex. Is that correct?

Yes. Permanent War is the goal.
Seems simple explanations are myopic. Does a man make history, or does history make the man?

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