Military will build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer don't agree to pay for it: Trump

Then how did they get Kavanaugh confirmed?
No filibuster for judicial nominations.

And yet the massive tax cut for corporations that Republicans swore would pay for itself but didn't....was passed by this same senate.

What, no filibuster for changes to the tax code either?
Correct. Maybe you should understand the workings of the Senate a bit better.

BTW...they have been paying for themselves.

Nice try.

May I suggest google and the search term, "When does the filibuster rule come into play in the US Senate".


Republicans have repeatedly changed the rules for the things that are important to them. cuts for the wealthy and supreme court nominees they think might attack abortion.

But they haven't been willing to do so for the wall.

And no, the tax cuts have not been paying for themselves. Our deficit is predictably expanding while virtually every federal revenue projection given to us by republicans on the tax cuts have been laughably failures. Even with a strong economy, actual revenue is off projections by about 200 billion dollars.

In 2015, when we saw comparable growth numbers......federal revenue increased by 7.5%. Yet this fiscal year, revenue is barely 0.4% higher. Revenue growth collapsed under the tax cut, a roughly 95% drop from a compariable growth year.

While the deficit ballooned by a third, now projected to be 1 Trillion a year by 2020. Says who? Says the CBO.

The federal deficit is now projected to top $1 trillion in 2018
None of that changes My point. They do NOT control the Senate. You can sit down and make excuses to try and cover your stupidity all you wish. The fact remains, to control the Senate, you need 60 votes.

When they do away with the filibuster, then we'll talk about who controls what. Until then, its a reality that the GOP does NOT control the Senate.
Utter bullshit. If Republicans really wanted it, they would have introduced a bill and either got it passed or could have blamed Democrats for it failing had Democrats filibustered it. The truth is, most Republicans didn't want the wall and didn't want their vote for the wall to be on record when most constituents are also against the wall.
If the Democrats are not willing to protect Americans then they are not fit to hold office.
Dems are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar appropriation for border security. So there ya go
Wholly inadequate. The price tag to start is 30 billion.

They can deduct it from the money's spent on illegals in our social safety net.
How much can they spend in a year? How much from last years budget did they spend on border security? What did they spend it on?

Do you know or even care about the answer to these questions?
lol. it is not illegal to go to Ellis Island to ask for legal asylum.
Ellis Island is a museum

Maybe our conservatives need to read the Statue next to it

Yeah they’ll all read it just as soon as lefties figure out some of those “in need” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the people to make sure they’re not letting in scum.

Why don’t REgressives have common fucking sense? Would you allow a bunch of homeless people into your house unchecked? Would you let them eat your food and sleep in your beds, take your money bc “it’s the ‘right’ thing to do”?

Who cares about the safety of you or your loved ones, right? These people are in need and needy people are always honest and well-behaved. <—- this is exactly how stupid you and others of similar mindset come off when pointing out the Statue of Liberty message guilt trip—throwing common sense out the window bc of some perceived moral the lot of you fake having in the first place.

But, fortunately, your ancestors who came here from another country were not like that at all....

Never said they weren’t. I can’t do shit about that though, now can I? Let’s not learn from the past at all. Oh no, that’d be a horrible thing to do.

I take your point. These immigrants could end up with families who become bigots and xenophobes like you. That would be unfortunate.

You don’t know me so don’t act like you do.
If the Democrats are not willing to protect Americans then they are not fit to hold office.
Dems are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar appropriation for border security. So there ya go
Wholly inadequate. The price tag to start is 30 billion.

They can deduct it from the money's spent on illegals in our social safety net.
How much can they spend in a year? How much from last years budget did they spend on border security? What did they spend it on?

Do you know or even care about the answer to these questions?
Simple. They spend their budget on it, no more, no less. That is why we have budgets.

What they spent on it last year was too little. We need at least the initial investment of the 25 billion.

So, now that your nonrelevant questions have been asked and answered, I return to the fact that they can take the money from the money spent on illegals.
Ellis Island is a museum

Maybe our conservatives need to read the Statue next to it

Yeah they’ll all read it just as soon as lefties figure out some of those “in need” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the people to make sure they’re not letting in scum.

Why don’t REgressives have common fucking sense? Would you allow a bunch of homeless people into your house unchecked? Would you let them eat your food and sleep in your beds, take your money bc “it’s the ‘right’ thing to do”?

Who cares about the safety of you or your loved ones, right? These people are in need and needy people are always honest and well-behaved. <—- this is exactly how stupid you and others of similar mindset come off when pointing out the Statue of Liberty message guilt trip—throwing common sense out the window bc of some perceived moral the lot of you fake having in the first place.

But, fortunately, your ancestors who came here from another country were not like that at all....

Never said they weren’t. I can’t do shit about that though, now can I? Let’s not learn from the past at all. Oh no, that’d be a horrible thing to do.

I take your point. These immigrants could end up with families who become bigots and xenophobes like you. That would be unfortunate.

You don’t know me so don’t act like you do.

You are right. I don't know you. Nor, based on your bigotry, do I want to.
Yeah they’ll all read it just as soon as lefties figure out some of those “in need” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the people to make sure they’re not letting in scum.

Why don’t REgressives have common fucking sense? Would you allow a bunch of homeless people into your house unchecked? Would you let them eat your food and sleep in your beds, take your money bc “it’s the ‘right’ thing to do”?

Who cares about the safety of you or your loved ones, right? These people are in need and needy people are always honest and well-behaved. <—- this is exactly how stupid you and others of similar mindset come off when pointing out the Statue of Liberty message guilt trip—throwing common sense out the window bc of some perceived moral the lot of you fake having in the first place.

But, fortunately, your ancestors who came here from another country were not like that at all....

Never said they weren’t. I can’t do shit about that though, now can I? Let’s not learn from the past at all. Oh no, that’d be a horrible thing to do.

I take your point. These immigrants could end up with families who become bigots and xenophobes like you. That would be unfortunate.

You don’t know me so don’t act like you do.

You are right. I don't know you. Nor, based on your bigotry, do I want to.

What bigotry? Please, point it out. I’ll wait.

You’re displaying your own bigotry and don’t even know it.
I LOVE watching our ABNORMALS LOSE what little minds they have!

I LOVE watching our ABNORMALS LOSE what little minds they have!

And he’s still a pervert for thinking about sex when looking at a 10 year old girl; and so are you for defending such perversion.
I LOVE watching our ABNORMALS LOSE what little minds they have!

And he’s still a pervert for thinking about sex when looking at a 10 year old girl; and so are you for defending such perversion.
Where does he say having sex, you pervert? He commented on how pretty she is!.....making yourself look like an ass are really good at that!
I LOVE watching our ABNORMALS LOSE what little minds they have!

And he’s still a pervert for thinking about sex when looking at a 10 year old girl; and so are you for defending such perversion.
Where does he say having sex, you pervert? He commented on how pretty she is!.....making yourself look like an ass are really good at that!
Like he dated Marla Maples and Melanie Knavs, right, pervert?
I LOVE watching our ABNORMALS LOSE what little minds they have!

And he’s still a pervert for thinking about sex when looking at a 10 year old girl; and so are you for defending such perversion.
Where does he say having sex, you pervert? He commented on how pretty she is!.....making yourself look like an ass are really good at that!
Like he dated Marla Maples and Melanie Knavs, right, pervert?
John Edward's, pervert!....and those WOMEN were 10?....What an ass keep it up you ARE my entertainment!...ROTFLMFAO!
You are the one who is stupid. There is no national emergency as we are not at war and Washington is still functioning. The Army cannot arrest anyone.
Wars are not the only form of national emergency. The Commander in Chief can indeed direct the military to shore up the security on our national border. Why would you think otherwise?

The trouble is that the Congress is fully functional. The military cannot be used to enforce civilian law without Congressional approval. That is reality.
They cannot move money around without approval by Congress. They have to approve the money. Congress determines what the money will be used for. You clearly do not have any clue about how the Constitution works.
The military already has the money in their budget. It's pocket change to the Pentagon.
Its a misuse of power, according to General McChrystal.

And Posse Comitatus Act
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
We have a refugee problem on our border not a common defense problem on our border. The Proof under Any form of Capitalism is a lack of specific appropriations for that Discretionary public policy.
They cannot move money around without approval by Congress. They have to approve the money. Congress determines what the money will be used for. You clearly do not have any clue about how the Constitution works.
The military already has the money in their budget. It's pocket change to the Pentagon.
Its a misuse of power, according to General McChrystal.

And Posse Comitatus Act
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!

Trump cannot redirect military finances. Only the Congress can do that. They have the power of the purse and can cut off funding for any military operation.
Of course he can take money from one program and use it in another, and with 53 Senators with him and needed to change any financial maneuvers you can forget it!

He cannot without Congressional approval. Democrats will control the House so in this case 53 senators will be meaningless.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
The military already has the money in their budget. It's pocket change to the Pentagon.
Its a misuse of power, according to General McChrystal.

And Posse Comitatus Act
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
No, all Trump needs is a military budget passed and he signs...part of keeping the govt from shutting down!
The military already has the money in their budget. It's pocket change to the Pentagon.
Its a misuse of power, according to General McChrystal.

And Posse Comitatus Act
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!

Trump cannot redirect military finances. Only the Congress can do that. They have the power of the purse and can cut off funding for any military operation.
Of course he can take money from one program and use it in another, and with 53 Senators with him and needed to change any financial maneuvers you can forget it!

He cannot without Congressional approval. Democrats will control the House so in this case 53 senators will be meaningless.
Gets it done in the next 2 weeks, if smart will bring back obozocare bill that McLame fucked him on!

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