Military will build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer don't agree to pay for it: Trump

having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.

Yup and nothing said they had to give it back to Iran.

The money should have been left frozen right where it was.

Barry and Kerry gave it back and Iran used it to fund every terrorist organization in the world and to fund their nuke operation.
think that we had CONTROL of the money and 'mrobama' gave up that Control Flopper .
Now let’s compare that to what you initially said....
the money was OUR money until 'mrobama' gave the money to 'iran' Faun .
... the money was never OURS.

That is true, the money wasn't America's. But it also wasn't the Iranian Mullahs' money either.

So by giving it to these despots, B. Hussein O cheated the real owners of the money, the Iranian people.

The day will come, sooner rather than later, when the people of Iran will overrun the mullahs, gibbet their worthless carcasses as a warning to others, and will be looking to get their money back.

But since B. Hussein O gave their money to the people who were terrorizing Iran, they are going to be pissed. Would you be in favor of liberals being forced to replace that money?
having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.

Yup and nothing said they had to give it back to Iran.

The money should have been left frozen right where it was.

Barry and Kerry gave it back and Iran used it to fund every terrorist organization in the world and to fund their nuke operation.
It was a quid quo pro, we gave them back "their money" and they stopped the uranium enrichment. Now there is no deal with the US, no diplomatic relations, sanctions are back on, and Iran has announced their plans to continue nuclear enrichment. With other nations not honoring US sanctions, the only way we can stop Iran is to start another mid-east war. Trump has made another huge mistake because he doesn't understand the politics nor culture and all he is interested in doing is giving his base what they want, undoing an Obama agreement.
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having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.

Yup and nothing said they had to give it back to Iran.

The money should have been left frozen right where it was.

Barry and Kerry gave it back and Iran used it to fund every terrorist organization in the world and to fund their nuke operation.
It was a quid quo pro, we gave them back "their money" and they stopped the uranium enrichment. Now there is no deal with the US, no diplomatic relations, sanctions are back on, and Iran has announced their plans to continue nuclear enrichment. With other nations not honoring US sanctions, the only way we can stop Iran is to start another mid-east war. Trump has made another huge mistake because he doesn't understand the politics nor culture and all he is interested in doing is giving his base what they want, undoing an Obama agreement.

That's exactly it, its an OBAMA AGREEMENT. President Obama made a private compact with the Islamodevils in Teheran.

Had the President wanted to commit his successors, he would have had the treaty ratified by the US Senate- that's our constitution.
Our welfare clause is General. Where is the alleged power to build a wall?
Apparently for the wall Mueller is building
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

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View attachment 234104

The Army Corp of Engineers could build the wall. No sweat.

They have built far more difficult things than a wall.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

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It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
What do you think the extra BILLIONS in the military bill are for...more money to IRAN, as the traitorous Obomanation did?
Perv, Obama didn’t give our money to Iran.
------------------------------------------ sure he did , the money was OUR money until 'mrobama' gave the money to 'iran' Faun .
You cultists are brain-dead. The money was Iranian money frozen in bank accounts overseas. What Obama did was get the money released. It wasn't OUR money.

For brain dead Trump followers think it’s our money. In reality it’s Iran money frozen for many years.

You know what I think? These people can not be this dumb. I think these people are born Jan. 1, 2017 after Trump boi got elected. Suddenly they became an expert.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
View attachment 234104

The Army Corp of Engineers could build the wall. No sweat.

They have built far more difficult things than a wall.
Upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure is more cost effective.
It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
What do you think the extra BILLIONS in the military bill are for...more money to IRAN, as the traitorous Obomanation did?
Perv, Obama didn’t give our money to Iran.
------------------------------------------ sure he did , the money was OUR money until 'mrobama' gave the money to 'iran' Faun .
You cultists are brain-dead. The money was Iranian money frozen in bank accounts overseas. What Obama did was get the money released. It wasn't OUR money.

For brain dead Trump followers think it’s our money. In reality it’s Iran money frozen for many years.

You know what I think? These people can not be this dumb. I think these people are born Jan. 1, 2017 after Trump boi got elected. Suddenly they became an expert.
---------------------------------------- USA had CONTROL of the money and 'mrobama' gave the money to Americas Enemy Char .
having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.

Yup and nothing said they had to give it back to Iran.

The money should have been left frozen right where it was.

Barry and Kerry gave it back and Iran used it to fund every terrorist organization in the world and to fund their nuke operation.
It was a quid quo pro, we gave them back "their money" and they stopped the uranium enrichment. Now there is no deal with the US, no diplomatic relations, sanctions are back on, and Iran has announced their plans to continue nuclear enrichment. With other nations not honoring US sanctions, the only way we can stop Iran is to start another mid-east war. Trump has made another huge mistake because he doesn't understand the politics nor culture and all he is interested in doing is giving his base what they want, undoing an Obama agreement.

That's exactly it, its an OBAMA AGREEMENT. President Obama made a private compact with the Islamodevils in Teheran.

Had the President wanted to commit his successors, he would have had the treaty ratified by the US Senate- that's our constitution.
Today, most international agreements are executive agreements. Both parties have used it extensively due to the difficulty of getting a 2/3 majority in the Senate.

Walking out on the Iran nuclear deal was strictly political. Republicans hated the agreement because it was another victory for Obama, an agreement republicans had been seeking for 30 years. Trump was fulfilling a campaign promise when he cancelled the deal.

Cancelling the deal has accomplished nothing except making the validity of US agreements even more questionable in the eyes of the world. With Russia, China, Turkey, and a number of EU countries pledging to continue trade with Iran, ignoring US sanctions, the probably of a new agreement is in doubt. As Rouhani said, why should Iran enter into another agreement with another US president. US agreements are not worth the paper they are printed on.
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having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.

Yup and nothing said they had to give it back to Iran.

The money should have been left frozen right where it was.

Barry and Kerry gave it back and Iran used it to fund every terrorist organization in the world and to fund their nuke operation.
It was a quid quo pro, we gave them back "their money" and they stopped the uranium enrichment. Now there is no deal with the US, no diplomatic relations, sanctions are back on, and Iran has announced their plans to continue nuclear enrichment. With other nations not honoring US sanctions, the only way we can stop Iran is to start another mid-east war. Trump has made another huge mistake because he doesn't understand the politics nor culture and all he is interested in doing is giving his base what they want, undoing an Obama agreement.

That's exactly it, its an OBAMA AGREEMENT. President Obama made a private compact with the Islamodevils in Teheran.

Had the President wanted to commit his successors, he would have had the treaty ratified by the US Senate- that's our constitution.
Today, most international agreements are executive agreements because both parties have used it extensively due to the difficulty of getting a 2/3 majority in the Senate.

Walking out on the Iran nuclear deal was strictly political. Republicans hated the agreement because it was another victory for Obama, an agreement republicans had been seeking for 30 years. Trump was fulfilling a campaign promise when he cancelled the deal.

Cancelling the deal has accomplished nothing except making the validity of US agreements even more questionable in the eyes of the world. With Russia, China, Turkey, and a number of EU countries pledging to continue trade with Iran, ignoring US sanctions, the probably of a new agreement is in doubt. As Rouhani said, why should Iran enter into another agreement with another US president. US agreements are not worth the paper they are printed on.

The problem with the Iran deal was the fact that Obama made massive payoffs to the Iranian mullahs- money that the Iranian people will need to rebuild their country when the mullahs' heads are displayed on pikes in Teheran.

If Iran doesn't want to honor the deal, they should repay the money.
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
No, all Trump needs is a military budget passed and he signs...part of keeping the govt from shutting down!

The Defense Department's budget has already passed. This is not a part of the budget bill they are negotiating.
Then what are they negotiating?

They are negotiating a spending bill for the other 25% of the government.
Why DemonRATS really FEAR trumps Wall

Why should the U.S. build a better wall on the southern border? House Majority Whip Steve Scalise offered a clear and candid rationale during a Fox News appearance this week, telling host Mark Levin that 10 known terrorists are captured each day trying to breach the border. U.S. Customs and Border Protections also informed Congress that 3,029 people were apprehended in one day this month — deeming the occurrence a crisis.

Meanwhile, 21 percent of all potential migrants — an astonishing 158 million people — would like to come live in America if they could, according to a Gallup analysis, which found that the U.S. has remained the No. 1 destination for the last decade.

There is a viable rationale for border improvement. The wall, however, has become a showcase for President Trump’s foes, who wrap their opposition in humanitarian concerns — even though they have walls and barriers of every description around their own homes.

Talk radio kingpin Rush Limbaugh points out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are part of this group — and appear motivated by political concerns rather than moral calling.

“They could never, ever sign on to and assist in the funding and construction of a wall. You know why? Because walls work. These people that we’re talking about put walls around their homes and their estates. They know that walls work, and that’s precisely why there isn’t going to be one on the southern border, because if there ever is a wall, guess what? We finally will have control over who gets into this country and who doesn’t,” Mr. Limbaugh told his 14 million

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Scalise is a hateful idiot who is stupid to boot. There is no evidence of that as he is Arepeating Trump lies. Rush Limbaugh is another hateful ass wqho has put his brain in a blind trust. A wall is unnecessary.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
View attachment 234104

The Army Corp of Engineers could build the wall. No sweat.

They have built far more difficult things than a wall.

The money has to be appropriated by Congress.
having control means that the money was OUR's Faun .
Have you never heard the term, "held in trust for". Having control of money does not legally make it yours.
But just because the Mullahs in Tehran claim to be the legitimate government of the people of Iran does not make that so either.

We owed it to the people of Iran to hold that money until they had a truly representative form of government, and not one second before that.

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