Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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This whole thing is not about ranchers or ranching, it is about a criminal that has invited other criminals with guns to support his criminal endevours. And that is the way it will go down eventually.

He's not a criminal, and he's entitled to protect his own life and his own property. Though last I checked, tax evasion wasn't punishable by death...nor is withholding payment of anything.

And despite all this that's gone down..not even the most rabid lunatics have claimed that any on Bundy's side has threatened ANYBODY.
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I like how these tools take Whinstein's word for it with no proof. And if it were on the other shoe, they would be the first to hand over their papers.
yet here you are solely attacking me.....get on point you two faced hypocrite maybe you should report yourself tattle tale

I referenced that the topic is the militia.

I will correct you every time you need correcting: fact.

the topic is militia

pound sand whiny tattle tale

now address my questions or admit defeat yet again

You got whipped hands down.

OK, this is done. :lol:
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He's not a criminal for letting his cows eat fucking grass, liberals. Good God, you people follow your ideology more dogmatically than fundementalist Muslims! " He didn't pay his grazing fees to Our holy federal government! Drone strike him & the entire town! After all, he used the word Negro and expressed an unpopular thought! Blow the militia men away with a NUKE! What're they doing trying to stick up for that old asshole! He said NEEEEGROOOOH! He let his cows eat GOVERNMENT GRASS! Why does the government own the grass? I don't know, but they say his cows ate a MILLION DOLLARS IN GOVERNMENT GRASS!"
And don't forget...people are there and they have scary rifles and stuff...even though they aren't breaking the law, and he's called for no violence whatever. KILL THOSE FUCKERS! How dare they interfere with tortoise habitat!
He's not a criminal for letting his cows eat fucking grass, liberals. Good God, you people follow your ideology more dogmatically than fundementalist Muslims! " He didn't pay his grazing fees to Our holy federal government! Drone strike him & the entire town! After all, he used the word Negro and expressed an unpopular thought! Blow the militia men away with a NUKE! What're they doing trying to stick up for that old asshole! He said NEEEEGROOOOH! He let his cows eat GOVERNMENT GRASS! Why does the government own the grass? I don't know, but they say his cows ate a MILLION DOLLARS IN GOVERNMENT GRASS!"

Seriously guy, take 10 MG of Valium, and breath deeply for about 25 minutes. You will be OK in the morning, I promise....
This whole thing is not about ranchers or ranching, it is about a criminal that has invited other criminals with guns to support his criminal endevours. And that is the way it will go down eventually.
WTF is wrong with you today? You trying to be ironic?
...and BTW, Lock. I agree with you. Bundy is not a criminal...yet. He is a debtor, hiding behind other people's guns to avoid the legal execution of a court order.

He is still a jerk, and he will lose, and lose big. I suspect that the man is going to die poor.
He's behind guns because guns were trained on him, his property stolen and destroyed.

Not the usual for failure to pay rent.


He's not a criminal for letting his cows eat fucking grass, liberals. Good God, you people follow your ideology more dogmatically than fundementalist Muslims! " He didn't pay his grazing fees to Our holy federal government! Drone strike him & the entire town! After all, he used the word Negro and expressed an unpopular thought! Blow the militia men away with a NUKE! What're they doing trying to stick up for that old asshole! He said NEEEEGROOOOH! He let his cows eat GOVERNMENT GRASS! Why does the government own the grass? I don't know, but they say his cows ate a MILLION DOLLARS IN GOVERNMENT GRASS!"

Seriously guy, take 10 MG of Valium, and breath deeply for about 25 minutes. You will be OK in the morning, I promise....
That's a mildly overexagerrated description of what the liberals here sound like.
I'm in a great mood. Libs need to be mocked about this, so I'm going to mock them. Y'all don't get to have all the fun!
Yes, it has gone full circle. These militia guys, most from Montana and Idaho, are stopping drivers in the Bundy ranch area, and demanding to see ID's with proof of residency. They do this, while carrying high powered weapons. They do this to "restore liberty". The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT. They have, indeed, become terrorists, in that their tactics are now full scale intimidation of the public. As for me, I have no problem whatsoever with law enforcement agencies doing their duty and doing whatever it takes to enforce the law.

Nevada Militia Sets Up Armed Checkpoints, Demands to See Drivers' I.D.
I think they're just trying to protect the ranch against the feds. It's a touchy situation.
Look at all those criminals..someone needs to send drones in and take them out!

They should just roll them over with tanks like they do in China! And then slaughter all their cows and have the president over for a BBQ! A MILLION DOLLARS IN GOVERnMENT GRASS! Do you know how many grass dolls we could've made with that much GRASS?! I feel so CHEATED!
iraq and afghanistan? lmao. the lunacy of far lefties is amazing. tell many people have they killed? how many bullets fired?

Yurt supports far right banditry. But we all knew that.

i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry.

edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole

jakey? still can't back up your claim?

Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard
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