Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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The feds should maybe use drones as those nuts are looking for human confrontation

Is that instead of, or in addition to rounding up all white people and putting them in death camps, Batshit?

And with that statement, Uncensored, you defined that you are batshit crazy.

That kind of thinking is what the GOP mainstream will not accept. Tuff to be you.
so you can't explain that they don't wear uniforms, are not organized etc.....but they are just like the SA...and you're still too fucking stupid to realize that calling yourself X does not make you X. it says they call themselves militia for SYMPATHY, --> NOTE --> not that they are actually militia you ignorant tool.

got it you lying wannabe go run to the mods and report me you whiny bitch

The definitions are correct, the militia down at Bunkerville fit into one of them.

That you don't like it is immaterial.

yes....the do fit into "one of them"....the militia definition :lol:

Thank you for agreeing. Any more quarreling about it will be trolling.
The definitions are correct, the militia down at Bunkerville fit into one of them.

That you don't like it is immaterial.

yes....the do fit into "one of them"....the militia definition :lol:

Thank you for agreeing. Any more quarreling about it will be trolling.


how is they are not paramilitary, e.g., not like the SA, agreeing with you? and how is not agreeing with you trolling tattle tale?

you're an annoying tattle tale twat.
Yurt supports far right banditry. But we all knew that.

i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry. edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole

You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.


so me saying if this story is true, they are absolutely wrong, is me supporting them? wow....just wow. i seriously cannot believe how much you lie and yet are supported by far left wingers.....oh wait....yes i can.

how is insulting me on topic?
Another reason that Bundy is going to lose is that Las Vegas does NOT like publicity that is bad for tourism. For all practical purposes, Las Vegas controls Clark County, not the other way around. While it probably does not keep the powers that be awake at night as far as national news in concerned, stuff like this scares hell out of Asians, who see this as a potential civil war, like back home. When Vegas wants something, Vegas gets what it wants, and it wants Bundy and his band of merry men to STFU. They have ways to make that happen. I lived there for 10 years, and making the impossible happen in Clark County is business as usual for Vegas.
LOL on the militias trolling everyone with their 888 antics.

1488 Inshallah they will succeed in bringing down the Federal Tyranny.
What a bunch of garbage. It's lies being spread by fascists who want the feds to kill those guys.

The Gawker (the *source*) "Today's gossip is tomorrow's news"....

Fucking loons.

PS...since nobody has actually seen them doing what they are being accused of, there is no reason to arrest them.
i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry. edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole

You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.


so me saying if this story is true, they are absolutely wrong, is me supporting them? wow....just wow. i seriously cannot believe how much you lie and yet are supported by far left wingers.....oh wait....yes i can. how is insulting me on topic?

Insulting you after all your nonsense today?

You have supported the bandits in Bunkerville: anyone can read this thread. That's on OP.

They meet the definition of a militia, which you simply will not accept, despite the fact.
Why is this lie of a thread still going on? I proved it was bogus from the jump some 3-5 pages back. The article is BS, claims that non-existent cattle ranchers in the area were complaining about militia checkpoints. NEWSFLASH! Cliven Bundy is THE LAST CATTLE RANCHER in Clark County. There are no other ranchers. Period. End of story.
This is The Gawker at their finest:

" the site published an article on a photo in the Lake Norman High School yearbook of a girl that appeared to be “lifting her graduation gown and exposing her hooha," according to court documents. Araya claimed that the story and an accompanying photo that blacked out her face and pelvic area misconstrued the situation and caused her severe emotional distress and extreme humiliation."

An 18 year old girl. This is who the left listens to, and proposes imprisonment and death for those the gawker lies about.

"Judge Voorhes said the Gawker article — which ran under the headline “Female High School Student Accused of Flashing Vagina in Yearbook,” according to the order — was closer to being a “lurid personal matter that captures only the voyeuristic attention of the people” rather than a public policy issue that rises to the level of public controversy.

“Repeated references to teenage genitalia, 'hoohas,' 'crotchbooks' and 'upskirting pedophiles,' coupled with a censored photograph of a young female, all tend to suggest a comedic and 'voyeuristic' journalist approach lacking in substance on the pressing policy issues of the day," the ruling said."

Gawker Can't Shed Libel Suit Over Graduation Flasher Post - Law360
The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT.[/url]
Last Man Standing | Washington Free Beacon
"Cliven Bundy, the last rancher in Clark County, Nev., has been fighting a “one-man range war”*since 1993, when he decided to take a stand against the agency, refusing to pay fees for the right to graze on a ranch run by his family for centuries."

Nuff said.
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The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT.[/url]
Last Man Standing | Washington Free Beacon
"Cliven Bundy, the last rancher in Clark County, Nev., has been fighting a “one-man range war”*since 1993, when he decided to take a stand against the agency, refusing to pay fees for the right to graze on a ranch run by his family for centuries."

Nuff said.

Dumb fucks, that ranch has been in the Bundy family since 1948. Only since 1948.
No need to cry because your buddy's thread was easy to debunk.
The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT.[/url]
Last Man Standing | Washington Free Beacon
"Cliven Bundy, the last rancher in Clark County, Nev., has been fighting a “one-man range war”*since 1993, when he decided to take a stand against the agency, refusing to pay fees for the right to graze on a ranch run by his family for centuries."

Nuff said.

Dumb fucks, that ranch has been in the Bundy family since 1948. Only since 1948.
Missing in Action - Let's Talk Nevada

Eyewitnesses tell neighbors that in the wake of the BLM stand down on April 12, heavily armed marauders were driving around Mesquite intimidating hotel employees and openly carrying handguns into restaurants and stores. Others claim there were telephone threats. Yet others say armed gunman were screaming “Victory!” from the back of pickup trucks as they drove through town. This was after the I-15 was shut down where vigilantes pointed loaded assault rifles at federal officers.

Now I appreciate Barton’s frankness and accessibility. He’s a terrific City Manager who has to take his orders from City Council and the Mayor. His comments walked the line so he didn’t offend Cliven’s clan or the torch & pitchfork crowd while attempting to tamp down fears of horrified residents.

Let’s see. The City is neither for nor against the Bundys and it wasn’t our fight. Are you serious?

Bundy’s had 20 years of days in court where he lost every legal battle, wracked up $1 million in overdue taxes & fees and he continues to graze his cattle illegally on public land. He doesn’t believe the federal government exists, demanded the sheriff bring guns belonging to federal agents to him, has surrounded himself with an anti-government civilian army and he’s talking directly to his God.
You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.


so me saying if this story is true, they are absolutely wrong, is me supporting them? wow....just wow. i seriously cannot believe how much you lie and yet are supported by far left wingers.....oh wait....yes i can. how is insulting me on topic?

Insulting you after all your nonsense today?

You have supported the bandits in Bunkerville: anyone can read this thread. That's on OP.

They meet the definition of a militia, which you simply will not accept, despite the fact.

? if the story is true, "they are absolutely wrong" is me supporting them. good lord you are fracking lying tool fakey.

i said they are militia you senile old fool. i said they are not like the SA because they are militia.

i can't believe you are this stupid or senile. i don't understand how anyone on this board believes a word you say. my entire point is that they ARE militia and NOT paramilitary like the SA.

jeeze my gosh.....i seriously can't believe how dishonest you are.
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Yurt supports far right banditry. But we all knew that.

i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry. edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole

You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.

yet here you are solely attacking me.....get on point you two faced hypocrite

maybe you should report yourself tattle tale
There's absolutely no evidence that the militia are doing anything illegal or even vaguely threatening. My guess is that bundy keeps armed men around him for obvious reasons. And the cowards posting on this thread think someone should shoot him.

That's why he has an armed guard. I could see some loon like OR or fakey trying to plug him in the back.
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