Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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again, you fail to recognize and admit these guys are NOTHING like the SA. they are not organized, they have no structure and are anything but paramilitary. and you have yet to cite a single thing that justifies your comparison. simply more fakey lies. why is it you NEVER back up your claims?

further, just because a group uses a word to "to accentuate their populist origins" does not in fact make them militias. do you know how to read? it clearly states they are calling themselves a militia to accentuate their populist origns, NOT that they are in fact militias.

you have the britannica saying they are paramilitary. they do not say they are militia. all you have is some left wing rag calling them militia. i'll stick the encyclopedia and not some leftist rag. though no surprise you would use a far leftist rag to back up your point mr. republican. :lol:

Thank you for staying on track; I am glad you paid attention.

The first link above describes your boys that you support down in Bunkerville. "Today various paramilitary organizations, from U.S. white supremacists to revolutionaries in the developing world, use the term militia to accentuate their populist origins."

You are wrong.

so you can't explain that they don't wear uniforms, are not organized etc.....but they are just like the SA...and you're still too fucking stupid to realize that calling yourself X does not make you X. it says they call themselves militia for SYMPATHY, --> NOTE --> not that they are actually militia you ignorant tool.

got it you lying wannabe go run to the mods and report me you whiny bitch

I don't have to because you are not the expert.

The definitions are correct, and you are not.
nazi SA:



in fakey's mind the militia in NV all had uniforms, were funded by president obama and support nazi idealism.


what an idiot you are jakey

fakey phears this post

The SA were the Nazi militia, one of several kinds of militia.
again, you fail to recognize and admit these guys are NOTHING like the SA. they are not organized, they have no structure and are anything but paramilitary. and you have yet to cite a single thing that justifies your comparison. simply more fakey lies. why is it you NEVER back up your claims?

further, just because a group uses a word to "to accentuate their populist origins" does not in fact make them militias. do you know how to read? it clearly states they are calling themselves a militia to accentuate their populist origns, NOT that they are in fact militias.

you have the britannica saying they are paramilitary. they do not say they are militia. all you have is some left wing rag calling them militia. i'll stick the encyclopedia and not some leftist rag. though no surprise you would use a far leftist rag to back up your point mr. republican. :lol:

Thank you for staying on track; I am glad you paid attention.

The first link above describes your boys that you support down in Bunkerville. "Today various paramilitary organizations, from U.S. white supremacists to revolutionaries in the developing world, use the term militia to accentuate their populist origins."

You are wrong.

so you can't explain that they don't wear uniforms, are not organized etc.....but they are just like the SA...and you're still too fucking stupid to realize that calling yourself X does not make you X. it says they call themselves militia for SYMPATHY, --> NOTE --> not that they are actually militia you ignorant tool.

got it you lying wannabe go run to the mods and report me you whiny bitch

The definitions are correct, the militia down at Bunkerville fit into one of them.

That you don't like it is immaterial.
another dunce that didn't look to see if there's any proof.

quelling surprise as hard as I can

Proof of what? That these idiots are making Nevada look like Iraq and Afghanistan. This it the RW loons definition of Freedom? Putin should be very proud of these terrorist.

iraq and afghanistan? lmao. the lunacy of far lefties is amazing. tell many people have they killed? how many bullets fired?

Yurt supports far right banditry. But we all knew that.
NV lawmaker presses sheriff to probe Bundy militiamen - FOX5 Vegas - KVVU

"I am greatly concerned about the safety and well-being of my constituents after meeting with local community members this past week. I urge Sheriff Gillespie to investigate these reports, as this sort of intimidation cannot be tolerated," Horsford said.

Horsford's letter claims community members informed him armed militia members have set up checkpoints where residents are required to prove they live in the area before being allowed to pass and have established a presence along highways and roads, as well as in community areas, including churches and schools.

"We must respect individual constitutional liberties, but residents of and visitors to Clark County should not be expected to live under the persistent watch of an armed militia," Horsford wrote in the letter. "Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community. I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community [to] move forward without incident."
Proof of what? That these idiots are making Nevada look like Iraq and Afghanistan. This it the RW loons definition of Freedom? Putin should be very proud of these terrorist.

iraq and afghanistan? lmao. the lunacy of far lefties is amazing. tell many people have they killed? how many bullets fired?

Yurt supports far right banditry. But we all knew that.

i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry.

edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole
Yes, it has gone full circle. These militia guys, most from Montana and Idaho, are stopping drivers in the Bundy ranch area, and demanding to see ID's with proof of residency. They do this, while carrying high powered weapons. They do this to "restore liberty". The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT. They have, indeed, become terrorists, in that their tactics are now full scale intimidation of the public. As for me, I have no problem whatsoever with law enforcement agencies doing their duty and doing whatever it takes to enforce the law.

Nevada Militia Sets Up Armed Checkpoints, Demands to See Drivers' I.D.

Sure, I believe you and the hate site you copied it from.

After all, you leftists are such honest folk, especially when you're engaged in demagoguery, trashing enemies of the party....

iraq and afghanistan? lmao. the lunacy of far lefties is amazing. tell many people have they killed? how many bullets fired?

They are setting up checkpoints. Where is their authority? If I were stopped, I would drive through. Would they fire their weapons then? You and they are defining freedom in the same was as Stalin and Putin. These people need to go home and work, or maybe the GOP is funding them?

and you have proof they are setting up checkpoints? please provide it.

Sheriff urged to clamp down on armed militiamen around Bundy ranch - Las Vegas Sun News

Get a life.
Thank you for staying on track; I am glad you paid attention.

The first link above describes your boys that you support down in Bunkerville. "Today various paramilitary organizations, from U.S. white supremacists to revolutionaries in the developing world, use the term militia to accentuate their populist origins."

You are wrong.

so you can't explain that they don't wear uniforms, are not organized etc.....but they are just like the SA...and you're still too fucking stupid to realize that calling yourself X does not make you X. it says they call themselves militia for SYMPATHY, --> NOTE --> not that they are actually militia you ignorant tool.

got it you lying wannabe go run to the mods and report me you whiny bitch

The definitions are correct, the militia down at Bunkerville fit into one of them.

That you don't like it is immaterial.

yes....the do fit into "one of them"....the militia definition

They are setting up checkpoints. Where is their authority? If I were stopped, I would drive through. Would they fire their weapons then? You and they are defining freedom in the same was as Stalin and Putin. These people need to go home and work, or maybe the GOP is funding them?

and you have proof they are setting up checkpoints? please provide it.

Sheriff urged to clamp down on armed militiamen around Bundy ranch - Las Vegas Sun News

Get a life.

allegations are not proof moron
Thank you for staying on track; I am glad you paid attention.

The first link above describes your boys that you support down in Bunkerville. "Today various paramilitary organizations, from U.S. white supremacists to revolutionaries in the developing world, use the term militia to accentuate their populist origins."

You are wrong.

so you can't explain that they don't wear uniforms, are not organized etc.....but they are just like the SA...and you're still too fucking stupid to realize that calling yourself X does not make you X. it says they call themselves militia for SYMPATHY, --> NOTE --> not that they are actually militia you ignorant tool.

got it you lying wannabe go run to the mods and report me you whiny bitch

I don't have to because you are not the expert.

The definitions are correct, and you are not.

the definitions do not support your opinion. you retardedly misunderstood that certain groups claiming they are militia, makes them militia.

you are a senile old fool fakey. HINT: claiming you are something, doesn't make it so. and most certainly does not prove your claim. the definitions speak of two different groups and you somehow believe the definitions are correct, but that i am not.

do you realize how insane you sound? yes yurt, the definitions, which describe two different groups are correct, but you are not for saying they are two different groups.

Militias should always remember that the Posse Comitatus Act (forbidding the use of military for law enforcement) does not apply to armed insurrections against the federal government. Article I, Section 8 specifically grants the power "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;". Keyword being "suppress insurrections". If an armed group refuses to accept the authority of the federal government, the Feds are constitutionally authorized to hit 'em with a drone strike.

That's not the smartest tactic to start with, being one shouldn't create martyrs and put innocents at risk unnecessarily, but it is constitutionally allowable. The Rambos need to get it through their heads that sitting in the desert with a rifle is only scaring the locals, not the feds.
you calling me a dunce is a joke. mmmmkay?


Now him claiming he could eat more bon bons than you would be a joke!

But calling you a dunce seems perfectly reasonable, though hate filled, mindless demagogue is probably more accurate.

you raise arms against your government and threaten civilian populations, you're a terrorist.

Obedience in all cases, eh? You Khmer Rouge types have it all figured out..


I hope that makes it simple enough so that even you understand.

That you're a mindless thug and a partisan hack? Yeah, I think we got that... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You have seen multiple reports from multiple news agencies on these loons, including a FOX affiliate. They are harassing the locals and they will be asked to leave.

only allegations

which are not proof

if a thousand people repeat a false allegation, guess what, does not make the allegation true
Militias should always remember that the Posse Comitatus Act (forbidding the use of military for law enforcement) does not apply to armed insurrections against the federal government. Article I, Section 8 specifically grants the power "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;". Keyword being "suppress insurrections". If an armed group refuses to accept the authority of the federal government, the Feds are constitutionally authorized to hit 'em with a drone strike.

That's not the smartest tactic to start with, being one shouldn't create martyrs and put innocents at risk unnecessarily, but it is constitutionally allowable. The Rambos need to get it through their heads that sitting in the desert with a rifle is only scaring the locals, not the feds.

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