Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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The militia that showed up are in fact terrorists, though. They're on video training sniper rifles on law enforcement officials who, as far as any case that has been made, were not breaking any laws themselves.

Bull shit. Link?

Are you serious? It was national news. wow.


In my county in AZ, this man is already guilty of the crime of "Brandishing a deadly weapon for the purpose of assault or intimidation".
SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers, or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen, or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power

SA (Nazi organization) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

poor fakey, gets it wrong again

Exacty it was the Nazi's private militia, and the militia down at Bunkerville have the same disregard for constituted law and authority as did the Nazi militia.

and was hitler private brown shirts before he took power

Wrong, he had the STOSSTRUPPE ADOLF HITLER. Really, your ignorance is truly astounding.

That's one dumb ass. Looks like he was gran-standing for the press. No surprise that he's an ex government employee.

The very first note on youtube about that video states:

Sheriff Mack is not connected to the Bundy Ranch - he just has a big mouth that seeks attention. The Bundy's have disavowed and distanced themselves from him, and the only participation you'll see from this loudmouth is from behind a microphone. You are free to agree or disagree with the position the Bundy's have taken, but please don't think for an instant that this clown is any part of the organization. He's not, and a quick internet search will prove it.

This is sort of like when a nazi shows up at a tea party event, or a democrat convention does not mean the tea party or democrats are nazi.

But then i'm sure you knew that when you posted it. This cause you are a stupid piece of shit, right?
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Of course they are, ranging from informal to organized by entity.

The mullah's militia in Fallujah fought for Islam.

The SA was ready to brawl for fascism.

Aaaand fakey strikes again, ignoring a dictionaries definition to support his own personal unsurprising.
My best guess is the Oath Takers are going to resume the fight for liberty at their new battle station in the North Las Vegas Pussycat strip club tonight, before regrouping for maneuvers at the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump.
The Sheriff in Mesquite doesn't know anything about it. That's pretty much and indictment on the falsity of the claim.

i had a strong hunch this claim was BS

Katzndogz is as usual, the one that is trying to pass off totally fraudulent bullshit. First, there is no Sheriff in Mesquite. The Sheriff is a Clark County position and he is the one investigating the allegations that were given to him by the elected member of Congress for that area's district at the request of Bunkerville and area residents.
The Chief of Police for Mesquite, Chief Tanner, commented that despite the reported incidents of problems with the militia members, Mesquite police would stay focused on their prime mission of keeping the residents safe. His comment to the community are published at the Mesquite PD webb site and several local papers.
The poster calling KatznDogz a liar is a compulsive liar themselves. There is a Clark County Sheriff's Office in Mesquite. Link: SCAN.pdf

The addy is: 500 Hillside Drive, Mesquite,NV,89027
# is 702-346-8758

liberals...they make themselves look so stupid

And the MPD statement says there was never much to worry about. Poor Camp, trying to mix in lies with reality like we cannot find out. Lol
militias are not organized like an army you ignorant tard. i bet you didn't even click on the definitions. these guy in NV are not organized like an army. they are nothing remotely akin to the SA. which you still have yet to show what these guys have done that is the same as the SA. typical lying jakey, make a claim then never back it up. you have zero cred on this forum. your ignorance is truly humorous.

I love it when your arguments collapse. Militias go from the unorganized to the very organized.

Today various paramilitary organizations, from U.S. white supremacists to revolutionaries in the developing world, use the term militia to accentuate their populist origins. Militia - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

In 1920 the newly formed German Workers' Party needed its own militia group to ... On 4th November 1921 the Nazi party ...
Nazi Germany - Stormtroopers SA

Jan 06, 2014 · The government of Iraq has lost control of the city of Fallujah. An Islamist militia linked ... the group that's linked to al-Qaida is called the Islamic ...
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again, you fail to recognize and admit these guys are NOTHING like the SA. they are not organized, they have no structure and are anything but paramilitary. and you have yet to cite a single thing that justifies your comparison. simply more fakey lies. why is it you NEVER back up your claims?

further, just because a group uses a word to "to accentuate their populist origins" does not in fact make them militias. do you know how to read? it clearly states they are calling themselves a militia to accentuate their populist origns, NOT that they are in fact militias.

you have the britannica saying they are paramilitary. they do not say they are militia. all you have is some left wing rag calling them militia. i'll stick the encyclopedia and not some leftist rag. though no surprise you would use a far leftist rag to back up your point mr. republican.

Hey Camp! Ask for Sheriff Thurston when you call to verify! Lol

There is no Sheriff Thurston to call and verify. Duane L Thurston at the address and phone number you provided is the Township Constable and his office is housed with the Mesquite PD. Maybe he has a shared title as Deputy? Did Constable Thurston make a comment about the militia situation in Mesquite?
again, you fail to recognize and admit these guys are NOTHING like the SA. they are not organized, they have no structure and are anything but paramilitary. and you have yet to cite a single thing that justifies your comparison. simply more fakey lies. why is it you NEVER back up your claims?

further, just because a group uses a word to "to accentuate their populist origins" does not in fact make them militias. do you know how to read? it clearly states they are calling themselves a militia to accentuate their populist origns, NOT that they are in fact militias.

you have the britannica saying they are paramilitary. they do not say they are militia. all you have is some left wing rag calling them militia. i'll stick the encyclopedia and not some leftist rag. though no surprise you would use a far leftist rag to back up your point mr. republican.


You guys are debating a definition that is debated by folks who publish dictionaries. Really. The definitions for militia's vs. paramilitaries are different from site to site, dictionary to dictionary.
nazi SA:



in fakey's mind the militia in NV all had uniforms, were funded by president obama and support nazi idealism.


what an idiot you are jakey
Hey Camp! Ask for Sheriff Thurston when you call to verify! Lol

There is no Sheriff Thurston to call and verify. Duane L Thurston at the address and phone number you provided is the Township Constable and his office is housed with the Mesquite PD. Maybe he has a shared title as Deputy? Did Constable Thurston make a comment about the militia situation in Mesquite?

The constable is a member of the sheriff's office, not sure if this is always the case..I think in TX they're seperate entities. Anyway, the fact is you claimed KatznDogz couldn't get ahold of a sheriff in Mesquite and he most certainly can.
The poster calling KatznDogz a liar is a compulsive liar themselves. There is a Clark County Sheriff's Office in Mesquite. Link: 3.2013 SCAN.pdf

The addy is: 500 Hillside Drive, Mesquite,NV,89027
# is 702-346-8758

liberals...they make themselves look so stupid

I am so used to liberals lying I just put it down to their breathing. Same thing.

This complaint comes from one of Harry Reid's friends. Why The sheriff hasn't got any complaints. For that matter, the highway to Mesquite is I15. That's a major artery. It goes all the way to California. Were there militia checkpoints and the Nevada highway patrol never noticed? This whole story stinks and liberals like smelling Harry Reid's ass.
again, you fail to recognize and admit these guys are NOTHING like the SA. they are not organized, they have no structure and are anything but paramilitary. and you have yet to cite a single thing that justifies your comparison. simply more fakey lies. why is it you NEVER back up your claims?

further, just because a group uses a word to "to accentuate their populist origins" does not in fact make them militias. do you know how to read? it clearly states they are calling themselves a militia to accentuate their populist origns, NOT that they are in fact militias.

you have the britannica saying they are paramilitary. they do not say they are militia. all you have is some left wing rag calling them militia. i'll stick the encyclopedia and not some leftist rag. though no surprise you would use a far leftist rag to back up your point mr. republican.


You guys are debating a definition that is debated by folks who publish dictionaries. Really. The definitions for militia's vs. paramilitaries are different from site to site, dictionary to dictionary.

see post 157 and get back to me
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