Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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i do? "we all"? do you have a mouse in your pocket liar? name one stance or post of mine that supports your claim i support far right banditry. edit: btw....your off topic trolling is noted two faced asshole

You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.

yet here you are solely attacking me.....get on point you two faced hypocrite maybe you should report yourself tattle tale

I referenced that the topic is the militia.

I will correct you every time you need correcting: fact.
KCSG Television - Mesquite Public Safety Statement
"During the Bundy and Bureau of Land Management dispute, there were indeed a few criminal incidents that did take place in Mesquite, however they were few in number and never was anyone or their safety at immediate risk. Each incident was either investigated or is currently in the process of being investigated. The outcome of each of the incidents does not pose a threat or risk to residents or visitors of our community. If a public safety concern were to arise the Mesquite Police Department would make immediate notifications to the public."

Now quit clutching your pearls & untangle your panties, libs!
Missing in Action - Let's Talk Nevada

Eyewitnesses tell neighbors that in the wake of the BLM stand down on April 12, heavily armed marauders were driving around Mesquite intimidating hotel employees and openly carrying handguns into restaurants and stores. Others claim there were telephone threats. Yet others say armed gunman were screaming “Victory!” from the back of pickup trucks as they drove through town. This was after the I-15 was shut down where vigilantes pointed loaded assault rifles at federal officers.

Now I appreciate Barton’s frankness and accessibility. He’s a terrific City Manager who has to take his orders from City Council and the Mayor. His comments walked the line so he didn’t offend Cliven’s clan or the torch & pitchfork crowd while attempting to tamp down fears of horrified residents.

Let’s see. The City is neither for nor against the Bundys and it wasn’t our fight. Are you serious?

Bundy’s had 20 years of days in court where he lost every legal battle, wracked up $1 million in overdue taxes & fees and he continues to graze his cattle illegally on public land. He doesn’t believe the federal government exists, demanded the sheriff bring guns belonging to federal agents to him, has surrounded himself with an anti-government civilian army and he’s talking directly to his God.
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You were corrected, get over it. The issue is about the militia, which you are supporting in spirit in this thread. I am on OP and I suggest you get there.

yet here you are solely attacking me.....get on point you two faced hypocrite maybe you should report yourself tattle tale

I referenced that the topic is the militia.

I will correct you every time you need correcting: fact.

the topic is militia

pound sand whiny tattle tale

now address my questions or admit defeat yet again
I don't care what you call them, or what they call themselves, they are criminals, as should be treated as such.
They aren't criminals. Some Dem politician is pretending that he's been contacted by unnamed people complaining about unspecified events.

Law enforcement said they've dealt with the few issues that came up.

So, hmmm..who do we believe?

Statist pukes want to kill rural landowners. That's what it comes down to. That's all it has ever been about.
What bullshit. Some of my relatives own ranches in Eastern Oregon. They pay their grazing fees, and are not being put out of business by the government. Rural landowners are under pressure because so many of the extractive businesses that were there foremerly, have moved and consolidated. A mill that used to employ 100 people now, with automatic machiner, employes 25, and cuts more lumber. You see, it takes a very large ranch to support a family as well as a middle class wage job does. And ranching is a 24/7 job. So those on small holdings required at least a part time job to make ends meet. And the jobs just are not there.
I don't care what you call them, or what they call themselves, they are criminals, as should be treated as such.

The only time I carry a gun is when I am traveling across the desert, whether it is in my home state of AZ, or visiting my daughter in NV. I don't carry it to be macho. I carry it to protect myself if I find myself stranded in the desert at the mercy of drug runners from Mexico, or kooks from the Right. NV, especially is full of hermits that live in the middle of nowhere who do not have all their mental ducks in a row. NV no longer recognizes AZ Concealed weapon permits, since they hand them out down here like sticks of gum, so I can not wear it up there, but I sure as hell have it within reach in my car. I can guarantee that if someone with no legal authority were to try to stop me, while armed, they would meet Mr. 9 MM.
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Yes, they are being put out of business by the government. I'm from Eastern Oregon too, was married to a wheat farmer, and have relatives who ranch over there still. The lumber mills closed because the government closed the forests to save owls, and put most of the rural citizens of Oregon out of work. It had nothing to do with needing fewer workers. It had to do with the government telling people they couldn't log. In Eastern Oregon, the government is eternally telling people what land they may graze (including their own land) and what land they may not graze. I know ranchers who have been there for generations who are slowly being pushed out of the business by increasingly restrictive and punishing restrictions...taxes on all new equipment, restrictions on development, and government seizure of lands that are viewed as "wetlands". Ranchers required to fence off waterways, and not allow their cattle to access the water ON THEIR OWN LAND.

In other words, shut the fuck up, you lying statist. You want the feds to shoot rural landowners for nothing. You're disgusting. It's asswads like you who have destroyed Oregon, and who are trying to destroy the country as well.
I don't care what you call them, or what they call themselves, they are criminals, as should be treated as such.

As was the French resistance fighting the Vichy government. Our government has become the enemy no less than the collaborators of France were to the French people.
Yes, they are being put out of business by the government. I'm from Eastern Oregon too, was married to a wheat farmer, and have relatives who ranch over there still. The lumber mills closed because the government closed the forests to save owls, and put most of the rural citizens of Oregon out of work. It had nothing to do with needing fewer workers. It had to do with the government telling people they couldn't log. In Eastern Oregon, the government is eternally telling people what land they may graze (including their own land) and what land they may not graze. I know ranchers who have been there for generations who are slowly being pushed out of the business by increasingly restrictive and punishing restrictions...taxes on all new equipment, restrictions on development, and government seizure of lands that are viewed as "wetlands". Ranchers required to fence off waterways, and not allow their cattle to access the water ON THEIR OWN LAND.

In other words, shut the fuck up, you lying statist. You want the feds to shoot rural landowners for nothing. You're disgusting. It's asswads like you who have destroyed Oregon, and who are trying to destroy the country as well.

You are so full of shit. There are certain waterways that are required to be fenced because of the needs of the fish and other wildlife. And the fencing rule has been dropped from some of these areas as they recover. I know, because I fish some of these areas.

The spotted owl is a coastal problem. The majority of the timber in Eastern Oregon is Ponderosa pine. Grows slow, and if you over log an area, takes a long time to have full growth timber again.

Also, there is another problem for Eastern Oregon. Not as severe as in Nevada and Arizona, but it is still drying out. Began in Malhuer and Harney county, but is affecting all the counties clear up to the Columbia. And that is affecting the amount of cows the land can support, as well as the farming. Harney county had far more people in 1900 than it does today.
As I said, shut the fuck up you statist craphead. I know what grows where.

Keep your nose in your city and leave the people who grow your food and provide your electricity and cut down the timber for your house the fuck alone.
They aren't criminals. Some Dem politician is pretending that he's been contacted by unnamed people complaining about unspecified events.

Law enforcement said they've dealt with the few issues that came up.

So, hmmm..who do we believe?

Statist pukes want to kill rural landowners. That's what it comes down to. That's all it has ever been about.

They're even bigger pussies for wanting them to come down guns blazing on an elderly man, and justify doing so because he comes from a different time and used the word "Negro" and said some ignorant stuff..not out of hate, but oh well...let's condone the Feds murdering an old man because he is ignorant.

Scumbags, I tell you...
He lives in Oregon, as I do. He's an environmentalist who thinks the people who live and work in the sticks exist to provide him with food, shelter, and down-time nature hikes, devoid of any evidence of their presence.

In other words, an elitist puke who supports a feudal system, in which he imagines himself and like-minded city dwellers/environmentalists as members of the ruling class. They think private property should be removed from pesky land owners, and *held in trust* for the elite.
Once again, for those of you in denial;


I have assets on the ground, the State Police are watching the I15, but not acting over-zealous. There are NO roadblocks or Checkpoints set up currently. About 1000 pro-liberty folks onsite. Including Militia, IIIpers, Oathkeepers and locals.

And for those traveling, NV STATE Law prohibits long guns with one in the chamber. Just secure your arms and don’t be an idiot.

That story comes out of a Group called Operation Mutual Aid (OMA) The call themselves a Militia and are good at getting on TV but they are not part of OUR network. The story was a Militiaman’s (Ryan Payne) brother and his wife and kids got pulled. He apparently had loaded weapons and “supposedly” the State Troopers took them. I have never had good relations with OMA. They stir shit up and put out a lot of sensationalist crap. I call BS on anything originating from them.

"There are no roadblocks or checkpoints currently setup". Now that about says it all.
He lives in Oregon, as I do. He's an environmentalist who thinks the people who live and work in the sticks exist to provide him with food, shelter, and down-time nature hikes, devoid of any evidence of their presence.

In other words, an elitist puke who supports a feudal system, in which he imagines himself and like-minded city dwellers/environmentalists as members of the ruling class. They think private property should be removed from pesky land owners, and *held in trust* for the elite.

You are simply a liar that puts words into peoples mouths that were never said.
This whole thing is not about ranchers or ranching, it is about a criminal that has invited other criminals with guns to support his criminal endevours. And that is the way it will go down eventually.
Old Rocks gets his old rocks off anticipating Waco #2 over grazing fees... That's pretty low if you ask me.
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