Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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Kill the criminal country people who dare to resist statist tyranny! They're stupid and should be safely trucked, then contained, in inner city hell holes, re-educated by statist crapheads, and have contraceptives piped to them via their water! They're dangerous, they must be stopped! And only elitist city dwellers should be allowed to enjoy the country. Serf trespassing in the king's forest is punishable by death! Kill! Kill!
Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard

Not by you, coward.

They will fight back. And the cities will starve.
This is the type of mentality America is dealing with

A very good article from ground Zero (bundy's ranch) in Nevada and the type of sludge and lunatic extremist white trash Bundy attracts from the wood work

"So they came to the desert to protect Bundy. They brought heavy weaponry — including a .50-caliber rifle that fires the same bullets that World War II fighter planes used to down enemy aircraft. They brought night-vision goggles. They brought their beliefs — some would call them delusions — that they are the last true patriots, fighting an oppressive government."

These are the extremists in what they say is a campaign to preserve American freedom and fight the federal bullies. Bundy’s fight provided the airtime for their message.

“They don’t believe in the power of a democratically elected government,” said David Bennett, a history professor at Syracuse University who studies political extremism in America. “That’s clearly an extreme position. It’s confronting all government in the name of some view of individual rights that aren’t recognized in law or society other than these individuals.”

The world through militia eyes - Las Vegas Sun News
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Who are the brownshirt tyrants, again?


Yes...YESSS DOtCom! We should blow them to smithereens! Gas them! Nuke them! They dare defy the holiest of all, THE STATE? Their children should be impaled on posts along the highways as warning to all who oppose Chairman Obama and his secular theocracy! Trample their land, set it ablaze Oh Mighty BLM! That grass was sacred to our masters! And how dare he think he has the right to be an old man from a different time and use the word Negro? That's no excuse, he must think like us or die!
Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard

A few surgical drone strikes will take care of it, that how we have been taking care of terrorists around the world , and now we should do it to these terrorists at home :eusa_whistle:
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Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard

A few surgical drone strikes will take care of it, that how we have been taking care of terrorists around the world , and now we should do it to these terrorists at home :eusa_whistle:
Let's GeT IT ON! Ooooo YEAH! Make sure to execute the women & children too! Turrists r Turrists! Dew it fer 'Murkuh!
Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard

Actually, the brownshirts are the BLM cops. The ranchers are more akin to these folks...

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

German soldiers direct artillery against a pocket of resistance during the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Warsaw, Poland, April 19-May 16, 1943.

— US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Between July 22 and September 12, 1942, the German authorities deported or murdered around 300,000 Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. SS and police units deported 265,000 Jews to the Treblinka killing center and 11,580 to forced-labor camps. The Germans and their auxiliaries murdered more than 10,000 Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during the deportation operations. The German authorities granted only 35,000 Jews permission to remain in the ghetto, while more than 20,000 Jews remained in the ghetto in hiding. For the at least 55,000-60,000 Jews remaining in the Warsaw ghetto, deportation seemed inevitable.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

That being said, there is no doubt that Bundy is in the wrong. However, they does not warrant the use of para-military forces to try and round up his cattle. That was the BLM trying to make themselves look good, just like the ATF did in Waco.

If they were interested in enforcing the rule of law they could quite easily have placed a tax lien on all of Bundy's property and every time Bundy sold cattle the authorities would get their cash.

Instead they run in there and kill cattle and destroy property and now they have an illegal taking case on their hands. They could have come out smelling like roses, instead they have mired themselves in shit.
Kinda funny how these are the same assholes who protested against wars and police brutality, occasionally still do, like during the Occupy Wall Street thingy.

Bunch of morally deficient scum.
Looks like the situation we had with the Rajaneeshes in Oregon a while back. Ended up with a biological terrorism attack on the people of Wasco county on the Rajaneeshes part. Wonder how long before one of these rightwingnut tards shoots one of the local ranchers, or one of their kids. If that happens, the feds and state law had better move fast, or there will be a bunch of very dead wingnut militia strewn around the desert.

These brown shirt keystone cop wannabes need to be put down and put down hard

A few surgical drone strikes will take care of it, that how we have been taking care of terrorists around the world , and now we should do it to these terrorists at home :eusa_whistle:

Typical Stalinist, kill everyone who you don't like. Beria would have loved you.

I remember that time well when the states rights southern baptist crackers in jesusland had to be put down by the federal government, by sending troops in to take out the white trash, remember they kept yelling states rights , get the federal government out of our business, sure sounds like the trash now at the bundy ranch
The lefties LOVED the Rajneeshees. They would go there as tourists. They thought it was great that the local residents were pushed out of the area, and supplanted by communal, non-Christian people not only primarily from cities...but from other countries as well.

The locals who complained were reviled by the media, and by the statists who thought it was wonderful that such a diverse community sat down on top of the people who lived there.
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

I remember that time well when the states rights southern baptist crackers in jesusland had to be put down by the federal government, by sending troops in to take out the white trash, remember they kept yelling states rights , get the federal government out of our business, sure sounds like the trash now at the bundy ranch

No, it doesn't.

Nice try, though, lol.

That dog isn't attacking white trash. It's attacking a protester.

The trash that was taken out later was the trash
And the trash at Antelope (rajneeshpuram) were your bros as well:

"Almost 50% of Ranch residents came from cities of 100,000 or larger, an urban group, to be sure. 62% professed liberal or radical politics, and 36% said they were neither liberal nor conservative."

Of course that 36 percent were to the left of liberal...they were straight up progressive moonbats.

Rajneeshpuram Residents Profile | Osho News Online Magazine
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

"Subhuman"...the language of Goebbels...sure you lost relatives in the Holocaust....what a lying POS you are.
They dont have authority to set up roadblocks. So if they are doing so, they are breaking the law by illegally detaining people. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this story is a bunch of hooey like some say, those spreading lies need to seriously rethink their lives. People could die or be imprisoned.
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