Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

"Subhuman"...the language of Goebbels...sure you lost relatives in the Holocaust....what a lying POS you are.

He could be telling the truth. Just because his family may have suffered through it doesn't mean he learned anything from it.
jillian is Jewish, and she was first to scream "send the drones!"

Really, you can be Jewish and a raging progressive who supports the very policies that in WWii led to the decimation of the European Jewish population. I don't know how, but they often manage to pull it off.
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

As a black man & American patriot....I wish you would've went right along with your family so that we wouldn't have to read your garbage. Hitler was a piece of a shit, but so are you...both of you gone would be nice.

Really, you wish death on someone for disagreeing with you.
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

"Subhuman"...the language of Goebbels...sure you lost relatives in the Holocaust....what a lying POS you are.

He could be telling the truth. Just because his family may have suffered through it doesn't mean he learned anything from it.

No Jew I have ever known who lost family, has ever, or would ever, use that word.
He claims he's appalled because the comparison between nazi oppression and the oppression of the current regime was made...

Then compared Bundy to terrorists, lol.
Oh they think it's okay to refer to rural Christian Americans as subhuman. Again, it's not because they're jewish..their progressivism trumps that.
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

As a black man & American patriot....I wish you would've went right along with your family so that we wouldn't have to read your garbage. Hitler was a piece of a shit, but so are you...both of you gone would be nice.

Really, you wish death on someone for disagreeing with you.

No, for wishing death on people he disagrees with. I don't actually wish death on him, just wouldn't shed a tear if he did. The world would definitely be a better place without him. Sorry, but that's how I feel about punks like him.
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.
People have a right to defend themselves from tyrants. And it was jillian who first said that anyone should be taken out, with others following hot on her heels. So talk to them. I just said that the people they want to kill will fight back.
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.

No, fuck this ****. She is calling for an armed insurrection. She is a useless bitch who wants nothing more than a civil war. All she does is attack people who disagree with her while she claims to be Christian. She is nothing more than a pseudo-conservative, fake christian, militant militia ****.

And your calling for their massacre is any better?

How about both sides not be violent? Is that so radical?
This guy thinks because he is a Jew that he can't possibly be a fascist, well that'd be both historically and factually inaccurate...there are no Angels of the human race. There were Jews in the original Fascist Party of Italy before Hitler forced the pogroms. I have no problem with Jews, but hiding behind the holocaust while spouting the filth he did is disgusting. He is the epitome of the saying, "be careful when fighting monsters, lest you turn into a monster yourself'.
The ranchers weren't violent. They stood against the threat of violence.

And the statist pigs are calling for their annihilation and imprisonment.
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.

No, fuck this ****. She is calling for an armed insurrection. She is a useless bitch who wants nothing more than a civil war. All she does is attack people who disagree with her while she claims to be Christian. She is nothing more than a pseudo-conservative, fake christian, militant militia ****.

And your calling for their massacre is any better?

How about both sides not be violent? Is that so radical?

Where did I call for any massacre? Show me! Don't believe the ****!
And yea..I know I need to heed that message as much as anyone else. That guy literally made me hate him for a brief time, and I don't like that feeling.
No, fuck this ****. She is calling for an armed insurrection. She is a useless bitch who wants nothing more than a civil war. All she does is attack people who disagree with her while she claims to be Christian. She is nothing more than a pseudo-conservative, fake christian, militant militia ****.

And your calling for their massacre is any better?

How about both sides not be violent? Is that so radical?

Where did I call for any massacre? Show me! Don't believe the ****!

Takes two sides to fight a war.
Allow me to translate from limp wristed into adult;

Fuck, I reread the link and all those evul cons are right, it is just hear-say, but I'm to much of a pussy to admit I'm wrong, to I'm going to derail this thread and try to change the subject

You are stupidly trolling.

I read the link, there's no proof.

So go fuck yourself raw, and while you're doing that, grasp the idea that you're nothing but a leftist tool that's to dumb to read a link and learn that it's all hear-say
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