Militiamen Moving On


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

They're finished at the Bundy Ranch and heading for their next battle with the BLM.

Ryan Payne, a Montana resident who had been staying at the ranch for a month, said he drove eight hours to arrive in the eastern Utah town this morning. Three militia members from the ranch and a handful of people from a group called Citizens Action Network came to Utah, too, he said.

I wonder if this is going to go on all summer – perhaps even until November? Read more @ Militiamen move on from Bundy fight to next battle with BLM - Las Vegas Sun News
Recapture Canyon, home of ancient Native American artifacts and burial grounds. Closed by the BLM to motorized traffic for the last 7 years in a effort to preserve what has not yet been destroyed, the militia will be leading the struggle to get back the right for small special interest groups of hobbyist to destroy taxpayer owned property just for the fun of it.

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Well, they can't hang around forever. Now they'll probably SWAT the place and blow everyone away which is exactly what the communist dogs who infect this site want.
how do these guys afford to stay out there? are they retired?
Many look way too young to be retired.

Probably another case of shouting "I don't recognize the feds as legit, down with the feds" while happily pocketing their disability checks.
I suspect the BLM is happy with the development at Recapture Canyon. It could turn out to be a recapture of public support for the BLM and calls for a crack down on militia's getting involved in BLM disputes.
Can't see a bunch of support for folks running over and destroying archaeological sites and burial grounds for sport and leisure. Surely the public will realize they own this property and trespassers are destroying it's value. Destroying burial grounds just sounds creepy.
Joined by Ryan Bundy, the idiots insist that their families have been allowed to desecrate the Native American burial grounds, destroy the publicly owned archaeological site and been given unlimited permission to treat the area as a private amusement park and that their entitled criminal behavior is an inherited right.
I guess by now the American people have learned that the government should not mess with the militia. Next time the militia may not go so easy on the government, the militia don't fool around and they got guns.
I suspect the BLM is happy with the development at Recapture Canyon. It could turn out to be a recapture of public support for the BLM and calls for a crack down on militia's getting involved in BLM disputes.
Can't see a bunch of support for folks running over and destroying archaeological sites and burial grounds for sport and leisure. Surely the public will realize they own this property and trespassers are destroying it's value. Destroying burial grounds just sounds creepy.

Actually, digging up injuns and selling their burial loot is quite profitable and fun. I used to do it as a kid before it was illegal. Good times.
how do these guys afford to stay out there? are they retired?

The California Militia (formed in 2000) has explained who their people are.
Our members represent every racial group, every major religion, and both sexes. Many of our members are college graduates, and a substantial number possess advanced degrees, while others lack a high school diploma. Most of our people are veterans and many have actual combat experience. From professionals to laborers, and teachers to law enforcement officers, we have come together because we have something in common, something that transcends race, or religion, or sex. We love America. We know where she’s been, and we fear where she’s heading. We are graybeards who remember the cops that walked a beat in our neighborhoods, and who knocked on the door when they wanted to talk to us. We are young blacks who tremble at the sight of a police car in their rear view mirror. We are lawyers who still choke up when we read the Constitution, and we are factory workers and house-wives who refuse to believe that sacred document, the Constitution, has become obsolete. We are ordinary people who have done an extraordinary thing. We have read the writing on the wall, and we have said no. We have read the writing and said “Hell no!” “Hell no, I’m not giving up my country,” and “Hell no, I’m not giving up America,” not to the socialists, and not to the United Nations, not without a fight!
List of U.S. Militia Groups « DarkGovernment
I guess by now the American people have learned that the government should not mess with the militia. Next time the militia may not go so easy on the government, the militia don't fool around and they got guns.

LOL...they are on the run because they know the FBI is investigating them. Half of these nutcases are probably wanted or afraid the feds are getting ready to move. The militiamen won nothing, they are just smart enough to move along now that the feds are getting serious about taking them out.

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