Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

The girl at Walgreens had gotten a 2nd job over the summer
Back then I had asked her how the 2nd job was going

She told me she had quit, I asked her why, what happened

She told me...nothing happened, i liked it, money was good
but, they took away my SNAP benefits and groceries are $$
I was spending that money on groceries
What's the point, id rather work 1 job and get my SNAP
Ahh, storytelling..
So lovely..
Reduced to..
Having to..
Make shit up..
Just to Keep It Real!
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar
The girl at Walgreens had gotten a 2nd job over the summer
Back then I had asked her how the 2nd job was going

She told me she had quit, I asked her why, what happened

She told me...nothing happened, i liked it, money was good
but, they took away my SNAP benefits and groceries are $$
I was spending that money on groceries
What's the point, id rather work 1 job and get my SNAP
Ahh, storytelling..
So lovely..
Reduced to..
Having to..
Make shit up..
Just to Keep It Real!
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.

Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
Ahh, storytelling..
So lovely..
Reduced to..
Having to..
Make shit up..
Just to Keep It Real!
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.

Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do
Sorry, keepitreal. I believe you now, but sharing such anecdotes is a standard, fallacious practice of BSers. Repetition doesn't make it more valid or credible either. In any case, it represents just one instance out of millions potentially. The fallacy involved is called Insufficient sample. One data point doesn't even indicate an average let alone a rule or trend. Wasn't so long ago that one income from one parent from one job was considered enough and good. Now, since GW Bush congratulated a women for working four jobs, what anyone gets paid for any particular one is considered superfluous. Just get a second, third, fourth job.. why the hell not!? Whaaa?
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
Hey Tommy the twit, did you know 2 more people in London died because of your Mayor? Stick with your own countries problems let US deal with our own..

Maybe if those millions lose food assistance they might get a fucking JOB.

Maybe if Trump would go after the employers hiring illegals people could get a job that pays enough that they also do not need food stamps to survive.
The girl at Walgreens had gotten a 2nd job over the summer
Back then I had asked her how the 2nd job was going

She told me she had quit, I asked her why, what happened

She told me...nothing happened, i liked it, money was good
but, they took away my SNAP benefits and groceries are $$
I was spending that money on groceries
What's the point, id rather work 1 job and get my SNAP
While working is Saudi Arabia as a contractor making $70,000 a year tax free, every 9 months my family and I would get out for R&R(rest and relaxation for those living in Rio Linda), and when we came back to the states, we visited family. So one day we decided to stock up on necessities like tooth paste, deodorant and other things, that cost more over seas, and we went to a Wal-Mart. Bought 20 of each item and the male cashier wanted to know if there was a sale on the stuff I was buying. I told him no, I was going back to Saudi Arabia with these because they were cheaper here. He told us that he was born in W. Virginia, lived most of his life in W. Virginia and was probably going to die in W. Virginia. Now if that isnt a loser attitude I dont know what is. The world is big and wonderful, many things to see, and especially if you want to make something of yourself, you MUST get out of your comfort zone....
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.

Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do

Working two jobs to provide and wanting to have to do that is two different things. We used to have plenty of jobs where people could support two people working one job.

That is the problem. We don't condemn the greed that caused corporations to take the jobs to China but we condemn the idea that a person shouldn't have to work 65 hours just to buy groceries.
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.

Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do
At one time a single income provider was all it was needed to support a family. With liberals and their drunken sailor spending, inflation has made it that 2 people need to work just to survive. Thanks Obama....

In 2008 a gallon of gas was $1.87. A can of corn was 33 cents.
In 2017 a gallon of gas was $3.00. A can of corn was 78 cents.

During that time the FED bitch, Janet Yellen said there was no inflation....
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do
"she has to work to support her responsibilities"
I don't get that construction. She has to work to pay for their necessities. But if a kid is clearly doing poorly due to lack of parental attention what's a parent's primary responsibility then? It's not like there's some magic formula for being a "responsible" parent. We tend to do the best we can with what we've got.. and that's all good.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
Hey Tommy the twit, did you know 2 more people in London died because of your Mayor? Stick with your own countries problems let US deal with our own..

Maybe if those millions lose food assistance they might get a fucking JOB.

Maybe if Trump would go after the employers hiring illegals people could get a job that pays enough that they also do not need food stamps to survive.
The girl at Walgreens had gotten a 2nd job over the summer
Back then I had asked her how the 2nd job was going

She told me she had quit, I asked her why, what happened

She told me...nothing happened, i liked it, money was good
but, they took away my SNAP benefits and groceries are $$
I was spending that money on groceries
What's the point, id rather work 1 job and get my SNAP
While working is Saudi Arabia as a contractor making $70,000 a year tax free, every 9 months my family and I would get out for R&R(rest and relaxation for those living in Rio Linda), and when we came back to the states, we visited family. So one day we decided to stock up on necessities like tooth paste, deodorant and other things, that cost more over seas, and we went to a Wal-Mart. Bought 20 of each item and the male cashier wanted to know if there was a sale on the stuff I was buying. I told him no, I was going back to Saudi Arabia with these because they were cheaper here. He told us that he was born in W. Virginia, lived most of his life in W. Virginia and was probably going to die in W. Virginia. Now if that isnt a loser attitude I dont know what is. The world is big and wonderful, many things to see, and especially if you want to make something of yourself, you MUST get out of your comfort zone....

I make more than 70k living in W. Virginia.
Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do
At one time a single income provider was all it was needed to support a family. With liberals and their drunken sailor spending, inflation has made it that 2 people need to work just to survive. Thanks Obama....

In 2008 a gallon of gas was $1.87. A can of corn was 33 cents.
In 2017 a gallon of gas was $3.00. A can of corn was 78 cents.

During that time the FED bitch, Janet Yellen said there was no inflation....

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit
Yes he made it up but it's a real issue. We make it so you lose all benefits in many cases by slightly bettering your position. The way our system is set up is poorly done.

Have you met someone that told you that a second job
Bitch, you're confused, not I... I'm a she, not a he

No, I'm not lying, I didn't make it up
I have no reason to

Sorry for the gender mistake and if you want to further discuss this unlike a 12 year old I would be happy to.
Instead of apologizing for mistaking my gender
how about apologizing for calling me a liar

The person you talked to was not making "good" money at her second job. She might have made "enough" to put her above the level where she qualified for certain benefits and that is a problem.

A single female doesn't make squat in SNAP benefits. That would mean she has kids. No woman with kids is going to like that second job which would make her constantly away from the kids.

Do we make it hard for people getting benefits to better themselves? We do in some cases. That should change.
She has a daughter

Why should it matter if a woman doesn't like
being away from her kids because she has to work
to support her responsibilities

So, it's ok for other people to work full time
to shoulder the responsibilities of those who don't want to

We make it easy for people to be irresponsible
and avoid sacrificing their wants to provide their own needs

I don't like working 2 jobs but I do what I have to do
Right wing dogma stresses that people have to have these economic burdens but then resents giving them any help. Breathtakingly hypocritical.
I have a great idea.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours and we will leave the government out of it.
Trump seeks to obviate the problem of unnecessary benefits DEPENDENCE
which is good for everyone. There are lots of politicians TODAY----who are
mostly democrats who LIKE the idea of controlling the population with
bread and circuses. I will try not to mention names
Is it any surprise free loading liberals want their "welfare" ???

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

FIND the scum who did this, PUBLISH their name and political affiliation...I GUARANTEE you it is a Democrat Liberal.

The Left is doing a DAMN GOOD JOB..........(of destroying the USA)
Last edited:
Is it any surprise free loading liberals want their "welfare" ???

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

FIND the scum who did this, PUBLISH their name and political affiliation...I GUARANTEE you it is a Democrat Liberal.

There will always been a percent willing to do something unjustifiable. Those caught (and it should be easy to catch) should be prosecuted.

No one denies that. What is the argument here? We should hold government agencies accountable for not better addressing this? I'm all for that. We should end it because a few abuse it?

I hope not because then others can argue for an end to charities since Trump ripped his off.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
And it never occurred to you that many people on food stamps don't need them did it?
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
And it never occurred to you that many people on food stamps don't need them did it?
There are people who will exploit any system. But it is better that a few rob the system than a single child goes hungry.
Is it any surprise free loading liberals want their "welfare" ???

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

FIND the scum who did this, PUBLISH their name and political affiliation...I GUARANTEE you it is a Democrat Liberal.

The Left is doing a DAMN GOOD JOB..........(of destroying the USA)

The best part of link to that article is comment section. :D

"Why use EBT cards when you can shoplift for free in California....just be sure to keep it under $500."
"In Dallas it's $750."

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