Millions lose coverage

One of the last Iowa Obamacare insurers moves to exit

Last provider to leave Iowa in 2018. No insurance companies left to shop for in exchange. Which is the implosion of Obamacare happening all over the country.
Hey Sparky, did you even bother to read the article that you posted?> Did you make note of the reason why they are withdrawing from the market or did you just jump on the head line to claim that there is an implosion of Obamacare? Do you not have the ability to grasp that fact that Trump is undermining Obama care and THAT is why this is happening?

The company, Medica, hinted in a statement that its decision was rooted in uncertainty over whether the federal government would continue to provide Obamacare payments that help insurers reduce out-of-pocket medical costs for consumers, called cost-sharing reduction subsidies.

You are either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?
They were leaving state exchanges before the election. Same question back at you.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.

All the more reason to get insurance out of it and just provide healthcare to everyone regardless of their ability to pay, or their condition,

via the government.

Essentially like we do with public education.
High-Risk Pools For Uninsurable Individuals

Nearly four decades of experience with high-risk pools suggests they have the potential to provide health coverage to a substantial number of people with pre-existing conditions. State high-risk pools that existed prior to passage of the ACA covered over 200,000 people at their peak, and the temporary PCIP pool created as part of the ACA covered over 100,000 individuals.

These high-risk pools likely covered just a fraction of the number of people with pre-existing conditions who lacked insurance, due in part to design features that limited enrollment. State pools typically excluded coverage of services associated with pre-existing conditions for a period of time and charged premiums substantially in excess of what a typical person would pay in the non-group market. PCIP had fewer barriers to enrollment – charging standard premiums with no pre-existing condition exclusions – but it did restrict signups to people who had been uninsured for a least six months.

Even with these limitations, the government subsidies required to cover losses in these high-risk pools were substantial – over $1 billion per year in the state pools and about $2 billion in the final year of PCIP. A high-risk pool with minimal barriers to enrollment could cost substantially more

The waiting period was usually 6 months. The High Risk pools didn't work, most couldn't afford them. By design everyone was sick making the program by unable to work. Too much cost.
Correct. Hardly covered anyone. And costs were too high. And they drive the main costs of health care in this country.

Fixing this portion and making that work would be the way to go...........but it wouldn't be cheap. Under PCIP the Gov't under Obamacare tried to divert the costs for Insurers...........didn't work and rates continue to climb......and Insurance Companies are bailing State Exchanges left and right as a result.

This is the CRUX of the whole dang debate.

The Companies never got more than 12% of the promised monies through the risk corridors. The entire thing has been a planned boondoggle.
Trumpcare manages to give the wealthy 600 billion in tax cuts and the Republicans still try to pretend that no one else loses anything.

One of the last Iowa Obamacare insurers moves to exit

Last provider to leave Iowa in 2018. No insurance companies left to shop for in exchange. Which is the implosion of Obamacare happening all over the country.
Hey Sparky, did you even bother to read the article that you posted?> Did you make note of the reason why they are withdrawing from the market or did you just jump on the head line to claim that there is an implosion of Obamacare? Do you not have the ability to grasp that fact that Trump is undermining Obama care and THAT is why this is happening?

The company, Medica, hinted in a statement that its decision was rooted in uncertainty over whether the federal government would continue to provide Obamacare payments that help insurers reduce out-of-pocket medical costs for consumers, called cost-sharing reduction subsidies.

You are either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?

Nothing worse than an ill educated know it all. They've been leaving since the second year of the plan.

Did you know that millions were already set to lose their insurance under Obamacare? Do you know how many already lost it under Obamacare?

Insurance companies were leaving because they couldn't afford to stay on the exchanges.

The Exchanges are a red herring. The plans were the same on or off the Exchanges. The ONLY reason to sell on the Exchanges were because of the subsidies.

Did you know that millions were already set to lose their insurance under Obamacare? Do you know how many already lost it under Obamacare?

Insurance companies were leaving because they couldn't afford to stay on the exchanges.

The Exchanges are a red herring. The plans were the same on or off the Exchanges. The ONLY reason to sell on the Exchanges were because of the subsidies.

And, as predicted, they ran out of other peoples' money. Always the same with leftwing policies.

Did you know that millions were already set to lose their insurance under Obamacare? Do you know how many already lost it under Obamacare?

Insurance companies were leaving because they couldn't afford to stay on the exchanges.

The Exchanges are a red herring. The plans were the same on or off the Exchanges. The ONLY reason to sell on the Exchanges were because of the subsidies.

And, as predicted, they ran out of other peoples' money. Always the same with leftwing policies.
PCIP failed because funds ran out................Costs couldn't be covered. So they suspended it. Left only those on it for a short time period................

And it IMPLODED................Then didn't pay the bill after.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.

All the more reason to get insurance out of it and just provide healthcare to everyone regardless of their ability to pay, or their condition,

via the government.

Essentially like we do with public education.

Like public education, the quality goes down, tax payers pay more and more each year and the ones who benefit the most aren't the ones they claim they want to help.
Here I my simple solutions.
Open the VA healthcare system to ALL vets and families regardless of income. That would instantly produce some completion.

The government gets into the health care industry as they are already. Expand Medicaid, and Medicare. Then the government can start their own convenience care and sell high risk policies.

EVERYONE pays something even if it is 10 dollars.

The government pays doctor's tuition in exchange for service after graduation at the government run facilities.

Allow companies form "groups" to purchase healthcare for employees, still having the requirement to provide insurance if they have a certain amount of employees.

OR, there are no more company sponsored health care insurance. EVERYONE is thrown onto the exchanges. The company can provide money for the employees to buy their own insurance.

AND get control of the drug companies that are ripping the hell out of us. Drugs in America should cost no more than can be bought for in any other country.
One of the last Iowa Obamacare insurers moves to exit

Last provider to leave Iowa in 2018. No insurance companies left to shop for in exchange. Which is the implosion of Obamacare happening all over the country.
Hey Sparky, did you even bother to read the article that you posted?> Did you make note of the reason why they are withdrawing from the market or did you just jump on the head line to claim that there is an implosion of Obamacare? Do you not have the ability to grasp that fact that Trump is undermining Obama care and THAT is why this is happening?

The company, Medica, hinted in a statement that its decision was rooted in uncertainty over whether the federal government would continue to provide Obamacare payments that help insurers reduce out-of-pocket medical costs for consumers, called cost-sharing reduction subsidies.

You are either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?
They were leaving state exchanges before the election. Same question back at you.
The election accelerated any such exit of the market:

Insurer’s Obamacare exit raises new concerns over law

UnitedHealth Group’s announcement Tuesday that it would significantly pare back its Obamacare business reinforced growing concerns about the long-term viability of the health care marketplaces heading into a presidential election in which the law is once again a contentious issue.

The nation’s largest insurer, which sold health plans in 34 state exchanges this year, announced Tuesday morning it will pull out of most Obamacare marketplaces in 2017 because of anticipated losses of $650 million on its exchange business this year

Do you want to keep lying or are you ready to just shut the fuck up?


Did you know that millions were already set to lose their insurance under Obamacare? Do you know how many already lost it under Obamacare?

Insurance companies were leaving because they couldn't afford to stay on the exchanges.
I'm calling horseshit. Present some documentation. You can't just say shit like that without backing it up.
Court: Gov't Doesn't Have to Pay Insurance Companies Losses Due to Obamacare

A federal court has ruled against one of the insurance companies that has sued the federal government for more than $70 million over losses it incurred due to Obamacare, throwing into doubt the other similar cases brought against the administration, The Hill reported.

The Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company said the government owed them money under the Affordable Care Act's risk corridor program, which was designed to help offset losses for insurers providing individuals affordable coverage regardless of their medical history in the early years of Obamacare, but Congress passed spending bills that limited the amount to be paid under that program, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Forbes reported recently Obamacare insurers in the risk corridor program lost more than $5 billion in 2015, bringing total losses for the past two years to more than $8.3 billion, despite the fact insurance companies received some $8 billion that helped offset their cost due to government subsidies that lower the cost of consumers' plans.
Insurance companies were losing money. Even went to court over it. They were leaving before the dang election.

Obamacare was dying already. Just ignore the article.........or the other stories saying the same.
Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable
The most prominent insurer eyeing the exits is UnitedHealth, which made waves in November by saying it was considering whether to leave ObamaCare in 2017 because of financial losses. The company last week announced that it is dropping its ObamaCare plans in Arkansas and Georgia, and more states could follow.

The Department of Health and Human Services argues that the attention on UnitedHealth is overblown, given that the insurer is actually a fairly small player in the marketplaces.

It’s more important to watch what happens with Blue Cross Blue Shield plans, which are the backbone of the ObamaCare marketplaces.

There have been some rumblings of discontent from Blue Cross plans. The plan in New Mexico already dropped off the marketplace there last year after it lost money and state regulators rejected a proposed 51.6 percent premium increase. Now, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina says that it might drop out of the marketplace because of its losses.

Blue Cross of North Carolina CEO Brad Wilson said in an interview that the company had lost $400 million due to its ObamaCare business.

“We're not alone, and I think that that also is evidence to suggest that there are systemic and fundamental challenges that we all need to have a civilized conversation about,” Wilson said.

He said a key factor in the decision on whether to stay in the market next year will be whether regulators approve whatever premium increase the company ends up proposing so as to try to make up for its losses.
Aetna Joins Other Major Insurers In Pulling Back From Obamacare

Insurance giant Aetna will stop selling health insurance through most of the exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act in 2017 because the company said it is losing money in many of those markets.

On Monday, Aetna said it will sell individual insurance policies in only 242 counties in four states, down almost 70 percent from the 778 counties in 15 states where the company markets Obamacare plans this year.

The decision is a blow to President Obama's signature health care law. Most insurers selling plans through the exchanges have been losing money because the people getting insurance under Obamacare have been sicker than forecast.

But Aetna, which lost $430 million on the Obamacare plans in the first half of the year, said it may re-enter the markets in the future.
CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare

The CBO now says ObamaCare will leave 31 million uninsured after more than a decade, up from its 23 million forecast made in 2011.

Put another way, the CBO promised that ObamaCare would cover 60% of the uninsured.

Now it says the program will cover less than half, despite spending $2 trillion to subsidize premiums and expand Medicaid.

Does anyone really believe that if Obama announced a plan to spend $2 trillion on a program that would leave 31 million uninsured and force 10 million workers off their employer-based insurance, that even Democrats would have voted for it?

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