Millions lose coverage

It may die in the Senate by design so republicans can blame the dems in their warped thinking even though they have house and senate majority
The whole POS should be blamed on the democrats. They passed the thing in the middle of the night buying off their own members. (corn husker kick back) Something good could have come from it if the two groups would have worked together. But that lesson wasn't learned now we will get some whitewashed POS. Maybe at least they will do away with the mandate that hurt the lower middle class the most.
the right wing has nothing but repeal, otherwise.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.
Insurance companies will never be forced to cover known preexisting conditions. Those people will have to be taken out of the pool and given their own benefit much like miners with black lung had provision made for them.

Yes they will, and it needs to happen.
Not necessarily.

Same companies, same insurance plans but you rate those applicants with prexisting conditions separately and government pays the difference between the standard premium and the high risk premium. If this was done with Obamacare, the premiums would be a fraction of what they are today.

Before Obamacare, 29% of applicants for individual policies were classified as high risk because of prexisting conditions. Due to cost, of high risk plans, only 1 in 3 applicants purchased a plan.
I do not get you people wanting to throw your money at insurance companies at all. You DO NOT need health insurance, period. Get a fucking credit card and don't fucking use it unless your sick - you'll save more money than you know what to do with.

43 year old executive, /never/ had medical insurance in my life and I refuse to. Don't fucking need it, don't want it, and I sure as hell don't want to pay for anyone else to throw money at insurance companies like dumb asses... Auto insurance at least made a little sense because the person being hit was out money to fix their car when they had no fault - insurance forced the other party to have some form of currency to fix that injustice. Health insurance is nothing but a game of stealing, and when you've got deductibles of $10 grand and shit, plus another $10 grand a year it's made even worse a theft with no benefactors in need of justice. It's complete crap top to bottom, stop falling for bullshit you morons; dumb decisions like this are why you fucks will end up poor.

Consider yourself lucky. Typical attitude of 40s women greater confidence than ever but that is your business.
HOWEVER this does not give you the immunity of major illnesses. If you said you are an executive-------- then most of these people suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, cancers and other major health problems-------- Not aware they already have it. Suddenly they just collapse just like a car without maintenance. Like stress alone produces lots of bad enzymes that accumulates in your system.
How many times did we hear ----- He/she loooooks good and thin ------ then died of stroke or heart attack.
Since you don't care and don't give a shit you probably don't understand ------------ when/why you are suffering from -------- calf pain, low/high sugar, heart rhythm irregularities, dizziness, stomach aches, sudden sadness/anxiety or red face.
Remember it's just money. Health is more important than being tough or street smart.

I'm in the medical instruments business which includes consumables and reagents. I make my living from sick people.
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lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.
Insurance companies will never be forced to cover known preexisting conditions. Those people will have to be taken out of the pool and given their own benefit much like miners with black lung had provision made for them.

Yes they will, and it needs to happen.
Not necessarily.

Same companies, same insurance plans but you rate those applicants with prexisting conditions separately and government pays the difference between the standard premium and the high risk premium. If this was done with Obamacare, the premiums would be a fraction of what they are today.

Before Obamacare, 29% of applicants for individual policies were classified as high risk because of prexisting conditions. Due to cost, of high risk plans, only 1 in 3 applicants purchased a plan.

The government doesn't pay for anything; the American taxpayer pays.
Every citizen should have guranteed childcare, schooling, healthcare, minimum income, housing & food subsidies, state employment, and fully funded retirement...

Equality of outcomes for all !!! Lmfao
It is called nurture. It helps individuals flourish.

It's called being a lazy puke.
fallacy induced fantasy, is all the right wing usually has to work with.

You aren't up for any of this, you prefer illiteracy to education.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.
Insurance companies will never be forced to cover known preexisting conditions. Those people will have to be taken out of the pool and given their own benefit much like miners with black lung had provision made for them.

Yes they will, and it needs to happen.
Not necessarily.

Same companies, same insurance plans but you rate those applicants with prexisting conditions separately and government pays the difference between the standard premium and the high risk premium. If this was done with Obamacare, the premiums would be a fraction of what they are today.

Before Obamacare, 29% of applicants for individual policies were classified as high risk because of prexisting conditions. Due to cost, of high risk plans, only 1 in 3 applicants purchased a plan.

The government doesn't pay for anything; the American taxpayer pays.

It's a government of the People, genius.
The insurance companies are leaving the exchanges because they can't make enough money, and yet,

the Republicans claim their plan will get you that insurance at an even cheaper price.

How the FUCK will that work?
The usual leftist fib. No one's losing anything.

The Obamacare law that forced everybody to sign up whether they wanted to or not, is gone now. Everybody can remain signed up to whatever they had before if they want to, no one loses anything.

But at least the leftist hysterics were able to take advantage of their own lie to call names and falsely accuse Republicans even more.
High-Risk Pools For Uninsurable Individuals

Nearly four decades of experience with high-risk pools suggests they have the potential to provide health coverage to a substantial number of people with pre-existing conditions. State high-risk pools that existed prior to passage of the ACA covered over 200,000 people at their peak, and the temporary PCIP pool created as part of the ACA covered over 100,000 individuals.

These high-risk pools likely covered just a fraction of the number of people with pre-existing conditions who lacked insurance, due in part to design features that limited enrollment. State pools typically excluded coverage of services associated with pre-existing conditions for a period of time and charged premiums substantially in excess of what a typical person would pay in the non-group market. PCIP had fewer barriers to enrollment – charging standard premiums with no pre-existing condition exclusions – but it did restrict signups to people who had been uninsured for a least six months.

Even with these limitations, the government subsidies required to cover losses in these high-risk pools were substantial – over $1 billion per year in the state pools and about $2 billion in the final year of PCIP. A high-risk pool with minimal barriers to enrollment could cost substantially more
10% of the insured drive 2/3rd's the cost of all spending according to the above report.

Expanding High Risk pools and getting them out of the regular market will determine if rates go up or down. And the cost of doing so is very high. Much higher than the added spending in the current bill. MUCH more than temporary PCIP under Obamacare. It is this portion that is the Crux of the problem with getting insurance rates down for the country.

Doing so without kicking those with pre-existing conditions to the curb is the real deal debate.
Why republicans and conservatives are heartless shit bags:

Senate Must Protect Healthcare Coverage for Millions of Americans | Human Rights Campaign

Today, HRC released the following statement strongly condemning a vote by the House of Representatives to pass the American Health Care Act (AHCA). While the Congressional Budget Office has yet to score this version of the legislation, a previous projection estimated the legislation will result in 14 million Americans losing their health insurance by 2018. That number skyrockets to 24 million by 2026.

“Donald Trump and his allies in Congress are one step closer to ripping away care from millions of people, with a particularly devastating impact on low-income senior citizens, women, children, LGBTQ people, and people living with HIV,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy. “It is unconscionable that Congress might restrict vital health care for the very people they represent. With people’s lives on the line, we urge the Senate to stop this madness and reject this harmful piece of legislation.”

The AHCA undermines core provisions of the landmark Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a result of the ACA, thousands of low-income people living with HIV have been able to obtain health insurance through the Medicaid expansion. This critical coverage ensures that people living with HIV have access to lifesaving treatments. The AHCA’s drastic changes to Medicaid will likely strip these people, and other vulnerable populations, of essential healthcare coverage.

In order to get the votes necessary to pass the AHCA, the Republican majority added an amendment by Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) which allows states to opt-out of offering the essential health benefits -- a core component of the ACA. Another amendment by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) provides an additional $8 billion to aid states in funding high-risk pools for individuals with preexisting health conditions. However, many states previously attempted to contain runaway health costs by using high-risk pools before the passage of the ACA, only to shut them down because they could not afford to sustain them.

The tax credit structure embedded in the proposed health care act leaves behind thousands of low-income individuals and families who will be priced out of coverage. Systemic discrimination of LGBTQ Americans leaves them with some of the lowest rates of insurance coverage in the nation. The LGBTQ community has benefitted from the ACA’s tax credit structure and the Medicaid Expansion, and the rescission of both of these critical components will have devastating consequences for a community already facing significant health care disparities.

Beyond repealing these key provisions of the ACA, the AHCA would also cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize the ability of clinics to deliver preventive health services, including HIV testing and transition-related care. The ACA’s public health and prevention fund, established to expand investments in the nation’s public health infrastructure, would also be repealed. Health centers, like those operated by Planned Parenthood, often offer the only culturally competent healthcare available, especially in rural and isolated areas.

In considering the ACA in 2009 and 2010, the House held 79 hearings over the course of a year, heard from 181 witnesses and accepted 121 amendments. The current House leadership has moved this unacceptable repeal and replacement legislation through the House in a matter of weeks. The Senate adopted the ACA only after approximately 100 hearings, roundtables, walkthroughs and other meetings, and after 25 consecutive days in continuous session debating the bill.
High-Risk Pools For Uninsurable Individuals

Nearly four decades of experience with high-risk pools suggests they have the potential to provide health coverage to a substantial number of people with pre-existing conditions. State high-risk pools that existed prior to passage of the ACA covered over 200,000 people at their peak, and the temporary PCIP pool created as part of the ACA covered over 100,000 individuals.

These high-risk pools likely covered just a fraction of the number of people with pre-existing conditions who lacked insurance, due in part to design features that limited enrollment. State pools typically excluded coverage of services associated with pre-existing conditions for a period of time and charged premiums substantially in excess of what a typical person would pay in the non-group market. PCIP had fewer barriers to enrollment – charging standard premiums with no pre-existing condition exclusions – but it did restrict signups to people who had been uninsured for a least six months.

Even with these limitations, the government subsidies required to cover losses in these high-risk pools were substantial – over $1 billion per year in the state pools and about $2 billion in the final year of PCIP. A high-risk pool with minimal barriers to enrollment could cost substantially more

The waiting period was usually 6 months. The High Risk pools didn't work, most couldn't afford them. By design everyone was sick making the program by unable to work. Too much cost.
High-Risk Pools For Uninsurable Individuals

Nearly four decades of experience with high-risk pools suggests they have the potential to provide health coverage to a substantial number of people with pre-existing conditions. State high-risk pools that existed prior to passage of the ACA covered over 200,000 people at their peak, and the temporary PCIP pool created as part of the ACA covered over 100,000 individuals.

These high-risk pools likely covered just a fraction of the number of people with pre-existing conditions who lacked insurance, due in part to design features that limited enrollment. State pools typically excluded coverage of services associated with pre-existing conditions for a period of time and charged premiums substantially in excess of what a typical person would pay in the non-group market. PCIP had fewer barriers to enrollment – charging standard premiums with no pre-existing condition exclusions – but it did restrict signups to people who had been uninsured for a least six months.

Even with these limitations, the government subsidies required to cover losses in these high-risk pools were substantial – over $1 billion per year in the state pools and about $2 billion in the final year of PCIP. A high-risk pool with minimal barriers to enrollment could cost substantially more

The waiting period was usually 6 months. The High Risk pools didn't work, most couldn't afford them. By design everyone was sick making the program by unable to work. Too much cost.
Correct. Hardly covered anyone. And costs were too high. And they drive the main costs of health care in this country.

Fixing this portion and making that work would be the way to go...........but it wouldn't be cheap. Under PCIP the Gov't under Obamacare tried to divert the costs for Insurers...........didn't work and rates continue to climb......and Insurance Companies are bailing State Exchanges left and right as a result.

This is the CRUX of the whole dang debate.
One of the last Iowa Obamacare insurers moves to exit

Last provider to leave Iowa in 2018. No insurance companies left to shop for in exchange. Which is the implosion of Obamacare happening all over the country.
Hey Sparky, did you even bother to read the article that you posted?> Did you make note of the reason why they are withdrawing from the market or did you just jump on the head line to claim that there is an implosion of Obamacare? Do you not have the ability to grasp that fact that Trump is undermining Obama care and THAT is why this is happening?

The company, Medica, hinted in a statement that its decision was rooted in uncertainty over whether the federal government would continue to provide Obamacare payments that help insurers reduce out-of-pocket medical costs for consumers, called cost-sharing reduction subsidies.

You are either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?
I do not get you people wanting to throw your money at insurance companies at all. You DO NOT need health insurance, period. Get a fucking credit card and don't fucking use it unless your sick - you'll save more money than you know what to do with.

43 year old executive, /never/ had medical insurance in my life and I refuse to. Don't fucking need it, don't want it, and I sure as hell don't want to pay for anyone else to throw money at insurance companies like dumb asses... Auto insurance at least made a little sense because the person being hit was out money to fix their car when they had no fault - insurance forced the other party to have some form of currency to fix that injustice. Health insurance is nothing but a game of stealing, and when you've got deductibles of $10 grand and shit, plus another $10 grand a year it's made even worse a theft with no benefactors in need of justice. It's complete crap top to bottom, stop falling for bullshit you morons; dumb decisions like this are why you fucks will end up poor.

Consider yourself lucky. Typical attitude of 40s women greater confidence than ever but that is your business.
HOWEVER this does not give you the immunity of major illnesses. If you said you are an executive-------- then most of these people suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, cancers and other major health problems-------- Not aware they already have it. Suddenly they just collapse just like a car without maintenance. Like stress alone produces lots of bad enzymes that accumulates in your system.
How many times did we hear ----- He/she loooooks good and thin ------ then died of stroke or heart attack.
Since you don't care and don't give a shit you probably don't understand ------------ when/why you are suffering from -------- calf pain, low/high sugar, heart rhythm irregularities, dizziness, stomach aches, sudden sadness/anxiety or red face.
Remember it's just money. Health is more important than being tough or street smart.

I'm in the medical instruments business which includes consumables and reagents. I make my living from sick people.

In other words you making a living charging more because it's insurance, just like all the other doctors.

I don't have stress or any of that pain stuff. Got a knee that's going out though. At some point, I'll go get that replaced I suppose - I'll pay cash (less than folks who have insurance do) and that'll be that. It is not my fault if folks don't plan ahead for their own shit.

I didn't make these other idiots work a shitty job for their entire lives and not save anything up for their own medical care (or worse, make them blow their money on stupid shit like the latest iphone every year or two and a new car every 5.) Who's going to come out of the wood work to pay for my shit? Why /should/ I have to pay for getting my knee replaced or whatever when everyone else shluffs it off on someone else? Why can't I keep /my/ money to pay for shit I want, like $10k computers and a $200k endless pool addition to my house, and $15k to replace the roof... I have things I would rather spend my money on too, but no one fucking pays my shit.

Fuck em, they wanna throw /their/ money in the toilet, I won't stop them, but don't come crying to me about paying for it. Get a better job and pay for it yourself - or go the fuck without because you wanted to buy something else more than you gave a shit about setting money aside for your own medical care needs.

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