Millions lose coverage

This is the reason Trump will NEVER be a great president by dividing this country. Liberals are also Americans.

Since when?


You can answer that yourself tough guy.

I am telling you what the scam is ..

But since you never had kids with cars you will never know.

It's the same thing..

I have 4 kids all grown ups all living successfully one of them is now my CEO, currently I have total of 6 cars, one big boat, 2 houses plus one leasing condo. They are ALL insured.

So you're telling us you don't have a clue about the insurance lobby?

Kind of embarrassing don't you think?


Maybe your kids could have the queen Mary..

So you are telling us ------ You are no different than illegals who do not have health care or car insurance.
So if and when you get dick or car accident ----- The rest of tax payers will pay for you. This what you are telling us.
People who had coverage were better off without Obama Care, so it was like they had no coverage because they could not use the uber expensive coverage.
Obama Care only covered just 2% of the population additionally. That's it....and it cost a buttload of money. It was nothing but a Tax Grab and Power Grab Scheme.

The People who were subsidized were all going to lose their coverage as Insurers no longer want anything to do with the Cluster Phuck that is Obamacare.

This bill actually saves people from losing coverage. And The Bill will be amended in The Senate, and then go to Committee where they can work out the best deal for everyone.

This is the polar opposite of Obama Care which was ramrodded through Congress.
Millions lost coverage when obiecare went into effect. You didn't give a shit then so why do you now?
Link or it is just propaganda and rhetoric.

Dumbass. Millions did lose coverage, ALL plans that did not include the 10 basic coverages had to be cancelled which INCLUDED all existing individual policies. SOME states grand fathered in those plans for awhile, typically 1-2 years depending on the Company.
Link or their current coverage ended in favor of ObamaCare.

I lived through it, you are a latecomer who just likes to suck Obama's cock. You're lazy and illiterate. Look it up yourself.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.
Insurance companies will never be forced to cover known preexisting conditions. Those people will have to be taken out of the pool and given their own benefit much like miners with black lung had provision made for them.
People who had coverage were better off without Obama Care, so it was like they had no coverage because they could not use the uber expensive coverage.
Obama Care only covered just 2% of the population additionally. That's it....and it cost a buttload of money. It was nothing but a Tax Grab and Power Grab Scheme.

The People who were subsidized were all going to lose their coverage as Insurers no longer want anything to do with the Cluster Phuck that is Obamacare.

This bill actually saves people from losing coverage. And The Bill will be amended in The Senate, and then go to Committee where they can work out the best deal for everyone.

This is the polar opposite of Obama Care which was ramrodded through Congress.
People who had coverage were better off without Obama Care, so it was like they had no coverage because they could not use the uber expensive coverage.

Not so. Even though you might have a high deductible, your insurance under Obamacare still has significant value even during the deductible phase.
  • If you utilize your insurer's network, which 95% of the people do, then you should save a significant amount of money on all healthcare services during the deductible phase because your insurer has negotiated network price for everything they cover. These rates are significantly less than what you would pay without insurance. For example a $100 visit with your doctor is likely to be about $75 or less with your insurance because you are billed at the insurance company rates. Some of these rates are heavily discounted. For example, I have a family member who gets a monthly treatment with Zolair, a drug used with people with Asthma, Allergies, or COPD. The out patient services at the hospital bills $6,250/mo. but the insurance company's negotiated rate is only $1975 which is what you pay if have insurance even thou you are in the deductible phase. Drugs, inpatient, outpatient, and all other services are significantly discounted in the deductible phase.
  • Also during the deductible phase, dozens of preventive care services, many of which have diagnostic value are available at no cost. Most plans before Obamacare covered only a small percentage of these service, and most were not free.
  • However, the most important features in Obamacare you only see if you become seriously ill. No matter how costly your healthcare may be, you will only be responsible up to the out of pocket maximum. No matter how many stupid things you have done like chain smoking, drugs, or alcohol, your insurance will pay your medical bills for as long as necessary and whenever you apply for insurance, there will never be no medical questionnaire and you will never be turned down.
And the Republican healthcare bill is not being ramrodded through congress. The bill the House passed was not even read by most of the people who voted because the House leadership was afraid they would lose votes, if they waited for the copies of the final bill to be printed. They were in such hurry they didn't even wait for the CBO to score the bill. The Senate is planning on passing the bill using budget reconciliation in order to prevent discussion and amendments.
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lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
Forcing coverage of pre existing conditions cemented the failure that is to come.
Insurance was never ment to be your personal medical bank account.
Insurance companies will never be forced to cover known preexisting conditions. Those people will have to be taken out of the pool and given their own benefit much like miners with black lung had provision made for them.

Yes they will, and it needs to happen.

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.

The working poor would have a lot more money if they didn't vote for Liberals that screwed up the economy, wouldn't they?

Just think of all those working poor that voted for Obama and they got increased poverty, decreased family income, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for Liberals.

It was Liberals who got our economy back on track. It was liberals who gave safety nets to the working poor while people on this forum want to take it away.

The best way to stop the poor from being poorer is to vote for Liberals. Tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs. They keep it for themselves and some of them will resort to automation even if you give them money.

Have you learned nothing over the last eight years?
I dont know about you but when I have more disposable income I spend more money. Multiply that by a couple hundred million people ....well you get the idea.
Or maybe you dont,you seem that far gone..
not everyone spends more money; increasing the minimum wage better ensures, more people will be spending more money.

You cant force market changes.
There are only around 1.5 million min wage workers in the US so the increase in the economy would be minimal.
Now give the middle class a tax cut and you're talking about 51% of adult workers,that would stimulate the economy far more than 1.5 million people making 15 bucks an hour.
Yes, we can. Moving the "goalposts" is a function of Government.

I question your methodology; some on the right wing claim wage inflation could be detrimental, since some wages are "tied" to the minimum wage.
lol, the GOP claims that competition is going to get the insurance companies to offer better coverage at lower prices.
Hell, they're leaving the exchanges NOW because they can't make enough money.
What is your opinion of generating revenue by offering federal charters for ventures in "public goods and public services". In that manner, they would be regulated by the federal government and under federal, original jurisdiction, for that legal venture.

It would mean, Commercially, no sovereign State concerns for that venture, and a "national market".
Millions lost coverage when obiecare went into effect. You didn't give a shit then so why do you now?
Link or it is just propaganda and rhetoric.

Dumbass. Millions did lose coverage, ALL plans that did not include the 10 basic coverages had to be cancelled which INCLUDED all existing individual policies. SOME states grand fathered in those plans for awhile, typically 1-2 years depending on the Company.
Link or their current coverage ended in favor of ObamaCare.

LOL, a moron trying to make up his own rules. I am comfy in your ignorance boy.
link that specifies, or it didn't happen.
People who had coverage were better off without Obama Care, so it was like they had no coverage because they could not use the uber expensive coverage.
Obama Care only covered just 2% of the population additionally. That's it....and it cost a buttload of money. It was nothing but a Tax Grab and Power Grab Scheme.

The People who were subsidized were all going to lose their coverage as Insurers no longer want anything to do with the Cluster Phuck that is Obamacare.

This bill actually saves people from losing coverage. And The Bill will be amended in The Senate, and then go to Committee where they can work out the best deal for everyone.

This is the polar opposite of Obama Care which was ramrodded through Congress.
What if, Congress had made money granting federal charters to healthcare firms, to make it easier to reach consumers in a single, national market?
It may die in the Senate by design so republicans can blame the dems in their warped thinking even though they have house and senate majority
The whole POS should be blamed on the democrats. They passed the thing in the middle of the night buying off their own members. (corn husker kick back) Something good could have come from it if the two groups would have worked together. But that lesson wasn't learned now we will get some whitewashed POS. Maybe at least they will do away with the mandate that hurt the lower middle class the most.

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