Millions lose coverage

Obamacare is not dead yet. The proposed Medicaid cuts are cruel and do not benefit patients.
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.
Making so much they are leaving the exchanges.
I didn't say that the exchanges are not a drag on profits. The article that I posted points that out. However, even while in the exchanges, they are making a ton of money as the result of other aspects of Ocare and will continue to if they leave the exchanges. But they are greedy bastards. Now lets see you actually refute anything that I posted.
Which part of them leaving the exchanges did I miss...........
CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare

The CBO now says ObamaCare will leave 31 million uninsured after more than a decade, up from its 23 million forecast made in 2011.

Put another way, the CBO promised that ObamaCare would cover 60% of the uninsured.

Now it says the program will cover less than half, despite spending $2 trillion to subsidize premiums and expand Medicaid.

Does anyone really believe that if Obama announced a plan to spend $2 trillion on a program that would leave 31 million uninsured and force 10 million workers off their employer-based insurance, that even Democrats would have voted for it?
Just a few points in response to your propaganda:

None of the links in the article that you posted to the actual CBO report work

There has been a trend since about 2000 of small and medium sized employers no longer offering health care which obviously predates Obama care. There are many market forces at work that are responsible for this and there is no indication that it has been exacerbated by Obama care.

Large employers have consistently offered health care plans and continue to.

People who do loose their employer based insurance do not necessarily go uninsured. They may be able to purchase coverage on the open market or through an exchange.

"According to the American Action Forum, 43 million American workers will lose access to employer-based health insurance coverage because of Obamacare. Critics of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have warned that the creation of health insurance exchanges, and federal subsidies for people earning less than 400% of the federal poverty limit, practically invites employers to stop offering coverage to their employees, so the federal government picks up the tab. Some supporters of the ACA even celebrate this possible exodus from the employer-based insurance market, figuring it is prelude to a government takeover of the healthcare industry.

What is missing amidst all these claims and controversies is good old-fashioned data. Fortunately, recent research published in the journal Health Affairs provides some levelheaded evidence about what has been happening to employer-based insurance over the past decade, and what we can expect to happen in the future"

Obamacare And The End Of Employer-Based Health Insurance.

Now here is a real CBO report that focuses on the effect of a repeal of the ACA wiol have on the numbers of uninsured CBO: 18 million could lose coverage after ObamaCare repeal
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.
Making so much they are leaving the exchanges.
I didn't say that the exchanges are not a drag on profits. The article that I posted points that out. However, even while in the exchanges, they are making a ton of money as the result of other aspects of Ocare and will continue to if they leave the exchanges. But they are greedy bastards. Now lets see you actually refute anything that I posted.
Which part of them leaving the exchanges did I miss...........
Don't play games like you're too dumb to understand my point. You are playing, right? Oh shit!! No?
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.

Of course, that's why they are all bailing on the ACA. Good lord.
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.

Of course, that's why they are all bailing on the ACA. Good lord.
Then refute the information that I posted or go slink away.
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.

Of course, that's why they are all bailing on the ACA. Good lord.
Then refute the information that I posted or go slink away.

LOL, are Carriers still pulling out of the ACA?
Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill | HuffPost

President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable.

“Remember that there are no cuts to the Medicaid program,” Price told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning on “State of the Union.” “There are increases in spending. What we’re doing is apportioning it in a way that allows states to have greater flexibility… to care for their Medicaid population.”

Complete horseshit!!
Insurance companies are whiney , greedy brats. They are doing very well with Obama care. They are making tons of money!

Selected excerpts:

Over the last few years, big managed care companies like UnitedHealth Group have contributed to the furor over the fate of the Affordable Care Act by saying that important parts of it are fundamentally flawed.

But Obamacare hasn’t been a curse for the managed care companies. Over all, based on their share performance, it has been something of a blessing.

Since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the managed care companies within the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — UnitedHealth, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and Centene — have risen far more than the overall stock index. This is no small matter: The stock market soared during that period.

“If Obamacare has been bad for the managed care stocks, why have they performed so well under it?” asked Paul Hickey, a founder of Bespoke Investment Group. “And do they really need to be rescued by Congress?”

The answers are complex but boil down to this: Basically, several analysts on Wall Street and in Washington said, the underlying businesses of the big managed care companies have actually done extremely well under Obamacare. They have run into some problems but are hardly in need of a rescue.

The companies have notched profits — from expansion of Medicaid, for example, and from services aimed at cutting medical costs — while learning how to insulate themselves from parts of the law that have crimped their income. They have diversified, earning money from businesses that include data management, outpatient clinics and surgical services, as well as traditional health insurance.

They are making a lot of money from government programs like Medicaid and Medicare — and they are likely to keep doing so,” he said, regardless of what happens in Washington.

Of course, that's why they are all bailing on the ACA. Good lord.
Then refute the information that I posted or go slink away.

LOL, are Carriers still pulling out of the ACA?
That does not represent a failure of Obamacare . It is a failure of a greedy for profit health insurance system. It is the reason why we need a single payer system.
Who are those millions, the ones who didn't want it in the first place but were forced to buy it or be prosecuted?
Or be fined, don't be dramatic. Trump has a fine in his version if you go uncovered for 65 days as well. Trumpcare gives huge tax breaks to the wealthy. In order to do that, they had to cut millions from other places, like Medicaid. Something he promised not to do. That cut alone will kick millions off of insurance in the next decade.
Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill | HuffPost

President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable.

“Remember that there are no cuts to the Medicaid program,” Price told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning on “State of the Union.” “There are increases in spending. What we’re doing is apportioning it in a way that allows states to have greater flexibility… to care for their Medicaid population.”

Complete horseshit!!
Making billionaires like chump richer and others pay the freight EVEN Buffett says this bs deal would have lowered his last years taxes by 17%
Who are those millions, the ones who didn't want it in the first place but were forced to buy it or be prosecuted?
Or be fined, don't be dramatic. Trump has a fine in his version if you go uncovered for 65 days as well. Trumpcare gives huge tax breaks to the wealthy. In order to do that, they had to cut millions from other places, like Medicaid. Something he promised not to do. That cut alone will kick millions off of insurance in the next decade.
Don't be dramatic.
Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill | HuffPost

President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable.

“Remember that there are no cuts to the Medicaid program,” Price told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning on “State of the Union.” “There are increases in spending. What we’re doing is apportioning it in a way that allows states to have greater flexibility… to care for their Medicaid population.”

Complete horseshit!!
Making billionaires like chump richer and others pay the freight EVEN Buffett says this bs deal would have lowered his last years taxes by 17%
Buffet is a liberal hack, what the hell do you expect him to say?
Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill | HuffPost

President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable.

“Remember that there are no cuts to the Medicaid program,” Price told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning on “State of the Union.” “There are increases in spending. What we’re doing is apportioning it in a way that allows states to have greater flexibility… to care for their Medicaid population.”

Complete horseshit!!
Making billionaires like chump richer and others pay the freight EVEN Buffett says this bs deal would have lowered his last years taxes by 17%
Buffet is a liberal hack, what the hell do you expect him to say?
You'd believe a world class liar like trump but not an honest as a judge guy like Buffett?
Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill | HuffPost

President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable.

“Remember that there are no cuts to the Medicaid program,” Price told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning on “State of the Union.” “There are increases in spending. What we’re doing is apportioning it in a way that allows states to have greater flexibility… to care for their Medicaid population.”

Complete horseshit!!
Making billionaires like chump richer and others pay the freight EVEN Buffett says this bs deal would have lowered his last years taxes by 17%
Buffet is a liberal hack, what the hell do you expect him to say?
You'd believe a world class liar like trump but not an honest as a judge guy like Buffett?
You know Buffet personally, do you?

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