Millions of Americans probably praying that the ACA penalty will end immediately.

Millions of Americans probably praying that their health insurance won't end.

The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
Millions of Americans probably praying that their health insurance won't end.

The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol
The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol

The entire thing is a disaster and has to be eliminated entirely. Then we need to start all over again and this time do it right instead of doing it to favor your party or constituents of your party. In other words do something Democrats never do: keep politics out of it.
Millions of Americans probably praying that their health insurance won't end.

The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
Millions of Americans probably praying that their health insurance won't end.

The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.

Then you are targeting one group of people to pay for another which is no better than what we have today.

If we want to have healthcare of any kind, we need to keep politics out of it. Everybody is covered, and everybody pays. That's the only fair way.

And as I stated earlier, what Trump and the Republicans should do is offer some sort of incentive for employers to provide coverage for their employees. That would get things back to where they were and perhaps even better. If you don't work, then you go without coverage.
The Mandate is Un-American. I've always said that. I'm very pleased Trump has ended it. And so are many many other Americans.
That didn't answer the question.

I want to know what you think the effect will be on America's families.

To me, that is an important issue.

The mandate was highly unpopular when it was first proposed - before the ACA even existed. It wasn't added just to PO the public. There were reasons.

So, I want to know how American families will be impacted due to this change.

What have Trump or Ryan said about that? Surely THEY care about American families and wouldn't dick with out system without knowing the ramifications.

I'm sure something will be worked out. But i never supported fining or 'penalizing' American Citizens in that way. It was Un-American. And i am truly grateful Trump recognized that and ended it.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
The Mandate will no longer be enforced. No more fining or 'penalizing' Americans. Thank you President Trump!
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol
me a dem? no, I just want things that I dont use to be taxed to pay for the ACA, I dont want to be forced to pay. I can quit smoking, and I would just to make sure none of my money went to keeping a cockroach alive.
I hate to be cold but if someone refuses to better themselves and pay their own way, maybe it is for the good of society if they were to just get sick and die.
Society does not advance and evolution does not take place by keeping the weak and worthless in the gene pool.
That didn't answer the question.

I want to know what you think the effect will be on America's families.

To me, that is an important issue.

The mandate was highly unpopular when it was first proposed - before the ACA even existed. It wasn't added just to PO the public. There were reasons.

So, I want to know how American families will be impacted due to this change.

What have Trump or Ryan said about that? Surely THEY care about American families and wouldn't dick with out system without knowing the ramifications.

I'm sure something will be worked out. But i never supported fining or 'penalizing' American Citizens in that way. It was Un-American. And i am truly grateful Trump recognized that and ended it.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
and that is what the liberals are too stupid to understand.
when the government says the ACA is going to save billions of dollars, they were not referring to the taxpayers saving any money. First off, the billions that are saved are not going to result in lower taxes, it will be used most likely for more programs to keep the unworthy alive and leaching off of society.
When the employer drops the health care contributions from the employees, the employer is not going to pass those savings on to the worker, that money is going to go to build the bottom line of the companies books.
All of the savings are for big business and government. The cost is going to just be transferred over to the workers, that big number that is spent on health care in the U.S is not going away, its still getting paid, but now we are going to be paying the same amount in taxes plus the added amount for the insurance.
Liberals prove every day that they are without a doubt the biggest idiots that have ever walked the face of the earth.
I'm sure something will be worked out. But i never supported fining or 'penalizing' American Citizens in that way. It was Un-American. And i am truly grateful Trump recognized that and ended it.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
and that is what the liberals are too stupid to understand.
when the government says the ACA is going to save billions of dollars, they were not referring to the taxpayers saving any money. First off, the billions that are saved are not going to result in lower taxes, it will be used most likely for more programs to keep the unworthy alive and leaching off of society.
When the employer drops the health care contributions from the employees, the employer is not going to pass those savings on to the worker, that money is going to go to build the bottom line of the companies books.
All of the savings are for big business and government. The cost is going to just be transferred over to the workers, that big number that is spent on health care in the U.S is not going away, its still getting paid, but now we are going to be paying the same amount in taxes plus the added amount for the insurance.
Liberals prove every day that they are without a doubt the biggest idiots that have ever walked the face of the earth.
Well, that isn't how free market capitalism works.

Corporations compete for talent by offering compensation good enough to attract the talent they need. If they offer to little, they won't retain the needed takent.

Dropping hc from compensation packages just changes the mix of compensation features. It doesn't change the dollars companies have to spend on talent. So, one would expect the competition to simply cause compensation packages to become better in other areas, perhaps after an adjustment period.
The Mandate is dead. It was Un-American. Most Americans are grateful to Trump for scrapping it. If Trump continues delivering this way for his supporters, he'll win re-election pretty easily.
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol

The entire thing is a disaster and has to be eliminated entirely. Then we need to start all over again and this time do it right instead of doing it to favor your party or constituents of your party. In other words do something Democrats never do: keep politics out of it.
This is realty- how much Big Health and Big Pharma COST- now we have to go after cost. We the people IS the gov't. It's certainly not the Dems' fault it's a pander to the rich mess, dupe.
The Mandate is dead. It was Un-American. Most Americans are grateful to Trump for scrapping it. If Trump continues delivering this way for his supporters, he'll win re-election pretty easily.
So is paying taxes, having car insurance, and background checks. Yeehaw. Enjoy your new GOP health care scam disaster...just like the good old days. Or shock me...
That didn't answer the question.

I want to know what you think the effect will be on America's families.

To me, that is an important issue.

The mandate was highly unpopular when it was first proposed - before the ACA even existed. It wasn't added just to PO the public. There were reasons.

So, I want to know how American families will be impacted due to this change.

What have Trump or Ryan said about that? Surely THEY care about American families and wouldn't dick with out system without knowing the ramifications.

I'm sure something will be worked out. But i never supported fining or 'penalizing' American Citizens in that way. It was Un-American. And i am truly grateful Trump recognized that and ended it.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
Yup, great job saboging it and refusing to have anything to do with fixing problems. Great job- back to scams, cutoffs, and deaths...or shock me.
I'm sure something will be worked out. But i never supported fining or 'penalizing' American Citizens in that way. It was Un-American. And i am truly grateful Trump recognized that and ended it.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
Yup, great job saboging it and refusing to have anything to do with fixing problems. Great job- back to scams, cutoffs, and deaths...or shock me.

Obamacare was a nightmare. You may not wanna acknowledge that, but it was the reality. The Mandate especially, should have never happened. But now it's dead. And i'm grateful to Trump for that.
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
So, how will deleting this feature change the health care coverage that American families are depending on today?
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol
me a dem? no, I just want things that I dont use to be taxed to pay for the ACA, I dont want to be forced to pay. I can quit smoking, and I would just to make sure none of my money went to keeping a cockroach alive.
I hate to be cold but if someone refuses to better themselves and pay their own way, maybe it is for the good of society if they were to just get sick and die.
Society does not advance and evolution does not take place by keeping the weak and worthless in the gene pool.
Cockroaches? Nice- Only ignorance and bigotry make such bs possible. Enjoy hell. FIX ACA with all these ideas. Whatever system we have, if we even have one, should be cooperated with and TINKERED with forever. Make it Trumpcare, no one cares if it works, but going back to the GOP scam "system" is a horror. Invest in America instead of giving it away to the greedy idiot rich like the last 30 years...
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
. So I'm supporting American families to be covered under the ACA ?? How many families am I supporting ? I sure don't know anyone who works for a living that has family coverage, because it's to dam expensive. So me as a worker am I supporting what maybe two or three families on my tax burden alone in all of this ?
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol
me a dem? no, I just want things that I dont use to be taxed to pay for the ACA, I dont want to be forced to pay. I can quit smoking, and I would just to make sure none of my money went to keeping a cockroach alive.
I hate to be cold but if someone refuses to better themselves and pay their own way, maybe it is for the good of society if they were to just get sick and die.
Society does not advance and evolution does not take place by keeping the weak and worthless in the gene pool.
Cockroaches? Nice- Only ignorance and bigotry make such bs possible. Enjoy hell. FIX ACA with all these ideas. Whatever system we have, if we even have one, should be cooperated with and TINKERED with forever. Make it Trumpcare, no one cares if it works, but going back to the GOP scam "system" is a horror. Invest in America instead of giving it away to the greedy idiot rich like the last 30 years...
the greedy idiot rich that work vs your version of an upstanding deserving intelligent citizen that does nothing but sits on their ass waiting for handouts from those greedy rich?
You seriously have things backwards in your world.
How about this, how about the lazy go ahead and get a job, earn some money and pay for their own needs for a change.
No, again that isn't the question.

Making a change without knowing the consequences of that change is NOT acceptable. And, even more so, as the topic is the health care coverage of American families.

Let's remember that even if the mandate HAD to be removed, the ramifications of that change should be known so that they can be mitigated in some other way.

That mandate was there for important reasons. Simply deleting it HAS to have ramifications that we should consider BEFORE they hit American families - without even so much as a WARNING!!

So, I want to know what this change will mean for American families.

And, the idea that congress would make that change without knowing what would happen is just not acceptable.
I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
Yup, great job saboging it and refusing to have anything to do with fixing problems. Great job- back to scams, cutoffs, and deaths...or shock me.

Obamacare was a nightmare. You may not wanna acknowledge that, but it was the reality. The Mandate especially, should have never happened. But now it's dead. And i'm grateful to Trump for that.
ACA needed regulation, cost controls, and probably more subsidies temporarily, until costs were brought down, all mindlessly obstructed. Ok, wth is your plan? The problem is how ridiculously expensive our GOP health care has become the last 60 years..
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
Of course its going to cost those that get the subsidies more without the mandate. With a mandate in place that forces people to purchase insurance, companies are essentially allowed to charge the non subsidized individuals whatever it is they want/need to cover those that are getting subsidized. If you are forced to purchase, then the price is not something that you can argue.
If there is no mandate, those that would have to pay the outrageous premiums and out of pockets to cover the subsidies are free to find other means to cover their medical costs, or just go without out.
The subsidized are going to end up having to pay more than they currently do because there will not be enough people covering their 0 to 100.00 premiums.
In order to offset the subsidies, insurance companies are going to have to attract more people in the higher earning bracket to buy from them, this is going to have to be done through offering lower prices to attract more people.

The cost to the non subsidized payer is what prompted the fight against the ACA. for example, if lets say the ACA had passed and it meant that I would have had to pay 100.00 more a month in premium but my coverage and policy terms all stayed the same, I would have bitched about it, but I most likely would not have been so adamant about shutting the ACA down. However when my premiums would have doubled and my out of pocket would have gone up by 12,000 a year, there is no way that I could sit back and quietly pay the price.
As he always did, obama misread the peoples
Hell no. Health care is way too expensive...It will cost plenty more without a mandate, but who? There is no plan.
I think it will cost the average non subsidized client less by not having a mandate. Insurance companies are going to have to have price wars to get enough people paying full price to offset those paying next to nothing.
The mandate allowed companies to charge whatever they wanted/needed.
I think the ACA should be covered with a tax on cigarettes (I smoke) junk foods and other lifestyle choices that are not generally associated with good health.
Any ideas like that should be ADDED to ACA, AND going after ridiculous costs. So you support tax on big sodas, limits? You are a Dem. lol
me a dem? no, I just want things that I dont use to be taxed to pay for the ACA, I dont want to be forced to pay. I can quit smoking, and I would just to make sure none of my money went to keeping a cockroach alive.
I hate to be cold but if someone refuses to better themselves and pay their own way, maybe it is for the good of society if they were to just get sick and die.
Society does not advance and evolution does not take place by keeping the weak and worthless in the gene pool.
Cockroaches? Nice- Only ignorance and bigotry make such bs possible. Enjoy hell. FIX ACA with all these ideas. Whatever system we have, if we even have one, should be cooperated with and TINKERED with forever. Make it Trumpcare, no one cares if it works, but going back to the GOP scam "system" is a horror. Invest in America instead of giving it away to the greedy idiot rich like the last 30 years...
the greedy idiot rich that work vs your version of an upstanding deserving intelligent citizen that does nothing but sits on their ass waiting for handouts from those greedy rich?
You seriously have things backwards in your world.
How about this, how about the lazy go ahead and get a job, earn some money and pay for their own needs for a change.
WHERE THE HELL do you get these ridiculous ideas of Dem voters, dupe? Can you see past the end of your nose and whatever putrid form of GOP propaganda you're infused with?

NOW our pathetic cowardly media starts fact checking GOP bs myths...unbelievable.
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I understand your concern over the mandate being removed before any consideration what it would do to the families that are being subsidized was taken in to consideration, I really do.
However, where was your concern when it came to what the mandate and the tripling of premiums to subsidize those families would do to the ones that suddenly without warning found themselves unable to afford insurance any more.
Did you have as much concern for those people?
As Ray in Cleveland, If I remember correctly, I believe he said that the ACA caused him to go without insurance for the first time in his working career, Where is your concern for him? or the millions of others like him that have made sure to carry coverage, that did show a level of personal responsibility. I guess now that he cant afford the new triple cost premiums, you would consider him a free loader?
Personally, I have compassion and concern for people like Ray, someone that has always worked hard to support himself and is family, that has not been a burden on society, that has not looked at my wallet as if the contents inside were somehow owed to him. He and those like him are the ones that I care about. Not the ones that expect everyone else to support them.
Ray's boss believed the GOP fear mongering....and stopped his health program.

Lots of companies did. Trust me, I work in industry and talk to people at different companies all day long. Because of Commie Care, it's spreading like cancer. The Democrats expected this to happen. You can find that information in the Federal Registry. Need a link, just ask. Before they started Commie Care, they estimated that up to 80% of employers would drop coverage for their employees. Then, all those people would have to buy insurance with after-tax money which would have been a huge windfall for the federal government. Last year they kept over a billion dollars in fines from people that didn't get coverage. The federal government is making out like bandits.
Yup, great job saboging it and refusing to have anything to do with fixing problems. Great job- back to scams, cutoffs, and deaths...or shock me.

Obamacare was a nightmare. You may not wanna acknowledge that, but it was the reality. The Mandate especially, should have never happened. But now it's dead. And i'm grateful to Trump for that.
ACA needed regulation, cost controls, and probably more subsidies temporarily, until costs were brought down, all mindlessly obstructed. Ok, wth is your plan? The problem is how ridiculously expensive our GOP health care has become the last 60 years..

Costs rapidly increased with the Obamacare disaster. But i understand you're just seeing what you wanna see. You're still in fanatical Obamabot-Defense Mode. It's a knee-jerk response for you.
BUT, polls show that 60% of America believes it is the responsibility of the US government to ensure that all Americans have health care coverage.

Isn't that the core of the question? Should people be able to vote for others to take care of them? Or, more broadly, what should "60% of America" be allowed to force on everyone else? Anything?

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