Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks

A global economy; only the right wing prefers, global war with our exorbitantly expensive superpower, and not pay for it with global war tax rates. It is a simple Spending problem, according to the right wing.
i'm right wing - i don't want a global economy or global anything.

hell - look in here. we can't agree on a flavor of kool aid but we're expecting the world to function as a single unit?

so - the right wing acknowledges this stupid thing you say and will reply as soon as we're done laughing at you. fyi - it could be awhile.
The right wing is too cognitively dissonant, in my opinion, to be taken very seriously regarding the "methodology" in reaching their foreign policy decisions.

Why do you believe we would be worse off with more trade, rather than less trade?

The cost of the trade is always an issue. Not just in dollars and jobs. But in baggage that comes with it. When the politicians you elect are no longer able, much less willing, to represent you because of dictates from another more powerful group, you have a problem. When you have nearly no influence as a nation over the direction of that larger more powerful group, you have a real problem. When that group can decide not only the business policies and laws your nation will follow, but social, and legal standards you must follow, the problem is enormous.

The truth about a restricted democracy, or Representative Republic is that it allows for small changed within the framework that everyone agrees to. The rights of the individual are laid out, and protected. The Government’s duties and responsibilities are laid out and the people expect the elected to act in a manner which is within those rules and limits.

The truth about the EU is that it is can never be a restricted Democracy, or a Representative Republic. What began as a economic association has become a social, and legal group that dictates to the Nations that are member, which really aren’t nations anymore.

Look at the economic recession we endured what, ten years ago? How many nations are even now still struggling because they could not enact any economic reforms or take economic actions? They did not print the money, and therefor had no say over the money that was in use. The British had control over their money, and the course they charted was different than the EU, and seems to have worked well enough. The course Greece or Italy or Spain, all of which are still suffering huge unemployment and lost billions of Euro’s in value was one of begging for assistance.

They were in effect like the States of America, instead of the equivalent of the United States as a nation. They answered to the EU. They obeyed the instructions from the EU, which where monetary policy and trade policy is settled, gives the power to the largest most powerful nations.

It turned the smaller nations into servents of the German and French economies and wishes. Enough people in Britain saw that to demand a change. Now the future is uncertain, because whenever you make a big change, it is always uncertain. But you are going for more independence, more freedom, and more say in the lives of yourself, your family, and your fellow Britain’s. Is the ability to trade with Germany and France really that awesome when British products aren’t bought with nearly the same zest as German products? Will the average German Car buyer walk past a Volkswagen built in Germany to buy a Nissan built in England? Will the French stop buying Peugeot or Citroen? Will Italy choose English brand names over Fiat?

It was never a good thing, and it isn’t a good thing today for Britain or anyone.
I agree to disagree. Our problem in the US, seems to be, right wing fantasy, not global trade. Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending. In my opinion, trade deficits should be addressed with infrastructure and subsidies; not trade wars.

In a way, I agree. Deficit spending is not a sustainable nor desirable long term plan. However, the reverse is also not desirable. Requiring both Social programs, and dictated tax policy. It is said that there are many ways to skin a cat, and there are many ways to achieve economic stability. First, of course, do not spend more than you make. A lesson that individuals, and governments, have struggled with forever.

Cooperation however, is not good either. Let’s take cars for a good example. In the 1970’s both Europe, and America, opened their markets to foreign cars. The Common Market in Europe. Britain had a number of car makers, and the cars they made were junk. Their market was flooded with not only Japanese, but European Cars. Instead of Rovers, the British people bought BMW, Mercedes, and later Audi’s as well as Volkswagens, and Fiat. One of the truly great cars of the era was the Mini from England.

Yet, the Mini suffered by comparison soon enough as the Volkswagen Golf and various European and later Japanese Hatchbacks began to flood the market. Britain through British Leyland came up with the Alegro. It was terrible.

The Mini was good, and other cars had the potential to be good, but they weren’t. They suffered and died as a result of competition from the market. Wait for it. The Americans faced the same problem. AMC went the way of the Dodo. But the other makers studied the Japanese, and the Europeans, and learned. They adapted. We saw an end to the giant highway cruisers. We saw the beginnings of some really good cars. The Chevy Luv Pick Up truck, the Ford Ranger, which in later years was just a Mazda Pick up with a different label, but we are moving forward. The Ford Explorer was a derivative of the Land Rover Discovery, itself a derivative of the Range Rover.

Car after car was updated, manufacturing techniques were updated, quality was improved. And competition provided us the consumers, a better product. It is happening even today.

Electric cars, the dream of Science Fiction writers and Futurologists were slow, had no range worth mentioning, and were ugly. They missed on all of the key checks that get a product selected by the product. Ugly is OK, the econobox hatch backs of the 1980’s prove it. If the car is reliable, cheap, and reasonably user friendly. We’ll sacrifice looks for expense in other words.

Today Electric Cars are starting to get mainstream. Why? Tesla kickstarted the whole thing. Now other makers are working on getting their share of Tesla’s lightning. Better range, faster recharge, and improved appearance. They’re still expensive, but it is improving.

Competition was able to achieve what the desires of the fantasy writers could not. Widespread acceptance of the electric car in a gas society.

Cooperation means limits. Let’s say that Spain comes up with the next Tesla. Only it’s cheap, reliable, and fast to recharge. They start to flood the market. Well, in the EU that wouldn’t be good. You see, other nations make similar vehicles, and their sales would suffer wouldn’t they? So limits on the Spanish car would insure that it’s fair for everyone. Fair for everyone is the exact opposite of competition, and does not stimulate advancements and progress and improvements. It stifles them.
Capitalists with their capital ventures. What if, Labor just wants to work? Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, means even venture capitalists can venture their capital and not leave Labor in a much worse off position than before; or, at least with recourse to an income in the manner of compensation for Capitalism's, Natural rate of unemployment. An automatic stabilizer for our economy, regardless of venture capitalists, venturing and not always winning.
Only because other left wing policy doesn't solve for simple poverty; we don't need "free stuff" if people have an income to pay for it. Solving for the poverty induced by Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, solves simple market based issues.

Great, then get a fricken job so you can pay for it...dumbass.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; I am naturally unemployed.

And there is a natural state of laziness, congrats.
Yes, employers are too lazy to hire Everyone who asks.

Yeah, must be all the employers.
why Any homelessness At All, in alleged, Right to Work States?
Biggest problem seems to be left wing fantasy. Free college, free healthcare and now free income. Dumbass.
Only because other left wing policy doesn't solve for simple poverty; we don't need "free stuff" if people have an income to pay for it. Solving for the poverty induced by Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, solves simple market based issues.

Great, then get a fricken job so you can pay for it...dumbass.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; I am naturally unemployed.

And there is a natural state of laziness, congrats.
Yes, employers are too lazy to hire Everyone who asks.
Ewetopia: A Real-World Paradise for Plutocratic Parasites

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood.
The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks
Why do Americans care if Britain is in the EU or not?
For a Century, We Have Never Wanted England to Be on Germany's Side

Divide and Conquer is in our interest; Unite and Conquer is in Europe's.
obsolete ideology?
The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks
Why do Americans care if Britain is in the EU or not?
Same reason many people in other nations care if the US is in NAFTA or the UN or not
potentially better products at lower cost?
From Those Who Invented a Boat Called "Junk"

That delusion is the Chink in the FreeTraders' armor.
We can't compete on Labor with the less developed world. We have a First World economy; it is not, inexpensive.
why is the right wing in the US, in favor of British "isolationism"?
/----/ WTF are you babbling about?
the "chart reading skills of options guys".
/----/ If that's a joke no one is laughing except you.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
Only because other left wing policy doesn't solve for simple poverty; we don't need "free stuff" if people have an income to pay for it. Solving for the poverty induced by Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, solves simple market based issues.

Great, then get a fricken job so you can pay for it...dumbass.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; I am naturally unemployed.

And there is a natural state of laziness, congrats.
Yes, employers are too lazy to hire Everyone who asks.
Ewetopia: A Real-World Paradise for Plutocratic Parasites

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood.
Only because they can't do it all themselves, for higher profits.
Well, the British unsuccessfully tried to influence the 2004 election with the Guardiabomination's "Operation Clark County." With almost comical results. Basically, the British went on a letter-writing campaign to a vital swing county in the vital swing state of Ohio to all the registered voters - in typical British liberal condescending, insulting and vaguely threatening sneering not to re-elect Bush. Which predictably backfired so badly that county became the reddest one in Ohio. What did the UK think was going to happen when they write to strangers in America with the tone, "We enlightened Europeans know what's best for you simple American bumpkins and if you re-elect Bush don't be surprised if travel in other countries becomes very unpleasant for you." That was the basic gist of it.

What American liberals will never understand is that English pigs will ALWAYS hate Americans, no matter who we elect, no matter what we do or don't do, even over internal domestic matters that don't affect them in the slightest. The English will always go through elaborate mental gymnastics to blame every problem in their miserable, booze-pickled, Islam-whoring lives on us "bloody seppos." Some of the most psychotic, genocidal bloodthirst against Americans by loathsome English, drunken tourist subhuman sewer-residue white trash was after we elected their Islam-leftist hero Obama. I'm an American with a big chunk of Irish ancestry and we had to kick these reprobate English savages out of both our countries by force.
/----/ WTF are you babbling about?
the "chart reading skills of options guys".
/----/ If that's a joke no one is laughing except you.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
the "chart reading skills of options guys".
/----/ If that's a joke no one is laughing except you.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/----/ If that's a joke no one is laughing except you.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/——/ Over paid fed bums don’t need any raises. Infrastructure bills are pork laden projects
i'm right wing - i don't want a global economy or global anything.

hell - look in here. we can't agree on a flavor of kool aid but we're expecting the world to function as a single unit?

so - the right wing acknowledges this stupid thing you say and will reply as soon as we're done laughing at you. fyi - it could be awhile.
The right wing is too cognitively dissonant, in my opinion, to be taken very seriously regarding the "methodology" in reaching their foreign policy decisions.

Why do you believe we would be worse off with more trade, rather than less trade?

The cost of the trade is always an issue. Not just in dollars and jobs. But in baggage that comes with it. When the politicians you elect are no longer able, much less willing, to represent you because of dictates from another more powerful group, you have a problem. When you have nearly no influence as a nation over the direction of that larger more powerful group, you have a real problem. When that group can decide not only the business policies and laws your nation will follow, but social, and legal standards you must follow, the problem is enormous.

The truth about a restricted democracy, or Representative Republic is that it allows for small changed within the framework that everyone agrees to. The rights of the individual are laid out, and protected. The Government’s duties and responsibilities are laid out and the people expect the elected to act in a manner which is within those rules and limits.

The truth about the EU is that it is can never be a restricted Democracy, or a Representative Republic. What began as a economic association has become a social, and legal group that dictates to the Nations that are member, which really aren’t nations anymore.

Look at the economic recession we endured what, ten years ago? How many nations are even now still struggling because they could not enact any economic reforms or take economic actions? They did not print the money, and therefor had no say over the money that was in use. The British had control over their money, and the course they charted was different than the EU, and seems to have worked well enough. The course Greece or Italy or Spain, all of which are still suffering huge unemployment and lost billions of Euro’s in value was one of begging for assistance.

They were in effect like the States of America, instead of the equivalent of the United States as a nation. They answered to the EU. They obeyed the instructions from the EU, which where monetary policy and trade policy is settled, gives the power to the largest most powerful nations.

It turned the smaller nations into servents of the German and French economies and wishes. Enough people in Britain saw that to demand a change. Now the future is uncertain, because whenever you make a big change, it is always uncertain. But you are going for more independence, more freedom, and more say in the lives of yourself, your family, and your fellow Britain’s. Is the ability to trade with Germany and France really that awesome when British products aren’t bought with nearly the same zest as German products? Will the average German Car buyer walk past a Volkswagen built in Germany to buy a Nissan built in England? Will the French stop buying Peugeot or Citroen? Will Italy choose English brand names over Fiat?

It was never a good thing, and it isn’t a good thing today for Britain or anyone.
I agree to disagree. Our problem in the US, seems to be, right wing fantasy, not global trade. Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending. In my opinion, trade deficits should be addressed with infrastructure and subsidies; not trade wars.

In a way, I agree. Deficit spending is not a sustainable nor desirable long term plan. However, the reverse is also not desirable. Requiring both Social programs, and dictated tax policy. It is said that there are many ways to skin a cat, and there are many ways to achieve economic stability. First, of course, do not spend more than you make. A lesson that individuals, and governments, have struggled with forever.

Cooperation however, is not good either. Let’s take cars for a good example. In the 1970’s both Europe, and America, opened their markets to foreign cars. The Common Market in Europe. Britain had a number of car makers, and the cars they made were junk. Their market was flooded with not only Japanese, but European Cars. Instead of Rovers, the British people bought BMW, Mercedes, and later Audi’s as well as Volkswagens, and Fiat. One of the truly great cars of the era was the Mini from England.

Yet, the Mini suffered by comparison soon enough as the Volkswagen Golf and various European and later Japanese Hatchbacks began to flood the market. Britain through British Leyland came up with the Alegro. It was terrible.

The Mini was good, and other cars had the potential to be good, but they weren’t. They suffered and died as a result of competition from the market. Wait for it. The Americans faced the same problem. AMC went the way of the Dodo. But the other makers studied the Japanese, and the Europeans, and learned. They adapted. We saw an end to the giant highway cruisers. We saw the beginnings of some really good cars. The Chevy Luv Pick Up truck, the Ford Ranger, which in later years was just a Mazda Pick up with a different label, but we are moving forward. The Ford Explorer was a derivative of the Land Rover Discovery, itself a derivative of the Range Rover.

Car after car was updated, manufacturing techniques were updated, quality was improved. And competition provided us the consumers, a better product. It is happening even today.

Electric cars, the dream of Science Fiction writers and Futurologists were slow, had no range worth mentioning, and were ugly. They missed on all of the key checks that get a product selected by the product. Ugly is OK, the econobox hatch backs of the 1980’s prove it. If the car is reliable, cheap, and reasonably user friendly. We’ll sacrifice looks for expense in other words.

Today Electric Cars are starting to get mainstream. Why? Tesla kickstarted the whole thing. Now other makers are working on getting their share of Tesla’s lightning. Better range, faster recharge, and improved appearance. They’re still expensive, but it is improving.

Competition was able to achieve what the desires of the fantasy writers could not. Widespread acceptance of the electric car in a gas society.

Cooperation means limits. Let’s say that Spain comes up with the next Tesla. Only it’s cheap, reliable, and fast to recharge. They start to flood the market. Well, in the EU that wouldn’t be good. You see, other nations make similar vehicles, and their sales would suffer wouldn’t they? So limits on the Spanish car would insure that it’s fair for everyone. Fair for everyone is the exact opposite of competition, and does not stimulate advancements and progress and improvements. It stifles them.
Capitalists with their capital ventures. What if, Labor just wants to work? Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, means even venture capitalists can venture their capital and not leave Labor in a much worse off position than before; or, at least with recourse to an income in the manner of compensation for Capitalism's, Natural rate of unemployment. An automatic stabilizer for our economy, regardless of venture capitalists, venturing and not always winning.

For labor to work there has to be something for them to do, something profitable or at least productive. Make work never works well.

Again using cars. The British industry collapsed. The brands were sold off. Now the German Companies are designing the former competition. Jaguar is owned by Tata. Bentley is owned by BMW as is Mini. Rolls is also owned by another.

The British cars always had style. Now they have reliability and quality. Tens of thousands work making and shipping Mini’s again. Labor is stronger because they have jobs. The community is stronger because of income. The nation is stronger as well for the same reason. That isn’t cooperative, it is competitive.

The labor at the Mini plant know if quality suffers they all suffer. Each has to do the job and do it well. They finally learned the lesson the Americans learned almost too late. You have to build it well.

Competition has seen impressive advancements in rocket designs and science applications. Some came from the old Soviets and some from private industry.

The bottom line is the more independent a nation is, the more likely they will be strong and worthy. The EU as an economic entity was a good idea. The EU as a political and social regulator is not.

I love free trade between equals. It always brings out the best in the people involved and improves things for everyone. Unequal economies mean you offshore production and weaken your own nation and its future.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/——/ Over paid fed bums don’t need any raises. Infrastructure bills are pork laden projects
tax cut economics is about the rich getting richer faster.
The right wing is too cognitively dissonant, in my opinion, to be taken very seriously regarding the "methodology" in reaching their foreign policy decisions.

Why do you believe we would be worse off with more trade, rather than less trade?

The cost of the trade is always an issue. Not just in dollars and jobs. But in baggage that comes with it. When the politicians you elect are no longer able, much less willing, to represent you because of dictates from another more powerful group, you have a problem. When you have nearly no influence as a nation over the direction of that larger more powerful group, you have a real problem. When that group can decide not only the business policies and laws your nation will follow, but social, and legal standards you must follow, the problem is enormous.

The truth about a restricted democracy, or Representative Republic is that it allows for small changed within the framework that everyone agrees to. The rights of the individual are laid out, and protected. The Government’s duties and responsibilities are laid out and the people expect the elected to act in a manner which is within those rules and limits.

The truth about the EU is that it is can never be a restricted Democracy, or a Representative Republic. What began as a economic association has become a social, and legal group that dictates to the Nations that are member, which really aren’t nations anymore.

Look at the economic recession we endured what, ten years ago? How many nations are even now still struggling because they could not enact any economic reforms or take economic actions? They did not print the money, and therefor had no say over the money that was in use. The British had control over their money, and the course they charted was different than the EU, and seems to have worked well enough. The course Greece or Italy or Spain, all of which are still suffering huge unemployment and lost billions of Euro’s in value was one of begging for assistance.

They were in effect like the States of America, instead of the equivalent of the United States as a nation. They answered to the EU. They obeyed the instructions from the EU, which where monetary policy and trade policy is settled, gives the power to the largest most powerful nations.

It turned the smaller nations into servents of the German and French economies and wishes. Enough people in Britain saw that to demand a change. Now the future is uncertain, because whenever you make a big change, it is always uncertain. But you are going for more independence, more freedom, and more say in the lives of yourself, your family, and your fellow Britain’s. Is the ability to trade with Germany and France really that awesome when British products aren’t bought with nearly the same zest as German products? Will the average German Car buyer walk past a Volkswagen built in Germany to buy a Nissan built in England? Will the French stop buying Peugeot or Citroen? Will Italy choose English brand names over Fiat?

It was never a good thing, and it isn’t a good thing today for Britain or anyone.
I agree to disagree. Our problem in the US, seems to be, right wing fantasy, not global trade. Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending. In my opinion, trade deficits should be addressed with infrastructure and subsidies; not trade wars.

In a way, I agree. Deficit spending is not a sustainable nor desirable long term plan. However, the reverse is also not desirable. Requiring both Social programs, and dictated tax policy. It is said that there are many ways to skin a cat, and there are many ways to achieve economic stability. First, of course, do not spend more than you make. A lesson that individuals, and governments, have struggled with forever.

Cooperation however, is not good either. Let’s take cars for a good example. In the 1970’s both Europe, and America, opened their markets to foreign cars. The Common Market in Europe. Britain had a number of car makers, and the cars they made were junk. Their market was flooded with not only Japanese, but European Cars. Instead of Rovers, the British people bought BMW, Mercedes, and later Audi’s as well as Volkswagens, and Fiat. One of the truly great cars of the era was the Mini from England.

Yet, the Mini suffered by comparison soon enough as the Volkswagen Golf and various European and later Japanese Hatchbacks began to flood the market. Britain through British Leyland came up with the Alegro. It was terrible.

The Mini was good, and other cars had the potential to be good, but they weren’t. They suffered and died as a result of competition from the market. Wait for it. The Americans faced the same problem. AMC went the way of the Dodo. But the other makers studied the Japanese, and the Europeans, and learned. They adapted. We saw an end to the giant highway cruisers. We saw the beginnings of some really good cars. The Chevy Luv Pick Up truck, the Ford Ranger, which in later years was just a Mazda Pick up with a different label, but we are moving forward. The Ford Explorer was a derivative of the Land Rover Discovery, itself a derivative of the Range Rover.

Car after car was updated, manufacturing techniques were updated, quality was improved. And competition provided us the consumers, a better product. It is happening even today.

Electric cars, the dream of Science Fiction writers and Futurologists were slow, had no range worth mentioning, and were ugly. They missed on all of the key checks that get a product selected by the product. Ugly is OK, the econobox hatch backs of the 1980’s prove it. If the car is reliable, cheap, and reasonably user friendly. We’ll sacrifice looks for expense in other words.

Today Electric Cars are starting to get mainstream. Why? Tesla kickstarted the whole thing. Now other makers are working on getting their share of Tesla’s lightning. Better range, faster recharge, and improved appearance. They’re still expensive, but it is improving.

Competition was able to achieve what the desires of the fantasy writers could not. Widespread acceptance of the electric car in a gas society.

Cooperation means limits. Let’s say that Spain comes up with the next Tesla. Only it’s cheap, reliable, and fast to recharge. They start to flood the market. Well, in the EU that wouldn’t be good. You see, other nations make similar vehicles, and their sales would suffer wouldn’t they? So limits on the Spanish car would insure that it’s fair for everyone. Fair for everyone is the exact opposite of competition, and does not stimulate advancements and progress and improvements. It stifles them.
Capitalists with their capital ventures. What if, Labor just wants to work? Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, means even venture capitalists can venture their capital and not leave Labor in a much worse off position than before; or, at least with recourse to an income in the manner of compensation for Capitalism's, Natural rate of unemployment. An automatic stabilizer for our economy, regardless of venture capitalists, venturing and not always winning.

For labor to work there has to be something for them to do, something profitable or at least productive. Make work never works well.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. Only socialism can find something for everyone to do.

Why not solve for that with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed? It is market friendly and conforms to the concept of natural rights.

How would unemployed Labor, be worse off with That form of social safety, instead of only having means tested welfare, which is much more expensive? Means testing can limit opportunities for advancement unlike compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/——/ Over paid fed bums don’t need any raises. Infrastructure bills are pork laden projects
tax cut economics is about the rich getting richer faster.
/----/ So? What's wrong with that? It's the American dream. If you enjoy living like a peasant then move to Europe.
The right wing is too cognitively dissonant, in my opinion, to be taken very seriously regarding the "methodology" in reaching their foreign policy decisions.

Why do you believe we would be worse off with more trade, rather than less trade?

The cost of the trade is always an issue. Not just in dollars and jobs. But in baggage that comes with it. When the politicians you elect are no longer able, much less willing, to represent you because of dictates from another more powerful group, you have a problem. When you have nearly no influence as a nation over the direction of that larger more powerful group, you have a real problem. When that group can decide not only the business policies and laws your nation will follow, but social, and legal standards you must follow, the problem is enormous.

The truth about a restricted democracy, or Representative Republic is that it allows for small changed within the framework that everyone agrees to. The rights of the individual are laid out, and protected. The Government’s duties and responsibilities are laid out and the people expect the elected to act in a manner which is within those rules and limits.

The truth about the EU is that it is can never be a restricted Democracy, or a Representative Republic. What began as a economic association has become a social, and legal group that dictates to the Nations that are member, which really aren’t nations anymore.

Look at the economic recession we endured what, ten years ago? How many nations are even now still struggling because they could not enact any economic reforms or take economic actions? They did not print the money, and therefor had no say over the money that was in use. The British had control over their money, and the course they charted was different than the EU, and seems to have worked well enough. The course Greece or Italy or Spain, all of which are still suffering huge unemployment and lost billions of Euro’s in value was one of begging for assistance.

They were in effect like the States of America, instead of the equivalent of the United States as a nation. They answered to the EU. They obeyed the instructions from the EU, which where monetary policy and trade policy is settled, gives the power to the largest most powerful nations.

It turned the smaller nations into servents of the German and French economies and wishes. Enough people in Britain saw that to demand a change. Now the future is uncertain, because whenever you make a big change, it is always uncertain. But you are going for more independence, more freedom, and more say in the lives of yourself, your family, and your fellow Britain’s. Is the ability to trade with Germany and France really that awesome when British products aren’t bought with nearly the same zest as German products? Will the average German Car buyer walk past a Volkswagen built in Germany to buy a Nissan built in England? Will the French stop buying Peugeot or Citroen? Will Italy choose English brand names over Fiat?

It was never a good thing, and it isn’t a good thing today for Britain or anyone.
I agree to disagree. Our problem in the US, seems to be, right wing fantasy, not global trade. Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending. In my opinion, trade deficits should be addressed with infrastructure and subsidies; not trade wars.

In a way, I agree. Deficit spending is not a sustainable nor desirable long term plan. However, the reverse is also not desirable. Requiring both Social programs, and dictated tax policy. It is said that there are many ways to skin a cat, and there are many ways to achieve economic stability. First, of course, do not spend more than you make. A lesson that individuals, and governments, have struggled with forever.

Cooperation however, is not good either. Let’s take cars for a good example. In the 1970’s both Europe, and America, opened their markets to foreign cars. The Common Market in Europe. Britain had a number of car makers, and the cars they made were junk. Their market was flooded with not only Japanese, but European Cars. Instead of Rovers, the British people bought BMW, Mercedes, and later Audi’s as well as Volkswagens, and Fiat. One of the truly great cars of the era was the Mini from England.

Yet, the Mini suffered by comparison soon enough as the Volkswagen Golf and various European and later Japanese Hatchbacks began to flood the market. Britain through British Leyland came up with the Alegro. It was terrible.

The Mini was good, and other cars had the potential to be good, but they weren’t. They suffered and died as a result of competition from the market. Wait for it. The Americans faced the same problem. AMC went the way of the Dodo. But the other makers studied the Japanese, and the Europeans, and learned. They adapted. We saw an end to the giant highway cruisers. We saw the beginnings of some really good cars. The Chevy Luv Pick Up truck, the Ford Ranger, which in later years was just a Mazda Pick up with a different label, but we are moving forward. The Ford Explorer was a derivative of the Land Rover Discovery, itself a derivative of the Range Rover.

Car after car was updated, manufacturing techniques were updated, quality was improved. And competition provided us the consumers, a better product. It is happening even today.

Electric cars, the dream of Science Fiction writers and Futurologists were slow, had no range worth mentioning, and were ugly. They missed on all of the key checks that get a product selected by the product. Ugly is OK, the econobox hatch backs of the 1980’s prove it. If the car is reliable, cheap, and reasonably user friendly. We’ll sacrifice looks for expense in other words.

Today Electric Cars are starting to get mainstream. Why? Tesla kickstarted the whole thing. Now other makers are working on getting their share of Tesla’s lightning. Better range, faster recharge, and improved appearance. They’re still expensive, but it is improving.

Competition was able to achieve what the desires of the fantasy writers could not. Widespread acceptance of the electric car in a gas society.

Cooperation means limits. Let’s say that Spain comes up with the next Tesla. Only it’s cheap, reliable, and fast to recharge. They start to flood the market. Well, in the EU that wouldn’t be good. You see, other nations make similar vehicles, and their sales would suffer wouldn’t they? So limits on the Spanish car would insure that it’s fair for everyone. Fair for everyone is the exact opposite of competition, and does not stimulate advancements and progress and improvements. It stifles them.
Capitalists with their capital ventures. What if, Labor just wants to work? Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, means even venture capitalists can venture their capital and not leave Labor in a much worse off position than before; or, at least with recourse to an income in the manner of compensation for Capitalism's, Natural rate of unemployment. An automatic stabilizer for our economy, regardless of venture capitalists, venturing and not always winning.

For labor to work there has to be something for them to do, something profitable or at least productive. Make work never works well.

Again using cars. The British industry collapsed. The brands were sold off. Now the German Companies are designing the former competition. Jaguar is owned by Tata. Bentley is owned by BMW as is Mini. Rolls is also owned by another.

The British cars always had style. Now they have reliability and quality. Tens of thousands work making and shipping Mini’s again. Labor is stronger because they have jobs. The community is stronger because of income. The nation is stronger as well for the same reason. That isn’t cooperative, it is competitive.

The labor at the Mini plant know if quality suffers they all suffer. Each has to do the job and do it well. They finally learned the lesson the Americans learned almost too late. You have to build it well.

Competition has seen impressive advancements in rocket designs and science applications. Some came from the old Soviets and some from private industry.

The bottom line is the more independent a nation is, the more likely they will be strong and worthy. The EU as an economic entity was a good idea. The EU as a political and social regulator is not.

I love free trade between equals. It always brings out the best in the people involved and improves things for everyone. Unequal economies mean you offshore production and weaken your own nation and its future.
/----/ And my old MG. When it ran it ran well - but just not in the rain.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/——/ Over paid fed bums don’t need any raises. Infrastructure bills are pork laden projects
tax cut economics is about the rich getting richer faster.
/----/ So? What's wrong with that? It's the American dream. If you enjoy living like a peasant then move to Europe.
I thought Only "Nero's" ignored crumbling infrastructure and obsolescent military hardware.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
/——/ The stock charts concur
if the economy is so Wonderful, why no pay raise for federal employees, or infrastructure bills passed?
/——/ Over paid fed bums don’t need any raises. Infrastructure bills are pork laden projects
tax cut economics is about the rich getting richer faster.
Give yours up.
/----/ WTF are you babbling about?
the "chart reading skills of options guys".
/----/ If that's a joke no one is laughing except you.
lol. practice makes perfect; forex is open twenty-four hours.
More US troops have died because of Democrats than Republicans.
Tax cut economics is a danger to military operations.
What ?

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