Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

Ann Frank probably had a great insight into concentration camps. Life is experiences and I'm more than happy to listen to those who have them.

Do you think the population of Hiroshima knows how to build an atom bomb?

No, why would they? Oh, I see, you're trying to make an analogy here. Wow, talk about fail.
You seem to believe that being a victim makes you an expert on complex subjects.

No, if I wanted an expert on building an atomic bomb then I'd go to the people who make atomic bombs, no? Is that too complex for you?

Don't worry, if I needed to know how to completely fail at raising money for a gofundme cause I'd go to you.

So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
Do you think the population of Hiroshima knows how to build an atom bomb?

No, why would they? Oh, I see, you're trying to make an analogy here. Wow, talk about fail.
You seem to believe that being a victim makes you an expert on complex subjects.

No, if I wanted an expert on building an atomic bomb then I'd go to the people who make atomic bombs, no? Is that too complex for you?

Don't worry, if I needed to know how to completely fail at raising money for a gofundme cause I'd go to you.

So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.
No, why would they? Oh, I see, you're trying to make an analogy here. Wow, talk about fail.
You seem to believe that being a victim makes you an expert on complex subjects.

No, if I wanted an expert on building an atomic bomb then I'd go to the people who make atomic bombs, no? Is that too complex for you?

Don't worry, if I needed to know how to completely fail at raising money for a gofundme cause I'd go to you.

So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

You seem to believe that being a victim makes you an expert on complex subjects.

No, if I wanted an expert on building an atomic bomb then I'd go to the people who make atomic bombs, no? Is that too complex for you?

Don't worry, if I needed to know how to completely fail at raising money for a gofundme cause I'd go to you.

So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.
No, if I wanted an expert on building an atomic bomb then I'd go to the people who make atomic bombs, no? Is that too complex for you?

Don't worry, if I needed to know how to completely fail at raising money for a gofundme cause I'd go to you.

So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?
So whenever you get caught posting stupidity, you're response is to bring up a 3 year old thread. Isn't that what you call a "diversion?"

No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

Who should we go to for expertise on preventing mass shootings, a bunch of 14-year-olds?

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.
No, first it hasn't been three years but even if it were in your case I'll make an exception every time you post like a moron.

You go to those who experienced mass shootings to hear what they go through, what is the human toll. You also listen to law enforcement, politicians and people who have studied gun violence. What you want to do is discount those who have been victims, probably because they are going to say things you don't want to hear. Also you probably don't want to look stupider than a fourteen year old. Too late.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.

Again why would Hiroshima victims know anything about building a nuclear bomb? I bet those kids in Florida can tell you what a bullet feels like, how they knew there was something wrong with that kid and the importance of taking guns away from him before he had a chance to use one.

Yeah, you're spitting on them.
No one thinks it was a walk in the park, dumbass. Trauma doesn't make your opinion any more valid or important than anyone else's. Leftwingers put people up to this shit because they think it makes their point of view immune from criticism. The kids are just naive dupes in the left's political schemes.

I discount people who aren't qualified to speak on a subject, just as Hiroshima victims aren't qualified to speak on the topic of manufacturing atom bombs.

No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.

Again why would Hiroshima victims know anything about building a nuclear bomb? I bet those kids in Florida can tell you what a bullet feels like, how they knew there was something wrong with that kid and the importance of taking guns away from him before he had a chance to use one.

Yeah, you're spitting on them.

Why would 14-year-olds know anything about how to stop mass shootings? Have any of them ever even read the 2nd Amendment? You keep discounting the Hiroshima argument, but you keep using the same argument. You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. I'll bet those people in Hiroshima can tell you what if feels like to have your skin burned off. Does that make them experts on nuclear weapons? No, it doesn't make them experts on anything. You're spitting on them for discounting their experience. You're a douchebag.

All you're trying to do is prevent anyone from criticizing your agenda, but only morons like you are fooled.
No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.

Again why would Hiroshima victims know anything about building a nuclear bomb? I bet those kids in Florida can tell you what a bullet feels like, how they knew there was something wrong with that kid and the importance of taking guns away from him before he had a chance to use one.

Yeah, you're spitting on them.

Why would 14-year-olds know anything about how to stop mass shootings? Have any of them ever even read the 2nd Amendment? You keep discounting the Hiroshima argument, but you keep using the same argument. You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. I'll bet those people in Hiroshima can tell you what if feels like to have your skin burned off. Does that make them experts on nuclear weapons? No, it doesn't make them experts on anything. You're spitting on them for discounting their experience. You're a douchebag.

All you're trying to do is prevent anyone from criticizing your agenda, but only morons like you are fooled.

I told you some of what those kids could provide. I'm not asking them how to make a gun either using your analogy.

I respect those kids for bringing their experience to the table and while an uphill battle I hope they can keep the spotlight on the problem.
No one is spitting on any children, you fucking douchebag.

Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.

Again why would Hiroshima victims know anything about building a nuclear bomb? I bet those kids in Florida can tell you what a bullet feels like, how they knew there was something wrong with that kid and the importance of taking guns away from him before he had a chance to use one.

Yeah, you're spitting on them.

Why would 14-year-olds know anything about how to stop mass shootings? Have any of them ever even read the 2nd Amendment? You keep discounting the Hiroshima argument, but you keep using the same argument. You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. I'll bet those people in Hiroshima can tell you what if feels like to have your skin burned off. Does that make them experts on nuclear weapons? No, it doesn't make them experts on anything. You're spitting on them for discounting their experience. You're a douchebag.

All you're trying to do is prevent anyone from criticizing your agenda, but only morons like you are fooled.

I told you some of what those kids could provide. I'm not asking them how to make a gun either using your analogy.

I respect those kids for bringing their experience to the table and while an uphill battle I hope they can keep the spotlight on the problem.

I despise douchebags like you who put them up to it. They have no experience or knowldege that is relevant to the discussion.

As you just admitted, politics is what this is all about. You're using naive dupes who garner sympathy to push your agenda. It's an old leftist trick. That's all it is: a trick.
Sure you are, you're discounting their experiences and insinuating their opinion doesn't matter because of their age. The truth is your opinion doesn't mean shit, ever thought about that, Ned?

Oh nooooooo! I'm "discounting their experiences!"

There exeriences prove nothing about the best way to prevent mass shooting, just as the experiences of Hiroshima victims don't give them the knowledge to build an atom bomb. Yeah, I am discounting that their experiences have any relevance to solving the problem. So what? Why should anyone listen to what children have to say about complex problems?

That isn't "spitting on them." Only a congenital douchebag would resort to such sleazy tactics.

Again why would Hiroshima victims know anything about building a nuclear bomb? I bet those kids in Florida can tell you what a bullet feels like, how they knew there was something wrong with that kid and the importance of taking guns away from him before he had a chance to use one.

Yeah, you're spitting on them.

Why would 14-year-olds know anything about how to stop mass shootings? Have any of them ever even read the 2nd Amendment? You keep discounting the Hiroshima argument, but you keep using the same argument. You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. I'll bet those people in Hiroshima can tell you what if feels like to have your skin burned off. Does that make them experts on nuclear weapons? No, it doesn't make them experts on anything. You're spitting on them for discounting their experience. You're a douchebag.

All you're trying to do is prevent anyone from criticizing your agenda, but only morons like you are fooled.

I told you some of what those kids could provide. I'm not asking them how to make a gun either using your analogy.

I respect those kids for bringing their experience to the table and while an uphill battle I hope they can keep the spotlight on the problem.

I despise douchebags like you who put them up to it. They have no experience or knowldege that is relevant to the discussion.

I'm sorry, I didn't put them up to getting in the middle of a war zone while some nutcase hunted them down.

As you just admitted, politics is what this is all about. You're using naive dupes who garner sympathy to push your agenda. It's an old leftist trick. That's all it is: a trick.

Naive dupes? I thought you said you weren't spitting on them? Try to at least remember what you said in your last several posts before contradicting yourself. :blahblah:

Anyway, the gun debate for better or worse is political. The NRA is political, you are political so why whine when others get political when they want to see positive changes?

How's that? I want the voices from that high school heard where as people like you just want to move on without doing anything.

You want to manipulate kids who are fresh off a Tide Pod Challenge to promote your war on civil rights.

You are pissing on the graves of the victims in your lust to destroy the America you so bitterly hate.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
The attempt by Democrats to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president is far more concenring. Yet, none of you snowflakes give a damn.
Fair don't care about foreign governments interfering in your country's elections...presumably as long as it benefits your guy.
Conservative values sure have changed over the years.
wow. now apply that same standard to yourself.

did you get upset at any other time a foreign government messed with us and our processes?
if hillary had won would anyone CARE about all this?
did you care when obama paid US money to fund anti-netanyahu commercials?

or do you only care here and now cause - TRUMP!?
I see your deflection're the one who's said it doesn't matter...not me.

Conservative ideology seems to be "anything is acceptable if the other side has done it".
It applies to both political and moral issues.
and libs feel they get away with something and make excuses for shit from hillary. if she can get away with crimes the next person will push it. human nature. yrt now its bad. so when ghey eventually get back in power, they push it.

until wexetop BOTH DAMN SIDES we will continue downward
Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

millions of dollars spent on Trumps shitty golf game.

soooooooooooooooooooo STFU
Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

millions of dollars spent on Trumps shitty golf game.

soooooooooooooooooooo STFU

Say Comrade, looks like those :"Ruskies" called the bluff of Grand Inquisitor Torquemada.

Former U.S Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova said Special Counsel Robert Mueller was "not ready" to be called into court by Russian interests he previously indicted.

DiGenova said that at least one of the more than a dozen Russian individuals and companies Mueller indicted earlier this year effectively called his bluff on holding further litigation.

DiGenova said Mueller likely indicted the Russian interests because he "needed something Russian" to be charged in his probe, and that since they are from another country, they would be unlikely to fight back.}

DiGenova: Unexpected Turn for Mueller After Indicted Russians Show Up in Court

Mewler is a thug, a kunt. He is all about having the wives of his victims raped until they confess, but when someone stands up to him, then he folds like a cheap lawn chair.
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