Millions of dollars spent to charge 12 Ruskies with crimes that they will NEVER be convicted of.

What's it up to? About 17 indictments and 3 or 4 guilty pleas and white wingers on the USMB are still saying in a delusional kind of way, "Nothing here".


There are people who have a really difficult time learning. No matter how many facts are put in front of them, they still refuse to learn or understand.

Unfortunately, for many of these people, there is only one way they learn. Nothing else seems to work.


This is NOT collusion?

But the fact that more money was spent on countless Benghazi investigations that turned up nothing, doesn’t bother you at all. Typical con

The investigation was worth every penny. Quickly it was revealed that Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama tried to cover up the terrorist attack by claiming it was due to a Youtube Video. It that guy out of prison yet? That there was help, sitting on the runway waiting for the go-ahead from President Obama who, after one briefing, went to bed and then flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser.

What's funny about my post?
It’s Fox News/right-wing talking point bullshit. But you already knew that, so...:lol: some more and how about a :rofl:

Stop whining
Now it's just gonna be a series of personal insults. Pretty typical.

Sorry you can't handle the cold hard truth.

HappyJoy shows his thoughts on the victims of Broward County


How's that? I want the voices from that high school heard where as people like you just want to move on without doing anything.

Right! Fourteen-year-olds are going to have a great deal of insight into this subject!
Repukes spent 40 million to get Clinton for a blow job. Was that worth it? I think not. It is just the vindictiveness of republicans when they feel slighted.
It wasn't that he got a blow job. It's the fact that he lied about it in front of a grand jury. In case you didn't know, that's a huge felony offense. He should have gone to prison for that.
starr spent 70 million to get a blue dress.

are you so silly you think Mueller is done?

not that you care that Russia inserted itself into our elections. perhaps you should leave the concern to people who aren't trumphacks.

Cute try, You might want to let the Starr investigation sort of disappear in your memory. As a direct result of the Starr investigation:

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
I would have thought that the preservation of the integrity of the democratic process would be almost beyond price.
It's one of the most fundamental pillars of the republic.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
The attempt by Democrats to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president is far more concenring. Yet, none of you snowflakes give a damn.
Fair don't care about foreign governments interfering in your country's elections...presumably as long as it benefits your guy.
Conservative values sure have changed over the years.
wow. now apply that same standard to yourself.

did you get upset at any other time a foreign government messed with us and our processes?
if hillary had won would anyone CARE about all this?
did you care when obama paid US money to fund anti-netanyahu commercials?

or do you only care here and now cause - TRUMP!?
I see your deflection're the one who's said it doesn't matter...not me.

Conservative ideology seems to be "anything is acceptable if the other side has done it".
It applies to both political and moral issues.
Wow! Can't believe a number of these fake news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and CBS were all colluding with Russia with those demonstrations. Not to mention Michael Moore colluding with the protests sponsored by Russia!
What's it up to? About 17 indictments and 3 or 4 guilty pleas and white wingers on the USMB are still saying in a delusional kind of way, "Nothing here".


There are people who have a really difficult time learning. No matter how many facts are put in front of them, they still refuse to learn or understand.

Unfortunately, for many of these people, there is only one way they learn. Nothing else seems to work.


This is NOT collusion?

Exactly...which means that Trump is free to collude as much as he likes.
I would have thought that the preservation of the integrity of the democratic process would be almost beyond price.
It's one of the most fundamental pillars of the republic.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
is it ok if we interfere with other countries? seems tit for tat more than POOR US!
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
The attempt by Democrats to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president is far more concenring. Yet, none of you snowflakes give a damn.
Fair don't care about foreign governments interfering in your country's elections...presumably as long as it benefits your guy.
Conservative values sure have changed over the years.
wow. now apply that same standard to yourself.

did you get upset at any other time a foreign government messed with us and our processes?
if hillary had won would anyone CARE about all this?
did you care when obama paid US money to fund anti-netanyahu commercials?

or do you only care here and now cause - TRUMP!?
I see your deflection're the one who's said it doesn't matter...not me.

Conservative ideology seems to be "anything is acceptable if the other side has done it".
It applies to both political and moral issues.

I said both sides now do it. The problem is neither side is stopping it but using the actions of the other side to justify their own.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
is it ok if we interfere with other countries? seems tit for tat more than POOR US!
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
If they can get away with it good luck to them.
Nothing will come of it. They won't be extradited or ever see the inside of a US courtroom much less one of our jails.

Was it worth it?
I would have thought that the preservation of the integrity of the democratic process would be almost beyond price.
It's one of the most fundamental pillars of the republic.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
The attempt by Democrats to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president is far more concenring. Yet, none of you snowflakes give a damn.
Fair don't care about foreign governments interfering in your country's elections...presumably as long as it benefits your guy.
Conservative values sure have changed over the years.
You're a fraud and a sleazebag. Leftists never gave a damn about Russian interference in our elections all through the cold war. Kennedy even tried to make a deal with the Russians to get them to interfere. All that elicited from your kind was a big yawn. You only care if you think you can use it against Trump.

Who do you think you're fooling?
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
The attempt by Democrats to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president is far more concenring. Yet, none of you snowflakes give a damn.
Fair don't care about foreign governments interfering in your country's elections...presumably as long as it benefits your guy.
Conservative values sure have changed over the years.
wow. now apply that same standard to yourself.

did you get upset at any other time a foreign government messed with us and our processes?
if hillary had won would anyone CARE about all this?
did you care when obama paid US money to fund anti-netanyahu commercials?

or do you only care here and now cause - TRUMP!?
I see your deflection're the one who's said it doesn't matter...not me.

Conservative ideology seems to be "anything is acceptable if the other side has done it".
It applies to both political and moral issues.
He says the Mewler indictments don't matter, and he's right. They are a stunt, totally for show. They have no practicial effect other than to save Mewler's hide.
How does Mewler's phony indictment do anything to support the democratic process?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
is it ok if we interfere with other countries? seems tit for tat more than POOR US!
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites?
You're OK with foreign interference in US - we get it.
Some would admire your Globalist borders.
is it ok if we interfere with other countries? seems tit for tat more than POOR US!
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites?
You'd be happy with drones over the US?
is it ok if we interfere with other countries? seems tit for tat more than POOR US!
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites?
You'd be happy with drones over the US?

You didn't answer the question. Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites? Are you happy with spy satellites over the US?

Common, what's the problem? Are you afraid to show everyone what a great big hypocrite you are?
Of course not.
Are you happy to accept interference from other countries as some sort of karma?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites?
You'd be happy with drones over the US?

You didn't answer the question. Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites? Are you happy with spy satellites over the US?

Common, what's the problem? Are you afraid to show everyone what a great big hypocrite you are?
How is that equivalent?
Since when did the US claim ownership of any part of space?
not really karma in as much as to be expected. i would have to think we've jacked with other countries for a long time and in the past, other countries us. *human nature* in as much as anything. but i don't see us stopping it so i don't see other countries stopping doing it to us. would you?

just the spy games we all get into and think for some reason our side is moral and just and their isn't.
Oh that case it's all good then.
Let them carry on unobstructed.

Why not let Pakistan fly drones over the States as you say, tit for tat...?
Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites?
You'd be happy with drones over the US?

You didn't answer the question. Should we shoot down Russian spy satellites? Are you happy with spy satellites over the US?

Common, what's the problem? Are you afraid to show everyone what a great big hypocrite you are?
How is that equivalent?
Since when did the US claim ownership of any part of space?
How is it not eqivelant? The russians are flying their spy satellites right over our heads. Furthermore, If they wanted to fly drones over the country, there is probably little we could do about it, unless they were quite big and not stealthy. They don't need to fly drones over us because they have spy satellites.

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