millions outraged

Can ye smell it? Thar is the smell of fake ginned up outrage. I loves me the smell of fake ginned up outrage in the afternoon.

Arrr. matey.
Cya Trump - cya Republiturds. Can't say you weren't warned, and you can't blame your future in politics on Clinton or Obama.

New Tax Plan Puts Millions on Medicare At Risk

The Republicans were talking even as the transfer of wealth fake 'tax cut' was being voted on that they would pay for the tax cuts for the wealthy by cutting medicaid, medicare, and social security.

Republicans you really need to go into beast mode and run with that football. Don't worry about what all those seniors are going to say you start juking and sliding and get that across the goal line. I'm sure voters will love you for it.
Cya Trump - cya Republiturds. Can't say you weren't warned, and you can't blame your future in politics on Clinton or Obama.

New Tax Plan Puts Millions on Medicare At Risk
Cya Trump - cya Republiturds. Can't say you weren't warned, and you can't blame your future in politics on Clinton or Obama.

New Tax Plan Puts Millions on Medicare At Risk
Medicare will still pay 80%.

Is this ad for a supplemental plan any different than the others offered by AARP, QuickMedicare or Medigap?

What exactly is the increase someone will be paying with the new tax plan?
Cya Trump - cya Republiturds. Can't say you weren't warned, and you can't blame your future in politics on Clinton or Obama.

New Tax Plan Puts Millions on Medicare At Risk
I'm not seeing that, honestly.

the header to this post, and story was in yahoo news - the link I c/p'd led to another article.

nonetheless, Repukes can bend over and kiss their ass adios after the midterms.

Yada yada yada yada.

Keep living out your fantasy. We thank you for it.


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