Milo Yiannopoulos To Lead Gay Pride March Through Muslim Ghettos...

Breitbart's Milo To Lead Gay Pride March Through Swedish Muslim Ghetto - Breitbart

Yiannopoulos made the announcement in live conversation with The Rubin Report’s Dave Rubin, after discussing Islam with Rubin and the risks it poses to homosexuals.

“When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that’s when there’s a problem. That is the moment when the whole world should be saying ‘you are the problem and we’re going to do what it takes to protect ourselves from you’, but the left doesn’t do that” said Yiannopoulos on the live stream.

“The left instead starts making excuses for them, saying ‘oh, well the West created this problem’. Look, this infantilizes Muslims to the status of children who lack free will. It infantilizes them into being mindless automaton products of American foreign policy. That’s fucking insane.”

This can only end well. :rolleyes:
Well I'll be damned! I'm rooting for the Muslims on this action.

what sort of action do you hope the muslims will DO? How does one score points at a gay parade?
Why, ask them for the next dance of course.
They better not walk through the part of the neighborhood that has tall buildings. Just saying.
I bet if scuffles break out, the fags win.

Muslim men are soft because life is good for them. gays are hard because their life is hard.
Breitbart's Milo To Lead Gay Pride March Through Swedish Muslim Ghetto - Breitbart

Yiannopoulos made the announcement in live conversation with The Rubin Report’s Dave Rubin, after discussing Islam with Rubin and the risks it poses to homosexuals.

“When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that’s when there’s a problem. That is the moment when the whole world should be saying ‘you are the problem and we’re going to do what it takes to protect ourselves from you’, but the left doesn’t do that” said Yiannopoulos on the live stream.

“The left instead starts making excuses for them, saying ‘oh, well the West created this problem’. Look, this infantilizes Muslims to the status of children who lack free will. It infantilizes them into being mindless automaton products of American foreign policy. That’s fucking insane.”

This can only end well. :rolleyes:

Good for him......he is the next generation of conservative fighter.......
I'm not impressed. ....... :cool:

But if he would lead a White Power / KKK parade thru Harlem.

Now that would be something to see. ...... :thup:

He isn't a democrat so he wouldn't be leading the kkk.....
Breitbart's Milo To Lead Gay Pride March Through Swedish Muslim Ghetto - Breitbart

Yiannopoulos made the announcement in live conversation with The Rubin Report’s Dave Rubin, after discussing Islam with Rubin and the risks it poses to homosexuals.

“When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that’s when there’s a problem. That is the moment when the whole world should be saying ‘you are the problem and we’re going to do what it takes to protect ourselves from you’, but the left doesn’t do that” said Yiannopoulos on the live stream.

“The left instead starts making excuses for them, saying ‘oh, well the West created this problem’. Look, this infantilizes Muslims to the status of children who lack free will. It infantilizes them into being mindless automaton products of American foreign policy. That’s fucking insane.”

This can only end well. :rolleyes:
Well I'll be damned! I'm rooting for the Muslims on this action.

what sort of action do you hope the muslims will DO? How does one score points at a gay parade?
Why, ask them for the next dance of course.

when I was a child-----way back at age ten------I and a little friend-----used to meet in our classroom during the lunch period and DO THE WALTZ to an old scratchy 33.3 record
of the music of STRAUSS. Our teacher was so impressed that she brought people to look at us thru the door window
Being gay isn't anything to be proud of. He should leave the Muslims alone; a lot of them probably just don't want Western degeneracy foisted upon their traditional Abrahamic culture, so if another terror attack occurs he should share some of the blame.
Being gay isn't anything to be proud of. He should leave the Muslims alone; a lot of them probably just don't want Western degeneracy foisted upon their traditional Abrahamic culture, so if another terror attack occurs he should share some of the blame.

No....they are compelled by their religion to force Sharia law on the we have to show them that that isn't going to happen.....
Being gay isn't anything to be proud of. He should leave the Muslims alone; a lot of them probably just don't want Western degeneracy foisted upon their traditional Abrahamic culture, so if another terror attack occurs he should share some of the blame.

No....they are compelled by their religion to force Sharia law on the we have to show them that that isn't going to happen.....
Trying to force acceptance of homosexuality on them will just full the fire and feed the notion of America being the great Satan.
Being gay isn't anything to be proud of. He should leave the Muslims alone; a lot of them probably just don't want Western degeneracy foisted upon their traditional Abrahamic culture, so if another terror attack occurs he should share some of the blame.

No....they are compelled by their religion to force Sharia law on the we have to show them that that isn't going to happen.....
Trying to force acceptance of homosexuality on them will just full the fire and feed the notion of America being the great Satan.

It doesn't matter if they see us as the great satan or not.....they must spread sharia around the we could be an entire country of Amish...and they would still come with fire and sword to force sharia on us.......

We need to take a stand and tell them it ain't happening.......

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