Minced Meat

Also... it's not Minced Meat Pie... it's Mincemeat Pie or Mince Pie.

That might be one of the problems you're having... in the South, "Minced Meat" is luncheon loaf... you make sandwiches out of it. It's like ham and pork bits mixed together.

Excellent point. "Minced" would be an adjective, and then you do have meat. OP has to realize that the name of what she seeks is an idiom, and therefore has to be rendered precisely.
Well, in that case, sure, I'm a "crackah". Though, I wasn't actually born in the south, I was born in Germany.

Really? So you're a racist fascist? LOL
Naw, just southern right~ I'd have to be a Democrat to be an actual racist. Like the Nazis and the KKK~

Come on, you know your history, you know better~

Oddly enough there have been several wags on this very board that insist on rewriting "Democrats" into the Klan despite historical evidence but ------------------ Nazis?

You're actually suggesting that you had to be a Democrat to be a Nazi? :disbelief:

Perhaps mincemeat is not quite what you need.
Southern Democrats formed the KKK and the Nazis were Socialists, making them left wing. History doesn't have to be rewritten, except for the Lefties to try to distance themselves from those sources of embarrassment.

Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone. And the Nazis were "socialists" in name only, and no one in their right mind ever called them "left wing" --- that's absurd.

Revisionism of this magnitude, that would be your source of embarrassment.

Just try me. I've got this stuff all over this site, all I have to do is cut and paste it.

Your move. Prove me wrong, tell the class who formed the Klan. Names, places and dates. I already know.
I mean, if you disregard every single one of Hitler's domestic policies, sure, "in name only". "No one" calls them "Left Wing" only because the lefttards prefer to distance themselves from their mistakes, and the news media and education system are controlled by said lefttards.

Of course the Klan was formed by Democrats, if it wasn't, their targets wouldn't have been the Republicans, which was the party that freed the slaves in the first place.
Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone.

Well, you're pushing "fake news" if you are claiming otherwise. The Klan was formed by several Democrats from Pulaski, TN in December of 1865.

Nazi's were also Socialists as are most Fascist regimes in history.
Really? So you're a racist fascist? LOL
Naw, just southern right~ I'd have to be a Democrat to be an actual racist. Like the Nazis and the KKK~

Come on, you know your history, you know better~

Oddly enough there have been several wags on this very board that insist on rewriting "Democrats" into the Klan despite historical evidence but ------------------ Nazis?

You're actually suggesting that you had to be a Democrat to be a Nazi? :disbelief:

Perhaps mincemeat is not quite what you need.
Southern Democrats formed the KKK and the Nazis were Socialists, making them left wing. History doesn't have to be rewritten, except for the Lefties to try to distance themselves from those sources of embarrassment.

Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone. And the Nazis were "socialists" in name only, and no one in their right mind ever called them "left wing" --- that's absurd.

Revisionism of this magnitude, that would be your source of embarrassment.

Just try me. I've got this stuff all over this site, all I have to do is cut and paste it.

Your move. Prove me wrong, tell the class who formed the Klan. Names, places and dates. I already know.
I mean, if you disregard every single one of Hitler's domestic policies, sure, "in name only". No one calls them "Left Wing" only because the lefttards prefer to distance themselves from their mistakes, and the news media and education system are controlled by said lefttards.

Of course the Klan was formed by Democrats, if it wasn't, their targets wouldn't have been the Republicans, which was the party that freed the slaves in the first place.

Bullshit. And we note you can't answer the question. But I can.

The Klan was formed in the Jones law office in Pulaski Tennessee, December 25 1865, by Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank McCord, James Crowe, Richard Reed and Calvin Jones. None of them were politicians or had any political affiliations --- and in Tennessee in 1865 the population was disenfranchised anyway. ALL of them were Confederate ex-soldiers.

That iteration of the Klan lasted less than a decade before being restarted forty years later by one William J. ("Colonel Joe") Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915 on Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Simmons was a defrocked Methodist minister, a huckster, a club-starter, a gambler and a drunk, but again had no known political affiliation.

These are historical and recorded details ---- you don't get to just go "well I've heard they did X Y and Z, therefore they must have been Democrats because in my hopelessly narrowminded little world everything is binary". History is NEVER that simple and you insult it with that kind of loose logic.

The fact is those six vet soldiers were simply bored. Not only did they not have a political aim in mind (and specifically designed it to avoid such connotations), they didn't even have a racial objective in mind. There was no real objective at all except to find something to do. That loose organization was soon infiltrated and in effect taken over by elements that already existed --- including before the War --- known as "slave patrols", "night patrols" or "union regulators". These were in effect guerillas working to continue the War they didn't want to admit they had lost.

It was ugly and it was terrorism and it was dangerous. But it wasn't politics.

As for Nazis, the word "socialism" was a trendy buzzword at the time Hitler joined the party. He objected to it but went along with it for its marketing power. If you actually think that having a particular adjective in the name automatically transmogrifies that entity into the essence of that adjective, then please to essplain to the class the following:

  • Grape Nuts
  • The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  • 10,000 Maniacs
  • The German Democratic Republic
  • The "Pennsylvania Dutch"
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo

That'll do for now.
Last edited:
Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone.

Well, you're pushing "fake news" if you are claiming otherwise. The Klan was formed by several Democrats from Pulaski, TN in December of 1865.

Nazi's were also Socialists as are most Fascist regimes in history.

I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.
I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.
Naw, just southern right~ I'd have to be a Democrat to be an actual racist. Like the Nazis and the KKK~

Come on, you know your history, you know better~

Oddly enough there have been several wags on this very board that insist on rewriting "Democrats" into the Klan despite historical evidence but ------------------ Nazis?

You're actually suggesting that you had to be a Democrat to be a Nazi? :disbelief:

Perhaps mincemeat is not quite what you need.
Southern Democrats formed the KKK and the Nazis were Socialists, making them left wing. History doesn't have to be rewritten, except for the Lefties to try to distance themselves from those sources of embarrassment.

Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone. And the Nazis were "socialists" in name only, and no one in their right mind ever called them "left wing" --- that's absurd.

Revisionism of this magnitude, that would be your source of embarrassment.

Just try me. I've got this stuff all over this site, all I have to do is cut and paste it.

Your move. Prove me wrong, tell the class who formed the Klan. Names, places and dates. I already know.
I mean, if you disregard every single one of Hitler's domestic policies, sure, "in name only". No one calls them "Left Wing" only because the lefttards prefer to distance themselves from their mistakes, and the news media and education system are controlled by said lefttards.

Of course the Klan was formed by Democrats, if it wasn't, their targets wouldn't have been the Republicans, which was the party that freed the slaves in the first place.

Bullshit. And we note you can't answer the question. But I can.

The Klan was formed in the Jones law office in Pulaski Tennessee, December 25 1865, by Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank McCord, James Crowe, Richard Reed and Calvin Jones. None of them were politicians or had any political affiliations --- and in Tennessee in 1865 the population was disenfranchised anyway. ALL of them were Confederate ex-soldiers.

That iteration of the Klan lasted less than a decade before being restarted forty years later by one William J. ("Colonel Joe") Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915 on Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Simmons was a defrocked Methodist minister, a huckster, a club-starter, a gambler and a drunk, but again had no known political affiliation.

These are historical and recorded details ---- you don't get to just go "well I've heard they did X Y and Z, therefore they must have been Democrats because in my hopelessly narrowminded little world everything is binary". History is NEVER that simple and you insult it with that kind of loose logic.

The fact is those six vet soldiers were simply bored. Not only did they not have a political aim in mind (and specifically designed it to avoid such connotations), they didn't even have a racial objective in mind. There was no real objective at all except to find something to do. That loose organization was soon infiltrated and in effect taken over by elements that already existed --- including before the War --- known as "slave patrols", "night patrols" or "union regulators". These were in effect guerillas working to continue the War they didn't want to admit they had lost.

It was ugly and it was terrorism and it was dangerous. But it wasn't politics.

As for Nazis, the word "socialism" was a trendy buzzword at the time Hitler joined the party. He objected to it but went along with it for its marketing power. If you actually think that having a particular adjective in the name automatically transmogrifies that entity into the essence of that adjective, then please to essplain to the class the following:

  • Grape Nuts
  • The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  • 10,000 Maniacs
  • The German Democratic Republic
  • The "Pennsylvania Dutch"
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo

That'll do for now

Here's a bit more on those "other elements that already existed" -- go git chew some context and find out about your own history instead of running with the scissors of inept conclusions --- from a treatise on "How Kentucky Became a 'Confederate' State

>> Postwar violence in the border states was widespread. For Lincoln’s murder, outraged unionists “ought to [argue] that Rebels should have but a short rope,” wrote one. He would “turn mercy into vengeance.” In Wilmington, Del., unionist mobs tormented known dissenters, demanding they display patriotic emblems or face reprisal. In Louisville, Ky., where troops returned from the South to be mustered out, street violence between soldiers and civilians was a daily occurrence.

Now, waves of racial violence, characterized by historian T. J. Stiles as the “war after the war,” tore through the border states in this rehearsal for Southern-style Redemption. Newly paroled former Confederates who did come home joined ranks with current and former guerrillas and even anti-emancipation unionists as “Negro Regulators” or “Ku Klux.” In gangs that often numbered in the hundreds, they used terror to maintain the political and racial status quo, as well as to undermine or impose new political mandates. In Missouri, they threatened entire towns with mass slaughter if all black residents did not leave the state. The counties of southern and western Kentucky, where Klan activity was heaviest in the state, lost on average 17 percent of their black populations. In rural Maryland, freedpeople’s churches, which often served as schools, were particular targets of mobs that often included doctors, lawyers and even magistrates. As one federal officer claimed, “The civil authorities of the lower part of Delaware and the Eastern Shore accord [freedpeople] no rights; their churches are burned, their schools broken up, and their persons and property abused by vicious white men.”

In the former slaveholding centers of these border states, especially, but also in their white belts, such as on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, a three-way struggle soon raged between the occupying federal forces — by the summer of 1865, mostly black — who tried to protect freedpeoples’ rights of black citizenship, black residents who now sought to exert those rights and embittered white residents (some of them former unionists and even federal soldiers) who denied them by violence.

In places like Paducah, Ky., the local presence of troops largely suppressed mob attacks on freedpeople. Many white residents thus begged to have federal troops removed, especially because most were black — in Maryland, they soon were sent to Texas. In areas with few or no garrison troops, state authorities maintained restrictive “Black Codes” against freedpeople, including forced labor.

Violence, especially by former guerrillas and returning Confederates, was widespread enough for the Kentucky Legislature to keep its militia mobilized and in service until 1866. In Missouri, Governor Fletcher called out its militia to aid county sheriffs in “break[ing] up lawless bands” and authorized another militia enrollment of more than 117,000 men. Unionists in many communities called for protection, and civil authorities and garrisons arrested large numbers of miscreants. Others took up arms themselves as paramilitary “Union regulators.” For years, many communities witnessed virtual re-enactments of the war, with former rebels — “Southern men,” as they referred to themselves — exchanging shots with former and federal soldiers in pitched battles, complete with military formations. <<
What you have to lose here is this childish idea that "gee my world is this binary thing with Republicans and Democrats and nothing else, therefore that's the way things have always been since the beginning of time". Not even close. These elements above were fighting their guerilla war against (what they saw as) invaders ---- literal soldiers from a nation that had defeated and humiliated it in war, a war whose outcome they didn't want to accept. They were not going after a freaking political party. :eusa_doh:
I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Ah. Can't back up your point, so you fall back on "but --- but --- it's not the topic!"

Bullshit called, bullshit obliterated. Don't want your bs obliterated? Then don't float it in the first place like you did in 43.
Naw, just southern right~ I'd have to be a Democrat to be an actual racist. Like the Nazis and the KKK~

Come on, you know your history, you know better~

Oddly enough there have been several wags on this very board that insist on rewriting "Democrats" into the Klan despite historical evidence but ------------------ Nazis?

You're actually suggesting that you had to be a Democrat to be a Nazi? :disbelief:

Perhaps mincemeat is not quite what you need.
Southern Democrats formed the KKK and the Nazis were Socialists, making them left wing. History doesn't have to be rewritten, except for the Lefties to try to distance themselves from those sources of embarrassment.

Southern Democrats did *not* form the KKK and I advise you not to even tread down this path as I am as well versed in this history as anyone. And the Nazis were "socialists" in name only, and no one in their right mind ever called them "left wing" --- that's absurd.

Revisionism of this magnitude, that would be your source of embarrassment.

Just try me. I've got this stuff all over this site, all I have to do is cut and paste it.

Your move. Prove me wrong, tell the class who formed the Klan. Names, places and dates. I already know.
I mean, if you disregard every single one of Hitler's domestic policies, sure, "in name only". No one calls them "Left Wing" only because the lefttards prefer to distance themselves from their mistakes, and the news media and education system are controlled by said lefttards.

Of course the Klan was formed by Democrats, if it wasn't, their targets wouldn't have been the Republicans, which was the party that freed the slaves in the first place.

Bullshit. And we note you can't answer the question. But I can.

The Klan was formed in the Jones law office in Pulaski Tennessee, December 25 1865, by Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank McCord, James Crowe, Richard Reed and Calvin Jones. None of them were politicians or had any political affiliations --- and in Tennessee in 1865 the population was disenfranchised anyway. ALL of them were Confederate ex-soldiers.

That iteration of the Klan lasted less than a decade before being restarted forty years later by one William J. ("Colonel Joe") Simmons, Thanksgiving Day 1915 on Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Simmons was a defrocked Methodist minister, a huckster, a club-starter, a gambler and a drunk, but again had no known political affiliation.

These are historical and recorded details ---- you don't get to just go "well I've heard they did X Y and Z, therefore they must have been Democrats because in my hopelessly narrominded little world everything is binary". History is NEVER that simple and you insult it with that kind of loose logic.

The fact is those six vet soldiers were simply bored. Not only did they not have a political aim in mind (and specifically designed it to avoid such connotations), they didn't even have a racial objective in mind. There was no real objective at all except to find something to do. That loose organization was soon infiltrated and in effect taken over by elements that already existed --- including before the War --- known as "slave patrols", "night patrols" or "union regulators". These were in effect guerillas working to continue the War they didn't want to admit they had lost.

It was ugly and it was terrorism and it was dangerous. But it wasn't politics.

As for Nazis, the word "socialism" was a trendy buzzword at the time Hitler joined the party. He objected to it but went along with it for its marketing power. If you actually think that having a particular adjective in the name automatically transmogrifies that entity into the essence of that adjective, then please to essplain to the class the following:

  • Grape Nuts
  • The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  • 10,000 Maniacs
  • The German Democratic Republic
  • The "Pennsylvania Dutch"
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo

That'll do for now
You seem to think that based on what you were told about the founders, it completely invalidates the actual actions, wills, and track records of the members, which ran around murdering Republicans and blacks specifically.

The way the government was run and the policies that the Nazis implemented were Socialist, completely and unquestionably. He controlled Private Industry with the government, used the government to employ everyone in the Nation, implemented universal healthcare, and totally destroyed their free market. Textbook Socialism.
I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Ah. Can't back up your point, so you fall back on "but --- but --- it's not the topic!"

Bullshit called, bullshit obliterated. Don't want your bs obliterated? Then don't float it in the first place like you did in 43.
He's making a thread for the topic since it was derailed. I'm fine with that, personally.
The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Okay, if anyone wants to talk about the KKK and Nazis instead of Mincemeat Pies.... please follow the link above to the appropriate thread and leave this one alone.

Thank you.
The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Okay, if anyone wants to talk about the KKK and Nazis instead of Mincemeat Pies.... please follow the link above to the appropriate thread and leave this one alone.

Thank you.

Thanks, that's appropriate. But it still mystifies me why one would ask people to follow a link to "Error". :dunno:

I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Ah. Can't back up your point, so you fall back on "but --- but --- it's not the topic!"

Bullshit called, bullshit obliterated. Don't want your bs obliterated? Then don't float it in the first place like you did in 43.
He's making a thread for the topic since it was derailed. I'm fine with that, personally.

As am I, and I'll check it out. We can all go over.

But it doesn't change the fact that you yourself derailed it this way back in post 28.
Last edited:
Getting good back to pie...I think mincemeat did originally have meat, usually game in it.
You're a cracka?
Define "cracka", please~? I otherwise have no way of knowing.

Southern white, usually called a racist by the oh so tolerant left
I could be~ though, if I said I was or wasn't, I know the lefttards would use it against me.

Well what a left tard says really doesn't matter, they have no power now. :banana:
Well, in that case, sure, I'm a "crackah". Though, I wasn't actually born in the south, I was born in Germany.
A true cracka would make bourbon balls..
The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Okay, if anyone wants to talk about the KKK and Nazis instead of Mincemeat Pies.... please follow the link above to the appropriate thread and leave this one alone.

Thank you.

Thanks, that's appropriate. But it still mystifies me why one would ask people to follow a link to "Error". :dunno:

I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Ah. Can't back up your point, so you fall back on "but --- but --- it's not the topic!"

Bullshit called, bullshit obliterated. Don't want your bs obliterated? Then don't float it in the first place like you did in 43.
He's making a thread for the topic since it was derailed. I'm fine with that, personally.

As am I, and I'll check it out. We can all go over.

But it doesn't change the fact that you yourself derailed it this way back in post 28.
I didn't blame anyone because it was, indeed, my fault~
The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Okay, if anyone wants to talk about the KKK and Nazis instead of Mincemeat Pies.... please follow the link above to the appropriate thread and leave this one alone.

Thank you.

Thanks, that's appropriate. But it still mystifies me why one would ask people to follow a link to "Error". :dunno:

I've already named the six founders of the Klan, plus the 1915 re-founder. Out of all those people, none were politicians and none had any known political affiliation.

Prove me wrong.

The thread OP is about mincemeat not politics. I don't understand why libtards can't grasp the concept of thread topics. It's really annoying to me because it's not all that hard to create a new thread... here, I'll demonstrate, brb.

Ah. Can't back up your point, so you fall back on "but --- but --- it's not the topic!"

Bullshit called, bullshit obliterated. Don't want your bs obliterated? Then don't float it in the first place like you did in 43.
He's making a thread for the topic since it was derailed. I'm fine with that, personally.

As am I, and I'll check it out. We can all go over.

But it doesn't change the fact that you yourself derailed it this way back in post 28.
I didn't blame anyone because it was, indeed, my fault~

"Boss" did though.

In your defense, Soused Irish Ass began the derailment with her shenanigans (<< faux-Gaelic word for SIL) in posts 8 and 12. She led you astray. It might be wise to know when you're being baited.

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