Mindless Teen Drives Car Into House While Texting


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It used to be that teenage drivers were a menace on the roads, due to alcohol and drugs. Now, a new menace has arisen to make that even worse >> Cell Phones.

Young people who just can’t seem to put their cell phones down, are endangering all of us. The kid who drove her SUV into a house (which now is in danger of collapsing), is by no means, all alone. Car crashes in the news about these cell phone addicted kids are being reported rather frequently.

I really don’t see what it is about texting that is so attractive to these kids. I send a text on my cell phone once in a while if/when I can’t get through to a radio talk show. That is called a “reason”.

But what reason is there to text, instead of talking ? Seems to me that if phone texting had been invented before phone talking, the phone talking would be a huge improvement over the inferior texting (which is hardly much different than the telegraph). And even phone talking doesn’t mix with driving.

Texting is more difficult to do than talking, so doing it in preference over talking, seems ridiculous. But to do it in a moving car, with kids running around, cats & dogs, stop signs, cross traffic, etc, is madness. These kids need to see psychiatrists
It's not just teenagers.

Were it my call, I would outlaw all cell phone use while driving, and put these mandatory penalties on all such use and on DWIs.

First offense $5000 fine and six month suspension.

Second, $10,000 fine and one year suspension.

Third, $25,000 fine, impoundment of vehicle and permanent loss of license. Jail time to be determined.

Circumstances resulting in injury or death would severely increase these penalties.
It isn't just kids. Put your damn phone away when you're in the car. Being behind the wheel is for driving, not for catching up on Facebook, composing e-mails, or rambling to your family/friends. There isn't a month that goes by when I am on a run where I don't almost get mowed down by some fool playing with their phone.
I was run onto a median (thankfully with a handicapped access ramp) on my motorcycle by a city bus when I lived in South Florida. The driver was texting at the time and didn't check his mirrors before moving to the left lane. I called the bus depot as did a passenger on the bus who saw what happened and the driver was fired and charged.
We have to turn these people in, folks. This idiot crunched a house. Hundreds of cars have been damaged, but I am not wrapped up in sheet metal on my Harley. Read my signature, PLEASE.
Just saw another report on the news yesterday. Car half on somebody's front lawn, front half in their living room. Gotta pass laws against using cell phones while driving. Too late for the touch screens.

How long are your eyes off the road ?


What the auto makers need to do (at the behest of the insurance companies) is install jamming devices that render cell phones useless above a speed of let’s say 5 mph.
What the auto makers need to do (at the behest of the insurance companies) is install jamming devices that render cell phones useless above a speed of let’s say 5 mph.
And dashboard touch screens as well. Good idea. Thanks for that.
I have Voice Command for my gadgets. The phone and GPS.
How does that work ? You talk, it starts working, is that it ?

Yes. Just say, "Voice Command" and the phone says "Say a Command.'' I say "Call Jim" or state the number and it starts ringing. With the GPS after you activate the voice you can pick from a list of commands such as saved places, addresses, stores, businesses, etc and it brings up the place and will ask if you want to navigate now. Just say yes. Over the years I have found Garmin to be the best. It can even warn of speed cameras, school zones, accidents ahead. It's fantastic
I have Voice Command for my gadgets. The phone and GPS.
How does that work ? You talk, it starts working, is that it ?

Yes. Just say, "Voice Command" and the phone says "Say a Command.'' I say "Call Jim" or state the number and it starts ringing. With the GPS after you activate the voice you can pick from a list of commands such as saved places, addresses, stores, businesses, etc and it brings up the place and will ask if you want to navigate now. Just say yes. Over the years I have found Garmin to be the best. It can even warn of speed cameras, school zones, accidents ahead. It's fantastic

I have that too for almost 3 years but we are talking about texting.
I might glance my iPhone but I never text while I’m driving. I see lots of drivers teen kids and adults texting while driving.
I think there will be voice command for texting in next year or 2. There’s already a VOIP (land line telephone system) and iPhone voicemail called Transcription Beta.
Wonder why cellphone mfrs are this taking this long.
Yes. Just say, "Voice Command" and the phone says "Say a Command.'' I say "Call Jim" or state the number and it starts ringing. With the GPS after you activate the voice you can pick from a list of commands such as saved places, addresses, stores, businesses, etc and it brings up the place and will ask if you want to navigate now. Just say yes. Over the years I have found Garmin to be the best. It can even warn of speed cameras, school zones, accidents ahead. It's fantastic
Maybe that's what they should be installing in cars as standard equipment, instead of touch screens.

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