Minimal Wage. Raises. Inflation. Cost of living.

Here is what I see in the job market, which doesn't mean what I see as reality it is just what I see.

The young who can't pay their bills are also the ones who didn't get an education or training and apparently don't want to as long as they have an iPhone.

There is definitely a market out their for trained skilled labor, one that enough Americans are not being trained to fill. So bitching about companies hiring people from India to fill a need that they can't fill with Americans seem to be a bit disingenuous. (outsourcing is another subject)

So that leaves the minimum wage jobs. Jobs that will soon be filling with AI. It would be far cheaper to employ robots that require no benefits then to hire a minimum wage person who requires nearly half as much more in benefits.

The problem is that younger people today don't try nearly as hard as the generations before them. When I was younger, I often held two jobs. At one point, three jobs.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, then get into a line of work that pays better. In my industry, we are short over 30,000 drivers today, and that number is expected to grow as the Baby Boomers retire. But what can they do? They can't get Americans to take these jobs. So now they are bringing in foreigners to do the work.

It doesn't take that much money or time to learn how to drive a tractor-trailer. Most of it is experience. Some companies will not only give you the training and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. All you have to do is work for them for one year.

I agree, they need to get off their butts and learn something. But life is easy. I had a person complain about going to work in the dark. I mentioned that I went to work and returned from work in the dark many, many years.

Maybe parents are giving their kids too much help??

That's exactly it. Statistics show that people are living with their parents longer than anytime in our history. Hell, when we were younger, you couldn't wait to get your own place. it was such a liberating feeling having your own apartment or house. That desire is less present today in younger people. It coins the term "moms basement."
We can't deny that doing what we did today cost a boatload of money. But it is all relative. I started where I retired from making ~9.50/hour and was very happy, now the job pays in the 40s to start.

I guess that depends on where you live. I've rented to minimum wage workers before. Actually turned out to be pretty good tenants. Yes, they have to work a lot, but they are able to support themselves. Usually it's at least two people in the apartment. But it can be done.

It's less economics than it is desire. Although I have to admit, the relationship we had with our parents back then was different than younger people with their parents today. Back then it was called the Generation Gap.

We couldn't wait to get our own place because you could smoke pot when you wanted, have parties with your friends, have girls sleep over. Today, you can do that shit in your parents house and many wouldn't object.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
There are exceptions to the rule but my comment stands.

I think those people are more than the exception, I think they are the majority. However presented by the liberals, they would have us think that all these minimum wage workers were trying to support themselves or their family on those jobs. Those are the exception.
Don't underestimate how well propaganda works on the useful idiots. More than enough case studies to show it. The only way to combat the left wing hype is to present the unvarnished truth. However, for many of these possessed assholes, it makes little difference.

Just look at the example of the so called notion that cops target and murder blacks. Not one statistical fact shows that is the case. Unarmed blacks being shot by cops, happens about a grand total of 1% of the time and cops "murdering blacks" happens a whole lot less than that.

However large numbers of ignorant morons (especially the demented elitist white liberals) believe it happens on a mass scale. Why? HYPE! PROPAGANDA!

The facts or the truth makes little difference. The narrative is established. Minds are made up. The society collapses and almost all based on lies.

So long as the left controls the 3 essential areas of communication, it won't make much difference if conservatives control seats in government. Yes, I said conservatives, not republicans. Which we all know now are not the same. Far from it.

Must be weird for the left to know the Bush family were always one of them this whole time.

I couldn't agree more. The MSM has such control over minds today.

Trump has a 38% approval rating. Wait a minute:

Unemployment hasn't been this low since 2000. Consumer confidence hasn't been this high since 2000. The role of government dependents are shrinking. The border has never been less active. The stock market continues to break records. The GDP is now at 3%. But Trump's approval ratings are only in the upper 30's?

There can only be one explanation for it.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
Working after retirement is such a pleasure. Knowing that if they give you too much grief you can just say so long. They even treat you differently. I didn't realize how much they beat on people until I was on the outside looking in. My wife is 8 years younger than me and I work for all the exact reasons you give. I don't work for minimum wage and I am not sure I would get that bored.

I can't wait to retire. I would do it today if I could. I don't think I'd miss working one bit.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
Working after retirement is such a pleasure. Knowing that if they give you too much grief you can just say so long. They even treat you differently. I didn't realize how much they beat on people until I was on the outside looking in. My wife is 8 years younger than me and I work for all the exact reasons you give. I don't work for minimum wage and I am not sure I would get that bored.

I can't wait to retire. I would do it today if I could. I don't think I'd miss working one bit.
I dread the thought of retirement. I love my job and my customers.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
Working after retirement is such a pleasure. Knowing that if they give you too much grief you can just say so long. They even treat you differently. I didn't realize how much they beat on people until I was on the outside looking in. My wife is 8 years younger than me and I work for all the exact reasons you give. I don't work for minimum wage and I am not sure I would get that bored.

I can't wait to retire. I would do it today if I could. I don't think I'd miss working one bit.

I'm retired. Don't miss it. Some do though, more power to 'em.

About this m-wage, IMHO for the most part the people bitching about the minimum wage are people who want somebody else to earn the difference between what they are paid and what they are worth. And for sure they are hastening the day when a robot takes their job.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
There are exceptions to the rule but my comment stands.

I think those people are more than the exception, I think they are the majority. However presented by the liberals, they would have us think that all these minimum wage workers were trying to support themselves or their family on those jobs. Those are the exception.
Don't underestimate how well propaganda works on the useful idiots. More than enough case studies to show it. The only way to combat the left wing hype is to present the unvarnished truth. However, for many of these possessed assholes, it makes little difference.

Just look at the example of the so called notion that cops target and murder blacks. Not one statistical fact shows that is the case. Unarmed blacks being shot by cops, happens about a grand total of 1% of the time and cops "murdering blacks" happens a whole lot less than that.

However large numbers of ignorant morons (especially the demented elitist white liberals) believe it happens on a mass scale. Why? HYPE! PROPAGANDA!

The facts or the truth makes little difference. The narrative is established. Minds are made up. The society collapses and almost all based on lies.

So long as the left controls the 3 essential areas of communication, it won't make much difference if conservatives control seats in government. Yes, I said conservatives, not republicans. Which we all know now are not the same. Far from it.

Must be weird for the left to know the Bush family were always one of them this whole time.

I couldn't agree more. The MSM has such control over minds today.

Trump has a 38% approval rating. Wait a minute:

Unemployment hasn't been this low since 2000. Consumer confidence hasn't been this high since 2000. The role of government dependents are shrinking. The border has never been less active. The stock market continues to break records. The GDP is now at 3%. But Trump's approval ratings are only in the upper 30's?

There can only be one explanation for it.
When the economy is doing great, they sure as shit don't address that, do they? The media is still hyping Trump Russia collusion for God's sake. That is what led the NBC Meet the Press this morning. Nothing, and I mean nothing about the economy. Huh, I wonder why.

That 38% is a direct AFFECT (or is effect) of propaganda on the psyche of the population. False numbers and stats are always used as political tools by the left. Always. More so now than really ever. NINETY SEVEN PERCENT OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS....for example.

They still push their identity politics, and that is mainly because they truly do not have another strategy. It is not JUST the MSM. It is the entertainment industry and our beloved education system where hippy marxist john lennon professors with tenure teach the young minds.

Look at how the pathetic left are who post here. That is the direct result. They sure as shit avoid the actual facts, and they always stick to their scripts as put out by those three entities. That, is identity politics. This minimum wage shit is just another way to divide the classes. Others divide the races, the genders and on and on and on.

Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
Working after retirement is such a pleasure. Knowing that if they give you too much grief you can just say so long. They even treat you differently. I didn't realize how much they beat on people until I was on the outside looking in. My wife is 8 years younger than me and I work for all the exact reasons you give. I don't work for minimum wage and I am not sure I would get that bored.

I can't wait to retire. I would do it today if I could. I don't think I'd miss working one bit.

I'm retired. Don't miss it. Some do though, more power to 'em.

About this m-wage, IMHO for the most part the people bitching about the minimum wage are people who want somebody else to earn the difference between what they are paid and what they are worth. And for sure they are hastening the day when a robot takes their job.

It's a big issue to the left because it makes them look like they're doing something for the little people. However minimum wage workers are not only kids and the elderly working to occupy themselves, but minimum wage workers represent about 3% of our workforce, and many of those currently working for MW will not be making MW in the next six months if they stick with the job they have.
Any adult working for minimum wage has CLEARLY made poor decisions in life.

Not all the time. Stay at home moms take those jobs when the kids go to school. Kids going to college that need extra money. Some elderly just need something to do in their retirement years. They really don't need the money all that badly, they just don't want to vegetate at home doing nothing. Our company has several retirees, and they just work because their wives are younger and not retired yet. They feel guilty sitting at home while they work. So there are a lot of reasons people take those jobs.
Working after retirement is such a pleasure. Knowing that if they give you too much grief you can just say so long. They even treat you differently. I didn't realize how much they beat on people until I was on the outside looking in. My wife is 8 years younger than me and I work for all the exact reasons you give. I don't work for minimum wage and I am not sure I would get that bored.

I can't wait to retire. I would do it today if I could. I don't think I'd miss working one bit.
I dread the thought of retirement. I love my job and my customers.

Everybody is different, and who knows, maybe I will be thinking like that when I get there in a few years; I hope not though.

I have plenty of things to take up my time. And living in the city is different than living in the middle of nowhere where there is little to do. I've never been our new aquarium, I've never been to the rock and roll hall of fame, the science center, I haven't been fishing in decades, I haven't even been to the zoo in 15 years. Hell, I'm 57 now and I've never even seen an ocean outside of television and from an airplane. If I still have my rental property when I retire (which I am planning on) there is plenty to keep me busy just doing that.
What there is no maybe about is that cutting taxes for those who are already doing will not help. for a corporation to create a new business or hire more people for an existing business they need customers/ consumers, corporations are making record profits. they are not a charity, why would they add jobs when they don't need any new people, or start a business when there is no one who has enough money to buy there product.?
What there is no maybe about is that cutting taxes for those who are already doing will not help. for a corporation to create a new business or hire more people for an existing business they need customers/ consumers, corporations are making record profits. they are not a charity, why would they add jobs when they don't need any new people, or start a business when there is no one who has enough money to buy there product.?

What are you talking about? The economy is doing great. Record highs in the stock market, record high in consumer confidence since 2000, record low unemployment since 2000, how much better do you want it?

We are busy as hell at work. Our company is down the street from a railroad crossing. Besides the activity in our business, I can always gauge how the economy is doing by the amount of trains that go through that crossing. It's like there's one every ten minutes or so.
What there is no maybe about is that cutting taxes for those who are already doing will not help. for a corporation to create a new business or hire more people for an existing business they need customers/ consumers, corporations are making record profits. they are not a charity, why would they add jobs when they don't need any new people, or start a business when there is no one who has enough money to buy there product.?

At no time or place in history has redistribution of wealth been responsible for lifting an economy out of slow or no growth and into prosperity. Not once, and that is essentially what you're advocating. The truth is that if you want better economic growth you cut taxes and reduce expensive and ineffective regulations. Particularly business taxes.

See, here's the deal that many on the Left simply do not understand or accept: when existing businesses make the decision to expand their operations, they do it based on a calculation of risk vs reward. And part of the risk side of the equation is the costs of supply, which includes among other things taxes and the costs of compliance with regulations. Not just this year and next year but for 5 to 10 years down the road. And these days and for the past 10 years the risks have pretty much outweighed the expected rewards; hence little or almost no growth in the private sector. And it's the same calculation for new business startups too.

American product and services are comparatively too expensive, in too many cases US consumers can buy something at Walmart that came from another country at a better price than what a US company can make it for. In effect our high business taxes and over-regulation have hurt our competitiveness even in our own marketplace, and that's why it is far better to cut taxes among other things to even the playing field. And in turn that's how you create more jobs here in the USA.
do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

Why would you think it's ok to invade the privacy of a company to order them to pay their employees said amount?

If you bust your ass and get $.15 raise, find another job

What about a maximum wage or compensation cap for CEO's?

That will keep the overhead down and prices down, correct?
do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

Why would you think it's ok to invade the privacy of a company to order them to pay their employees said amount?

If you bust your ass and get $.15 raise, find another job

What about a maximum wage or compensation cap for CEO's?

That will keep the overhead down and prices down, correct?

Not really, no.

While the huge multi-million pay packages of a few hundred CEOs get all of the media attention, what usually receives much less attention is the small number of CEOs represented in the annual salary surveys, especially compared to the total number of CEOs in the US. For example, the WSJ’s executive compenstation survey last year included only 300 CEOs at large, U.S.-traded public companies, and the AP analyzed compensation figures for only 337 companies in the S&P 500 last year. The AFL-CIO did an analysis of the CEOs of 350 companies in the S&P 500 in 2013 and then computed a “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331 times, up from a ratio of 300 ten years ago and 200 twenty years ago.
In 2014, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 246,240 chief executives was only $180,700. The CEOs of the 300-350 S&P 500 firms that supposedly represent typical CEO compensation represent only one out of about every 820 firms in the country (or 1/7 of 1%) that have a CEO at the head.

So no, cutting the wages of 350 or so of the top CEOs won't do jack shit for keeping prices down. It'd be worth if it would shut you guys up, but of course that won't happen. You guys are going to piss and moan forever and a day about income inequality because it's political winner for your side.
do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

Why would you think it's ok to invade the privacy of a company to order them to pay their employees said amount?

If you bust your ass and get $.15 raise, find another job

What about a maximum wage or compensation cap for CEO's?

That will keep the overhead down and prices down, correct?

If we are going to do that, why stop there?

I think movies and cable television is too expensive. How does one justify paying an actress 12 million dollars to do one film?

I bought a huge television set a few years back. I never watched a lot of television before, so I started to watch some of the more popular reruns. I found The Big Bang Theory to be pretty entertaining, so I got on the internet to look up the cast.

Turns out each of those actors get 1 million dollars for every show they make. Plus they get royalties on the reruns for as long as the stations play them. Taking commercials into consideration, that's one million dollars for about ten or fifteen minutes work. Pretty good bread for doing so little.

And while we're at it, let's cap sports figure salaries too. It's way to expensive for father to take his kids to a ball game; eight dollar beers, five dollar hotdogs, six dollar bags of popcorn. Let's put a one million dollar a year cap on all players.

So do you like my idea or not???
Minimal wage increases every few years. Some employees get a raise every year if they are lucky, but some raises are insulting. Busting your butt, never late, never call off, take extra shifts, and you prove to be most reliable, just to be taken advantage of because the manager or supervisor knows you will do whatever they ask with out hesitation, so instead of wasting their time asking another employee that might not be so good or fast as you, and might be defiant and slack off. So being taken advantage of for a whole year and coming up is raise time. You are sitting in the office for your review, and the have nothing but good things to say, you are their best employee and this is the best review you have ever got. Then they tell you that you got a 15 cent raise. That is insulting if I ever got a raise that low I would tell them to keep it. Some companies once you are maxed out there is nothing to look forward to. No matter how much longer you are with that company. If that happens companies should give bonuses every year to keep employees moral up.
The Government decides to raise minimal wage every so often, to make it look like they are doing something good for the people. And the people that are making minimal wage actually believe The government did something for them.
Well in reality if inflation and cost of living increases faster then the minimal wage increases, it really doesn't matter if minimal wage increased at all if inflation and cost of living increases more and higher then minimal wage.

Ex. minimal Wage- $7.25
Gallon of milk-$4.50
Gas- $3.00 a gallon
gas bill- $100
electric bill- $70
rent- $500

Minimal Wage increases to- $8.00
Gallon of milk- $5.25
Gas- $4.00 a gallon
gas bill- $150
electric- $100
rent- $550

Minimal Wage -$8.00
milk $5.50
gas- 4.25
gas bill- $160
electric- $110
rent- $570

So if inflation and cost of living increases more often then minimal wage you are really not making more.

I think minimal wage and raises should increase at the same rate of inflation and cost of living. Also a minimal wage a company can pay their employees should be based on how much that company makes. If company A is making more then company B, company A minimal wage would be higher then company Bs minimal wage.

Which is better than no minimum wage and people being unable to pay for milk, gas, gas bill, electric and rent, I guess.
have you, or anyone you know, ever taken a job that didn't pay enough to cover bills?

If you do, how old were you/they?
You ever walk into mcdonalds and see people in their early 20s or older people that should be retired? while I was going to school I worked at mcdonalds overnight, class was 7-1 everyday m-f so I needed a job for 6 months that I wouldn't care to loose. What they expect from people making $7.25/hour is crazy. I made $14.00 bucks an hour, and for 8 ours I would load up 8-12 pieces of aluminum to be machined, which took 5-10 minutes to load 4 at a time and press a button. Each piece had to go through 2 different processes and the 1st one took 2 hours and second process took 1 hour 45 minutes. So I would just sit there most of time. Mcdonalds expect way to much. I worked with other people their and they were struggling, and taking home $478 every 2 weeks aint cutting it. Also they wouldn't allow any over time.
I just feel pay rates should increase with the cost of living and inflation, thus would make employees happier and a happier employee means, they better job they will do and the more reliable they will be.

you are expected to work at work? the horror.

I was a cook at a KFC, the only white person there. I worked as hard as I could and when I went and got a better job, they gave me a good reference.

you really have no grasp of cause and effect.

fyi; your idea was put into play, an org built a restaurant, paid everyone $15/hr and it did so poorly they shut it down before it pulled the entire org down with it.
do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

Why would you think it's ok to invade the privacy of a company to order them to pay their employees said amount?

If you bust your ass and get $.15 raise, find another job

What about a maximum wage or compensation cap for CEO's?

That will keep the overhead down and prices down, correct?
What about no tyranny?

how about freedom?

no, you're against that?


not really, you leftist hate America and everything it stands for, and have for a long time.
Only two things have ever been guaranteed when minimum wage
has been raised.

1- Increased automation

2- The Poverty line has been adjusted up.

Nothing else

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