Minneapolis Council Candidate: Don’t Forget to Burn Down Rich Neighborhoods Too!

Did Minneapolis become a liberal shithole because of the massive influx of Muslims or did something else cause its downfall.
Did Minneapolis become a liberal shithole because of the massive influx of Muslims or did something else cause its downfall.
It has always been a weird leftist area. Guessing they got some of the Socialist leaning German immigrants. It was the only state that Regan did not win in 1984.
Yes, the same Leftists who want to defund the police and take your guns away.

A leftist Minneapolis City Council candidate Margarita Ortega took to social media to encourage those who "feel like burning shit down” to make sure they did it in wealthy areas, not in the "poor community.”

Originally reported by Alpha News, in a Facebook post screenshot Tweeted by the ‘Crime Watch Minneapolis account,’ Ortega said "Just a personal thought — just in case y’all feel like burning shit down, the poor community is not your oppressors. FYI — lake of the isles has more then [sic] needed and won’t be missed.”

In a follow up Tweet, Minneapolis Crime Watch say residents of the area have contacted the police and it is being considered a "credible threat.”
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The DNC is a terrorist organization and enemies of the Republic
MN elects crackpots like Jesse Ventura and Al Franken.
They do not seem to be able to learn from their mistakes.
Did I miss where Trump called to destroy peoples homes and threaten the safety of families while having dinner at home?

Naw, you missed the part where he told people to beat up reporters and attack their elected members of Congress.
Did you miss the part where D.C. looked like Beirut in parts and around the White House and then Trump had to walk out with a Bible in front of a Church to try to bring sense to people. And then got skewered for it by the demonic media.
She’s just following Auntie Maxine’s cue...These people should be arrested....If the authorities consider it a credible threat, then what are they doing about it?
Democrats rule the city and state, so they won't do anything

It was Minnesota, June 30, 2020 but it was emblematic of the efforts of the Democrats Party. Rather than maintain a civil society, the Democrat Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo allowed the burning of the 3rd Precinct Police Station, and the abandoning of same.

The message was perceived by the rabble, loud and clear.

“Faced with angry, violent protesters after George Floyd’s death, Minneapolis city leaders [Democrats] made the unprecedented decision to abandon a police station.

Protesters were breaking into the back of the station, and officers were preparing to take an unprecedented step in American policing: to abandon their precinct building…. a motorcade racing from the parking lot. Patrol officers in riot gear left on foot, hurrying past a jeering crowd hurling rocks and fireworks.

It was such a departure from the norm that national policing experts say it will likely be studied for years to come.” What happened at Minneapolis' 3rd Precinct — and what it means

Democrats…..the party of lies, lynchings, .......and lawlessness.

And of cities in smoldering ruins.
Should Maxim Waters be therwn out of office for inciting an insurrection?

Should she go to prison for jury intimidation?
A leftist Minneapolis City Council candidate Margarita Ortega took to social media to encourage those who "feel like burning shit down” to make sure they did it in wealthy areas, not in the "poor community.”

There are rich people in Minneapolis? What are they doing there?
We set the standard? Were you sleeping through the summer of 20?

Naw, guy, those people peacefully protested, unlike the MAGAts who stormed the capitol...

So don't come whining to me if there are riots..
Did you miss the part where D.C. looked like Beirut in parts and around the White House and then Trump had to walk out with a Bible in front of a Church to try to bring sense to people. And then got skewered for it by the demonic media.

What I saw was a tinpot dictator gassing peaceful protestors so he could get a photo op in front of a church that didn't want him there.

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