Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It
And then comes this story:

Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

https://images.csmonitor.com/csm/2019/10/1028 LEWISTON gym kids LEDE.jpg?alias=standard_900x600nc

The author is referring to Lewiston, Maine, a city that experienced a big influx of Somalis.

Lewiston today has one of the highest per capita Muslim populations in the United States, most of it Somali along with rising numbers of refugees and asylum-seekers from other African nations including Congo, Djibouti, Sudan, and Chad. What’s happening here is isbeddel, the Somali word for transformation.

Getting right down to it, this author is trying to paint the transformation of Lewiston as something good – not just for the town but the state.

More of this lengthy piece @ Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.
Here is a LIVE crime report map from that area.

A couple areas like a bit rough.....but actually the crime map doesn't support the hype.

Look at other cities such as very upscale Boca Raton Florida. Seems worse?
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Put them on a bus and send them to DiBlasio in NYC. That's what he would do.

I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It
You'd think the cold winters would kill them off like fleas and roaches
Here is a LIVE crime report map from that area.

A couple areas like a bit rough.....but actually the crime map doesn't support the hype.

Look at other cities such as very upscale Boca Raton Florida. Seems worse?
Well of course areas like Boca are going to DISPLAY more crime due to population density and proximity to minority areas.
One has to examine per capita statistics. I would be interested in examining those. This is a portent to a portend that was projected many moons ago based upon other HoA populations which migrated to Northern Europe previously...(pre-1990's).
News Flash...third and fourth generations are much worse.
Just as long as they don't let the Irish in.

They should never have been allowed into our country at all. They should all be booted back to Somalis. I'd bet we tax payers are supporting their stupid asses. Boot them out.

I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It
You'd think the cold winters would kill them off like fleas and roaches

If only
Just as long as they don't let the Irish in.

Hey....that's ~30 IQ points (Irish v. Somali)...huge difference. The Irish are slow for Western Europe. These negroes make our West African stock look like MENSA members.

69 IQ average.

Then there is the stark difference in culture and a reticence for cultural assimilation.

It took the Irish over 100 years to fully assimilate, and they were Catholic Christian.

Yet....we have magic dirt in Amelikah!
Oh, noes, scary brown people...
Why don't you move up there and enjoy the culture, then...

You know, like you volunteered to take a little trip for the military, and meet those "brown people"...

Yeah, that's right...

You "volunteered" to get out!!!
Oh, noes, scary brown people...
Many people move away from them. For a reason. What makes it funny is many of the movers are Progs. Like Evita.....they keep their promise, and make sure the brown people keep their distance. To watch the soccer moms as an example get over run, raped ,maimed and slowly tortured to death would be great. Justice is what it would be.
So this is a state that will flip in 2020......consider the voters "woke" to the fuckedupedness of letting their state get invaded by the savages. Folks are all into multiculturalism until the look down the block and say to themselves, "Fuck.....HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! The savages are taking over!". Fascinating how that works!

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