Minnesota legislator Heather Keeler: ‘I'm sick of White Christians' adopting Native American babies, continuing 'genocide'


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Why do "white Christians" adopt Native American babies? Is it an adoptive crisis we haven't heard about since RvW was struck down? Surely there is more to the story that we haven't heard.
she's the craziest Minnesotan, if you don't count Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachmann, Jesse Ventura

Christians don't believe in a lot of things...LOL. :auiqs.jpg:

she's the craziest Minnesotan, if you don't count Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachmann, Jesse Ventura

She's against this "genocide" of Native Muricans that's not happening, but embraces real genocide under abortion laws.

Makes as much sense as a Democrat ever does, I guess.
Who is it putting these babies up for adoption?
Dumb bitch.



Her fweels are laid bare.

Like her brain stem must be. It's likely a lil wrinkly or something.
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Minnesota legislator Heather Keeler: ‘I'm sick of White Christians' adopting Native American babies, continuing 'genocide​


I'm tired of sick Democrats continually trying to murder, f*, indoctronate, groom, and / or traffick babies / children.

I'm tired of WHITE Democrats trying to pass themselves off as...


Native Americans


Black Women



Irish Italian Jewish Polish Puerto Rican Civil Rights Activists who were arrested in Africa trying to march with Mandela
Unless white Christians are sterilizing these adoptees, I can't see how the genocide claim figures in.
Why do "white Christians" adopt Native American babies? Is it an adoptive crisis we haven't heard about since RvW was struck down? Surely there is more to the story that we haven't heard.
They don't. At least not any more. The Indian Child Welfare Act gives tribes the exclusive jurisdiction over native American children.
Natives don't want them, and many probably have fetal alcohol syndrome. White Christians are probably the only demographic who will adopt them. Blacks. latinos, and natives surely won't. They won't even adopt babies of their own ethnic group.

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