Minnesota looks dirty.

I read your link and it appears the the company has been direct and up front about a potential problem.

The problem had been there for ten years and they initially said that it was not their code. They came out this year, finally saying that it is. They did this at the insistence of Jennifer Brunner who I believe took them court in order to settle the issue.

Certainly in this case people up in arms about these machines resulted in the company admitting that there is a problem, a problem that may have cost votes in urban districts.

I will stay up in arms, thankyouverymuch! I want your vote to count! :)
And crickets will chirp. I have found that generally speaking with a few rare exceptions the left don't think they need to provide any factual evidence to support any of their claims.

If they come up with something, my apologies in advance.

I am not sure what she is asking for. She (or he) seems to be misunderstanding what I said.

but in any event I made the effort to keep the conversation going, as you can see. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, as I am not 'on the left.' Unless by 'on the left' you mean 'not on the right' which would then include the center.
The problem had been there for ten years and they initially said that it was not their code. They came out this year, finally saying that it is. They did this at the insistence of Jennifer Brunner who I believe took them court in order to settle the issue.

Certainly in this case people up in arms about these machines resulted in the company admitting that there is a problem, a problem that may have cost votes in urban districts.

I will stay up in arms, thankyouverymuch! I want your vote to count! :)

I would want my vote to count to if I was ever given the opportunity to vote for a viable candidate who wasn't from the one party that pretends to be two.
You are wrong as usual. Gore took it to court to demand his style of counting. He was rebuffed at the local level and took it to the Florida Supreme Court. In fact Gore sent something like an army of Lawyers to do his bidding. You can lie all you want the truth is the Courts ONLY got involved because GORE took it there. I suggest you do a little more FACT checking before you make stupid statements.

As for the FINAL case, yes the republicans started that one AFTER the Florida Supreme Court violated Florida law and allowed Gore another count after mandatory recounts were done in violation of election laws of the State of Florida, they refused to ensure the recount was fair and honest and uniform through out the recount areas. 7 of 9 Supreme Court Justices AGREED on this basic fact.

NOPE, i'm not wrong ret sgt.....just google it for a source you will accept. james baker on behalf of the bush campaign brought the case to the supreme court.
I would want my vote to count to if I was ever given the opportunity to vote for a viable candidate who wasn't from the one party that pretends to be two.

I want your vote to count too, so much so that in your case I would want it to count more than once. :) /jk
I am not sure what she is asking for. She (or he) seems to be misunderstanding what I said.

but in any event I made the effort to keep the conversation going, as you can see. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, as I am not 'on the left.' Unless by 'on the left' you mean 'not on the right' which would then include the center.

I could be wrong, but I don't think anything was requested from you. The accusation is that Palin has used her office to promote her religious views. And yes, I do understand you are in the center.
I want your vote to count too, so much so that in your case I would want it to count more than once. :) /jk

ok--what's the solution to fair elections in the US. The feds telling the states what election laws will be and how they must conduct them ?
ok--what's the solution to fair elections in the US. The feds telling the states what election laws will be and how they must conduct them ?

We're coming at it from opposite ends.

You want to establish fair elections, I want to minimize unfairness in elections.

In the case of Franken, the final polls significantly favored Coleman, another red flag to go along with the bleeding of votes towards franken.

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I could be wrong, but I don't think anything was requested from you. The accusation is that Palin has used her office to promote her religious views. And yes, I do understand you are in the center.

Yes you are wrong as usual, he directed the request at Caligirl because of a faith based comment she made earlier in the thread. I was simply questioning the logic he implied in his argument. But he asked Caligirl for examples to backup her claim.
I could be wrong, but I don't think anything was requested from you. The accusation is that Palin has used her office to promote her religious views. And yes, I do understand you are in the center.

Here you go my conservative friend.

Caligirl, you claim that Obama is more of a centrist than Palin.

Could you please support that with factual documentation from each persons role as a political offial.

You may be correct, but, I have yet to see anything which demonstrates that, but, I am always open to learning.

As for her religion, again I ask you, please show me one piece of documentation where God is listed as her advisor.

I'm a Christian. I keep my religion out of my professional life. However, I do trust God and my Angels to help guide me, protect me and love me, through every aspect of my life.

Oh by the way, I own a business on Main Street, it opened in 1948, yes, that is 60 years of success and God has been with me, in my heart each step of the way. Seems that my concept, which is the same concept Palin has and has demonstrated works. By the way, how long has Obama ran a business on Main Street, since he seems so connected to what that struggle is like.

As I said, please support your factual statements about Palin, I am ready to learn.
We're coming at it from opposite ends.

You want to establish fair elections, I want to minimize unfairness in elections.

In the case of Franken, the final polls significantly favored Coleman, another red flag to go along with the bleeding of votes towards franken.


either way will certainly help----what's your proposal ?
Yes you are wrong as usual, he directed the request at Caligirl because of a faith based comment she made earlier in the thread. I was simply questioning the logic he implied in his argument. But he asked Caligirl for examples to backup her claim.

The fact that I am "wrong as usual" coming from you is actually quite laughable.

And my apologies for mis-reading the exchange, I was indeed wrong.
either way will certainly help----what's your proposal ?

1. Make damn sure franken isn't stealing Minnesota.

2. Make the proprietary electronic vote-counting software available to public scrutiny. (one could make the case that secret software to count the vote is unconstitutional.) This is probably the simplest thing we could do. bush appointed judges ruled that Diebold etc do not have to make their code available. Sounds good from a business perspective, sounds horrendous from a this-is-who-counts-our-votes perspective.

3. Get Connell into trial, ie stop roadblocking the investigation into whether Ohio was stolen in 2004.

here's some tinfoil theory for you, a couple weeks old now so adjust the dates accordingly:

Two weeks ago, Rove was confidently saying that John McCain could win ten battleground states to become President. McCain was confidently telling everyone that he would win with a surge in the wee hours of election night.

Well, last Friday, something important happened: Michael Connell was forced to appear before Solomon Oliver, a Clinton appointed Afro-American federal Judge in Cleveland. After Attorney Cliff Arnebeck accused Connell in open court of rigging elections for Karl Rove, the judge ordered Connell to submit to a sworn deposition 18 hours before the polls were to open. On Monday at noon, Connell was placed under oath and grilled about election fraud, Man in the Middle attacks, Trojan horse manipulations and threats from Rove.

And guess what happened? Connell didn't know a thing! He had no knowledge of any secret steps to change the vote-counts, in any past elections--or in the election to come. He stonewalled like a champion, denying everything.

It was a remarkable performance; but what was even more remarkable was the abrupt reversal, just hours later, by Karl Rove. Rove wrote on his blog late Monday that Obama would win by a landslide--even in those states he had previously predicted McCain would win.

In other words, Rove pulled the plug, because he felt the heat, and knew that using Connell to rig this election too would be too risky.

Now, this sounds over the top. WAY over the top. I see that, I do. :) but I also don't put it past crooks and liars to steal and lie. I think crooks could make their way into politics, and I think some of them might be smart enough to get away with a little cheating.

here's more of the story:

As tight-lipped as he was, however, Connell did let slip one detail of immense significance. Asked if he'd brought SmartTech and Triad, two private IT companies owned by fierce partisans (and dedicated Christianists), into the Ohio election game, Connell admitted that he did. (At first he denied bringing SmartTech in, but then admitted it.)

This was a major revelation, as it confirms the view--long advanced by expert witness Stephen Spoonamore--that SmartTech and Triad played key roles in stealing the 2004 election. (SmartTech ran Ohio's election results through its GOP-supported servers in Chattanooga, then sent it back to SoS Blackwell's website: a classic "man in the middle" set-up favored by computer fraudsters, according to Spoonamore. Triad interfered with the recount by pulling hard drives from county-level tabulators.)

The case to watch is the RICO lawsuit against Karl Rove et al.
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NOPE, i'm not wrong ret sgt.....just google it for a source you will accept. james baker on behalf of the bush campaign brought the case to the supreme court.

Look, try to engage your brain. It went to the Supreme Court BECAUSE Gore took it to the Florida Supreme Court which on a 4-3 split decision violated Florida law. Which 7 of 9 US SUpreme Court Justices agreed Happened. It would never have gone to the US Supreme Court if Gore had not taken the election and its results to Florida Supreme Court TWICE.

Do try and keep up dear.

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