Minnesota: Rape is not rape if you have been drinking of your own free will.

What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Wow women are second class citizens in that state. Unfortunately we women are second class citizens in too many states.

Have you ever had sex with a drunk man? Did you worry that he was only giving consent because he was drunk?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence showed rape. I was not there. I know what the evidence showed.
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence showed rape. I was not there. I know what the evidence showed.

You can say that you don't know. The article was not clear on it. I'm not the type of asshole who plays gotcha games.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence showed rape. I was not there. I know what the evidence showed.

You can say that you don't know. The article was not clear on it. I'm not the type of asshole who plays gotcha games.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The article was indeed clear that the man was found guilty. He is even still in prison.
She made the decision to go home with him.
Got evidence?

That point isn't in dispute. She and her friend went to the guy's house voluntarily because they were told there was a party there.
Wrong again. The evidence presented so far (from the OP's link):
she said she was standing outside a Minneapolis bar in May 2017 when a man invited her and a friend to a party. She agreed but soon found out there was no gathering, she later testified.
Rape is rape no matter the outside circumstances. You sound like Hillary condemning the women accusing Bill.

Naw, those women were all proven liars at the time. Then they dredged them up again 20 years later and we forgot they had all been proven as liars.

Paula Jones claimed that Clinton's dick had a "distinguishing characteristic". His medical records show otherwise. Paula Jones was a liar.

Juanita Brodderick signed two affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. Brodderick is a liar.

Kathleen Wiley claimed Clinton groped her... but then spent the next year sending letters to the White House begging for a job. Kathleen Wiley is a liar.

See how that works. You actually look at someone's story, and if you catch them LYING, then you call them liars.

Never called Monica Lewinsky a liar. She told a consistent story and had the cum-stained dress to prove it.

Now, on to the topic at hand...

A woman gets drunk at a bar, takes 5 shots AND some pills, and then she's complaining because she woke up at some dude's house and didn't know where she was?

Are we going to require men to give women field sobriety tests before they do the deed? I mean, that would be a mood killer.

You need a mirror badly. Her complaint was not that she did not know where she was. No one is really denying she was raped. The argument is state law makes rape legal in this instance.

Because I supported Sanders you are going to defend rape. Man, it doesn't get much worse than that.

She blacked out. How does she know she did not give consent?

Oh, blacked out eh? Boy, that sounds like everyman's dream encounter...A lifeless woman, passed out on the bed....NOT....Look, I've been reading through this, and can't beleve it, but so far I am with Pknopp on this....Men have the responsibility to take care in terms of taking advantage of the women in question, to not only protect themselves from accusation, but making sure that is what the woman wants to partake in....

We've all made decisions when we were young, that we look back on today and regret. Is it rape? Maybe, maybe not, but like I did when I was raising my kids, was to impress that the act of sex was something special, and shouldn't be entered into lightly...It can turn into a path that may not be what was desired...

Now, in this day and age with contraceptive abortion at will being in the mix, I think it has developed into situations like these....Is the MN law insane? I think so....But, we only have ourselves to blame....
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence showed rape. I was not there. I know what the evidence showed.

You can say that you don't know. The article was not clear on it. I'm not the type of asshole who plays gotcha games.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The article was indeed clear that the man was found guilty. He is even still in prison.

You are stone walling because you know that there is a good chance that the facts of the case do not support your position.

That is you being dishonest and cowardly.

I read the article to. I am prepared, if the facts do not support my position, to admit to being wrong.

THat is me being honest and morally brave.

This is where you, if you want to be a better person, could learn from my example.

I repeat my question.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?
Rape is rape no matter the outside circumstances. You sound like Hillary condemning the women accusing Bill.

Naw, those women were all proven liars at the time. Then they dredged them up again 20 years later and we forgot they had all been proven as liars.

Paula Jones claimed that Clinton's dick had a "distinguishing characteristic". His medical records show otherwise. Paula Jones was a liar.

Juanita Brodderick signed two affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. Brodderick is a liar.

Kathleen Wiley claimed Clinton groped her... but then spent the next year sending letters to the White House begging for a job. Kathleen Wiley is a liar.

See how that works. You actually look at someone's story, and if you catch them LYING, then you call them liars.

Never called Monica Lewinsky a liar. She told a consistent story and had the cum-stained dress to prove it.

Now, on to the topic at hand...

A woman gets drunk at a bar, takes 5 shots AND some pills, and then she's complaining because she woke up at some dude's house and didn't know where she was?

Are we going to require men to give women field sobriety tests before they do the deed? I mean, that would be a mood killer.

You need a mirror badly. Her complaint was not that she did not know where she was. No one is really denying she was raped. The argument is state law makes rape legal in this instance.

Because I supported Sanders you are going to defend rape. Man, it doesn't get much worse than that.

She blacked out. How does she know she did not give consent?

Oh, blacked out eh? Boy, that sounds like everyman's dream encounter...A lifeless woman, passed out on the bed....NOT....Look, I've been reading through this, and can't beleve it, but so far I am with Pknopp on this....Men have the responsibility to take care in terms of taking advantage of the women in question, to not only protect themselves from accusation, but making sure that is what the woman wants to partake in....

We've all made decisions when we were young, that we look back on today and regret. Is it rape? Maybe, maybe not, but like I did when I was raising my kids, was to impress that the act of sex was something special, and shouldn't be entered into lightly...It can turn into a path that may not be what was desired...

Now, in this day and age with contraceptive abortion at will being in the mix, I think it has developed into situations like these....Is the MN law insane? I think so....But, we only have ourselves to blame....

THe terminology in the article is unclear about what actually happened. Was she unconscious or was she just not remembering what happened.

"taking advantage of"? That is some old fashioned terminology there. Is it really applicable today?

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Well, its not like no woman never hollered rape when there was no rape.

Also....well known....some women mean yes when they say no.

Also...well known that women have more intense orgasms whilst being raped and they are more likely to get pregnant when raped than when having normal intercourse.

The pleasure factor women get from being raped is one reason that so many of them feel intense guilt....and that is also a factor in why some men become rapists...they get an intense satisfaction watching a woman they are forcing to have sex get such pleasure from the act.

Wow! I hope you are joking, tho it isn't funny.
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Have you ever had sex with a drunk woman?

Passed out? No.

I asked a simple question, based on the example given. You dodged. We both know why.;

So, me too, by the way. Several times.

So, we both have done what this supposed "rapist" did. Indeed, I suspect that well over 90% of men have.

The current state of the law, that a man and a woman can get drunk together, have consensual sex and the man is at risk for being arrested for rape, if the woman chooses to press charges,

is unjust.

It NEEDS to be changed.

So this law say it is rape, but legal? An odd work around, but a possible answer.

If you disagree, do you plan to turn yourself in to the police?

I said no, and you took it as a yes. No, I have not done what this person did. She didn't claim it as rape because she was drunk. She claimed it because she was passed out.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence resulted in a guilty verdict until it was brought up that Minnesota law allows for rape.

And I addressed that. Now I am asking a question about what actually happened.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The evidence showed rape. I was not there. I know what the evidence showed.

You can say that you don't know. The article was not clear on it. I'm not the type of asshole who plays gotcha games.

Did she black out and not remember giving consent? Or was she unconscious?

The article was indeed clear that the man was found guilty. He is even still in prison.

You are stone walling because you know that there is a good chance that the facts of the case do not support your position.

He was found guilty.
Wow women are second class citizens in that state. Unfortunately we women are second class citizens in too many states
You women should keep your head on your shoulders and use the brains as much as possible. If you voluntarily accept an invitation from a stranger to go to his home for a 'party', then there might be bad consequences. If you get drunk to the point you lose the conscience, then there might be bad consequences. It is as simple as that.

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