Minsk II - You'll never hear that on the MSM.

I believe if there wasn't push back... we'd be at war already.

War is good for the rich...good for the military industrial complex...good for politicians... and as it looks like we are on the precipice of another recession... it's a freaking miraculously that Ukraine is not asshole deep in US "military advisors" as we speak in an attempt to draw us into throwing American lives into the breech to salvage the economy.
I’ll be surprised if this war doesn’t escalate to involve much of Eastern Europe and ultimately American troops. All signs are there for a big war and as you say the elite love war.
As Russia has armed our enemies as well............In the middle East.........killed Americans there.........Payback is a bitch isn't it?
BS. You are clueless.

At any rate, pushing for war with the world’s other preeminent nuclear power is dumb. Don’t be dumb.
You just admitted you hate me...............So why the fuck should I care what you think............I understand Russian and China want to take us down.

They can kiss my ass.............. They want a War they know where we live...........Fire on NATO and see what happens.
Yeah you’d love kill all those Russian women and children.
BS. You are clueless.

At any rate, pushing for war with the world’s other preeminent nuclear power is dumb. Don’t be dumb.
Im responding to you Hate America dumb.

It has been Putin threatening nuclear War. And you trolls trying to Fear Monger it.

Pffft same shit different day during the cold war

Here's the explaination!!!!!

BTW, it explains Creepy's bragging story about the prosecutor.


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