Miss Alabama thinks the Dallas Shooter is a Martyr..;;

She also says she cannot feel sad for the police that were killed.

First of all she should have her title stripped....she has a right to here beliefs but she should have kept them to herself....to come out publicly and state what she did is reprehensible and should not be allowed to hold the Title of Miss Alabma...not even to mention she is butt ugly.

Justin Holcomb - First Black Miss Alabama: "I Don't Feel Sad for the Officers that Lost Their Lives...Shooter was a Martyr"
Who cares.

This is one person’s ignorant, wrongheaded opinion – subjective and irrelevant.

She speaks only for herself, ‘representative’ of no one and nothing.
Think that's pretty much what we were saying.
They're dressed! Barely, but dressed...

Which one r u?
Really? You give a shit about what some washed up "beauty queen" thinks? Twenty three years ago, when she was crowned Miss Alabama, what she thought was just as irrelevant as it is today.
Actually, for someone famous enough that her opinions make national news --- to say something like she did is shockingly incendiary. The murderer was a martyr? Wow.

When you are famous and say something like that it makes the news and carries far more of an impact than if you or I made such a statement and helps to embolden those who want to be filled with anger or vengeance. Tell me she is on the side of healing and recovery.

Tell me that 99% of our police force should now be vilified and not trusted or thanked for putting their lives on the line every day and protecting those who hate them? And a president who has shown on many occasions how he sides with the victim, never even caring what the facts or details are before making his galvanizing statements, is not much better than this woman.

Famous? :lmao:

Until this story was published by someone looking for something or someone to vilify, you would have been hard pressed to find one hundred random people who could have told you the name of Miss Alabama 1993. You would have been hard pressed to fifty who would recognize her picture.

What she said was stupid and callous, but don't fucking pretend it carries any more weight than a three year old declaring she is a unicorn.

This is nothing more than people looking for someone, anyone, especially a person of color, to be pissed at. It's an opportunity for racists and bigots to yell, "See? Black people suck!"

don't be stupid.

'famous' is a relative word, but this woman was famous enough that her remarks made it on Fox M Kelly show last night for discussion. Do you think if if were just another street fighter it would have been singled out?

Still, the larger point is that she was famous enough where it galvanizes those forces who want to find cause to hate and retaliate. It does not take much to add fuel to the fire. But you are more interested in pretending statements by people of some notoriety do not matter. Well that might help explain how total losers like obama get re-elected. Thanks.
Really? You give a shit about what some washed up "beauty queen" thinks? Twenty three years ago, when she was crowned Miss Alabama, what she thought was just as irrelevant as it is today.
Actually, for someone famous enough that her opinions make national news --- to say something like she did is shockingly incendiary. The murderer was a martyr? Wow.

When you are famous and say something like that it makes the news and carries far more of an impact than if you or I made such a statement and helps to embolden those who want to be filled with anger or vengeance. Tell me she is on the side of healing and recovery.

Tell me that 99% of our police force should now be vilified and not trusted or thanked for putting their lives on the line every day and protecting those who hate them? And a president who has shown on many occasions how he sides with the victim, never even caring what the facts or details are before making his galvanizing statements, is not much better than this woman.

Famous? :lmao:

Until this story was published by someone looking for something or someone to vilify, you would have been hard pressed to find one hundred random people who could have told you the name of Miss Alabama 1993. You would have been hard pressed to fifty who would recognize her picture.

What she said was stupid and callous, but don't fucking pretend it carries any more weight than a three year old declaring she is a unicorn.

This is nothing more than people looking for someone, anyone, especially a person of color, to be pissed at. It's an opportunity for racists and bigots to yell, "See? Black people suck!"

don't be stupid.

'famous' is a relative word, but this woman was famous enough that her remarks made it on Fox M Kelly show last night for discussion. Do you think if if were just another street fighter it would have been singled out?

Still, the larger point is that she was famous enough where it galvanizes those forces who want to find cause to hate and retaliate. It does not take much to add fuel to the fire. But you are more interested in pretending statements by people of some notoriety do not matter. Well that might help explain how total losers like obama get re-elected. Thanks.

Like I said, this "outrage" is nothing more than people, especially bigots, looking for someone to be angry with, someone to vilify, someone to demonize, someway to tear down blacks. To pretend anything this woman says will have any kind of an impact on society as a whole, or the black community specifically is to be one of two things, possibly both, ignorant or a bigot.
She also says she cannot feel sad for the police that were killed.

First of all she should have her title stripped....she has a right to here beliefs but she should have kept them to herself....to come out publicly and state what she did is reprehensible and should not be allowed to hold the Title of Miss Alabma...not even to mention she is butt ugly.

Justin Holcomb - First Black Miss Alabama: "I Don't Feel Sad for the Officers that Lost Their Lives...Shooter was a Martyr"
Who cares.

This is one person’s ignorant, wrongheaded opinion – subjective and irrelevant.

She speaks only for herself, ‘representative’ of no one and nothing.

A recent survey indicates that most Negroes think the same way.
Wow, if she doesn't want such a thing said about her should she ever kick the bucket, she is a hypocrite.

God bless you always!!!


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