Miss Universe 2023 crowns biological female Miss Nicaragua as winner over two biological males


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia


Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios won Miss Universe Saturday amid many historic firsts for the pageant.

Palacios, 23, was the first from her country to take the title. Among the other first-time candidates was Miss Nepal Jane Garrett, who was the first plus-size model, and the first ever Miss Pakistan Erica Robin, and the first contestants to be married mothers Miss Guatemala Michelle Cohn and Miss Colombia Camila Avella.

I don't think "thicc" is OK......Cottage cheese should be eaten not part of your anatomy.....At least she does not have a dick.
Sorry but this is more "Miss Midwestern Trailer Park" material.


Blah, the whole Miss Universe pageant is full of fail.
I thought the transgenders were vying for the crown, seems neither were even close. I guess walking the catwalk is one thing, running and swimming against trans contestants is quite another.

I see no clear advantage for a transgender in this contest and am wondering when actual women will get sick of this shit.

Definitely no advantage for fat women, other than breaking the mold, same as the trans contestants.
As I said in other threads.

These contestants get facelifts, breast implants, blephaorplasties, and rhinoplasties to acheive unrealistic standards of "Beauty". Some women even have ribs removed, by doctors who obviosuly never heard of Hippocrates.

So how is removing a rib okay but removing a dick isn't?
As I said in other threads.

These contestants get facelifts, breast implants, blephaorplasties, and rhinoplasties to acheive unrealistic standards of "Beauty". Some women even have ribs removed, by doctors who obviosuly never heard of Hippocrates.

So how is removing a rib okay but removing a dick isn't?

Why dont you give it a try and then send us the report?
As I said in other threads.

These contestants get facelifts, breast implants, blephaorplasties, and rhinoplasties to acheive [sic] unrealistic standards of "Beauty". Some women even have ribs removed, by doctors who obviosuly [sic] never heard of Hippocrates. [sic]

So how is removing a rib okay but removing a dick isn't?

Remove a woman's rib, and she's still a woman.

Remove a man's dick, and he's still a man, albeit a ruined, mutilated form thereof.

Only a fucked-up nutcase such as yourself believes that a man can become a woman. Sane people know better.


Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios won Miss Universe Saturday amid many historic firsts for the pageant.

Palacios, 23, was the first from her country to take the title. Among the other first-time candidates was Miss Nepal Jane Garrett, who was the first plus-size model, and the first ever Miss Pakistan Erica Robin, and the first contestants to be married mothers Miss Guatemala Michelle Cohn and Miss Colombia Camila Avella.

I don't think "thicc" is OK......Cottage cheese should be eaten not part of your anatomy.....At least she does not have a dick.
Sorry but this is more "Miss Midwestern Trailer Park" material.


Blah, the whole Miss Universe pageant is full of fail.
Why does this matter to you?
I don't think "thicc" is OK......Cottage cheese should be eaten not part of your anatomy.....At least she does not have a dick.
Sorry but this is more "Miss Midwestern Trailer Park" material.


Jesus… Those thighs on that bitch! Gross.

I'll have to admit that she's not up to the ideal standards that we, at least here in America, have for female beauty, but I do not find her at all unattractive, though I think she would be more attractive if she were a bit thinner. Not quite what I would expect to see in a beauty contest, though. I've seen women who I thought looked like they were thin to a very unhealthy degree, that as a result, looked much less attractive to me than this woman does.
Judging by the influx of undocumented aliens crossing the border I didn't think there was anyone left in Nicaragua.
Remove a woman's rib, and she's still a woman.

Remove a man's dick, and he's still a man, albeit a ruined, mutilated form thereof.

Only a fucked-up nutcase such as yourself believes that a man can become a woman. Sane people know better.

Not sure why you care at all, really, Bob. Seems it's more about your sexual insecurities than anything about that woman.
If the right wasn’t paralyzed by homophobia they’d have no idea who won any beauty contest. No one pays attention to those except righties so they can fake outrage to demonstrate their homophobia.
Not sure why you care at all, really, Bob. Seems it's more about your sexual insecurities than anything about that woman.

It's funny, how, with all the issues that you have, regarding your love for fucked-up perverts of all kinds, and your denial of the essential biological distinction between male and female, how you keep accusing others of having sexual insecurities, hangups, or other issues.

Pretty much a textbook example of psychological projection.
It's funny, how, with all the issues that you have, regarding your love for fucked-up perverts of all kinds, and your denial of the essential biological distinction between male and female, how you keep accusing others of having sexual insecurities, hangups, or other issues.

Pretty much a textbook example of psychological projection.

I don't have any issues at all, I've never been happier. I'll be happier still when Trump is defeated again, and the GOP can start working its way back to sanity.

My sex life is about as vanilla as you get. Well, not quite, because 60 years ago, my marriage to a woman from another race would have been illegal in much of the country. Fortunately, we live in more enlightened times, where the bigotries of others can't dictate how we live our lives.

The problem with prudes like you is that you want your preferences inflicted on everyone else. You think it's bad, so everyone else should think it's bad, too.

The ironic thing is that the ONLY reason why your deranged cult is out west and not in my state anymore is because the early leaders of your church engaged in polygamy. I am sure that the people who lynched Joseph Smith thought that was kind of icky. (And it was when it involved teenage girls who really didn't have the ability to consent.)

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