Miss USA


Jul 14, 2009
Rima Fakih of Dearborn Michigan was crowned Miss USA tonight in Las Vegas, which shows how far this country has come since September 11, 2001.
Miss Fakih is of Lebanese ancestry and is the first Muslim to become Miss USA, as well as being the first lady from Michigan to win since 1993.

“This is historic,” Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said. “This shows the greatness of America, how everyone can have a chance to make it.”
Strangely, Miss Fakish almost fell while walkingacross the stage in her evening gown when she tripped over the train, but she did not actually fall and managed to recover very nicely.
In her interview question, Miss Fakih was asked if she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance, and she said yes.
Miss Oklahoma, Elizabeth Woolard, was runner-up in the beauty pageant after saying that she supports the Arizona immigration law during her interview.in since 1993.
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I bet you are peeing your pants right now, aren't you Mr. F?

Get ready for the hate filled posts that it was rigged by the Moderate, Centrist, Mainstream Progressive Leftist Pagent Judges who were hand picked by President Obama!
First our oil, then our towers, and now our wimmenz... will the Obammunist/Leftist-funded Muslim onslaught ever come to an end???
Congratlation, but there are prettier women.
I am speaking of the should upwards.
Ms. Strolling, you are the beauty of the bunch.

You are true.

I love that.
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A sad indictment of society that people - male or female - are still judged not on the content of their character but on their physical attributes. We really should have moved past such crap by now.
A sad indictment of society that people - male or female - are still judged not on the content of their character but on their physical attributes. We really should have moved past such crap by now.

Never gonna happen.

Attraction to physical beauty is hardwired into our beings.

It's not a choice we make.

The choice to be attracted to human physical beauty was made for us over tens of thousands of generations of people procreating with people (in large part) based on how they looked.

And good looks, while not always indicative of good health, definitely does tell us something about the person's potential as a mate.

AS but one example of that, people whose features are symetric (and who are therefore thought better looking) also tend to be in better health than those whose features are a symetric.

When it comes to beauty, we are mostly programmed to be seeking something approaching the median look of humankind.

There's a website someplace on the net where you can go and create the average face out of many very different faces of real live people. (I stumbled upon this site and cannot find it now)

What you find when you do this experiment is that regaerdless of how beautiful (or ugly) those real people's faces are, the blended average face that is made from mixing their look tends to be far more pretty than any of the real faces from which they were created.

Weird, I know, and probably counterintuitive, too, but true.

And the other thing that makes people attract to each other is smell.

We don't usually consciously realize it, but we are attracted to people based on the information we are getting about them based on the phernomes their body is giving off through sweat.

So if you've even found yourself mysteriously attracted to somebody who you thought wasn't "your type" know that something about their body chemistry your body chemistry finds appealing.

And studies has shown that the one thing they can identify to explain this is the following:

We tend to be attracted (by smell) to those people whose AUTO-DEFENCE MODES compensate for the shortcomings in our AUTODEFNSE mechansims.

In other words nature is setting us up to create progeny with healthier auto defence chemistry than either parent has.

That's pretty amazing, I think, and perfectly logical, too.
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Rima Fakih of Dearborn Michigan was crowned Miss USA tonight in Las Vegas, which shows how far this country has come since September 11, 2001.
Miss Fakih is of Lebanese ancestry and is the first Muslim to become Miss USA, as well as being the first lady from Michigan to win since 1993.

"Arab-American" from Dearborn, Michigan Is New Miss USA | CMR
“This is historic,” Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said. “This shows the greatness of America, how everyone can have a chance to make it.”
Strangely, Miss Fakish almost fell while walkingacross the stage in her evening gown when she tripped over the train, but she did not actually fall and managed to recover very nicely.
In her interview question, Miss Fakih was asked if she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance, and she said yes.
Miss Oklahoma, Elizabeth Woolard, was runner-up in the beauty pageant after saying that she supports the Arizona immigration law during her interview.in since 1993.

She's really pretty, I wish her the best.
Who cares about a bunch of empty-headed, self-centered, bimbos looking to be rewarded for winning a birthing lottery?
Who cares about a bunch of empty-headed, self-centered, bimbos looking to be rewarded for winning a birthing lottery?

NOt me.

But I also have no reason to assume they are empty headed, self centered or bimbos.

Why do you assume that just becuase a woman is attractive she also must have all those negative attributes?

Couldn't she just be in it for the money and fame?

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