'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming

That might be true, but at least he doesn't look as stupid as the people that believe three contradictory explanations for the lull at the same time.

One says that El Nino induced at peak in warming, and that the current lull is actually an increase because there was no drop after the spike in the 1970s.
The role of ENSO in global ocean temperature changes during 1955?2011 simulated with a 1D climate model - Online First - Springer

Then we have this thread, which says that it is the result of coverage bias. and that, if we ignore the actual data, there has been an increase.
Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends - Cowtan - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society - Wiley Online Library

Then we have my personal favorite, the stadium wave theory.
?Stadium Waves? Could Explain Lull In Global Warming

Yet I am a denier because I see the different theories, and refuse to accept whichever paper some idiot stumbles over.

There is nobody with any scientific background that denies AGW.

All of the science now is going into when and how will the energy that is here, caused GHGs, going to manifest itself in what it must, higher climactic temperatures.

There are plenty of people with a scientific background that question the hoopla surrounding climate change, anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.

Which step in the AGW process do you deny?

The chief products of combustion of fossil fuels are CO2 and H2O.

They are released into our atmosphere.

Both are greenhouse gasses. That means that their molecules absorb radiant energy of specific wave lengths.

Once a molecule becomes more energetic than its neighbors it immediately radiates the energy out in all directions.

If that encounter occurs in the atmosphere, roughly half of the energy returns to earth, and half radiates out to space.

For a body in space, radiant energy in must be balanced by radiant energy out. If more comes in than goes out, the body is warmed by the excess energy until energy balance is restored.

Which of those statements do you deny is true, and why do you think that.
Why are global warming threads placed in the conspiracy theory board?
There is nobody with any scientific background that denies AGW.

All of the science now is going into when and how will the energy that is here, caused GHGs, going to manifest itself in what it must, higher climactic temperatures.

There are plenty of people with a scientific background that question the hoopla surrounding climate change, anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.

Which step in the AGW process do you deny?

The chief products of combustion of fossil fuels are CO2 and H2O.

They are released into our atmosphere.

Both are greenhouse gasses. That means that their molecules absorb radiant energy of specific wave lengths.

Once a molecule becomes more energetic than its neighbors it immediately radiates the energy out in all directions.

If that encounter occurs in the atmosphere, roughly half of the energy returns to earth, and half radiates out to space.

For a body in space, radiant energy in must be balanced by radiant energy out. If more comes in than goes out, the body is warmed by the excess energy until energy balance is restored.

Which of those statements do you deny is true, and why do you think that.

What makes you think I deny anything?

What AGW process?

Maybe you should stop pretending you can read.
There are plenty of people with a scientific background that question the hoopla surrounding climate change, anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.

Which step in the AGW process do you deny?

The chief products of combustion of fossil fuels are CO2 and H2O.

They are released into our atmosphere.

Both are greenhouse gasses. That means that their molecules absorb radiant energy of specific wave lengths.

Once a molecule becomes more energetic than its neighbors it immediately radiates the energy out in all directions.

If that encounter occurs in the atmosphere, roughly half of the energy returns to earth, and half radiates out to space.

For a body in space, radiant energy in must be balanced by radiant energy out. If more comes in than goes out, the body is warmed by the excess energy until energy balance is restored.

Which of those statements do you deny is true, and why do you think that.

What makes you think I deny anything?

What AGW process?

Maybe you should stop pretending you can read.

"There are plenty of people with a scientific background that question the hoopla surrounding climate change, anyone that says otherwise is an idiot."
I imagine because those that deny climate science do so by defining it as a political conspiracy theory.

Well I hate to brake it to you but some where in the neighbohood of 65% of science is based on political views.:eusa_whistle:

That’s pure BS. All of science is based on finding the truth regardless of the consequences.

Who funds those grants that go to science?
That’s pure BS. All of science is based on finding the truth regardless of the consequences.

Who funds those grants that go to science?

It doesn't matter. What they get for their bucks is reality understood.

Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.
Why are global warming threads placed in the conspiracy theory board?

I imagine because those that deny climate science do so by defining it as a political conspiracy theory.

Well I hate to brake it to you but some where in the neighbohood of 65% of science is based on political views.:eusa_whistle:

And you are totally full of shit. I have yet to see any politics in the calculus or chemistry that I am currently taking at a university.

Obviously you have never taken university level science, probably not even grade school level science.
Who funds those grants that go to science?

It doesn't matter. What they get for their bucks is reality understood.

Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.

If you go to a Dr and say, I'll pay you but you have to give this diagnosis, what do you think that he'd do?

If he's a legitimate professional he'll tell you goodbye.

That’s the definition of professionals.

Scientists are professionals. Obviously you are not.

That’s not my problem.
I imagine because those that deny climate science do so by defining it as a political conspiracy theory.

Well I hate to brake it to you but some where in the neighbohood of 65% of science is based on political views.:eusa_whistle:

And you are totally full of shit. I have yet to see any politics in the calculus or chemistry that I am currently taking at a university.

Obviously you have never taken university level science, probably not even grade school level science.
take you pick idiot
Who funds those grants that go to science?

It doesn't matter. What they get for their bucks is reality understood.

Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.

You are really one dumb fuck, Rabble. Koch Bros. was one of the primary funders of the investigation of all the temperture records in the Berkely study. The one that stated that the people like Hansen and Mann had done an excellent job in reporting the increase in temperatures. They were definately not pleased with Dr. Muller's conclusions, and he could have had a lot more funding from that source had he fudged the figures. He performed honest science, as do most scientists.

Global warming study finds no grounds for climate sceptics' concerns | Environment | The Guardian
It doesn't matter. What they get for their bucks is reality understood.

Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.

If you go to a Dr and say, I'll pay you but you have to give this diagnosis, what do you think that he'd do?

If he's a legitimate professional he'll tell you goodbye.

That’s the definition of professionals.

Scientists are professionals. Obviously you are not.

That’s not my problem.

If he's a legitimate professional he'll tell you goodbye.
If he wants the funds for his research well you get the point and maybe not.
global warming is by far the most politically charged of all and who gains the most with faulty data? The one whose pushing green across America.
Well I hate to brake it to you but some where in the neighbohood of 65% of science is based on political views.:eusa_whistle:

And you are totally full of shit. I have yet to see any politics in the calculus or chemistry that I am currently taking at a university.

Obviously you have never taken university level science, probably not even grade school level science.
take you pick idiot

LOL. And these scientists are up in the Arctic, melting the ice caps and glaciers with blowtorches, right?

Show me peer reviewed articles that present evidence that the global warming we can see right on the mountain glaciers visible from Portland, Oregon is not real. People like you flap-yap about science, and have no idea how science works.
It doesn't matter. What they get for their bucks is reality understood.

Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.

You are really one dumb fuck, Rabble. Koch Bros. was one of the primary funders of the investigation of all the temperture records in the Berkely study. The one that stated that the people like Hansen and Mann had done an excellent job in reporting the increase in temperatures. They were definately not pleased with Dr. Muller's conclusions, and he could have had a lot more funding from that source had he fudged the figures. He performed honest science, as do most scientists.

Global warming study finds no grounds for climate sceptics' concerns | Environment | The Guardian

No you god damn idiot why don't you take you mother fucking lies out the door?
And you are totally full of shit. I have yet to see any politics in the calculus or chemistry that I am currently taking at a university.

Obviously you have never taken university level science, probably not even grade school level science.
take you pick idiot

LOL. And these scientists are up in the Arctic, melting the ice caps and glaciers with blowtorches, right?

Show me peer reviewed articles that present evidence that the global warming we can see right on the mountain glaciers visible from Portland, Oregon is not real. People like you flap-yap about science, and have no idea how science works.

god damn idiot that's all your ever going to be.
The caps have gained ice imagine that.
Someone paying the bill has a political agenda and it doesn't matter? Really how stupid can you be?
I am paying someone for information that must be shown as favorable for my postion
Wake the fuck up god damn idiots everywhere.

If you go to a Dr and say, I'll pay you but you have to give this diagnosis, what do you think that he'd do?

If he's a legitimate professional he'll tell you goodbye.

That’s the definition of professionals.

Scientists are professionals. Obviously you are not.

That’s not my problem.

If he's a legitimate professional he'll tell you goodbye.
If he wants the funds for his research well you get the point and maybe not.
global warming is by far the most politically charged of all and who gains the most with faulty data? The one whose pushing green across America.

What faulty data? Present links, or shut the fuck up. Links from real scientists, not frauds like Watts and Monkton.

LOL. And these scientists are up in the Arctic, melting the ice caps and glaciers with blowtorches, right?

Show me peer reviewed articles that present evidence that the global warming we can see right on the mountain glaciers visible from Portland, Oregon is not real. People like you flap-yap about science, and have no idea how science works.

god damn idiot that's all your ever going to be.
The caps have gained ice imagine that.

Sure, Rabble, sure. When you have no evidence, lie.



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