'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming

News flash for really dumb fucks that revel in their willfull ignorance. We have had several very rapid warming events driven by the rapid increase in atmospheric GHGs in the geologic past. They were also known as extinction events.

World's biggest extinction event: Massive volcanic eruption, burning coal and accelerated greenhouse gas choked out life

Grasby and colleagues discovered layers of coal ash in rocks from the extinction boundary in Canada's High Arctic that give the first direct proof to support this and have published their findings in Nature Geoscience.
Unlike end of dinosaurs, 65 million years ago, where there is widespread belief that the impact of a meteorite was at least the partial cause, it is unclear what caused the late Permian extinction. Previous researchers have suggested massive volcanic eruptions through coal beds in Siberia would generate significant greenhouse gases causing run away global warming.
"Our research is the first to show direct evidence that massive volcanic eruptions -- the largest the world has ever witnessed -caused massive coal combustion thus supporting models for significant generation of greenhouse gases at this time," says Grasby.
willful ignorance would be you stop posting skewed data.

Hmmmmmmmmm............. The work of scientists studying past periods of geological history is 'skewed data'? Maybe you should try posting some data, period.

However, just think of all that you are learning from reading my posts. Your ignorance has been substancially diminished in spite of your wishes.:lol:

Dude stop it. When science has been shown to have used skewed data it's no longer believable when the science community doesn't speak out against those who used the skewed data. nothing you post is viable
I was 15 years old and it was in the news everywhere you are not allowed to reinvent the past to support your failed agenda NOW. Not with someone who was alive then anyway.

Yes, silly ass. You were 15 and reading Newsweek and Time. At that time I was more than double your age, and reading papers published by the National Academy of Science.


history reinvention the new liberal agenda. GOT IT.

LOL. You are starting to get real funny. Science is a liberal agenda? Then I guess ignorance is a 'Conservative' agenda. Glad you stated it right out in the open:lol:
there you go with the skewed political motivated science data.

you'd be a real hero to the denialists here if you could post one legitimate scientific theory that suggests that there is something other than agw that results from increasing atmospheric ghg concentrations.

you would do great to post a scientific theory that was not skewed that support global warming. Years ago science said the ice age was returning.

Do you really believe what you post?

The science concluding that AGW results from increasing atmospheric GHG concentrations is indisputable. Even by high school science.
Which step in the AGW process do you deny?

The chief products of combustion of fossil fuels are CO2 and H2O.

They are released into our atmosphere.

Both are greenhouse gasses. That means that their molecules absorb radiant energy of specific wave lengths.

Once a molecule becomes more energetic than its neighbors it immediately radiates the energy out in all directions.

If that encounter occurs in the atmosphere, roughly half of the energy returns to earth, and half radiates out to space.

For a body in space, radiant energy in must be balanced by radiant energy out. If more comes in than goes out, the body is warmed by the excess energy until energy balance is restored.

Which of those statements do you deny is true, and why do you think that.

What makes you think I deny anything?

What AGW process?

Maybe you should stop pretending you can read.

"There are plenty of people with a scientific background that question the hoopla surrounding climate change, anyone that says otherwise is an idiot."

Come back when you graduate third grade, and look up the word hoopla.
willful ignorance would be you stop posting skewed data.

Hmmmmmmmmm............. The work of scientists studying past periods of geological history is 'skewed data'? Maybe you should try posting some data, period.

However, just think of all that you are learning from reading my posts. Your ignorance has been substancially diminished in spite of your wishes.:lol:

Dude stop it. When science has been shown to have used skewed data it's no longer believable when the science community doesn't speak out against those who used the skewed data. nothing you post is viable

LOL. And you think that some ignorant hick in the back hills stating that makes it so?:lol::eusa_boohoo::lol:

There is a unanamous consensus among the scientific community worldwide on AGW. Simple fact. Show us one scientific society, even from Outer Slobovia, that contests that. Show us one National Academy of Science that contests it. How about one major University?
Yes, silly ass. You were 15 and reading Newsweek and Time. At that time I was more than double your age, and reading papers published by the National Academy of Science.


history reinvention the new liberal agenda. GOT IT.

LOL. You are starting to get real funny. Science is a liberal agenda? Then I guess ignorance is a 'Conservative' agenda. Glad you stated it right out in the open:lol:

global warming is a liberal agenda
LOL. You are starting to get real funny. Science is a liberal agenda? Then I guess ignorance is a 'Conservative' agenda. Glad you stated it right out in the open:lol:

global warming is a liberal agenda

AGW is a scientific fact. Denialism is a conservative wish.

global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?
global warming is a liberal agenda

AGW is a scientific fact. Denialism is a conservative wish.

global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.
AGW is a scientific fact. Denialism is a conservative wish.

global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

no it's not skewed data is not a scientific certainty
global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

no it's not skewed data is not a scientific certainty

Data is not necessary to support the reality of AGW. It's only necessary to figure out the dynamics of all earth's systems in dealing with increased energy and the lag between an increase in GHG concentrations and the inevitable warming.
AGW is a scientific fact. Denialism is a conservative wish.

global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

So is the fact that the Sun rotates around the Earth.

At least it was before 1543.
global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

So is the fact that the Sun rotates around the Earth.

At least it was before 1543.

So, in your opinion, we should ignore science, because before science, the church got science wrong.
AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

no it's not skewed data is not a scientific certainty

Data is not necessary to support the reality of AGW. It's only necessary to figure out the dynamics of all earth's systems in dealing with increased energy and the lag between an increase in GHG concentrations and the inevitable warming.

jeeze with out that data (skewed) you wouldn't know about global warming.
The earths system? The core is made of molten lava revolving around a ball of gas 27 million degrees why wouldn't the earth get warm at times?
AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

So is the fact that the Sun rotates around the Earth.

At least it was before 1543.

So, in your opinion, we should ignore science, because before science, the church got science wrong.

In my opinion, you are dumber than dog shit.

The church got the science right, you should learn what really happened instead of relying on what you read in third grade. Science is a tool, not an answer. Like all tools. it can be misused.

For example, it wasn't until 1628 that someone demonstrated that the heart pumped blood through the body. That means that we knew the Earth moved around the sun before we knew how blood moved through our bodies all because science already knew the answer.

It actually didn't but some idiots did, and they called it science. I, being the non idiot type, ask questions whenever someone tries to tell me that science knows anything.
global warming was sold on faulty data. It was in the news everywhere or have you forgotten already and hope others have also?

AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.

no it's not skewed data is not a scientific certainty

Very little, if anything in science is a certainty. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo was not a certainty. Yet it did, and was predicted to by science. Next.
AGW is a scientific certainty. The data that you are talking about is only chasing how and how long it takes the increased climactic temperatures to manifest themselves.
So is the fact that the Sun rotates around the Earth.

At least it was before 1543.

The ignorance you denier cultists display about history, science, and just about everything else (except maybe guns) is just astounding. Although by now, I'm pretty much used to hearing braindead, historically inaccurate drivel like this from you nutbaggers. Your cult fills you with so many myths, there is no room for the facts. Yet your false certainty, fueled by the Dunning-Kruger Effect, makes you think you know everything. LOL.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heliocentrism, or heliocentricism,[1] is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around a relatively stationary Sun at the center of the Solar System. The word comes from the Greek (ἥλιος helios "sun" and κέντρον kentron "center"). Historically, heliocentrism was opposed to geocentrism, which placed the Earth at the center. The notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun had been proposed as early as the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos,[2] but Aristarchus's heliocentrism attracted little attention until Copernicus revived and elaborated it.[3] Lucio Russo, however, argues that this is a misleading impression resulting from the loss of scientific works of the Hellenistic Era. Using indirect evidence he argues that a heliocentric view was expounded in Hipparchus's work on gravity.[4]

It was not until the 16th century that a fully predictive mathematical model of a heliocentric system was presented, by the Renaissance mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic cleric Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland, leading to the Copernican Revolution. In the following century, Johannes Kepler elaborated upon and expanded this model to include elliptical orbits, and supporting observations made using a telescope were presented by Galileo Galilei.
Ignorance, throughout history, has been a very costly luxury for the lazy and dull. It continues so.

Sometimes the high cost accrues to the ignorant, but more often to those inspired by progress.
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