'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming

'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming

One has to wonder, if climate change deniers are as good at this as they claim (for instance they claim to have determined - not via the scientific method, mind you - that climate scientists are "hiding the decline"), how is it that they missed the heat? Were they "hiding the heat" at the same time they claim climate scientists were "hiding the decline"?

Thanks for bringing up this new information. We already knew that more heat has been going into the oceans than the air and that the Arctic has been warming faster than the rest of the planet but this new study sheds a whole new light on just how much faster the Arctic regions are heating up. No wonder the Arctic ice cap is disappearing so fast. Obviously there has been no slowdown or "pause" in global warming; the heat has just been manifesting in other places than the mid latitude air temperatures.

Did you read all the way to the end of the article you thanked him for?

A member of the Department of Chemistry at York, Dr Cowtan, whose speciality is crystallography, carried out the research in his spare time. This is his first climate paper.A member of the Department of Chemistry at York, Dr Cowtan, whose speciality is crystallography, carried out the research in his spare time. This is his first climate paper.
Doesn't that inspire confidence in his ability to understand climatology?

Well, yeah, LyingDirtbag, about a thousands times more than the confidence your ignorant drivel inspires in your brainwashed misunderstanding of climate science (or any science).
Thanks for bringing up this new information. We already knew that more heat has been going into the oceans than the air and that the Arctic has been warming faster than the rest of the planet but this new study sheds a whole new light on just how much faster the Arctic regions are heating up. No wonder the Arctic ice cap is disappearing so fast. Obviously there has been no slowdown or "pause" in global warming; the heat has just been manifesting in other places than the mid latitude air temperatures.

Did you read all the way to the end of the article you thanked him for?

A member of the Department of Chemistry at York, Dr Cowtan, whose speciality is crystallography, carried out the research in his spare time. This is his first climate paper.A member of the Department of Chemistry at York, Dr Cowtan, whose speciality is crystallography, carried out the research in his spare time. This is his first climate paper.
Doesn't that inspire confidence in his ability to understand climatology?

Well, yeah, LyingDirtbag, about a thousands times more than the confidence your ignorant drivel inspires in your brainwashed misunderstanding of climate science (or any science).

What brainwashed drivel are you talking about, exactly? Is it my repeated statements that climate change is real, and that humans are contributing to it? Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else? Which of those is the brainwashed part? I really want to know, just so that you can explain it to me.
Q Why is the warming missing

A Because agw fails

The warming of this planet is not "missing", CrazyFruitcake. Your brain is missing.

If it isn't "missing" why are there so many papers pointing out all the places you forgot to look for it?

LOLOL......sooooo totally clueless....

Scientists work with the data and evidence they have. They realized they didn't have enough information about what was happening in the deeper ocean levels so they developed the network of Argo sensors to collect that data. It takes a few years to get enough data for analysis. Now they know that more of the extra heat energy that is building up on Earth has been getting transferred to the lower layers of the oceans below the immediate sub-surface level.

"The Argo Project (named after the ship used by the mythical Greek hero, Jason) is an international effort that will be setting 3,000 sensor-equipped floats adrift in the world's oceans. They are designed to submerge up to 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) beneath the surface, riding with the current for ten days, taking measurements of temperature and salinity. Then, they will automatically resurface to report their findings and position to NASA's aptly-named Jason-1 satellite before submerging, once again, to continue their research. The floats will carry enough power to last for about four years and will sink to the ocean's bottom when their batteries are exhausted."
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New study: ‘…climate system is only about half as sensitive to increasing CO2 as previously believed’Posted on November 11, 2013 by Anthony Watts

Warming since 1950s partly caused by El Niño

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Nov. 11, 2013) – A natural shift to stronger warm El Niño events in the Pacific Ocean might be responsible for a substantial portion of the global warming recorded during the past 50 years, according to new research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

The role of ENSO in global ocean temperature changes during 1955?2011 simulated with a 1D climate model - Online First - Springer


Did you read all the way to the end of the article you thanked him for?

Doesn't that inspire confidence in his ability to understand climatology?

Well, yeah, LyingDirtbag, about a thousands times more than the confidence your ignorant drivel inspires in your brainwashed misunderstanding of climate science (or any science).

What brainwashed drivel are you talking about, exactly? Is it my repeated statements that climate change is real, and that humans are contributing to it? Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else? Which of those is the brainwashed part? I really want to know, just so that you can explain it to me.

This certainly seems like the delusions of a mind scrubbed of reason.

"Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else?"

New study: ‘…climate system is only about half as sensitive to increasing CO2 as previously believed’Posted on November 11, 2013 by Anthony Watts

Warming since 1950s partly caused by El Niño

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Nov. 11, 2013) – A natural shift to stronger warm El Niño events in the Pacific Ocean might be responsible for a substantial portion of the global warming recorded during the past 50 years, according to new research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

The role of ENSO in global ocean temperature changes during 1955?2011 simulated with a 1D climate model - Online First - Springer


Roy Spencer? - oops.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science? Has existed (in Korea) for all of five years? - Oops.

This is the only journal that would publish it, eh? Got turned down by the AGU, did he?

I only read the abstract, since that is all that is available without paying $39.00 (which I don't object to. I simply don't have the money). The abstract made a lot of claims that I assume they attempt to support in the paper. Unfortunately, I will never get to read it, and don't generally simply take people at their word on these matters. So again, what was the point of posting this link that likely none of us will pay for to read? Have you read the entire paper? Or are you simply regurgitating another link from Anthony Watts' rag of a web site?
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New study: ‘…climate system is only about half as sensitive to increasing CO2 as previously believed’Posted on November 11, 2013 by Anthony Watts

Warming since 1950s partly caused by El Niño

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Nov. 11, 2013) – A natural shift to stronger warm El Niño events in the Pacific Ocean might be responsible for a substantial portion of the global warming recorded during the past 50 years, according to new research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

The role of ENSO in global ocean temperature changes during 1955?2011 simulated with a 1D climate model - Online First - Springer


Roy Spencer? - oops.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science? Has existed (in Korea) for all of five years? - Oops.

This is the only journal that would publish it, eh? Got turned down by the AGU, did he?

I only read the abstract, since that is all that is available without paying $39.00 (which I don't object to. I simply don't have the money). The abstract made a lot of claims that I assume they attempt to support in the paper. Unfortunately, I will never get to read it, and don't generally simply take people at their word on these matters. So again, what was the point of posting this link that likely none of us will pay for to read? Have you read the entire paper? Or are you simply regurgitating another link from Anthony Watts' rag of a web site?


"I found the Missing Global Warming, it's right there under my pinky"
Has anyone else noticed that denialists treat AGW as a fantasy football league with hero worship and trash talking and feel good home team cheering? Everything but science.
The warming of this planet is not "missing", CrazyFruitcake. Your brain is missing.

If it isn't "missing" why are there so many papers pointing out all the places you forgot to look for it?

LOLOL......sooooo totally clueless....

Scientists work with the data and evidence they have. They realized they didn't have enough information about what was happening in the deeper ocean levels so they developed the network of Argo sensors to collect that data. It takes a few years to get enough data for analysis. Now they know that more of the extra heat energy that is building up on Earth has been getting transferred to the lower layers of the oceans below the immediate sub-surface level.

"The Argo Project (named after the ship used by the mythical Greek hero, Jason) is an international effort that will be setting 3,000 sensor-equipped floats adrift in the world's oceans. They are designed to submerge up to 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) beneath the surface, riding with the current for ten days, taking measurements of temperature and salinity. Then, they will automatically resurface to report their findings and position to NASA's aptly-named Jason-1 satellite before submerging, once again, to continue their research. The floats will carry enough power to last for about four years and will sink to the ocean's bottom when their batteries are exhausted."

Was that a response, or are you just spouting things as a reflex to your confusion?
Well, yeah, LyingDirtbag, about a thousands times more than the confidence your ignorant drivel inspires in your brainwashed misunderstanding of climate science (or any science).

What brainwashed drivel are you talking about, exactly? Is it my repeated statements that climate change is real, and that humans are contributing to it? Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else? Which of those is the brainwashed part? I really want to know, just so that you can explain it to me.

This certainly seems like the delusions of a mind scrubbed of reason.

"Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else?"

You want a list of people that believe the stuff you just called a delusion?
If it isn't "missing" why are there so many papers pointing out all the places you forgot to look for it?

LOLOL......sooooo totally clueless....

Scientists work with the data and evidence they have. They realized they didn't have enough information about what was happening in the deeper ocean levels so they developed the network of Argo sensors to collect that data. It takes a few years to get enough data for analysis. Now they know that more of the extra heat energy that is building up on Earth has been getting transferred to the lower layers of the oceans below the immediate sub-surface level.

"The Argo Project (named after the ship used by the mythical Greek hero, Jason) is an international effort that will be setting 3,000 sensor-equipped floats adrift in the world's oceans. They are designed to submerge up to 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) beneath the surface, riding with the current for ten days, taking measurements of temperature and salinity. Then, they will automatically resurface to report their findings and position to NASA's aptly-named Jason-1 satellite before submerging, once again, to continue their research. The floats will carry enough power to last for about four years and will sink to the ocean's bottom when their batteries are exhausted."

Was that a response, or are you just spouting things as a reflex to your confusion?

It was a response that foolishly hoped to cure your confusion, Dirtbag. But obviously you're too brainwashed for reality to penetrate.
LOLOL......sooooo totally clueless....

Scientists work with the data and evidence they have. They realized they didn't have enough information about what was happening in the deeper ocean levels so they developed the network of Argo sensors to collect that data. It takes a few years to get enough data for analysis. Now they know that more of the extra heat energy that is building up on Earth has been getting transferred to the lower layers of the oceans below the immediate sub-surface level.

"The Argo Project (named after the ship used by the mythical Greek hero, Jason) is an international effort that will be setting 3,000 sensor-equipped floats adrift in the world's oceans. They are designed to submerge up to 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) beneath the surface, riding with the current for ten days, taking measurements of temperature and salinity. Then, they will automatically resurface to report their findings and position to NASA's aptly-named Jason-1 satellite before submerging, once again, to continue their research. The floats will carry enough power to last for about four years and will sink to the ocean's bottom when their batteries are exhausted."

Was that a response, or are you just spouting things as a reflex to your confusion?

It was a response that foolishly hoped to cure your confusion, Dirtbag. But obviously you're too brainwashed for reality to penetrate.

My confusion? What is it I am confused about? Keep in mind that you already accused me of lying because I pointed out that the author of the article that is claiming that heat is trapped in the Arctic has a degree crystallography, and that he has never published anything related to climatology before, both of which are indisputable facts that come from the link in the OP.

My guess is that I invented more science than you understand.
What brainwashed drivel are you talking about, exactly? Is it my repeated statements that climate change is real, and that humans are contributing to it? Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else? Which of those is the brainwashed part? I really want to know, just so that you can explain it to me.

This certainly seems like the delusions of a mind scrubbed of reason.

"Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else?"

You want a list of people that believe the stuff you just called a delusion?

Even one would be useful.
Was that a response, or are you just spouting things as a reflex to your confusion?

It was a response that foolishly hoped to cure your confusion, Dirtbag. But obviously you're too brainwashed for reality to penetrate.

My confusion? What is it I am confused about? Keep in mind that you already accused me of lying because I pointed out that the author of the article that is claiming that heat is trapped in the Arctic has a degree crystallography, and that he has never published anything related to climatology before, both of which are indisputable facts that come from the link in the OP.

My guess is that I invented more science than you understand.

" My guess is that I invented more science than you understand."

Here's a steaming, stinking pile.
'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming


Sure, and Noah actually spent 20 years of his life building a boat, collecting a male and female of every single one of the millions of species on the planet, just before God flooded it for 40 days and 40 nights. Really, don't be a denier.
This certainly seems like the delusions of a mind scrubbed of reason.

"Or is it my scorn at the attempts to portray climate change as a looming disaster that will destroy all life on Earth if we don't immediately kill off 90% o the population and limit high tech to the elite few that know what is best for everyone else?"

You want a list of people that believe the stuff you just called a delusion?

Even one would be useful.

Other than Al Gore?

Linda Buzzell: New Report: "Global Collapse Appears Likely"
The warming of this planet is not "missing", CrazyFruitcake. Your brain is missing.

If it isn't "missing" why are there so many papers pointing out all the places you forgot to look for it?

LOLOL......sooooo totally clueless....

Scientists work with the data and evidence they have. They realized they didn't have enough information about what was happening in the deeper ocean levels so they developed the network of Argo sensors to collect that data. It takes a few years to get enough data for analysis. Now they know that more of the extra heat energy that is building up on Earth has been getting transferred to the lower layers of the oceans below the immediate sub-surface level.

"The Argo Project (named after the ship used by the mythical Greek hero, Jason) is an international effort that will be setting 3,000 sensor-equipped floats adrift in the world's oceans. They are designed to submerge up to 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) beneath the surface, riding with the current for ten days, taking measurements of temperature and salinity. Then, they will automatically resurface to report their findings and position to NASA's aptly-named Jason-1 satellite before submerging, once again, to continue their research. The floats will carry enough power to last for about four years and will sink to the ocean's bottom when their batteries are exhausted."

Serious question:

If this was never measured before, how do they know that more of the heat is being transferred to lower layers? Perhaps it's been happening all the time.

Perhaps I'm missing something here.

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