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Mission Accomplished: Islamists 70 Miles from Baghdad

Shove it up your hypocritical, bloviated fat ass, you American hating piece of liberal ignorant shit.
Edited for brevity.

Okay, so am I supposed to agree with Bill Clinton or Madeleine Albright because Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq? I must automatically be a Democrat if I'm not a warmongering, pro-life, fiscally Conservative American Republican Teabagger, right?

Why do you people insist on being so dense? It doesn't help society at all.

It's really simple. Bush began setting the stage to invade Iraq in 2001.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001

Bush used fake intelligence to try to convince the UN to back the invasion of Iraq. The UN declined so Bush formed his "Coalition of the Willing" boy-band army and invaded Iraq over lies.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?

From 2003 to 2008, two years longer than WWII lasted, our forces fought Bush's failed, illegal war in Iraq which made terrorism stronger throughout the region.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

George W. Bush should die in prison for what he has done.
Stop the lying bullshit. Just because Sandy Berger succeeded in suppressing some of the evidence against the Clinton Administration's malfeasance, he didn't get it all. And instead of the Democrats punishing Berger, they made him Hillary Clinton's Campaign manager.

You should be ashamed of yourself for aligning yourself with the Nazis of the Middle East who want to bring about a final holocaust to not just Israel, but to America as well.

Obama should be impeached and removed from power. He's America's worst enemy because he's his own worst enemy. He was untrainable to do leadership in America, and he's proved it time and time again by unraveling the good things Republicans do at a cost of nine trillion dollars he fanagled the US Treasury to borrow for his pleasure and delight of not having to account for his evil against the people of the United States of America. He's hurting future taxpayers into generations. He was determined to enslave America to its enemies, and he found the perfect method using American schools like Harvard to scrape his boots on. :evil:
"On an international level, any gains for ISIS are particularly troubling because it is by far the most popular group for foreign fighters to join.

"This is because, more than anything else, their membership requirements are minimal -- far less, for example than those for Jabhat al-Nusra.

"Citizens from across the world who have been going to fight in Syria -- Europeans and Americans included -- usually end up fighting alongside ISIS.

"Syria commentators and counter-terrorism experts alike have warned time and again of the threat posed by ISIS returnees: if they are already extremists when they go out to Syria, what they are when they return is significantly more dangerous, not least because of the weapons training they receive .

"The Long War Journal has also reported that foreign ISIS fighters operate in single-nation battalions , something which equips them even better to bring the terrorist threat back home.

"The shooting in May at Brussels' Jewish Museum was probably the first instance of a returnee ISIS fighter committing a terrorist offence.

"It will most likely not be the last."

Mission Accomplished

How ISIS and Iraq upheaval threatens the wider world - CNN.com
Shove it up your hypocritical, bloviated fat ass, you American hating piece of liberal ignorant shit.
Edited for brevity.

Okay, so am I supposed to agree with Bill Clinton or Madeleine Albright because Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq? I must automatically be a Democrat if I'm not a warmongering, pro-life, fiscally Conservative American Republican Teabagger, right?

Why do you people insist on being so dense? It doesn't help society at all.

It's really simple. Bush began setting the stage to invade Iraq in 2001.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001

Bush used fake intelligence to try to convince the UN to back the invasion of Iraq. The UN declined so Bush formed his "Coalition of the Willing" boy-band army and invaded Iraq over lies.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?

From 2003 to 2008, two years longer than WWII lasted, our forces fought Bush's failed, illegal war in Iraq which made terrorism stronger throughout the region.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

George W. Bush should die in prison for what he has done.
Stop the lying bullshit. Just because Sandy Berger succeeded in suppressing some of the evidence against the Clinton Administration's malfeasance, he didn't get it all. And instead of the Democrats punishing Berger, they made him Hillary Clinton's Campaign manager.

You should be ashamed of yourself for aligning yourself with the Nazis of the Middle East who want to bring about a final holocaust to not just Israel, but to America as well.

Obama should be impeached and removed from power. He's America's worst enemy because he's his own worst enemy. He was untrainable to do leadership in America, and he's proved it time and time again by unraveling the good things Republicans do at a cost of nine trillion dollars he fanagled the US Treasury to borrow for his pleasure and delight of not having to account for his evil against the people of the United States of America. He's hurting future taxpayers into generations. He was determined to enslave America to its enemies, and he found the perfect method using American schools like Harvard to scrape his boots on. :evil:
Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and Obama, along with many others, should draw their last breaths in prison for what they've done to Iraq.

It's NOT too late!
Last edited:
"The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has thrived and mutated during the ongoing civil war in Syria and in the security vacuum that followed the departure of the last American forces from Iraq.

"The aim of ISIS is to create an Islamic state across Sunni areas of Iraq and in Syria.

"With the seizure of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, and advances on others, that aim appears within reach.

"ISIS controls hundreds of square miles where state authority has evaporated. It ignores international borders and has a presence all the way from Syria's Mediterranean coast to south of Baghdad."

ISIS: The first terror group to build an Islamic state? - CNN.com

Why not go to the polls next November and reject every single Republican AND Democrat who voted for the invasion of Iraq?

Fire the Second Shot Heard 'Round the World:badgrin:
Tell Dick and Dubya and Bill and Hill to saddle up, militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have taken Mosul and Tikrit and are moving on Samarra, a one hour drive from Baghdad.

"Clashes between Iraqi Security forces and hundreds of Sunni militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, an offshoot of al Qaeda) resulted in the capture of Mosul and Tikrit by ISIL earlier today.

"Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was overrun -- Iraqi forces reportedly abandoning their posts, shedding their uniforms and dropping their weapons as they fled the ISIL attacks.

"Tikrit, about 135 miles closer to Baghdad, was attacked not long after, with little resistance -- and the AFP is reporting fighting now outside Samarra, only 70 miles north of the capital city.

"The attackers overran a military base, freed hundreds of prisoners, and have seized the Turkish consulate in Mosul, capturing and holding 50 Turkish citizens. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has promised to put a halt to the advances, and called on citizens to take up arms as well."

Iraqi Insurgents Capture Northern Cities, Move Toward Baghdad - In Focus - The Atlantic

Wow, sounds like your pretty excited about this?
Tell Dick and Dubya and Bill and Hill to saddle up, militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have taken Mosul and Tikrit and are moving on Samarra, a one hour drive from Baghdad.

"Clashes between Iraqi Security forces and hundreds of Sunni militants aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, an offshoot of al Qaeda) resulted in the capture of Mosul and Tikrit by ISIL earlier today.

"Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was overrun -- Iraqi forces reportedly abandoning their posts, shedding their uniforms and dropping their weapons as they fled the ISIL attacks.

"Tikrit, about 135 miles closer to Baghdad, was attacked not long after, with little resistance -- and the AFP is reporting fighting now outside Samarra, only 70 miles north of the capital city.

"The attackers overran a military base, freed hundreds of prisoners, and have seized the Turkish consulate in Mosul, capturing and holding 50 Turkish citizens. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has promised to put a halt to the advances, and called on citizens to take up arms as well."

Iraqi Insurgents Capture Northern Cities, Move Toward Baghdad - In Focus - The Atlantic

Wow, sounds like your pretty excited about this?
Not as excited as the Pentagon, apparently.

The interesting thing is that if ISIS thrust collapses over the next month, the Bush haters will be disappointed.
Obama fucked up, therefore Booooooooooooooooosh

Stock in Obama Kneepad Company set a new all time high
The interesting thing is that if ISIS thrust collapses over the next month, the Bush haters will be disappointed.
If ISIS collapses, Iran will play a bigger role than Bush

"The United States and Iran are moving rapidly to defend Iraq from rampaging Sunni Islamist insurgents, with Washington urgently considering air strikes on the jihadi militants and Tehran dispatching its foremost powerbroker to help arrange the defence of Baghdad.

"Senior US officials told the Guardian that an air campaign was under serious discussion, possibly targeting fighters not just in Iraq but in Syria, where they have seized swaths of territory in the past two years. President Barack Obama said that decisions would be taken in the 'days ahead'.

"Iran, meanwhile, moved to defend its own interests in its western neighbour, sending Major General Qassem Suleimani, an éminence grise of the Iranian revolutionary guards, to Baghdad to meet militia leaders and tribal chiefs in control of the Iraqi capital's vulnerable western approaches."

Are you disappointed?:lol:

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian
The interesting thing is that if ISIS thrust collapses over the next month, the Bush haters will be disappointed.
If ISIS collapses, Iran will play a bigger role than Bush

"The United States and Iran are moving rapidly to defend Iraq from rampaging Sunni Islamist insurgents, with Washington urgently considering air strikes on the jihadi militants and Tehran dispatching its foremost powerbroker to help arrange the defence of Baghdad.

"Senior US officials told the Guardian that an air campaign was under serious discussion, possibly targeting fighters not just in Iraq but in Syria, where they have seized swaths of territory in the past two years. President Barack Obama said that decisions would be taken in the 'days ahead'.

"Iran, meanwhile, moved to defend its own interests in its western neighbour, sending Major General Qassem Suleimani, an éminence grise of the Iranian revolutionary guards, to Baghdad to meet militia leaders and tribal chiefs in control of the Iraqi capital's vulnerable western approaches."

Are you disappointed?:lol:

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

But Iraq has not asked for Iranian help, they have asked for US help. Think about who has more to offer Iraq, Iran or the United States.

Look, I know your delighted by anything that bodes ill for United States policy in Iraq, but don't be to quick to celebrate.
The interesting thing is that if ISIS thrust collapses over the next month, the Bush haters will be disappointed.
If ISIS collapses, Iran will play a bigger role than Bush

"The United States and Iran are moving rapidly to defend Iraq from rampaging Sunni Islamist insurgents, with Washington urgently considering air strikes on the jihadi militants and Tehran dispatching its foremost powerbroker to help arrange the defence of Baghdad.

"Senior US officials told the Guardian that an air campaign was under serious discussion, possibly targeting fighters not just in Iraq but in Syria, where they have seized swaths of territory in the past two years. President Barack Obama said that decisions would be taken in the 'days ahead'.

"Iran, meanwhile, moved to defend its own interests in its western neighbour, sending Major General Qassem Suleimani, an éminence grise of the Iranian revolutionary guards, to Baghdad to meet militia leaders and tribal chiefs in control of the Iraqi capital's vulnerable western approaches."

Are you disappointed?:lol:

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

But Iraq has not asked for Iranian help, they have asked for US help. Think about who has more to offer Iraq, Iran or the United States.

Look, I know your delighted by anything that bodes ill for United States policy in Iraq, but don't be to quick to celebrate.
It appears like Iraq is not too particular who helps, at this point.
Not only has Iraq asked for help, Iran has already sent in boots on the ground.
The only thing I would celebrate is if Dick and Dubya showed up in Tikrit.

"Suleimani's role remains less clear. The powerful figure, commander of the elite Quds force of the Iranian revolutionary guards, did not meet the beleaguered Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, or Iraqi generals, but the militia leaders likely to play a role in taking the fight to Isis.

"The insurgency has emerged as the biggest threat to Iraq's stability..."

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian
If ISIS collapses, Iran will play a bigger role than Bush

"The United States and Iran are moving rapidly to defend Iraq from rampaging Sunni Islamist insurgents, with Washington urgently considering air strikes on the jihadi militants and Tehran dispatching its foremost powerbroker to help arrange the defence of Baghdad.

"Senior US officials told the Guardian that an air campaign was under serious discussion, possibly targeting fighters not just in Iraq but in Syria, where they have seized swaths of territory in the past two years. President Barack Obama said that decisions would be taken in the 'days ahead'.

"Iran, meanwhile, moved to defend its own interests in its western neighbour, sending Major General Qassem Suleimani, an éminence grise of the Iranian revolutionary guards, to Baghdad to meet militia leaders and tribal chiefs in control of the Iraqi capital's vulnerable western approaches."

Are you disappointed?:lol:

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

But Iraq has not asked for Iranian help, they have asked for US help. Think about who has more to offer Iraq, Iran or the United States.

Look, I know your delighted by anything that bodes ill for United States policy in Iraq, but don't be to quick to celebrate.
It appears like Iraq is not too particular who helps, at this point.
Not only has Iraq asked for help, Iran has already sent in boots on the ground.
The only thing I would celebrate is if Dick and Dubya showed up in Tikrit.

"Suleimani's role remains less clear. The powerful figure, commander of the elite Quds force of the Iranian revolutionary guards, did not meet the beleaguered Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, or Iraqi generals, but the militia leaders likely to play a role in taking the fight to Isis.

"The insurgency has emerged as the biggest threat to Iraq's stability..."

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

Well, if you know the names of Iranian battalions, brigades or Divisions operating inside Iraq please name them and tell us where they are and what they are doing? How about the Iranian Air Force?

I think it would be a mistake for Maliki to invite them in, but ISIS would not last long if Iranian conventional military forces moved into northern Iraq. The bigger problem then would be greater Iranian influence in Iraq which would turn many Iraqi's against the central government. Then you would have a growing insurgency inside the country for very different reasons.
But Iraq has not asked for Iranian help, they have asked for US help. Think about who has more to offer Iraq, Iran or the United States.

Look, I know your delighted by anything that bodes ill for United States policy in Iraq, but don't be to quick to celebrate.
It appears like Iraq is not too particular who helps, at this point.
Not only has Iraq asked for help, Iran has already sent in boots on the ground.
The only thing I would celebrate is if Dick and Dubya showed up in Tikrit.

"Suleimani's role remains less clear. The powerful figure, commander of the elite Quds force of the Iranian revolutionary guards, did not meet the beleaguered Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, or Iraqi generals, but the militia leaders likely to play a role in taking the fight to Isis.

"The insurgency has emerged as the biggest threat to Iraq's stability..."

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

Well, if you know the names of Iranian battalions, brigades or Divisions operating inside Iraq please name them and tell us where they are and what they are doing? How about the Iranian Air Force?

I think it would be a mistake for Maliki to invite them in, but ISIS would not last long if Iranian conventional military forces moved into northern Iraq. The bigger problem then would be greater Iranian influence in Iraq which would turn many Iraqi's against the central government. Then you would have a growing insurgency inside the country for very different reasons.
It's possible Maliki won't have another viable option to Iran if he wants to stay in power.
I don't know the precise names of Iranian forces currently operating inside Iraq, but some may have already died there:

"U.S. and senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran is now offering the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki its army, its spies and highly trained irregular units from its revolutionary guard corps to root out the Sunni insurgency that now threatens Baghdad.

"Gen. Qassem Solaimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, arrived in Baghdad last week with an entourage of military advisers to begin preparations for such a counter-offensive.

"A member of the Quds Force has already allegedly been killed fighting in Iraq.

"While last week a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry said his government received no formal requests for military assistance from Iraq’s government, senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran has offered such support nonetheless."

Iran Offers Iraq ?Everything it Needs? to Fight ISIS - The Daily Beast
It appears like Iraq is not too particular who helps, at this point.
Not only has Iraq asked for help, Iran has already sent in boots on the ground.
The only thing I would celebrate is if Dick and Dubya showed up in Tikrit.

"Suleimani's role remains less clear. The powerful figure, commander of the elite Quds force of the Iranian revolutionary guards, did not meet the beleaguered Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, or Iraqi generals, but the militia leaders likely to play a role in taking the fight to Isis.

"The insurgency has emerged as the biggest threat to Iraq's stability..."

Iraq crisis: Iran and US join fight against Sunni jihadis of Isis | World news | The Guardian

Well, if you know the names of Iranian battalions, brigades or Divisions operating inside Iraq please name them and tell us where they are and what they are doing? How about the Iranian Air Force?

I think it would be a mistake for Maliki to invite them in, but ISIS would not last long if Iranian conventional military forces moved into northern Iraq. The bigger problem then would be greater Iranian influence in Iraq which would turn many Iraqi's against the central government. Then you would have a growing insurgency inside the country for very different reasons.
It's possible Maliki won't have another viable option to Iran if he wants to stay in power.
I don't know the precise names of Iranian forces currently operating inside Iraq, but some may have already died there:

"U.S. and senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran is now offering the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki its army, its spies and highly trained irregular units from its revolutionary guard corps to root out the Sunni insurgency that now threatens Baghdad.

"Gen. Qassem Solaimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, arrived in Baghdad last week with an entourage of military advisers to begin preparations for such a counter-offensive.

"A member of the Quds Force has already allegedly been killed fighting in Iraq.

"While last week a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry said his government received no formal requests for military assistance from Iraq’s government, senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran has offered such support nonetheless."

Iran Offers Iraq ?Everything it Needs? to Fight ISIS - The Daily Beast

An allegation that someone has died there is not proof that they have. We have rumors and allegations, but no facts. Certainly, no journalist have seen Iranian tanks or aircraft operating inside Iraq. You will see and know when the United States intervenes, and if Iran decide to intervene in a big way, it is not something that will remain hidden, questionable or debatable.

The only thing that is certain is that the Iraqi military currently controls parts of Baquba and Samarra north of Baghdad, so that is really the maximum advance of ISIS to this point. Ironically, the news media has been reporting as if ISIS is gaining new ground every day, but ISIS reached the outskirts of Samarra last Wendsday and the outskirts of Baquba last Friday. So over the past four days, I have yet to see any real evidence that ISIS has been able to move any closer to Baghdad.

In the North, the Kurds have actually been able secure most of Kirkuk province and prevent ISIS from making any serious gains there. Maliki actually approved the Kurdish military movements throughout Kirkuk province. The three majority Kurdish provinces have not been penetrated at all by ISIS.

It seems that whatever momentum that ISIS had last week may have slipped away.
Well, if you know the names of Iranian battalions, brigades or Divisions operating inside Iraq please name them and tell us where they are and what they are doing? How about the Iranian Air Force?

I think it would be a mistake for Maliki to invite them in, but ISIS would not last long if Iranian conventional military forces moved into northern Iraq. The bigger problem then would be greater Iranian influence in Iraq which would turn many Iraqi's against the central government. Then you would have a growing insurgency inside the country for very different reasons.
It's possible Maliki won't have another viable option to Iran if he wants to stay in power.
I don't know the precise names of Iranian forces currently operating inside Iraq, but some may have already died there:

"U.S. and senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran is now offering the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki its army, its spies and highly trained irregular units from its revolutionary guard corps to root out the Sunni insurgency that now threatens Baghdad.

"Gen. Qassem Solaimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, arrived in Baghdad last week with an entourage of military advisers to begin preparations for such a counter-offensive.

"A member of the Quds Force has already allegedly been killed fighting in Iraq.

"While last week a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry said his government received no formal requests for military assistance from Iraq’s government, senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran has offered such support nonetheless."

Iran Offers Iraq ?Everything it Needs? to Fight ISIS - The Daily Beast

An allegation that someone has died there is not proof that they have. We have rumors and allegations, but no facts. Certainly, no journalist have seen Iranian tanks or aircraft operating inside Iraq. You will see and know when the United States intervenes, and if Iran decide to intervene in a big way, it is not something that will remain hidden, questionable or debatable.

The only thing that is certain is that the Iraqi military currently controls parts of Baquba and Samarra north of Baghdad, so that is really the maximum advance of ISIS to this point. Ironically, the news media has been reporting as if ISIS is gaining new ground every day, but ISIS reached the outskirts of Samarra last Wendsday and the outskirts of Baquba last Friday. So over the past four days, I have yet to see any real evidence that ISIS has been able to move any closer to Baghdad.

In the North, the Kurds have actually been able secure most of Kirkuk province and prevent ISIS from making any serious gains there. Maliki actually approved the Kurdish military movements throughout Kirkuk province. The three majority Kurdish provinces have not been penetrated at all by ISIS.

It seems that whatever momentum that ISIS had last week may have slipped away.
Things are changing rapidly inside Iraq, and the propaganda from all sides will make it difficult to know what to believe

"Jihadi rebel forces have reached Baquba, less than 40 miles north of Baghdad, while fighting continues to rage further north in the city of Tal Afar. State television late on Tuesday aired footage of army troops and armed volunteers disembarking from a transport C-130 aircraft at an airstrip near the city."

This same report alleges ISIS has launched an attack on Iraq's premier oil refinery.
If it falls into their hands, look for long gas lines and electricity shortages in Baghdad.
Something the US puppets in the Green Zone don't need.

Isis fighters attack Iraq's biggest oil refinery | World news | theguardian.com
I guess they will eventually sort it out..................
What if Iran helps with the sorting?

They already are.
Luckily, Wall Street has a plan:

"Intelligence architecture. Iraq's intel screens went blank after the U.S. military pulled out in 2011. Washington needs to restore Baghdad's ability to access national, regional and local intelligence sources, enabling the Iraqi military to gain vital situational awareness.

• Planners and advisers. The Iraqi military needs planners to assist with the defense of Baghdad and the eventual counter-offensive to regain lost territory, as well as advisers down to division level where units are still viable.

• Counterterrorism. Special operations forces should be employed clandestinely to attack high value ISIS targets and leaders in Iraq and Syria.

• Air power. Air power alone cannot win a war, but it can significantly diminish enemy forces and, when used in coordination with ground forces, can exponentially increase the odds of success."

Air strikes inside Iraq and Syria with more advisers and military aid to the Free Syrian Army.

I wonder what the returns on that investment will be

A Plan to Save Iraq From ISIS and Iran - WSJ
georgephillip; Politico; et al,

This series of events needs to be cautiously approached.

What if Iran helps with the sorting?

They already are.
Luckily, Wall Street has a plan:

"Intelligence architecture. Iraq's intel screens went blank after the U.S. military pulled out in 2011. Washington needs to restore Baghdad's ability to access national, regional and local intelligence sources, enabling the Iraqi military to gain vital situational awareness.

• Planners and advisers. The Iraqi military needs planners to assist with the defense of Baghdad and the eventual counter-offensive to regain lost territory, as well as advisers down to division level where units are still viable.

• Counterterrorism. Special operations forces should be employed clandestinely to attack high value ISIS targets and leaders in Iraq and Syria.

• Air power. Air power alone cannot win a war, but it can significantly diminish enemy forces and, when used in coordination with ground forces, can exponentially increase the odds of success."

Air strikes inside Iraq and Syria with more advisers and military aid to the Free Syrian Army.

I wonder what the returns on that investment will be

A Plan to Save Iraq From ISIS and Iran - WSJ

This is a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" (no win) situation.

Iraq has made its bed; and now they want the US to do what?

We need to carefully remove our resources and assets. We need to reduce our in-theater holdings. We need to make sure that all non-essential personnel are evacuated. We need to make sure that there are no classified holdings that take more than an hour to destroy.

AND, we need to make sure that the diplomatic staff keeps their mouth shut. We need to make sure there is an escape route and that all American Citizens know the evacuation route and plan.

Yes, there is a lot to do. But defending Iraq is not one of them. The Iraqi Government has made it's bed and its time for them to sleep in it.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip; Politico; et al,

This series of events needs to be cautiously approached.

They already are.
Luckily, Wall Street has a plan:

"Intelligence architecture. Iraq's intel screens went blank after the U.S. military pulled out in 2011. Washington needs to restore Baghdad's ability to access national, regional and local intelligence sources, enabling the Iraqi military to gain vital situational awareness.

• Planners and advisers. The Iraqi military needs planners to assist with the defense of Baghdad and the eventual counter-offensive to regain lost territory, as well as advisers down to division level where units are still viable.

• Counterterrorism. Special operations forces should be employed clandestinely to attack high value ISIS targets and leaders in Iraq and Syria.

• Air power. Air power alone cannot win a war, but it can significantly diminish enemy forces and, when used in coordination with ground forces, can exponentially increase the odds of success."

Air strikes inside Iraq and Syria with more advisers and military aid to the Free Syrian Army.

I wonder what the returns on that investment will be

A Plan to Save Iraq From ISIS and Iran - WSJ

This is a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" (no win) situation.

Iraq has made its bed; and now they want the US to do what?

We need to carefully remove our resources and assets. We need to reduce our in-theater holdings. We need to make sure that all non-essential personnel are evacuated. We need to make sure that there are no classified holdings that take more than an hour to destroy.

AND, we need to make sure that the diplomatic staff keeps their mouth shut. We need to make sure there is an escape route and that all American Citizens know the evacuation route and plan.

Yes, there is a lot to do. But defending Iraq is not one of them. The Iraqi Government has made it's bed and its time for them to sleep in it.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks, Rocco.
Do you see a "Free" Kurdistan on the horizon?
If so, how far out?

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