Mission Impossible: Victory in Iraq


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008

BBC NEWS | Middle East | No victory in Iraq, says Petraeus

Overall he summed up the situation as "still hard but hopeful", saying that progress in Iraq was "a bit more durable" but that the situation there remained fragile.

He said he did not know that he would ever use the word "victory": "This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... it's not war with a simple slogan." - General David Petraeus

General David Petraeus himself now has said one can not simply declare victory in Iraq.

So much for this:


“By January 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom,” Mr. McCain said at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. “The Iraq war has been won. Iraq is a functioning democracy, although still suffering from the lingering effects of decades of tyranny and centuries of sectarian tension. Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced.” - John McCain
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Oh for Pete's sake.

It's a success. But you guys want it to be a failure, so a failure it will be.

You do realize you're supporting the enemy when you attempt to demoralize Americans, right?
What have we been telling the Republicans on these boards??? The surge worked??? HA!!! What a joke.

If you know what is really going on, and based on what the mainstream media is giving us, I know most Republicans don't, then you know that the surge was just a tactic to buy Bush more time. The entire country wanted to get out of Iraq, he came up with the surge, plus paid off the people who were killing our soldiers, plus the country was ethnically divided, and no matter what Bush was going to claim he was right.

If violence went down, the surge worked. If it went up, we need to stay longer.

I keep saying Mook Tada El Sadr is going to be the future leader of Iraq. Iran is going to be his buddy. The people who will be the future terrorists will be the Sunni's.

The 9-11 hijackers were also Sunni's. Wake up America!!!

Let's get out of Iraq and go kill Bin Ladin and break up the real terrorist group in Afgan/Pakistan. This year has been really rough for our soldiers in Afganistan.

Why didn't Bush and the Republicans support our troops in Afganistan? I'll tell you why. There isn't oil there.

And Bush couldn't privatize the military via Haloburton and blackwater if we weren't spread so thin.

Look up disaster capitalism.
Oh for Pete's sake.

It's a success. But you guys want it to be a failure, so a failure it will be.

You do realize you're supporting the enemy when you attempt to demoralize Americans, right?

Do you realize how dumb you sound still saying that?

Do you realize YOU ARE THE ENEMY and your quagmire is demoralizing the troops? Of course you don't. You are a brainwashed Good German.
The surge worked. Even your hero Obama admitted, though he seemed very sad when he did so.

Really, you should stop spreading lies and supporting the enemies of the US.
Oh for Pete's sake.

It's a success. But you guys want it to be a failure, so a failure it will be.

You do realize you're supporting the enemy when you attempt to demoralize Americans, right?

Demoralize Americans? Well I guess that makes General David Petraeus is a card carrying commie then huh?

He stated the truth, there is no "victory" in Iraq. It's doing the best job we can and hope the fragile gov't we set up doesn't fall within ten years.

After 5+ years, it's fragile now more then ever in Iraq.

The people in Iraq are already on the onset of a civil war if not already in one. It's going to happen whether we're there or not.
Do you realize how dumb you sound still saying that?

Do you realize YOU ARE THE ENEMY and your quagmire is demoralizing the troops? Of course you don't. You are a brainwashed Good German.

The brainwashed Germans were the ones who thought nothing was wrong with Nazis dragging Jews to the ovens, and thought it wasn't their place to intervene. And the Americans who allowed it to go on for years before we intervened ourselves sounded just like you. They were elitist swine, who didn't care about anything beyond their own borders.

However, I don't think any of them actually believed we were the bad guys when we actually decided to fight. So you've got them beat on that count.
The surge worked. Even your hero Obama admitted, though he seemed very sad when he did so.

Really, you should stop spreading lies and supporting the enemies of the US.

Of course the surge had something to do with it Alliebaby. Sweety, listen up. Ok sugar? Honey?

When we rush into an Iraqi city, the insurgents go into hiding. Violence goes down. But it is only temporary. And sometimes they pop up elsewhere. Remember wackamole?

Mook Tada El Sadr is not killing Americans because we promised to leave. If we renig, he will tell his followers to start killing us again.

PS. We just screwed the Sunni's and the Shiites when Bush allowed two oil buddies to make a deal directly with the Kurds. Thus cutting out the Iraqi government.

Fuck explaining it to you Allie darling. You are a sweet woman. It is cute how you don't know a thing but you have all the talking points. I picture you with two darling pony tails in your hair. Go get me some coffee babe, ok? I'll take another serving of stake and potatos mommy.
The brainwashed Germans were the ones who thought nothing was wrong with Nazis dragging Jews to the ovens, and thought it wasn't their place to intervene. And the Americans who allowed it to go on for years before we intervened ourselves sounded just like you. They were elitist swine, who didn't care about anything beyond their own borders.

However, I don't think any of them actually believed we were the bad guys when we actually decided to fight. So you've got them beat on that count.

No, the brainwashed Germans were the ones who went along with invading other countries, torturing, murdering millions, stealing other countries stuff, following a radical leader hell bent on world domination and not following the geneva convention rules.

If that isn't you and Bush....
Whats all this noise.. the war is over.. McCain won... Go Palin!!! you sexist commie pricks..
Oh for Pete's sake.

It's a success. But you guys want it to be a failure, so a failure it will be.

You do realize you're supporting the enemy when you attempt to demoralize Americans, right?
These Libs hate America. This thread proves it. :mad:
These Libs hate America. This thread proves it. :mad:

You stood by in your cheerleader skirt, and cheered on BushCo to invade a nation that didn't have WMD, didn't have any collaborative ties to Al Qaeda, and in fact considered islamic jihaddists a threat to their own survival.

You spent a trillion taxpayer dollars, and sacrificed 40,000 dead and wounded americans for reasons that turned out to be false. And you've never apologized, or admitted you were wrong.

There's blood on your hands. Why do you hate america?
One can not simply declare victory in Mordor!

Gee, you'd think someone trying so desperately to achieve the angst-ridden aging-hipster, shoulder's bowed by the weight of the world, college professor look would know how to read better.
You stood by in your cheerleader skirt, and cheered on BushCo to invade a nation that didn't have WMD, didn't have any collaborative ties to Al Qaeda, and in fact considered islamic jihaddists a threat to their own survival.

You spent a trillion taxpayer dollars, and sacrificed 40,000 dead and wounded americans for reasons that turned out to be false. And you've never apologized, or admitted you were wrong.

There's blood on your hands. Why do you hate america?

Wow there's so many lies here I can't begin. :lol:
You stood by in your cheerleader skirt, and cheered on BushCo to invade a nation that didn't have WMD, didn't have any collaborative ties to Al Qaeda, and in fact considered islamic jihaddists a threat to their own survival.

You spent a trillion taxpayer dollars, and sacrificed 40,000 dead and wounded americans for reasons that turned out to be false. And you've never apologized, or admitted you were wrong.

There's blood on your hands. Why do you hate america?

And we saved them from the jihadists. In fact, they don't want us to leave yet!
Oh for Pete's sake.

It's a success. But you guys want it to be a failure, so a failure it will be.

So how is the oil law and the provincial election laws going in Iraq? How united is their governing body in regards to getting anything actually done? Isn't their ability to self rule a measure of success? Just because we want to leave and they want us out of the country doesn't mean Iraq is stable yet.

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